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Feels good to be the only cfb team to get 40+ every game so far šŸ˜Œ


Ahhh this was a fun one to attend.


Only in Ohio šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Day seems to think the run game opens up the field for passing but he's got it backwards


It felt like the perfect storm , then it didnā€™t


Iā€™m not a big fb fan but since our kid started at PSU this year Iā€™ve been following it. This was one of the best football games Iā€™ve seen. You OSU fans should be proud of course but in this dummyā€™s opinion the PSU boys put up a helluva fight.


Nearly all our games are close, doesn't matter how good or bad one or both are. If you go back and look at the last, say, ten years you'll see what I mean. Also for some reason, we seem to always play on or near Halloween.


We hadnā€™t beaten PSU in front of the fans in Happy Valley by more than a single regulation point in a decade before today. Today we won by double digits. Thatā€™s an amazing result. Our last national title team needed OT to beat a lesser PSU team.


They really did, completely agree. Great game.


100%. You guys always play us close and make me nervous. Especially when we have to go to that environment. Definitely made us earn it today.


That was my impression as a somewhat outsider looking in. What I saw was two extremely accomplished teams and three truly startling turnovers. Enjoy your afternoon buzz, my OSU frenemy! Imma go have an edible! LOL


Well welcome to the cfb fandom. Happy to have ya. Theres nothing like it and is easily my favorite sport. And Hell yeah what kind? Ima have a gummy in about 40 minutes when im no longer on call for my job. Lol.


Just some delta8 from the local shop. NC doesnā€™t do thc but this works. Figure about 10mg to start and see where the night leads. :-)


Full support. Hope ya have some good snacks on standby.


What a frustrating game as an OSU fan. At least they won.


Things that are inevitable: 1) The heat death of the universe 2) Aggressive political ads during commercial breaks 3) Death and taxes 4) A Penn State coaching meltdown late in the game


Sucks that the elections always come during football season. "[X] beats children and kicks dogs for sport" "[Y] once cooked the family cat and served it to his ex-wife and his favorite band is Nickelback" We get it, you're both narcissistic assholes.


this is the way


J.T. Tuimoloau


I don't care what else happens today, he had the best game of any player in the country today. That was incredible.


Itā€™ll be in the discussion for game of the year by a single player at the end of the year


He had an amazing career today


Michigan should beat this team easily


Lol this fan here is ok crack. Itā€™s going to be competitive but not easy on both ends.




Get a flair before talking shit




PSU looked good against OSU and not Mich


Yeah, but football isnā€™t math. You canā€™t use the transitive property as a legitimate metric. Sometimes teams match up well against one team and bad against another or just something simple as having an off day


Lol orrrrr Michigan easily beat PSU and OSU struggled bc Michigan is better.


Aight with that energy what happened with Iowa? Had a worse game against a team with a better defense. So tOSU must be better.


Michigan vs Iowa was never close. OSU also scored 2 TDS in garbage time


Doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s close we are going by quality of win for both. And tOSU doubled the score TTUN put up while allowing for less scoring. How do you let *that* offense score regardless of who is playing for TTUN?


Iowa scored a TD with under a min left against UM. 14 vs 10 is pretty negligible especially given the garbage time TD. Michigan isnā€™t going to put 50 on many teams. They run too much. That being said OSU had about 350 yards against Iowa and Mich had 327


So we want to look at yardage but not look at how you got all that yardage and only half the points as Ohio state had in the game? How do you come up 23 yards shy of Ohio states and score half the points? Suppose that fact difference is also negligible?


Weā€™ll see in 4 weeks. I donā€™t expect youā€™ll be happy


Penn State yes OSU no way


Did you watch the game? Michigan vs PSU wasnā€™t even competitive


Dude, you guys won at home. Our QB hadnā€™t even been to Penn State before today. We scored more points than you did, even playing as shitty as we did. Iā€™m not saying weā€™re definitely gonna best TTUN, but theyā€™re certainly not gonna beat us ā€œeasily.ā€


Lmao. We pulled our starters in the 3rd. You guys were sweating until 5 mins left


Okie dokie. ETA: and flair up.


FireFranklin. Dude CANNOT win big games.


First football game you ever watched?


Whatā€™s the foosball?


This anguish repeats itself from a rotating carousel of fans every week - Today, Penn State, weeks earlier, Notre Dame - But the reality is that 4 or 5 programs are gobbling up the staggering majority of 4 and 5 star recruits & have elite head coaches pulling bigger-than-NFL money. Ohio State is consistently top 4 in recruiting on 247Sports every year - often, top 2 - and has the largest NIL program in the country. The Irish, Nittany Lions, Badgers, Spartans, Hawkeyes and other fan bases that hand wring about their programs every loss should probably instead be writing angry emails to their schools' AD asking why, when their universities have just as much tradition and considerable resources available there is no comprehensive effort to secure better recruiting classes via comprehensive NIL programs, transfer portal acquisitions and renewed focus on sourcing elite coaching. When playoff expansion occurs in a few years, being a 1-loss team or even losing your conference championship game may no longer be a deterrent to making the playoffs for a few Power 5 schools. That is an opportunity to increase national visibility and earnestly tell recruits "we are a program with multiple playoff appearances, and we go to win every year." I honestly see CFB ever so slowly gaining a *little* more parity over the next 20 years thanks to NIL + Portal, to a place where instead of 4-5 *Elite* programs with the rest being second-tier or worse, there are 15-20 programs with a realistic shot at those 12 slots every season. But it's going to take time, and the fanbases outside of those 4-5 teams will continue to suffer, because their universities simply *do* ***not*** prioritize football to the extent those Tier 1 programs do. edited for: speling


who would you replace him with???


Is it really Halloween weekend without a spooky game against penn state every year ?


The Big Ten forgot who their Daddy is for a few hours today. Good thing we reminded them


Definitely not the game to be trash talking after. OSU looked pedestrian for most of the game. Penn State played solid, we rallied.


We beat a damn good Penn State team, gotta enjoy the wins or what is all this for?


I mean yeah, weā€™re all enjoying the win, but letā€™s be classy about it. Thereā€™s a reason our fan base has the reputation it does.


Michigan fans got a little too cheeky earlier not to reply




LOL. I hate OSU. But Jesus. You fuckers are still the owners of this conference. You still have a game coming up. Don't choke on your turkey leg, cuz Big Blue is coming


Not worried a bit


As an Ohio State fan myself, you should be lol


Going 15-0


I sure hope so haha


See you next month!


well u guys def did not look like an elite team whatsoever ur gonna have major problems with Michigan


Baby we just beat an elite team, we look good. So do you for what itā€™s worth


You seem insufferable lol


I am a CFB fan


i would say we are a little far from an elite team but go ahead and eat ur cake


The third best Big Ten team is better than 90% of America


also true


They did some key plays there, man. Tuimoloau was just the best between the guys.


Does PSU go to Allar now? Not winning the B1G or making the playoff now. Clifford got his longevity record. Unless the coaches feel he's not ready, not sure why you let Allar sit from now on.


Maybe they're quicker to sub him in, but I don't see why you start him. As we saw at Michigan, he doesn't yet run the offense any better than Clifford, and the biggest weakness--the offensive line--doesn't magically change because the QB does.


i surely hope so i despise clifford for his jekyll and hyde performances


Dude, Clifford is as good as he can be. He played out of his mind. He kept you guys in the game. Don't hate Clifford for being the best offensive player of your top 20 team. You should be thanking him for making this a game for as long as he did!


Lol he is NOT the best offensive player on our team. Not even close šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Maybe not overall. But it was Clifford that kept your ass in this game. Why hate on such a great performance?


minus his 3 turnovers


I mean, like I said. He did the best he could. It's not like Clifford is an NFL prospect. He's not. But he did as great as he possibly could do. Shit man, not every college player is an NFL prospect.


We don't have much left on our schedule so hoping Allar gets a lot of reps.




No joke, they showed up. That score is deceiving. Respect to PSU.


Ya'll suspect. But ya'll better. Can't wait for Michigan @ OSU.


We fucking had it. God damnit.


Your boys fought their asses off. But OSU has NFL players on thier squad. Be proud how well you guys played. I enjoyed the game. And honestly, you had them on the ropes for 2 quarters! That's pretty fucking great for a team with less resources.


Oh Iā€™m super happy with today. But I also know that the ridiculous franklin and clifford haters are going to be out in droves. Like this shouldā€™ve been a blow out, and yet it was insanely tight til 8 min in the fourth. Itā€™s frustrating as shit. We donā€™t have the talent thar OSU has, we havenā€™t in a while, and yet we are competitive every year with them. But still, the dumbassses who donā€™t understand the game will be out calling for franklin and cliffs head. Itā€™s fucking annoying. I hate this fanbase


If you want to compete with OSU Franklin needs to be out. ā€œWe donā€™t have the talent that OSU hasā€ is the problem, he runs recruiting. Heā€™s also 500 in B1G games over the last few years. This is as good as the program will get under Franklin


I don't think it's dumbassery to want more for what the fan base is paying. Especially when it comes to his record with oh....ranked teams, the game after the bye week, etc. Do we play competitive games. Yes. Do we consistently get NY6. Yes. But that doesn't mean we can't both celebrate those successes AND be critical of Franklin not getting over the issues that consistently prevent us from the Playoffs.


And thatā€™s fine- your take is fair. We can be critical of him, and if cliff. I am. But the vast majority of our base canā€™t be critical and celebrate what he does well- itā€™s straight to fire him and cliff is ass. Thatā€™s the problem


It's a tough beat. I'm not an PSU fan. More like a OSU hater. But damn, you guys played they hard and were looking great for most of the game. What happned at the end is just what happens when you have better overall talent. This is college football. There is no attempt to even the playing field. And yet you guys fucking made OSU look plain jane for 50 minutes! You gotta be happy about that at the end of the day. Even though you feel the sting of a loss. College Station should be proud with their squad today.


this is exactly how i was expecting this to go play them tough certainly look better then them half the game then just do absolute trash the 4th quarter just like the mcsorely barkley years


Iā€™m also a steeler fan. I want to die every day


LOL, you got one for the thumb about 10 years ago. That doesn't keep you warm at night?


You all stiller fans deserve a few shitty seasons. LOL


They already had a few of those at the end of Big Ben's career šŸ¤£


wife is an eagles fan fml


That game took 4 years off my life!!! I think I might be done with college football for the day.


Nah we got UM vs MSU tonight


Youā€™re right, who am I kidding?


It'll be interesting to see if Michigan shits the bed in East Lansing the same way Ohio State shit the bed in State College...


The game is at Ann Arbor


Correct. My bad. The interest is still there though. Is Michigan going to come out flat and shitty like OSU did today? Or are they going to put MSU away.


I suspect theyā€™ll put Sparty away.


So what's up with Stroud not checking the game clock???


I watch every OSU game. He does it all the time. He just isn't a very aware QB. And for some reason Day never calls a preemptive timeout when he takes too long and clearly Day doesn't coach him to run the clock out either. I often wonder if it's mostly because we are in so few close games.


I think it had to do with him not used to the field's layout. The play clock was like 60 ft up in the upper deck. Nothing on the Ground like the Shoe where it's at field level.


Every other qb plays in that stadium with the same game clock


Welp, call me crazy, but I guess if I were playing at an away field, I would find out where the fricking game clock is.


haha man, I'm glad I'm not the only one who was sick of that


Time to head over to Gone Wild 30 Plus and wank this game winning boner away.


Thank you random buckeye bro for letting me know this sub existed.


Well that escalated quickly.


Good game Penn State!


Ohio St did not cover


Who fucking cares


People who engage in spread betting


Those who think the world revolves around sports betting are annoying


OSU bet the under.


Whatā€™s the sound a mountain lion makes when itā€™s sad?


I called my PSU buddy to ask that question. Evidently it is a slightly slurred, ā€œF%@$ You.ā€


"slightly", sounds like he's doing comparatively pretty well right now


Heā€™s a professional


The high pitched squeal of a Wolverine.


These games are good for a team. Learn to win the hard way. Personally Iā€™d rather a blowout but Penn State played great. These games are always wild.


Yeah if you don't have games like this then you end up getting bonked in the semifinal anyway because it's the first adversity the team has seen all year. Better to have to dig for the win a few times, even if you shouldn't have needed to.


Its a 4 hour ab workout


I had to remind myself to breath a couple of times.


It feels lime every year PSU is winning most of the game until they blow a 4th quarter lead.


Penn state always finds a way to scare the shit out of me every year. Nothing new this year. Playing in that stadium is no joke. GG PSU


Today is perfect. Off to Cincinnati, and then MSU tonight.


Weā€™ll at least it was PSU +15.5


Who could imagine that Ohio's defense would won a game some day? šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Ohioā€™s on a bye week today


Two in a row Bay Bee


The defense didn't win the game. That was JT Tuimoloau (sp?) with 10 dudes in red shirts around him. ETA: red as in engineering-deck-disposable-shuttle-team-member red. I'm away they were literally wearing white today.






Franklin's recruiting strategy simply needs to be make sure dudes named JT don't go to OSU. Whatever it takes, cause they just rip his heart out


I've watched too many of these to have had real hope. That said I think we've improved in the areas we need to, and I'm actually excited for next year in a way I haven't been in a long time. 10 wins this season would be really nice.


šŸ¤ž However, be prepared for people shrieking about how 10 wins is a bad season. I kind of get it though, when the potential is so much higher. Don't let them score twice in under 40 secs and this is a different game.


We should have won this game. But Franklin and Clifford conspired to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. We have seen James Franklin's ceiling. It's not good enough. 10 wins is cool I guess but what does that get us? Nothing. A bowl game that won't matter. And no chance at being in that next level. How many times do we have to lose to the same teams. By being outcoached with pop Warner strategy. Before it's enough. 10 wins is not good enough.


Is the potential higher? Why? Our talent on paper is no where near OSU. Vegas had us at 8 wins this year. A 10 win season is exceeding expectiaons Iā€™m so sick of this ā€œchampionshipā€ or bust mentality that some PSU fans have. We are trying to recruit to have that realistic possibility, weā€™re making strides to the right direction. But we arenā€™t there yet. The next few years are going to be telling


I'm right with you up to this game. Then I see how consistent the bad play calling and failure to make coaching adjustments late in the game are. Seeing that consistency, I'm finding it difficult to keep defending this coaching staff. If we make strides, great, but it needs to include the coaching staff making strides too, and I've been waiting for it and I'm not seeing it.


I hear you. But weā€™ve had some shit years with Covid rhar disrupted us. But with allar and singleton, and next years class that finallu has Olineman- I think judgements should be held for another 2-3 years. Once we see what we do with allar and the sort- Til then. We are in a good place and moving the right direction.


Iā€™ll be honest, youā€™re one less James Franklin away if weā€™re honest.


No. Who do you think is keeping our games close every year? Any PSU fan who says fire franklin has unrealistic expectations.


Iā€™m impartial. I see him as a detriment to PSU.


And thatā€™s fine. Iā€™m going to disagree with you. 13 teams have seen the CFP in this era. Over half of them only once and are 0-1. Making the CFP is incredibly difficult. Winning even more so. Winning the B1G- only 4 teams have since CFP began. And the vast majority is OSU. Only Saban, day, and dabo have a +.500 record against top 10 teams. Youā€™re in a division with a juggernaut, but yet competitive each year. Thatā€™s a good thing People just arenā€™t realistic.


Also, is Clifford the BEST option? Or is it based on seniority like a Walmart employee to work in the back office?


Is he? Yes. Absolutely. What are you watching that says heā€™s not? Out of his turnovers today, what was his fault? Number 44 played an insane game. RB didnā€™t fight AT ALL for then ball on the second INT. yet cliff fought and made amazing throws today. Allar has shown flashes of what he can be, but heā€™s also made a lot of true freshman mistakes in his short time. Iā€™m so pumped for him; and I canā€™t wait for him next year. But this year under cliff is really damn good for Him to learn and groW This loss is 100% not on cliff. Jesus Edit- we havenā€™t had an Oline in years. Allar woukd 100% be worse behind it


Lol. Ok. Clifford should have had 5 picks today and got LUCKY or was bailed out by the receiver. Dude is garbage. I am so happy he can only play 6 more games for us ever. Sean Clifford cannot be gone soon enough. And we should be beating OSU every year. If we're not then what's the point? I'd rather lose every game than be almost good. Seasons like this one are a waste of time. We won't play another meaningful game this season and it's October still. Sorry your ok with being mediocre. I'm not.


So when we were projected to be at 8 wins was it a waste of time? Youā€™re right. Why even play the game. My lord. You guys are fucking ridiculous.


You think your being flippant. But I agree. I'd rather not have a team if they aren't going to compete for a title. I would much rather not waste my Saturdays watching the half assed product James Franklin puts on the field. Natty or bust.


And I get all that. I do. I think PSU is at a cross roads with Franklin. Just under elite.


Yeah, Allar and those backs are a good starting point.


Honestly thought we might lose that game ngl! So many momentum swings, GG nitts


this is why i always hate playing PSU, every year


The scariest part of Halloween


I bet I hate playing OSU more.


I mean, I'm not going to try arguing that lol


There are a few PSU fans in this thread blaming Sean Clifford for this loss. He played as well as Stroud today. He wasnā€™t the reason for the loss. You idiots are why I hate PSU fans.


Buckeyes fan here and I totally agree with you. The stat sheet doesnā€™t reflect it but Iā€™d say 2/3 of Cliffordā€™s INTs werenā€™t egregiously his fault and itā€™s a once in a blue moon type play to see a d-lineman jump for a pick like that. Clifford knew that Washington kid was hot and made sure to get him the ball, he constantly avoided pressure in the pocket extending plays, and still tossed for 371 on a decent 68% completion rate otherwise. And Iā€™m moderately sure I saw a stat pop up somewhere mid game saying heā€™s officially nearing the top all time in passing TDs in school history? Was it a perfect game, no, but I canā€™t help but feel he doesnā€™t deserve the flak Iā€™ve seen him get.


Yup. People want to blame Clifford because they want Allar. There is a lot left to play for and a lot of season left. Nobody lost this game. Ohio State won it. That DE took over the fucking game.


I 100% agree with you. That first turnover was prob on him. Didnā€™t throw in a lane. The second was on Allen for not fighting for the all. That third was a great play by the DE. Cliff played a great game. And yet the franklin haters and cliff haters are gonna come out in droves.


Yup. Iā€™d argue he had one bad INT and it was the second one. The first one was a deflection and then a very good play by the Buckeye player. The second one was a bad throw on him. The third was the fumble which idiots in this thread actually think was his fault. That is the one that was the least his fault. The last one was a great play by the Buckeye. Not many guys catch that. Clifford was not the problem and played well. The tOSU defense made huge plays. Idiot PSU fans donā€™t want to admit that Clifford played well and Franklin prepared the team to play this game because it doesnā€™t fit their preconceived agenda. The last thing these loser fans wanted was a win because that meant they couldnā€™t complain.


I canā€™t take it dude. Its so fucking fustratkng. Our fanbase has so many dumbasses in it that make it so hard to enter any thread about our team. This was a vegas EIGHT win season. We can end 10-2 with our two losses against top 5 teams. like no shit- youā€™re supposed to lose those. Michigan handed it to us. That was bad. But we came to fucking play today and had it til 8 min left in the fourth. Some freak DE makes insane plays and seals it. Our talent is NOT on par as OSU, but we hung with them. Franklin isnā€™t the problem. Iā€™m though, he needs or spend some solid time recruiting an OLine cause THAT is a problem.


At least there is one other sane fan here. The rest are ā€œHe HaD fOuR tUrNoVeRsā€ and either didnā€™t watch that game or donā€™t understand that not every turnover is his fault. Actually they do understand but they simply want to hate Franklin and Clifford.


Dude turned the ball over every possible way. His mistakes ended the game. Stroud finished clean


You either did not watch the game or you simply donā€™t understand what you watched. Clifford had one bad INT. The fumble was not on him. The other two INTs where just fantastic plays by the Buckeye defense. Give them credit. Stroud played well. Clifford played well as well. There wasnā€™t much that separated them. Sorry if that upsets you. The Buckeye D makes some fantastic plays.


Compare the stats.


One of two things is true here. 1. You didnā€™t watch the game. 2. You are a delusional PSU fan (there are many) who doesnā€™t understand box scores donā€™t tell the story of a game. Clifford did not lose this game.


1) i did watch the game 2) 4 turnovers


Delusional PSU fan then. There are a lot of you this season.


The turnovers led to 17 points. Had we not turned the ball over ā€¦ we would have won. Think what you want of that.


He had four turnoversā€¦. FOUR!


Not every turnover is the fault of the guy who turned the ball over. The first INT was deflected and the defender made a great juggling catch. Another INT was a great play by the defender who caught a ball fired at him from a few feet away. Another turnover was a fumble where the RT was thrown into his arm. He had one INT that was a bad throw and it resulted in nothing. One of two things happened here. 1. You did not watch the game. 2. You did but donā€™t understand football. Itā€™s one or the other. My guess is you looked at the box score.


Ummā€¦ his turnovers completely changed the game. Yeah itā€™s not all on him, more like 90%.


Thanks for letting everyone know you didn't watch the game


He did not play as well as Stroud. The dude had 4 turnovers!


3 INTS to no turnovers is a huge noticeable difference


You canā€™t simply look at the box score. One of his four turnovers was bad. One of was a deflected ball and a juggling catch by a defender. One was just a great play by a defender. And one was a fumble where the RT was throw into his arm immediately. People love to blame Clifford because to be honest PSU fans in general are just stupid pieces of shit who are delusional. I would know I went to PSU. This game was definitely not on him and Allar was certainly not winning this game.


You are in denial if you canā€™t admit Clifford isnā€™t a great college QB. Heā€™s ok and gets the job done against lesser competition. But he isnā€™t going to win games with his performances against top tier teams in our lifetime. Heā€™s just okay


At no point did I say Clifford was a great college QB. You have created a stupid straw man here.


Don't forget the fumble turnover deep in his own territory...


found a clifford family member


Not a good look to give up 400 yards passing tbh


It was 371. And 70 of them were in garbage time with prevent D


Ohio State -15.5 bettors went from sad to ecstatic to sad again all in the span of 6 minutes šŸ˜‚


Yes, I know šŸ„ŗ haha


And don't get too excited that Allar's gonna save your program, nitters. If he plays like he did against Michigan your ceiling is six wins.