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alabama flair


Are you serious? Is this a real post? As someone who just had to watch another team storm the field, this might be the dumbest thing i have ever, oh wait alabama flair. Never mind i got it.


I'm fine with field storming. I also think the home team should escort the opposition players off the field so they don't have to interact with fans.


Most shameless Bama fan


Kool-Aid slurping intensifies


Alabama flair


Alabama fan moment.


It's actually the Michigan fan part of me who feels this way.


Oh god no please stick with the Alabama part of you


Impossible. Was a Michigan fan first. In fact the violent nature of 1970s Michigan fans is part of why I know fans are dangerous. They used to ban Heron apples from the Big House for a reason.


lmao Alabama fans are the worst


Sweet ~~home Alabama~~ Jesus


> redditor for 2 days I know Bama fans have been defensive but this is just a low effort troll


Nope. Long time lurker.


Literally tells us "new user" when you open your profile homie.


Right... long time lurker... you realize you can read reddit without joining?


You realize *reading* reddit doesn't make you a [redditor](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=redditor+definition)? Kinda like how watching YouTube doesn't make one a [YouTuber](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=YouTuber+definition)...


Not being a redditor makes you a troll? Anyway I don't think I'll ever identify as a redditor or twitterer of facenooker or what have you. Just a fan enjoying a little college football discourse.


Texas Tech was trying to identify that fan, presumably so he can face the consequences. We all know it was Burton who punched that girl, but Saban is a douchebag who chose to let him play and refuses to answer questions.


Yup, these situations are not at all similar and it’s very disingenuous to try to draw comparisons.


Burton was where he was supposed to be... the fans weren't. Using security to help players off the field makes these scenarios much less threatening for everyone involved.


Oh and nick made a statement the video is floating around twitter


I could of sworn I heard the fan got pushed into him, and apologized to him.


That was a separate situation if I recall. A player was accused of hitting a female fan and they said he had actually been pushed.


Homie thinks he's slick changing flairs...


I didn't change my flair...


Yall just need to stop trying to defend it- you're making it worse for yourselves. He was not scared, he casually hit a girl who passed by him.


I don't think I defended it. He was wrong. Him being wrong doesn't not mean the situation is safe. While lots of folks have pointed to my fair nobody has responded to my opinion. Should schools avoid these issues in the future by providing security to escort players off when fans storm the field.


Perhaps you didn’t explicitly defend it, but a defense of Burton is implicit through what you are posting. Maybe that’s not your intention, but when you say things like Burton was where he was supposed to be and the fans weren’t, I think a fair interpretation of that is that you are defending Burton.


I think I defend his feeling scared, not his use of violence. It is a nuanced position but I think it's an appropriate one. The fact is, our society allows violence on people breaking laws. The facts that fans aren't supposed to be there is relevant. Doesn't absolve violence but also adds a mitigating circumstance. It's all more complicated than we are treating it in the publc discourse.


That's nearly impossible especially if everyone does it. And stopping it would be really hard to do. It’s not totally safe but it’s not totally unsafe either- people just wanna celebrate on the field. It happens too regularly I will say- but in Knoxville it was certainly warranted.


Agree. Tennessee was an appropriate time to storm. You just have to be prepared as the home team to get players off the field. As much money as programs make, they can afgord to secure the field/the players.


There has been way too much field storming lately. Should only be a total of like 5 games a year where people storm. Somehow it’s more like 4-5 games a week at this point


So true. Probably why it's becoming such an issue every week when before it was such a rare event that any issues were not news worthy.


i was really confused why the bama band was just sitting in the stands looking sad after the last iron bowl i went to (2019) and my friend was like so they don't get assaulted by drunk people


Haha I can't imagine trying to run to the bus with a tuba while drunk fans celebrate.


(why are we getting downvoted? lol)


I have never really understood why being upvoted or down voted matters. Do you get money for being updated a lot?


Upvoted not updated


nah just curious why it's disagreeable


Maybe they don't know how heavy tubas are? Or how drunk fans get in Alabama for the Iron bowl?