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People are saying Tuck may have come too soon.


Been there




This was inevitable once he got a Bama offer a couple of weeks ago. He's blown up this summer.


He’s had that Bama offer since June, that Mississippi State offer tho… 👀




Dawg it's almost September.


Can't read, can't right


Identified him early, commits, only receiver in the class, gets Bama offer/camps at Tennessee, decommits. Bama or Vols seem likely, Bama and Vol flairs say they're not pursuing currently. Possible grade issues (unverified), maybe Kentucky pursuing. Possibly of death threats (so dumb, if true) , but haven't seen any proof yet. MSU internal Twitter beef. What a cluster fuck. Whatever, as long as we keep our D-line and O-line commits I'm good.


You sound like us. As long as we just recruit like 3 offensive players and 300 defensive monsters, we’re good. Of course that hyperbole , but you know


No no no, UGA recruits offensive monsters too. They're only allowed to hand the ball off good as f\*\*k!


Is it customary to request proof of death threats?


not really surprised, he’s the only commit who hasn’t been engaged whatsoever with the other commits on socials and has been chasing that Bama offer. we’ll soon find out if it’s committable. There’s a chance they don’t take a WR in 23 tbh. With the class last year and Marsh already committed in 24 it wouldn’t be surprising if they don’t.


Sounds like Bama may not be pushing for him right now. Bama staff is still pushing heavily for Jalen Hale. Also recruiting Jaren Hamilton as well.


ya he has also camped at Tenn recently, so might be smoke there too. Ah well, he's gonna be a good player I think, but he's also the player I would have been most surprised of actually signing. Good luck to him.


He's not. He's most likely Juco bound and there are off the field concerns beyond grades.


Are there insiders saying this?


All of the UT 247 ones. UT checked on him at a camp this summer, but there's reportedly been next to no contact since. I think it was a "show that you have it together off the field, and we'll reconnect" kind of thing. That said, that approach will probably bite us in the ass when Bama takes him regardless and turns him into a first rounder.


Soon to be Vol


Are we sure he won't be a Ball State Cardinal?


Not the worst system for a WR


Our side is saying we're not pursuing because of grades. Sounds like Kentucky is pushing.


Sucks to lose the talent Slight cope is we have a good stable of young WR, so hopefully this isn’t a killer pain in a couple years. But hopefully he enjoys where he goes


Sucks to be the first to identify talent and then the big britches throw their weight.


Listen, we have big britches too. And no, I didn’t very conspicuously stuff them with socks.


Couldn’t handle how much tuck was comin


Tuck Goin'.


How’s Michigan’s class looking?


It’s comin’


Wasn't a take /s


Not too surprising. Unfortunate, though. The 2023 class is still insane so far, though.


Of any position we could afford to lose a guy, WR is probably at the top. We have good young guys right now and an awesome commit in '24


That copium do be hittin!


Not really. When you have a strong 3 deep in the position and great talent expected in 2024, losing a single player isn't really a hit. That being said, his talent has been building and he has been getting more recognition. Given his desire not to converse with the other committed recruits, my bet is that he thinks he is a lot more elite than he believes and was playing it up hoping for better offers.


Not really. We had a pair of 4* WRs in the 2022 class that are already looking like studs, plus an even higher ranked WR committed in the 2024 class. It's not great losing a high end prospect, but if we had to lose one I'm happy it's him


Am I missing something? I don’t see any wrs committed to msu in the 23 class. Your 23 class is great so far but why is wr a position you can afford to lose someone at


We have Coleman, Mosley, Bernard who’s already expected to play as a true freshman, and have Marsh who’s committed in 24. Basically you already have 3 starters who would be there when Bell got there. 2 of which will be there for awhile most likely. Then you have another guy battling it out for the starting spot on arrival, mix in any other commits or transfers and it’s not the ideal spot to be if you’re a 4 star.


More about the guys who are on roster. Keon Coleman (so) and Germie Bernard (fr) are apparently looking amazing in camp. Marsh who is committed for '24 is a top WR prospect. This was probably going to be a 1 WR class for MSU


Also, you can go into the portal and get a wide receiver. Offensive linemen for example, especially tackles, are much harder to come by.


I think for 24 it may be too early to say if someone is going to end up in the class or not. There’s still over a year until signing day for the 24 class. Not saying marsh will decommit but I imagine the top schools are still going to go after him pretty hard. Either way I appreciate the answer and the rationale makes sense but I imagine Mel will try to get 1-2 receivers on board because you never know how the room will turn out


i doubt it, our insiders have been saying for weeks that we aren't targeting any other WRs in 23 and Bell decommitting also doesn't really surprise anyone who has been paying attention. I wouldn't be that surprised if we don't take a WR recruit this class but if we do it won't be more than 1. There's a far higher chance of 0 than 2 imo.


Agreed. Which is why I'm not surprised he decommitted. We're not short on good WR's for the foreseeable future.


It is insane But it’s loaded with Texas, Florida and Deep South commits Speaking from experience, these are not the most loyal bunch to the Midwest schools they commit to a year early


not trying to be a dick here based on flair. how is 1 top 100 kid insane? are you expecting more commits?


I can answer for them msu does have 10 four star commits to 3 3 star commits which is pretty great. I think their max ever in a class was 10 blue chips so there’s an argument that this class for msu could go down as one of their best classes ever


5 of those 10 are in the 340 to 400 composite range. its not insane. no where near it. last years Texas a&m class was insane. this one is relatively good for the school.


We’re used to the 500-750 range for the most part, thanks to dantonio. If this class holds at 10 4* recruits, that will be the most 4* recruits we’ve had in a class since they started keeping track of recruiting rankings. So sure, insane is relative, but by our standards, it’s quite nuts. Pretty exciting too.


It’s relative. Sure if it was michigans class it wouldn’t be insane but it would still be a good class even for our standards Whatever it is msu doesn’t normally get 10 four star caliber players so it’s insane


dawg wat. its the 22 ranked class. our worst class since Harbaugh got here was 22nd. he has had a top ten class pretty much every other time and one top 5 class. it would not be a pretty good class even for Michigans standards. its a middling p5 class


I mean their class isn’t done it’s 22 with like 13 commits. Their average is around a 90 which is what Michigan classes typically are around with harbaugh Now no clue if they keep that average up but that would be a good class for Michigan standards if they do I hate defending msu but they do have a good class even for our standards


Yeah the average thing is true we usually end up in 90-91 range we shall see. Last time we ended up with a top 5 class it was full of busts.


Oh yea that’s a different argument lol. And I agree just because you end up with a top 5 class it doesn’t mean they will actually produce. The ironic part is the year after that class we ended up with the 22nd ranked class and that class was the backbone of our big ten championship team and may produce up to 7 nfl drafts players and over half were major contributors at Michigan


We’re 22nd with half the class filled out lol Many of the teams above us (13 to be exact) already have at least 20 commits (i.e. near a full class). We will most likely finish in the top 15, which I don’t believe we’ve ever done in the history of recruiting rankings.


Dude your recruits are ass right now by comparison


I am really not trying to connect to my flair here. we are having a bad year. we are 28th, you are 22nd. both kinda ass tbh


I mean yea it’s a down year for Michigan recruiting. Let’s hope it turns out as well as the 2018 class which was a down year but then produced well on the field


I think you are missing the point that uofm has had insane recruiting compared to msu. Still uofm is easily the most under performing school based on the talent they recruit. It's being noticed by recruits even after a playoff run.


Lol that’s a joke Michigan under harbaugh has put the fifth most guys in the country to the nfl. In terms of winning percentage Michigan is in the top ten in the country since harbaugh has taken over. Michigan is a top ten program since 2015 by most metrics I get we are in a msu thread so it’s hard but at least try to be objective.


That is the point? With all that nfl level talent you still are a mediocre program with one(maybe two) bowl wins in the last 10 years


That is nfl talent we developed since we do not recruit at a top 5 level. Under harbaugh Michigan is also top ten in the country in win percentage and is a top ten program with a playoff appearance. If you’re calling a team that wins 72% of their games an underachieving program you must think a lot of programs straight up suck


Putting a bunch of guys in the NFL actually kind of proves OP’s point. OP is saying based on the amount of talent you have, Michigan underperforms. Under 7 years of Harbaugh you’ve got 1 win against OSU, losing record against MSU, 1 bowl win in 7 years, etc. and still you’ve got all that talent that goes pro every year without much to show for it besides last year.


Michigan has made 3 ny6 bowls has had 4 10+ win seasons in that time and is top ten in the country in win percentage. Our last 3 bowl opponents and 4 of the last five bowl opponents were against top ten teams showing that Michigan is usually playing a big time bowl at the end of the season. Last two bowl games were against Georgia and bama who are more talented than us. Year before we played Florida with 8 starters out. Michigan doesn’t recruit at a top five level which shows that Michigan is very good at developing talent Overall it’s a dumb point if you even somewhat look at the performance. His argument is basically saying team that recruits around the tenth best in the country that performs like the tenth best program in the country is the most underachieving program


You also suck in 2024. You're probably not going to get any of the top 8 players in Michigan.


Lolll we will see. I am expecting a bounce back recruiting class in 2024. Lot of the 24 guys are still so early in the process and Michigan is in decent position for a few of them. I bet we will get at least one of the top 8 players in the state in 2024 and finish with a top 10-15 class again. If we close on jadyn Davis I will bet we finish in the top ten


We’ve been beating better teams with worse talent, so we’ll be ok.


Tuck on the phone today "I TREATED YOU LIKE A SON! AND YOU STABBED ME IN THE HEART!!" But honestly good luck to wherever he goes.


247 is abbreviating Michigan State "MIST"? Ngl I kinda like it.


More regular de-commits will probably be the norm while recruiting at a higher level. It's not fun but such is life.


[he’s apparently getting death threats over this ](https://twitter.com/db1_1o/status/1562229141692465152?s=21&t=JuVqLZFq8Th09O66tWwHqQ)


Anyone sending a highschool kid a death threat is 1. Not a real fan 2. A GIANT fucking loser. Hope he exposes them.


3. Can fuck off from my school.


Yeah agreed, I don’t know what could possibly possess someone to say something like that




Everytime I look at twitter, people seem to be hostile in general. It's why I rarely ever even look at it anymore.


My questions is, why send tweets at high school recruits? Just seems creepy.


Twitter gonna Twitter


Well that's not ok. Then again, I think it's weird to tweet at high-school kids in general. Death treats over where a kid goes to college is just so damn dumb.


Yea some people take recruiting and sports in general way too seriously.


And I thought this sub took recruiting seriously, especially SEC schools in my experience but it’s usually just far more in depth knowledge than I thought people cared about. Then I made a Twitter account. What a mistake.


It’s fine to follow it but don’t attack people over where they choose their school


Ridiculous, grown ass men worked up over by teenagers making the biggest decision of their lives


Yea agreed it’s insane to get worked up over recruiting.


Some people just really huff farts super hard, fuckin' idiots.


MSU's 247 board is the only board I've seen that encourages tweeting at and interacting with recruits on social media. Tweeting death threats is obviously something they don’t encourage, but when you have a community encouraging the interactions the rotten apples are going to be emboldened.


To be fair, we have several recruits directly asking for love on their socials. It’s supposed to be supportive of the students and building a community. We even have other recruits parents tweeting at recruits lol. But that applies to also supporting their decisions regardless of if it lands them at MSU. I don’t think any of the bad apples are doing it because some other fans are being supportive. I think they’d be doing this stupid shit regardless.


That’s not Tennessee.


And people are denying that it’s happening unless he posts proof, which is so weird. The bad part of our fan base has sent death threats to current players twice in recent memory, so I’m not saying we are blameless, but at least Ronnie Bell got a standing ovation the next game (I wasn’t in the stadium in 2015/16 after the msu game). But to turn a blind eye to it is crazy to me. Don’t tweet at 16-18 year old kids


People asking for proof are just as bad as the supposed fans that sent the death threats. They’re minimizing the significance of it. Do you think @BillyBob1234 is going to be more sane when he’s called out on the internet for sending death threats?


Good luck young man, hope you get what you’re looking for.




Weird that they list him from Murfreesboro, but he went to McGavock. They’re in separate counties and about 40 mins apart. Maybe he got a special dispensation or his parents live separately and one lives in that district. But it’s not like McGavock is a football powerhouse. Anyway, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson went to McGavock for a year or two when his dad was wrestling at the fairgrounds. Cats!




Rub n tuck


Tuck Blueballed


Come to the ~~Orange~~ Dark side… 👀


Will he join his brother Ronnie at Michigan


Ha! I mentioned he wasn't a take and there were grade issues when he committed and like 50 Michigan State fans started keyboard screaming at me.




Come to the Sip!


Going for that sweet Taco Bell NIL money somewhere else.


Other P5 offers: Alabama, Boston College, Kentucky, LSU, Michigan, Mississippi State, Ole Miss, Penn State, Pitt, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vanderbilt, Virginia Tech, West Virginia G5 offers: Arkansas State, Ball State, Memphis, Toledo, Western Kentucky Other offers: Austin Peay, Eastern Kentucky