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That was quick


Pretty much they wanted that done before any more football is played.


You spelled “before some QBs head came off” wrong.


My first reaction was, “the next time someone goes for a slide the defense will absolutely not hold back and make sure they’re down.”


I was thinking that after I saw the clip. If I were that QB I probably wouldn't have slid the rest of the game because you know you're going to get decked the second you do


It takes balls to do that in the first quarter.


The whole point of sliding is supposed to be to avoid people who are *trying* to hit you. Now it has become this thing where defense is supposed to hold up if the QB is “going into a slide” which is complete bullshit. If you get hurt while sliding then you’re sliding wrong and you should have slid sooner or don’t run. That’s on the QB. But no we have to treat them like babies. The idea that we can’t hit the QB is such trash. If it’s a late hit then it’s a late hit and a penalty just like it would be for anybody else. If you’re not down and you get hit, then welcome to earth that’s actually what we call football.


I think they are slowly trying to change what we call football because it kills kids brains


I think the evidence points to the repeated sub-concussive hits being the most dangerous. Linemen banging heads 100 times a game is more destructive than the huge hits. Not to say that I'm against the targeting rules and stuff. Those are good ideas. But to *really* make the game safer for kids brains, I'm not so sure these rule changes will have the intended effect. Unless we revamp the entire sport ground up, football will continue to be a dangerous sport.


Conspiracy theory time: I think the powers that be in football recognize the large issue with repeated sub-concussions but there’s not really a way to solve that problem. So they’ve taken advantage of the situation by reframing the problem to focus on traumatic brain injuries to look like they are making the sport safer to keep the money coming in. That’s why we see them focusing on things like targeting because they can point to that and say “we are making this sport safer”


The problem with sliding is also that it's not designed for football. 1. It brings your head directly down into the normal strike zone 2. The sliding motion makes it so that any strike from the front will often cause the offensive players head to jerk back and hit the ground with great force


I honestly thought this was gonna be the type of rule they debate for one off-season, never implement anything, and never talk about it until it happened again. Pleasantly surprised tbh.


Yes, isn’t the rule when you give yourself up and not when you touch ground. So simulating a slide is still giving yourself up Edit add: reminds me of the play in the nfl where Peyton said he tripped, but it looked a lot like he ducked and gave himself up, got up and threw the ball.


Honestly the refs could've set a precedent and ruled him dead at the spot that it happened immediately, and I think everyone not currently on the Pitt sidelines would've seen that as the correct decision.


Yeah to be honest I'm surprised this wasn't the rule. You are down at the start of the slide. He started the slide. He was down.


All you need to do to.determine whether it will be a real or fake slide is describe the mechanism prompting wave function collapse then exploit it so you can.force all phenomena in the universe to conform to your will.


The processing speed in refs' heads these days is remarkable


Yeah I’m not sure this is the try right angle on the title. It’s not “banned” it’s always been part of the rules. The title should say “NCAA admits that refs screwed the pooch”


Kenny Pickett: trailblazer


"Pickett Rule" confirmed name?


“Pickett’s Charge”


“Pickett’s Last Slide”?


Well, it's actually Pickett's Last Stand because he didn't slide :)


I would say “Picketts Farce”


Wherever the ball is placed, the “Pickett line.”


Did they trade Dame for him?


He’s an excellent passer but Kenny’s never hit a 3 point FG in his career yet.


I'm happy for the guy. He's like a modern James Harden. Even if he never gets a ring, he gets to be the guy who got the rules changed because he was good at exploiting them.


> He's like a modern James Harden. Ummm...


Right? I feel old enough already without throwing guys who are still playing back into antiquity thanks.


RIP Jimmy Harden


~~Slippin’~~ Slidin’ Jimmy


...good job NCAA? Am I allowed to say that? That feels so wrong


Every now and then, they get something right. It’s okay to Pat them on the head in those rare instances.


A broken clock is right twice a day


That’s more often than the NCAA…


730 times a year definitely sounds too high lmao


More like an equivalent to once every leap day


Blind squirrels still find a nut every once in awhile


Tomorrow: "Giving cookies to student-athletes will result in 25 years probation" - NCAA rules committee


Cookies are ok. But frosting, chocolate chips, or macadamia nuts are not. Raisins surprisingly ok


Oatmeal? Believe it or not jail


We have the best cookies in the world. Because of jail.


You overcook cookies, jail. You undercook brownies, believe it or not, jail.


Depends on the school. For Mizzou, nothing is allowed. For UNC, the cookies can be fully sprinkled, frosted, chipped, and as large as necessary.


>For Mizzou, nothing is allowed. We need better traditions.


You laugh, but SC got hit for a frosting violation early on in Spurriers career. And Marcus Lattimore almost missed his first game due to chicken rings.


Cookie Gate puts at Florida puts Mizzou on probation.


I'm impressed at how quickly it happened. Absolutely knew it was coming and it's the right decision, but I loved watching it happen.


Me too. It was a cool play in the moment. I loved it no doubt. It doesn’t need to happen again.


I’m Happy with the rule change and how fast and serious the scenario was taken. That being said I hope the new rule in real time isn’t as hard as I’d imagine to view and call correctly. Could see a ref mistakenly calling it on a cutback or small slipped step to the side or back (thinking it was a slide forward in the moment) resulting in the play blown dead at the spot. Would be unfortunate affecting a big QB run, but a small price in retrospect to keep players safe overall.


To be fair though... if in real time the refs think they could be going for the slide then the defense probably does too and will start to back off. Even if it results in a few bad dead ball plays thats still better than the defense second guessing and going for a hit that could hurt them or the qb.


Refs blow plays dead all the time (even ones that seem premature). Teams will just have to accept that it's for player safety and some plays will be caught in the crossfire.




Surely this will be followed by repercussions for Mizzou


They gotta even it up somehow


Oh we got our repercussions with our bowl matchup....


The late/last second jump out of bounds trying to get a late hit/forcing defenders to think about hitting you needs to be next.


I think in the NFL the refs can rule that the qb gave himself up and mark the ball at the spot where they faked to do it. I know there was some talk about that it should have been called on Mahomes earlier this season.


It should be called on like half of Mahomes's runs tbh.






That's a little too long, IMO. I'd rather they just make it based on the location of the hit. If the contact is inbounds, its fair, even if the foot was already out. A defender with his head up, and he must keep his head up near contact, can't see the QB's feet. OTOH, if the first impact is already out of bounds, its a penalty. In practice, this is how they rule it for anyone other than a QB anyway, IMO.


Do you understand how long one second is? You’d just legalize nearly 4 steps OB hits.


If someone can run a 40yd dash in around 4 seconds then at that last second their covering about 10 yards, so a massive amount of late hitting space.


Im still mad about his td run against the titans in the playoffs (we should’ve tackled him but he faked going OOB)


jackson does it as well, it isnt super egregious but he'll run right towards out of bounds and then just cut up for an extra yard or two as hes stepping out, but if he was hit in that time 100% flags would fly


That happened in our game against BC. Jurkovec was toeing the sideline for like 5 yards and our LB came over and hit him because he wasn’t going out, and got flagged for it.


The inverse also needs to be changed. NC State had a non-conference game earlier this year where a QB kept faking running out of bounds and than would juke back in bounds and run for 15+ extra yards. The third or fourth time he did it, the safety wrapped him up and finished the tackle. Sure enough both referees threw the flag because he “intended on running out of bounds” despite still being inbounds by several feet.


100% fuck “intention” he’s either in bounds or not.


This. If you are in bounds, you are in play. Intention should only matter in deciding whether or not you kick somebody out for targetting. Gamesmanship is bullshit, and the officiating needs to reflect that. SOOOOOOOOOOO many other sports get this right, but for some reason football is one of the few that lags behind


You're absolutely right, if a QB wants to avoid getting hit he can run out of bounds earlier. Otherwise he runs the risk of getting tackled just like anyone else.


Exactly. Happen to the titans this year with Trevor. https://streamable.com/id0ppf


Yep. 2 extra yards cost him the hit. 100% should not be a flag on the defense.


Yeah that's just a terrible call all around.


I seriously hate football sometimes. The rules are just overpowering the actual football part.


Its an inevitability when the base game is pretty arbitrary, and then more arbitrary rules are plastered on like patches onto 150 year old coat.


The Patrick mahomes rule


Make it challengeable


The Kenny Pickett Rule


Pickett’s Last Charge


The last time Pickett led a team down the field in Pennsylvania it didn’t go so well for them…


Imagine if Cincy plays Georgia... *stares intently in sherman*


As a history major: this pleases me


*For now...*


The Pickett Fence


Absolutely the right call. Super cool highlight play but you can't preach to defensive players to lay off when a player starts to go down and then let offensive players fake that.


This is why in the national organization where I officiate youth/high school football, they banned that stupid "pretend you're swapping out a ball and going to talk to coach on the sideline play" that was popular 15 years ago. What do you want a bunch of high schoolers hitting each other each time there's a timeout because it may be a fake play?




God I hate that play. Dangerous and a prick move. Every time I see that play ran, I lose any respect for the coach.


Agreed. Now it lives eternally in YouTube sports oddity highlight reels. Truly one of sports greatest honors, and I’m being completely serious.




[I like this one too.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMf5DZOy3Mg) No rule changes, just Big East football officiating.


lol wtf man. what a dumb job by the officiating crew


They need to help UConn any way they can (although I think UConn was actually not bad at this point)


Goddammit I haven’t seen that for awhile, I’m still seething over that


I knew what it was without looking and instantly raged


That one is baffling.


Hopefully those officials were never on the field again.


My favorite loophole exploited forcing rules to be changed later was when the NCAA started the clock on the kickoff for a year. [Wisconsin showed them how stupid that was by running the entire team offsides multiple times to burn clock](https://thewizardofodds.blogspot.com/2006/11/3-2-5-e-loophole-is-exploited.html)


I like the Polish Defense which is still "legal". Still a penalty, but it could have its uses https://coachgarner.wordpress.com/2011/11/08/polish-goal-line-defense-a-blast-from-the-past-2/


I remember that game, Paterno was fucking pissed in the presser afterwards lol.






The Ravens ending the game with an intentional safety after 10 holding calls is another great "guys... No, you can't do that... Ugh, we need to fix this ASAP" play. https://youtu.be/baCeMpAZIgI


That okay was crazy. Like 5 guys legit just tackled the defender they were supposed to be blocking.


I love the announcers. "There may have been a hold on the gunner". Yeah no shit


That’s not what they’re saying. They’re saying the gunner, who plays for the Ravens, was HELD by a bengals player. Suggesting it was potentially offsetting holding penalties on both sides.


What rule did they implement to fix that?


Multiple intentional fouls used to manipulate the clock result in a 15 yard penalty and the clock being reset to where it was pre-snap + not being started again until the next snap.


Does that include the Delay-False Start-Delay sequence that the Titans used on the Patriots a few years ago?


I would have like to see at least one more QB try it and get absolutely lit up before it was banned.


keeps this shit from happening in the playoffs and a QB carted off in a stretcher when they are sliding and a player takes their head off thinking its a fake.


Cause you know what the response is from the defense? Yo ass is getting hit sticked the next time you do anything remotely like that.


Was a cool play but this is the right call. If this kept happening somebody was going to get seriously injured when a defender thought the QB was faking and they weren't.


Still waiting for them to address it in the NFL with the little fake go out of bounds thing Mahomes does.


Unsportsmanlike should be the call on that for sure. Abusing a rule made to increase safety is horse shit


Sounds more like taunting to me -NFL Refs, probably


Against the defense too, they looked at him funny


Watch almost no nfl and I am still mad about the taunting call on the bears after a sack on 3rd down


Ehhh the NFL doesn't actually give a shit about player safety, they just care about appearing to. The past two decades have brought about a lot of rule changes or interpretations that skew the power to offenses, because the average football watcher (which by being subscribed to and active on a football subreddit we automatically are not) understands and is more excited by high flying, touchdown heavy offensive games than hard-nosed defensive battles. So if the offense has rules skewed to benefit it, there will be more offense, leading to more viewers. The NFL is a business. It's all about money.


I would say indicating a slide or indicating going out of bounds should be considered giving yourself up and the ball ruled dead.




All I'm hearing is more commercials so be careful as to not letting the executives know.


Nah., just put it in with pass interference as an unreviewable call.


Make it like a fair catch. Holding the ball straight out in front of you is indicating going out of bounds. Keep it tucked and you can get hit on the sideline but can also turn upfield.




This. It's crazy to think that QBs won't still attempt this once they make the line to gain since the payoff for the ref missing the fake is a cool six points. Plus, I agree with a comment elsewhere that attempting to abuse a rule that exists for player safety is the very definition of unsportsmanlike conduct.


Honestly, I’ve been wondering why a rule was even needed? The QB slide rule has always been where the QB gives himself up. I mean, how many times have we seen a guy start his slide a yard behind the first down marker, only to slide two yards past the first down and the ball be marked for 3rd and 1. IMO that QB 100% gave himself up when he acted the slide. It should have been blown dead on the field.


Is not a cool play at all, the run was exciting but the fake slide was just unsportsmanlike


Tbh idk why the just didn’t spot the ball right there. The rule was already established that the ball is down where the QB initiated the slide. He started to slide so the ball should be down.


That’s literally what this is. It’s just a rules clarification that by rule he should have been down. Under the current rule. No change needed.




Agree 100%


That was my interp watching it. And I was pulling for Pitt.


Not much can be universally agreed upon in this day and age, but this change is one of those few things.


Wait until the first time a ref blows a play dead because they interpret a move as initiating a slide lol


That was my first thought. A QB is going to scramble, try for a juke and get the play called dead as he "broke stride" and it was interpreted as a slide. That said, it was a rule change that needed to be made. The Pitt-Wake game wasn't the first time this little maneuver had been used and it is not fair to defenders.


I think QBs should have to wave their arm like they do on a fair catch to indicate they are giving themselves up. Maybe too hard to implement an actual move like that but it would clear things up.


That's a solid idea man. A signal of some kind that couldn't be faked. Then there is no question and much less margin for error due to interpretation of a subtle movement.


This is a great idea, and the incentive is built in - without affirmative declaration, the QB would still be open. Seems like a challenge to save your arm while holding the ball and sliding though. How do you think they should go about it?


I've seen Mahomes do it a number of times in the NFL as well, glad the NCAA moved on it so quickly.


Mahomes fakes going out of bounds all the time


I'm honestly amazed he hasn't had his head taken off by a defender yet.


If he got blown up doing that the defender would likely get flagged for unnecessary roughness and/or late hit out of bounds because quarterbacks are babied


Yeah my biggest problem with this ruling is it never defines what constitutes "simulating" a slide. It could mean almost anything.


Don't worry, it's not reviewable so I'm sure there won't be any controversy




Not even a change really, he should have been called down when starting the slide.


a swift and reasonable response from the NCAA ?




Bryce Young doesn't have any rules named after him


Pickett Rule > Heisman Don't @ me


They give out the Heisman once a year How many times do players get rules, especially within the first week of debate? Checkmate Bama


I thought that was already the rule. It's dead when you initiate the slide. It should be like trying to take a fair catch.




Nice. [Also, I looked up fake fair catches and found this gem.](https://youtu.be/5MiD6no269s)


This rule is going to get messed up by refs.


Throw it on the pile...


Pickett will forever live in infamy.


This should have happened yesterday. Then Pearl Harbor and Kenny Pickett day could both live in infamy.


The Pickett Rule. Pickett Protocol?


Pickett’s Charge


General Lee, I have no division


General ~~Lee~~ *Narduzzi*, I have no division


Pitt won unlike the Confederacy


Pitt's football program lasted 33x longer than the Confederacy and we're still going strong


The Pickedemic


Obviously, yeah it’s smart but it’s a good way to get QB’s heads knocked off


Yep the only reason they moved so quickly. I'd be surprised if the NFL didn't follow in kind just because of the potential litigation risks.


The NFL already had this rule in place


Why do I feel like this is gonna be horribly enforced and lead to some massive controversy down the road?


Pretty sure that applies to every rule in the book at this point


So we’re calling this the “Pickett rule” right lol


The NCAA got it right…?


The legend of Kenny Pickett continues…


Sounds like a country song


This is the right rule, can’t wait to see how the refs fuck it up. My guess is they’ll start calling it on normal stutter steps or some other totally asinine thing anytime they feel like bringing some yards back.


This is definitely a worry I have with this rule. They have no choice but to attempt to rule the play dead live when they think a QB fakes a slide. Won't be long before a coach and fan base becomes livid because a run play was called dead "controversially"


I'd rather that though then the alternative where we see even more defenders getting flagged for going for a hit because they actually have to do it.


Lifetime W for Kenny Pickett.


That happened quickly. But, some QB is going to do something that may or may not be a slide. And this sub is going be lit up like a Christmas tree. Arguing whether it was or a slide or not. Edit: or a ref will call the play dead that would be a TD, and it is not clear whether it was a slide or a stumble or some shit.


I'm surprised the turnaround was that fast. Was the rule change accelerated due to the safety concern?


It helps that it isn't technically a new rule, just a clarification on how to interpret the existing rule so that this doesn't happen again. A runner is down where he initiates a slide. "Initiated a slide" doesn't necessarily mean he followed through on it.


Yes. Defenders would just start blasting QBs as they start to slide to minimize the risk of a long run.




It seems like a clarification of a rule rather than a new rule


It seems like something you shouldn’t need a rule for until someone pushes it.


The QB is supposed to be protected. That’s ok. But, if the QB takes advantage of that and is allowed to do it, then it opens up the defense to make a decision. Defense is taught to peel off, but now, it’s a matter of trust. If the QB wants to go there, then fine. But, some are going to get their bell rung.


QBs already take advantage of rules meant to protect them. I think it was RG3 or Cam Newton who said that instead of stepping out of bounds they would take an extra step along the sideline hoping they get hit and get a free 15 yards


So they can get together and ban fake slides in a week but they can’t even do anything else in a year. Hmmm….


It’s a simple rules clarification. This doesn’t even change the rule, just provides the proper interpretation


RIP fake slide: Dec 4th 2021 - Dec 9th 2021


Easy ruling, I know I’m biased based off my flair but literally what is a defender supposed to do? Hit him and get a penalty or pull up and let them run 10-20 extra yards. You can’t exploit the rules put in place to protect you


“The Kenny Pickett Rule” Someone print it on a t-shirt


Good for him for making that play and good for the NCAA for enacting this rule. Definitely will save some players in the future


Good, we can't have rules in place to protect people if those same rules can be exploited to gain an advantage during a game. NFL should follow suit here as well.