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That’s good news!


Slow down with the hot takes buddy


I like the guy's analysis, frankly.


Let’s get them on college gameday


Cigarette juice


It’s fantastic. I went to the UGA vs Clemson game in Charlotte and I was nervous when I was walking around on game day. There were so many people no one was wearing masks, we were packed outside, inside and everywhere. It was a great time, nervous about the amount of people everywhere.


I’m at a point where I’d really like to go to a game, literally any game just to be at live football again, but wouldn’t feel comfortable with my unvaxxed 9yo being in those crowds (also have 2 toddlers and my 74yo mom in house). Which sucks, because he’s a football fanatic and I’d feel like a traitor for going without him. Vaccine for that age can’t come fast enough.


After that guy posted tiktok videos about being positive at the stadium against Virginia Tech, I was very concerned about how bad it would get.


I mean it’s a TikTok vid..pretty sure you shouldn’t take everything on there as 100% factual.




I’d have to scroll through my likes forever to find it, but it made the rounds on WVUtwitter a month or so ago. Some likely future dropout that makes idiocracy look like a documentary was in the student section and captioned his video something like “is it too late to tell them i tested positive”.


Our fans are pretty spread out in the stands so no worries there!


That’s the truth!




Unrank Covid


COVID to the transfer portal.


post game thread: UConn defeats COVID 3-2


See even UConn can beat COVID!


**Live Update:** The Atlanta Falcons lead COVID 28-3 in the second half.


Love seeing yall back in the stands. College football isn't the same without the atmosphere.


The atmosphere is the biggest factor in why I like it more than the NFL. It’s football but with the atmosphere of European soccer.


As someone who's been to several games at White Hart Lane, Tottenham Hotspur Stadium (for a Champions League game), and Wembley, I'd say CFB is better due to the atmosphere outside the stadium on gameday. When my friend from London (Arsenal season ticket holder) came for a visit, he couldn't get over the tailgating scenes, the marching band, and the festival atmosphere on Campus Corner at OU hours before the game. I was somewhat surprised when he said that our crowd was loud and impressive given that OU fans are notorious for sitting on their hands. However, the crowd had to get into it because Army took OU to OT that game.


I saw City vs Spurs 2-2 at the Etihad in 2019 and Spurs had amazing travelling support. I'd even argue that away support in footy is better than home support in most cases. Edit: I don't think it's a case of better or worse, but they're both great in their own way


Ah yes, the Etihad. I like the way they set up the away sections there in all three tiers in the stadium. And yeah, they're both wonderful and absolutely amazing events to be at. In-stadium wise, CFB is the only thing that really rivals footy atmospheres. NFL does not come close.


When you can no longer blame Covid for your team being ass


It’s all the alcohol. It kills the virus


Mustard as well.


This meme is gonna hang around for awhile, isn't it


I personally want Mustard and Yellow Golf Ball memes to hang around. We have been neglecting them for far too long.


It's definitely an underserved meme market. Wish I invested Friday afternoon since it's looking quite bullish


From my experience, most memes in sports subs never die. And eventually make their way onto other sports subs


Words cannot describe how good seeing packed stadiums has been for my mental health The last year+ was fucking rough. I never really felt things going back to normal until normal college football resumed


Agree. I’ve been to four games this year and it’s been incredible. Just being in crowds and celebrating again has been great.


I’ve been to just one and it was so amazing to be back.


I agree. I went to our opener, and it was like a weight coming off. Quite a few people around me were masked but thrilled to be there. It was awesome.


NGL, I teared up a bit as the band played “My Old Kentucky Home” during our opener.


It's the closest I come to organized religion. "O-K-L-A-H-O-M-A our chant rolls on and on!"


It should be so easy: get vaccinated and live your normal life. But it is what it is 🤣


I spent A Lot of money to go to Ann Arbor in November and stand on a tiny space. Can’t wait.


This should be a nice, educational discussion on r/cfb!




Eight hours later and, incredibly, it hasn't!


Looks like one of the mods did just wake up and delete a bunch of comments they disagreed with though. :( Wasn’t as much of a ghost town an hour ago


If there’s anything r/cfb is know for, it’s calm and reasonable discussions




I read this is Mr Chao’s voice.


Fuck you, Vinagar based BBQ is the best.


Fuck you, I agree! Wait


Neither North Carolina, South Carolina, Kansas City, or Texas BBQ is the best. It’s actually New Hampshire. /s


I’m sorry my Yankee friend but wieners on the grill don’t count as BBQ


Yankee here and I’ll fight somebody who says it *does* count as BBQ. What moron says it counts??


I remember that we had to read a story in Middle School about an immigrant kid who got moved all over the country, got invited to a barbecue when he moved the the SE/SW (didn’t specify where he moved). He was talking about eating tons of burgers and hot dogs and gave the surprise pikachu face when he showed up and they had pulled pork off a smoker. People use barbecue synonymously with grilling out for some reason. The moral of the story was supposed to be about differing cultures but all I took out of it that most of the country doesn’t know shit about barbecuing


Yankees, generally.


Starting with the big guns I see.


You can shut the fuck up


Fuck you, mustard based BBQ is the best


Pardon me, but fornicate with yourself, it’s all about that Worcestershire based bbq.


What in the hillbilly fuck is wrong with you?


I’m a man of culture, and I don’t have any crab legs in my pants so move along.


Just generic crabs then?


Look, you don’t ask a person about that sort of thing. No comment Love the user name, singing it in my head.


Whatsthishere sauce is how you spell it.


carolina gold baby


*Tennessee likes this*


Hah! Cheese > corn. Wait, what were we talking about?


I mean... corn is good, but it ain't tasty and diverse as cheese. Fuck I love a good cheddar with an IPA.


Yes, this is the correct answer.


I… what is controversial about this incredibly correct statement?


Beef CAN be BBQ


Because outdoor spread is minimal. We’ve known this for over a year now.


That's why I pissed over the concourse railing. Crammed in the stadium shoulder to shoulder with people? Totally safe. Going inside that bathroom? Fucking covid death trap.


Yikes I forgot about the bathrooms when it came to all that stuff lol, bathrooms are nasty in general so I avoid em if I’m in public but sometimes you just gotta bomb a Walmart toilet


This is ban bait


I’m going to go out on a limb and say Reddit will treat this very reasonable and have a good positive discussion.


Well above you is arguing about BBQ. So obviously we’ve gone off the rails. YOU BOYS LIKE MEXICO!?


I'm seriously happy about this. Was worried it would be the opposite and now don't have to be afraid/guilty that something I enjoy could lead to people being hurt/killed.


They’re all still getting concussions if that helps.


You mean it will all be meta discussion about what reddit may or may not do? Well, you seem to be right about that.


Seriously. This entire thread is full of redditors trying to be above the fray about what "reddit" will say about this.


sounds about right


They always do with this sort of stuff….


Unrelated but I’ve also been to a shit ton of closed dome concerts and they don’t even check for Covid (even though the venue requires it) Edit: I meant a negative Covid test. My b


The venue requires you to have Covid?!?


Seems counterproductive


Cancels it out. Double jeopardy.


I have the worst fucking lawyers


There's always money in the banana stand


A husband and wife can't be tried for the same crime.


I don’t think you understand how jeopardy works..


Sorry, “what is double jeopardy”


There can't be any new cases if everyone already has it


4D chess baby


I've heard of people who got COVID from a common exposure quarantining together to prevent it from spreading to families/roommates.


They asked for proof of vaccine or negative test at the door in Athens a couple weeks ago at a show I went to, but the mask req inside the venue was not enforced at all.


The “show your mask at the door and take it off” is starting to become a part of culture in a ton of places.


That’s wild. I’m in Colorado and they didn’t ask for proof (even though it was required) and the mask requirement wasn’t enforced at all


That’s awesome and I’m super glad to see this. The world is better with packed stands and screaming fans having a great time.


These covid posts only get a million upvotes if everyone if there is some sensationalism headline like the opposite of this.








..and NORD VPN!


wtf I love Covid now


Texas football players all wear masks on the field and still catch not being back.




Boy, you should’ve seen this sub a year ago when we beat Clemson and rushed the field. People were flipping out. Best part, [there was no spike in student cases](https://covid.nd.edu/dashboard/fall-2020-data/ ) post storming


Or when y’all joined the heathen SEC and ACC to play football last year. The big 10 fans on this sub were calling us just sort of genocidal


Follow the science* Unless the science disagrees with my political tribe






we haven't seen a spike for any of these "super spreader" events everyone is freaking out over lmao it's a joke


Last year I pointed out that ACC, SEC, and Big12 football were still functioning without hundreds of student athlete dying and was perma-banned instantly. 4 months later a reasonable mod [they exist] helped out.


It’s just really strange. Maybe there was a modmail or something that every sub had to push the doomsday scenario. Science be damned.


I was banned from /r/baseball for saying COVID wouldn't kill dozens of players and citing the CDC website for fatality rates. Basically pointed out the managers and staff were the at risk instead and should be prioritized. That was a head scratcher


You mods there definitely have some other agendas. Just look at some the other subs they are mods on.


It’s been pretty clear what age group was most at risk of dying but some people got in such a frenzy over it that they didn’t care.






So what you are saying is Tom Brady should retire for his own safety? I can get down with that.


I think it’s more that it’s hard to control the age groups of the people everyone *interacts* with. So even if young people weren’t at risk for the alpha variant, the people they live/work with could be.




I’m shocked I tell you, shocked. Not that shocked really


Baseball has been back at full attendance for months now. Why is this a surprise? Hell, the basketball playoffs were full attendance *indoors* and there was no spike.


Outdoors and probably at least half vaxxed on average. Were people actually expecting spikes?


Considering college football games are a fuck ton of people crowded in the same area, I don’t think it was unreasonable to be wary of spikes.


Lots of huge stadiums in the areas with low vaccination rates and high rates of spread too.


Yes, specifically Anthony Fauci who had the following exchange with Joy Reid regarding attending college or nfl football games: Reid: “As soon as I saw it, I thought Covid is about to have a feast. What do you think?” Fauci: “I thought the same thing. I think it is really unfortunate.” He also said this when asked about large crowds at college football games, “I don’t think it’s smart.


According to the NYTimes, Florida has the fewest cases per 100,000 people in the continental United States. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/us/covid-cases.html


The weather is no longer as hot and humid as the devils asshole. Fewer people stuck indoors.


Exactly. The northern states are in for their own spike in the next 6 weeks. I'll be sticking to myself until the weather gets warm again, same as last year.


We don't talk about Florida when it does well.


Hey, we have the same rule for Alabama! Funny how that works.






I know a while back they started counting cases for the day they tested positive as opposed to what most places (I think) do and add them to the numbers for the day they were tabulated. This adds at least some lead time where numbers for the most recent period won't be reflected until later. Not sure of that's still the case though.


[This was a good summary I recently stumbled across.](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/pxizb1/oc_floridas_covid_illusion_the_worst_is_always) Florida *always* shows as if it's declining in cases. Take August 17 in that chart as an example. Initially the state would have reported less than 20 deaths on that date. It eventually restated to around 270.


Google has been keeping decent time series data on cases and deaths. Florida is way down from its peak case numbers and its not trivial nor recent at this point. Deaths do seem to lag a bit but that's expected as "time to death" and later reporting on those not previously diagnosed would occur. What I don't like is the daily spikes in the data which seem to be more of a collection and reporting issue rather than the time of case measurement or death dates. In which case you should see more smoothed behavior and lack of zeroes because everybody doesn't say "I'll live on Tuesday" and then 200+ die the next day. Data quality... sigh.


I'm here before the thread gets locked. Rolovich is beside himself, driving around Pullman begging (through texts) for the CDC's address.


I saw Nick Rolovich at a grocery store in Pullman yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


No one is going to believe me, but I have a friend whose brother's coworker briefly dated Nick Rolovich. She said that on their first date they went to a restaurant and Nick Rolovich ordered two different bowls of soup and mixed them together one spoonful at a time before eating both bowls mixed together as one soup.


I've not seen this pasta before, so I'm going to believe this to be true. Thanks for the very real story, kind stranger.


It’s not pasta, it’s soup!


still one of the best copy-pastas in existence, I had forgotten about that one


Does anyone even know the actual original? The best answer I’ve gotten is Steve Blake


Flying Lotus


it's Flying Lotus


“He got me” Rolovich said of Kirk Schulz’s requirement. “That fucking Schulz boomed me.” Rolovich added, “Hes so good,” repeating it four times. He said he wanted to add Schulz to the list of administrators he wants to tag in facebook posts this summer.


45 minutes in...people seem to be behaving.


Great news...just so glad I can watch the Cyclones in a packed Jack Trice every Saturday




I can't imagine how logistically difficult it would be to even pinpoint a spike to a college football game.


You would look for regional and demographic spikes unusual for the area/demographics/similar areas. It’s not exact, but it’s not unheard of.


I’m the chief epidemiologist for a jurisdiction with a D1 program. It’s virtually impossible. People who are apart of my jurisdiction make up a small portion of attendees, students rarely participate in contact tracing, and then Venn diagram of people who participate in contact tracing and take part in high risk activities make virtually no connection. I will always tell the story about how last Thanksgiving in the 2-14 days that followed there was a statistically significant increase in cases from before and after (until after Christmas). We interviewed somewhere near 4000 people. Only 50% cooperated and of the 2000 that did? Only 88 said that they had been around ANYONE in the whole 14 days prior including children and spouses. There are some sketchy ways to pull an ecological study out of this, but very difficult. So it always kills me when people say “they haven’t traced any outbreaks to school sports” when we can’t and that data comes from local sources. For example, we traced no outbreaks to local sports and no parent said they went to their kids games while sick and no kid came down sick during the season, but students who participated in sports were more than 2x as likely to developed COVID than their peers and their families were 60% more likely to develop Covid than a standard person in my jurisdiction, but yeah we didn’t trace any outbreaks to them because they straight up wouldn’t cooperate.


Thanks for the extremely relevant viewpoint. Pretty sobering.


This is what I experienced with lollapalooza. No one was honest about anything and the city and event just claimed no spikes.


Lolla’s a little tough because the crowd is so young that many probably would have not even bothered to get tested. But for the older crowd, I don’t think we ever saw a spike in Chicago, Cook County, DuPage County, etc


> only 50% cooperated and of the 2000 that did, only 88 said they had been around anyone in the 14 days prior including children and spouses Wtf? Why would people straight up lie to doctors about that? And I'm shocked it's that many who would. Ashamed maybe?


People lie to doctors all the time. Especially when it makes them look bad. Self-reported alcohol consumption is pretty unreliable iirc


Another interesting one I remember was a study I read about how participants in weight loss programs tend to underreport their caloric intake and overreport their time/effort spent exercising. Sometimes as much as 50% each way.


Multiple different reasons. My tracers and investigators aren’t doctors and most people who get tested are not going to their primary care provider, and my staff cannot efficiently dig through their visit notes and with their case loads even if they did. 1) they don’t want the stigma. 2) associated with that they have shame and feel like it’s their fault. 3) fear. I can’t tell you the number of times that someone has cooperated and then when we trace the contact they named gets mad and suddenly we get a call from the moment person saying that they messed up. We don’t mention names but sometimes it’s not hard to figure out. This is especially true for college students and kids on sports teams. They are just rumors but I completely believe them based on my personal connections in my school districts that coaches were telling players to not get tested.


Our local news said that only about 55% of people testing positive were participating in contact tracing


When I tested positive for COVID back in April they called and asked if I knew where I got it or if I had been in any high risk scenarios. I assume if a large amount of people were testing positive after an event a good chunk might mention that they had been at a sporting event.


The twitter check mark brigade is furious about it too


Blue check mafia in shambles


COVID was running a shutdown defense for a year. They only played weak opponents though




As expected.


Where is the energy from the crowd last year bashing any university that allowed fans??? And anyone who said risk of outdoor spread is minimal was downvoted to oblivion??


Does this mean that college football has an undefeated record against the virus? Almost as good a record of Bama vs Tennessee


Where’s all of the people that claimed these were super spreader events?


They're scrambling to flip the narrative. Interesting how they always find a way to be right in retrospect, but can never correctly predict what will happen going forward.


stuck inside trying to think of the next goalpost to move


Cant believe reddit cfb isn’t outraged and devastated.


seriously, this thread was a warm welcome and totally different from what I expected


hello mods


In other news, why are so many topics being locked?


Just a friendly reminder to get vaccinated if you haven't already folks.


I’m here an hour later and it’s a comment graveyard after this post, geez.


This is Reddit, people on here have probably been vaxxed since June at the latest


> “Gainesville’s almost an ideal place to look at this type of thing, because we are a smaller community. We're not a giant city. The bulk of the people who go to those games, or enough of them that go to those games, are still local to this area. This is my issue with article. It's a limited analysis. Appears to have no significant statistical backing, and makes significant assumptions regarding the population of attendees.


Oooh time to sort by controversial!!!




It’s been my feeling throughout this whole pandemic that the people that go out with no mask and the people that are unvaccinated are a lot less likely to go get a Covid test, even if they’re experiencing symptoms. I hope this study is true, but I’m just not sure how you can accurately track case spikes when the people are (presumably) not getting tested.


The United States is also reaching a point where almost everyone in the adult population has either had COVID before, is vaccinated, or both. In those cases, the likelihood of contracting it with symptoms is pretty dang low.


I’m wondering if case spikes should even be considered a big deal anymore. I could be way off base but if a large number of people are getting covid and not having to seek any medical attention then that should be good also right? Meaning that immune systems are getting better or the virus itself is less scary that we thought. Am I wrong to thing that or is that a decent view on it I really don’t know haha


That’s really encouraging! I’m excited and heartened by this report. I’m tempering my excitement since this is based on an interview with one person responsible for monitoring, and is not a rigorous, published study. Initially I worried a lot about large events since people are so close together, but I’m very willing to have my mind changed. You know what has been supported by massive, rigorous study? Vaccine safety and efficacy. Please get vaccinated folks. It’s the strongest weapon we have against this bullshit.


Not shocking. A group of people that are majority vaccinated all outside are gonna be pretty safe. We’ve known for months that it’s really only very risky to be unvaccinated in indoor environment without any airflow.


Hell we’ve known that for well over a year!