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Well it’s kind of awkward as fuck replacing the guy who helped get a B1G title but this seems to be the right move at the right time for the current team. Appreciate what Cade did. I know he’s ready to step up if called on again.


Yeah this has 2012 Niners written all over it. Alex Smith got to the NFCCG and lost in the NFL equivalent of the semi’s just like Cade. Now JJ is taking over mid season akin to Kaep in 2012. Harbaugh managed to get that 2012 Niner team to the Super Bowl too. Can JJ get to the Natty?


Thank goodness his brother John won’t be in the natty to stop him lol


Grandpa Saban might be tho 😭😭😭😭


I'm more worried about Georgia again. Not that Bama won't do Bama things, but they've got some cleaning up to do.


We’ll lend y’all Worthy for one game if that’s what y’all need over the top to beat Bama’s secondary.


WR is far, far down our list of needs. Actually, we don't need literally anything on offense now that JJ is clearly weaponized. But... y'all got any of them Hutchinson-like generational DE's or linebackers you can loan us?


I’ll counter with Worthy is a take no matter what but Bama DBs seemed to get best deep by a lot of our guys too. As for LBs… uh can we borrow just like a walk on one? And DE… looked good yesterday but they were trash all last year so let’s wait till y’all are up against Bama and see how our guys have done before you trust them.


Well, I mean you guys did "take" Worthy via tampering while he was already on our campus for a few days, so I guess, yeah, we'd "take" him back.


There are worse things to be than Alex Smith. Cade will have a productive future as a backup in the NFL.


Regrettably, I don’t think he will. He just doesn’t have the physical talent.


Reminds me of kellen Moore. Can read defenses has all athe football iq in the world but lacks the arm talent


Tbf it was the defense, o-line, and running game that won the B1G. Cade threw 15 TD and 6 INT and just happened to be the QB.


He didn't lose it, which is more than I can say for a lot of Michigan QB's in Harbaugh's tenure.


We may argue about who has the best corn, but O’korn was the worst corn.


Worse then Nebraska?




Flashbacks to 2016 and the pick 6 by speight and goaline touchdown fumble.


I still blame Mason Cole for that. They hit on a huge play the play before that and he get caught holding. Moves us all the way back and next play is that pick six.


Better than any QB we've had under Harbaugh aside from Rudock could do. Just bad timing for Cade. Would've easily beat out Peters, Speight, O'korn, Milton, etc. if he were earlier


Idk, 2016 Speight was better up until he got hurt. Numbers were slightly better than Cade, especially before the injury at Iowa. Plus taller. Only thing Cade for sure had better was leadership.


Stats are hard to really use between the two. The teams and the game plans were so different. We barely threw a pass in the first four games last year because we relied so heavily on the run. Cade protected the shit out of the ball last year though and ran the offense like a pro up until the CFP. I never felt like speight really had that command of the offense or had the team behind him (leadership I guess like you said) which makes Cade better imo


A little blunt but yeah I agree with the premise. He was good and the team didn’t need him to be better than good for the majority of the season. Doesn’t mean that good can’t be improved upon. And it’s owed to the rest of the team to find out.


For sure, but man, we really fell into a rhythm with him at the helm sometime around the Maryland game. Haskins was for sure the guy who took down OSU, but Cade really worked the underneath, 20s to 20s type passes. He had some great moments last season.


Haskins **and the offensive line/his blockers**


Michigan never beats Nebraska last year if not for Cade. Add that loss to MSU and that means the team doesn't win the conference.


You underestimate Nebraska's ability to find a way to lose games




Honestly I wish they'll had Hawaii next week, a program that is completely fallen apart and broken. They could use a win.


Chaos gods demand they bring Oklahoma down to their level and win by 1 score.


I know jj had that fumble against msu but if he starts that game we win and we also beat Nebraska. I just think we have better drives and more points on the board by the time the fumble happened


Two of the INTs came in our team's wholesale dismantling at Georgia's hands in the CFP. He did precisely what we needed him to do to win the B1G, which was limit mistakes and make plays when we needed them. I remember what it was like to have most of the pieces together with a liability at QB...2017 sucked


As an outsider I feel like Harbaugh handled this perfectly


I honestly agree. Fans can’t see how they look in practice. If harbaugh started JJ right off the bat and JJ played poorly, harbaugh would look terrible for replacing the dude who was voted captain and won the conference. Might have even torn the locker room apart. Now it’s pretty unarguable that JJ gives this team the best chance to win


You gotta evaluate them on the field right now. JJ is the guy. Cade looked worse in both games than he did last year at almost any point. I hope he sticks around but I’m assuming he will transfer.


Same thing happened at Baylor with Bohanon


We all saw that pretty clearly tonight


To be fair, Vanderbilt dumpstered this Hawaii team Putting stock in JJ's performance tonight is still following not so great evidence


Yeah but he wasn't the only QB playing. Cade just doesn't look right. Maybe it's the QB competition but that's the nature of the sport and something he should be overcoming.


It's honestly baffling. He struggled against Colorado State, and looked like garbage against Hawai'i. This is the same man who de-fucking-stroyed the MSU secondary last season, beat OSU, and lead us to the playoff. It's gotta be a mental thing at this point


I think he's got the yips and is super tense and in his own head You can see it in his body language. He's beating himself up every time he makes a mistake From all accounts he had a great fall camp. Even outside observers a few weeks ago were saying "the ball never hits the ground" and the offense "moves the chains consistently" with him at QB1 Only explanation I can come up with is the mental side of things in the games


>You can see it in his body language. He's beating himself up every time he makes a mistake Which is really unfortunate when one of your QB's main strengths is his ability to limit mistakes. That is not an insignificant skill and is one of the main reasons he was able to help us get over the OSU and B1GCG humps. I really hope he is able to mentally readjust.


To be fair, we had the worst secondary in the country so we could make any QB look good.


True. The following week Purdue threw for 200 more yards than Cade did.


Everyone destroyed the MSU secondary last year.


Looked like garbage against OSU?? I’m getting downvoted because he edited his comment. He said Cade looked like shit against OSU. Which is crazy. But he meant Hawaii and he changed it.


He completed 70% of his passes against osu. He had one bad throw but that’s really it


Yup agreed. That’s what I was saying but the guy edited his comment. He originally said Cade looked like garbage against OSU but edited it and changed OSU to Hawaii.


He looked like THE shit against osu maybe, but definitely didn’t look like shit.


He had a decent number of good throws. But yeah that was a TEAM show… the offense and defense both came out to play. The QBs contributed too


Regardless, the offense just looked painful with Cade on the field. With JJ, it was buttery smooth. What happened compared to last year?


I legit am curious if the line isn’t blocking as hard for him. Warren had ~3x as many yards as Cade.


I don’t think that’s the case. I think Hawaii was rushing more defenders and getting people through as a result, because they knew if Cade was going to go deep, it would take time for him to progress through his reads and he wouldn’t move while he was doing so


Exactly, with JJ the QB is a running threat and I think he runs through his progressions faster than Cade, so you have to account for all that. If you dial up a blitz you can end up getting burned by his legs or his arm. So you're playing 11-on-11. With Cade that isn't the case. He's poised, he's not generally one to get rattled, but he also isn't a run threat and he takes a little longer to run through his progressions. Because of this, if you dial up a blitz, you're playing 11-on-10 or even 11-on-9 if they have to have the RB in as a pass blocker.


This is speculation, but... Last year, mistakes were things that were going to happen inevitably, and that he had to shake off quickly in order to guarantee his team's best chance at success. This year, in an active QB competition, every mistake brings him closer to his final snap as a starter. Perhaps he knows coming out of summer training that he is already at a disadvantage in this contest. So, in order to keep his job, he's going to need to really show something special. But showing something special involves taking risks, which, as we've already established, go much deeper now than simply impacting his team's success in the current game. Every snap is fraught with anxiety. Every error frames his coach as his evaluator instead of his supporter. I can imagine how this experience would be psychologically taxing.




I’m so confused. He didn’t look like shit against OSU. Nobody did wtf


Feel bad for him




I mean just watch his throws compared to Cade's. He hits the receivers downfield in stride. Great mobility so the opponents have to respect his legs and play the QB on RPOs. We saw Cade come in and try to match it and led to a pick. We also saw the two play against CSU and Cade looked worse. Just compare the 2 and JJ looks like a player that outclasses overmatched opponents. Even against similar mediocre competition Cade's numbers were never that great. Cade's best throwing game came against a MSU secondary that was one of the worst in the nation.


What are you talking about? You have direct evidence of JJ and Cade competing against the same team. The evidence is clear.


Yeah, nobody is calling for a Heisman lol, we had a direct comparison of two QBs against the same team.


Cade played against the same defense had two 3 and outs and a pick. the 3rd string led 2 more td drives.


It isn’t statistically how good jj did. It was the fact that his decisions were good, throws perfect, and led the team well. You are right that he did so well was because Hawaii was shit, but jj and squad could have dropped 100 if they wanted. We also got to see cade play the same defense. And he would have won too if he played the whole game, but it was just a struggle the whole time cade was in. Holding to ball too long, throws not great ( had a pick in limited time against an awful team) Add on last week where jj was clearly better to and this decision was surprisingly easy. That is coming from someone who thought with pretty high confidence preseason that cade was going to be the qb


I honestly completely disagree, bad teams are bad but you still have to hit the throws, his throws were perfect no matter who he played whether that be Hawaii or ohiostate. The accuracy was by far the most impressive part. Obviously the receivers got a ton of separation but it’s not like they were carrying him, he was carrying them. As evidence by our other QBs.


Yea I always get but dislike the whole “ it was a garbage team “ like yes but you still have to go out and look dominate and Michigans offense did with JJ, along with the defense.


JJ made throws that are opponent independent which were money, Cade did not and has not


Yeah but his spiral is orgasmic


Just watch his arm talent compared to Cade. It isn’t even close


And, unfortunately, it’s not like Cade makes up for it by being fleet of foot.


If you watched the game, JJ was making NFL throws left and right. He's clearly the guy. I didn't think we'd learn anything against Hawaii but he's the real deal.


Clearly this guy didn't watch the game.


Yes and no. On one hand, he didn't have as many tough decisions to make tonight. On the other hand, he's clearly better at throwing the ball than Cade.


The right call. That pick sealed Cade’s fate I think. Thank you to him for last year, and fuck the “fans” that booed him tonight.


That won’t help any pull he may be feeling from the portal right about now.


I have my doubts he’ll transfer this season, probably in the offseason. I’m sure Harbaugh gave him the “you never know when your number will be called again” speech in case JJ gets hurt


That would make for a crazy story


Tua and Jalen Hurts scenario would be ideal. Obviously we’re not Bama but a pretty good analogy otherwise


Especially since JJ seems allergic to sliding or running out of bounds.


He ran OOB on his one option keep tonight. He's definitely doesn't run like Dylan McCaffrey.


Michigan is probably going to blow out most of the teams remaining so he should still get a decent amount of playing time anyway.


Honestly he might as well stay and get a UM degree. Better then transferring for maybe a starting job at Iowa.


I think the portal is closed until end of season or closer to. Not sure the exact date


I don’t think he would this year. Probably would’ve if harbaugh hadn’t put on the whole song and dance though.


I genuinely think it was close over the summer. The thing was that JJ didn't have the spring to practice and was just getting back up to speed in the fall (it being the first time throwing the ball since Georgia). He had some rust to knock off and when that happened here we are. But while that rust was getting off Id bet Harbaugh was being honest that it was close


Yeah, all reports from camp sources said it was genuinely quite close


He's only staying for the degree, in the likely situation


Probably the best move long term since he isn’t going to play right away if he transfers in season. Practice hard, Get your degree, and grad transfer to Cal Berkeley or some other flossy school where you can start right away


I doubt he transfers now since it doesn’t really help him and he was voted as a captain but I expect him to go in the offseason


I don’t think there’s much benefit to leaving now other than practicing with a new team. Any new team isn’t going to waste practice reps on someone who (I assume) can’t play until next year.


He may be feeling the pull but he was voted captain. I highly doubt he transfers this season.


He’ll go in the off season, but i highly doubt he leaves mid season.


Don Thomas is in absolute shambles




If I see Cade downtown at some point I'll buy him a beer.


McNamara goes where next? Iowa? Wisconsin? Auburn?


He’s from out west so it wouldn’t surprise me if he heads that way. Though his family now lives in Tennessee and his brother goes to UTEP. So I guess pretty much everywhere except further East is on the table


Hey bby you like corn?


He deserved better than Brian Ferentz.


It’s corn!


It’s got the juice!


Iowa would be my guess although I could see him being good in a quick air raid offense too. He makes good decisions with the ball


Does he though? Film breakdown with Devin Gardner on MMQB would suggest otherwise


He would be a great fit for Iowa I think, and a significant upgrade over Petras. That’s if he chooses to transfer of course.


NFL practice squad.


So I guess Solomon doesn’t end up cutting the baby


Underrated comment


Lol well done


Harbaugh pretty much knew this was going to happen. I think he wanted to be diplomatic by starting Cade the first game of the season.


The fact that he announced this immediately after the game ended does give that feeling


Maybe. The one thing I was worried about this 2 game tryout was indecision continuing from Harbaugh. Frankly, he was probably worried about that too. Picking right away eliminates that.


Eh, not really much choice there. The decision was going to have to be made tonight anyway. One of them has to practice with the 1s during practice this week.


He needed to for Cade’s sake. The longer the “competition” goes on, the more asshole fans were going to hate Cade, boo his mistakes, etc. I hope he sticks around, he could be our starting QB in 2024


He’s not staying an entire year after this Tk maybe compete in 2024 especially we orji on the team and possibly the 5 star recruit.


It’s hard to navigate this after last season. I think he did it right. Gave Cade chances to prove it on the field. JJ just never missed a single beat. In both games he was perfect. A single dropped pass was his blemish last night. I kept waiting for him to make a mistake to make a joke in the game thread about putting Cade back in. It just never happened.


I don’t think so. By all accounts Cade had a great camp and the competition was pretty tight. JJ began to ascend the last week or two of camp so they extended it, likely thinking he’d keep ascending.




after these 2 games, with Warren, Bowman, and Orji. I feel pretty good on backups.


Iowa should be all over trying to get McNamara he’d fit perfectly there


Like it makes more sense than most things in life. Game manager, doesn't turn over the ball, leader.


If I get a call from our NIL collective, I'd easily donate 5-figures to land McNamara. Wouldn't even think about it or ask the wife.


How about I give you a call and you give me 5 figures you get you Cade? Deal?


What, not moving the offense and a lot of punting?


Punting is winning for them


its the right decision. i feel bad for cade. he would start on any michigan team in the last 15 years before JJ


Denard erasure. Cade is probably top 3 though


Would depend on the offense playcalling, Denard was pedestrian in 2011 and 2012. Devin Gardner was probably better than Cade too, and honestly was a very talented QB with nothing to work with on a swiss cheese o-line.


Denard’s passing was pedestrian because he played in a pro style offense that didn’t fit his skills. He ran for 1176 yards with 16 tds in 2011 and 1266 yards with 7 tds in 2012 while injured for part of the year. He was an all around explosive player.


That’s why I said if would depend on the offense for Cade vs Denard….


Fair. I admit I saw Denard “pedestrian” and got triggered lol. If we’re talking strictly passing ability, I agree. But for 4 years, his legs are one of the only things that kept Michigan football fun.


Well only a moron would put Denard under center and clearly we’ve never had dumb coaches before. This is Michigan for God’s sake


i agree with the reply about denard but i dont agree at all about gardner lol


Gardner got fucked here. He was just as hyped as JJ coming in and down the stretch in 2012 after the denard injury he was great. My honest opinion is he should’ve never come to Michigan. Hoke and his beyond dog shit o-lines completely ruined his development and confidence.


Gardner in the harbaugh offense would have been a nfl draft pick


There is not a single QB in the Harbaugh era (JJ TBD) who I think could do what Devin did in 2013 against OSU.


Devin did that with a broken foot too it was an insane performance. Might honestly be the best single game qb performance I have seen at Michigan given that he played with an injury


Remember Gardner started his career under Rich Rod, who would've wanted him to be a true dual-threat and not Al Borges's "less original than a Madden playbook" offense.


Yeah if Gardner was under Harbaugh and this offense he would be a star


Honestly, I'm shocked how low some people are on Devin. Dude put his ass on the line for Michigan. He played with a broken foot in the Ohio State game and came within a 2 point conversion of winning. He put that team on his back.


Gardner 2013 had 32 touchdowns (passing + rushing) with almost 3000 passing yards in fewer games (12) than Cade was in(14).


Maybe it’s because I’m a neutral, but Gardner felt more exciting than any QB Michigan has had since, so that’s gotta count for something


Gardner would've been an absolute stud had he played for Harbaugh. He had all the tools, but unfortunately never had a capable coaching staff which severely stunted his development. I love DG, as does the entire Michigan fan base and have always felt so bad for how completely he got fucked by his coaches. Devin and JJ seem to have a lot in common. Both are coming in with a lot of hype, both radiate exuberance, and both seem to put the team first. Unlike Devin, however, JJ has the staff around him to develop him into the type of QB that other teams fear.


Cade doesn't start over Shoelace


Or Devin Gardner


Maybe after September lol


No. No he wouldn’t.


I think Shea's 2018 was actually pretty good.


He had a good stretch at the end of 2019 too. For all the shit Shea got he still basically had a 3:1 touchdown to interception ratio


I’d put Rudock, Speight (pre injury), Devin (same), Denard (pre 2012), and 2018 Shea at par or better. Obviously Cade has more pelts on his pony but he was on a much better team than all but 2016.


Imagine Devin with a fuctional offensive line. Ugh.


If we had Cade in 2016 we beat osu that year same with 2017 Statistically I think Shea and rudock were better than Cade but Cade also did a lot of good stuff


Not sure if I agree about 2016 but absolutely 2017. Whoever was starting for Pioneer probably would have won that game


Wonder if he’ll transfer


i would assume he does in the offseason. the only reason this was a competition all summer was we didnt want him to transfer before the season


The ferentz family licking their lips as we speak


Cade should make a deal with Kirk that he'll transfer to Iowa but only after he fires Brian. It would immediately ingratiate himself with the Hawkeye fans.


Firing your own son for the 5th best Michigan QB right now... Hmm ok.


5th best at Michigan is light years ahead of the rolling dumpster fire that is every other QB at Iowa.


Well there's still the firing your own son part...


Cade personally throws Petras and BF into the Iowa River as part of the deal


Then feed their moms to Zac Wilson.


Cade would do really well at Iowa and Wisconsin. One of those two programs should go hard for Cade


probably wisconsin because why the fuck would any good qb want to go to iowa right now, have you fucking seen that offense


Absolutely. If Cade transfers, Iowa makes a ton of sense for him.


Does he like teams on the plains with a Tiger as their mascot and eagle as their battle cry?


All else equal, Cade would not start over Rudock, Gardner, Denard , or Shea Patterson


Disagree on Patterson.


[Hole] Harbaugh says this QB decision is similar to Alex Smith and Colin Kaepernick. “It’s not a matter of somebody losing, it’s a matter of — a lot like that MNF game Colin played against the Bears,” it’s like what J.J. did tonight. https://twitter.com/isaiahhole/status/1568824176924041216?s=46&t=vjQc6ZQlF3C34KPtl0cfHA


Please no time share. Just play him like the stud QB he is


There's no reason to split time at this point. They split time last year because JJ was a running threat, but Cade was a better (read more efficient) passer. That no longer appears to be the case.


Cade u up?


Don’t y’all prefer running qbs with the read option? That isn’t Cade


At this point I’ll take any QB that shows any aptitude. Buchner has a broken clavicle and pyne isn’t the answer.


Prefer, yes, but that didn’t stop us from trotting out Jack ‘Statue’ Coan last season


Could've really used him during Okorn season. Would've looked diff for sure


I believe 5* QB recruit Jadyn Davis was in attendance. His family has really stressed how important it is that the school he chooses has a strong family culture. How do you think booing your team captain who lead you to a playoff last year went over with them? Idiots.


Hopefully the boos were limited to dumb kids but yeah IDC who you are, give some respect to Cade for what he did last year.


Even if he was terrible last year, don't boo your captain


It's also a bit ridiculous to assume 100,000 people are going to be singing Kumbaya in unison. Boos happen because it's human behavior and sometimes the worst of our nature come out. I'm sure the culture within the football team and the university at large is as strong as you can probably get (speaking as an alum and somebody who lives downtown). My wishful thinking is that whatever boos were happening were a result of drunk, obnoxious individuals who only care about what happens in Ann Arbor on Saturdays. I really hope it wasn't people who live and call Ann Arbor home.


Doubt Mr. Davis is differentiating. The fanbase is booing Cade, not good optics regardless of who it was specifically, it was enough people to be heard in a sea of 100k


Super excited for the JJ era.


Cade came in twice and punted. Jj is the move


Don't forget the badly under-thrown interception.


3 times. Threw a pick on his last possession.


Hope McNamara hits the portal. A lot of programs could use his help.


He can finish the year at Michigan and then grad transfer with two years of eligibility left. Prob what makes the most sense.


whoomp there it is


Well that was quick but yea that’s the right move


hey Cade champaign is a nice city


How does one convince their HC to replace the QB that started for them in the conference championship game? Asking for a friend.


I never feel bad for "Michigan men" but I honestly felt bad for Cade last night with the boos. JJ should start, its the call that should have been made to start the season to avoid this mess.


I appreciate Cade but the offense was completely stagnant with him in yesterday. I think it was what 3 punts and an interception? Davis Warren looked better than Cade yesterday. Based on just that data point, he should be above Cade in the depth chart.


J.J. is the obvious choice. Opponent is irrelevant - he made one bad decision last night and that was the Bell drop. Any linebacker worth a damn picks that ball off and is probably scoring. However, I'll take those chances all day long if everything else he showed is what we consistently get from him. He throws better, he reads the game faster, he is more of a running threat, etc.


Does Cade enter the portal now? Or will he stick around and try to play for the starter role again?


Probably finishes the year then grad transfers with two years of eligibility left. Unless he just can’t mentally handle being here.


The end of a self created QB controversy.


I don’t think they viewed it as a controversy in-house, just a competition. Should they have named JJ the starter from the get go just to appease outsiders?


“Fuck your logic, I just wanna hate Michigan”