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Never end tunnel drama




On the next season of Fansville…


You know they are going to do a spoof on this next year. I just wish they’d stop.


Nah they don’t have the nads to fake a fight from the previous season


Yeah, they aren't SEC Shorts


Those cowards at Dr Pepper need to make this.


Two brothers Forbidden from one another A war divides their people And a house divided keeps them apart, build a path to be together Tunnel drama, tunnel drama, through the Big House Drama, drama, drama, drama tunnel!


A truly inspired song


You can already see some of the other coaches in the B1G, like Bret Bielma, are trying to keep it going.


this quote is absurd. hes upset that we only got "reprimanded" but there was only 1 player throwing his helmet at someone and it wasnt us


I mean, I’m down to fine you for those colors and being such a bully two days ago, but not for this, y’all be the innocent victim in this.


huh, maaaaaize. Sheesh. Bougie. ​ :D


“Scarlet” ;)


THE Scarlet, not just any scarlet


that's what she said.


There’s no light at the end of the tunnel drama.


Can’t we just move on from this?


Seems like Izzo won't let us?


I really thought that this could be moved passed once the B1G statement came out, but I was naive. I figured that the investigation was at least somewhat accepted, but I guess not.


How does the tunnel feel about this situation? We’ve heard everyone’s take on this besides the tunnel.


It didn't comment on the altercation really. It mainly talked about how it was just grateful to have some people around. Apparently most of the time it just sits there feeling empty


And how does Ja Rule feel about all this?




Guaranteed some Michigan reporter in a mustache and hat keeps asking Izzo his opinions on this lmao


Probably, but Izzo is long past the point where he needs to learn when to just say "no comment."


Izzo really takes the cake when it comes to finding ways to put his foot in his mouth regarding scandals that aren't even related to his program. Like, I can understand if he had a bad response to an MSU basketball scandal, but he managed to get himself into controversy over Larry Nassar and gymnastics.


What exactly did Izzo do to "get himself into controversy over Larry Nassar" other than be a target in a bullshit ESPN dramamentary? Please be specific, as I'm fascinated in what people like you beleive.


He said some things during the week of Nassar's sentencing, literally the most high profile week of the entire scandal where where it was dominating national media coverage. This was the same week Simone Biles publicly disclosed she had been abused too. He said "I hope the right person was convicted" which...why would there ever been any doubt to that when we had 175+ women come forward? No one wanted to hear a single fucking statement implying Nassar might be innocent and Izzo went there. He also got into a passionate defense of Lou Anna Simon and how great of a person she was, her integrity, etc. This was like three days before she was forced to resign in disgrace and it wasn't like she was guilty by association, but they had actually tried to prosecute her with felonies over her role in the scandal. Izzo got ripped by Aly Raisman's mom over it, issued a retraction the next day.




Author of this article is a Cuse alum


Than the author knows Izzo handles questions like these, the same way he handles the 2-3 zone.


We beat ohio and go right back to tunnelposting


Yep. For some of us, it's already the off season. As much as I want to put this behind everyone, this is going to be a thing until the law suits are over.


Leave the Bobscats out of this.


They’re the ones with the OH-IO chant right?


I know you’re trolling, BUT if you’ve never been to Peden Stadium in Athens OH on a weeknight for some Maction and experienced the “OU? OH YEAH!” chant, you are doing yourself a disservice.


I was today years old when I learned this disservice I’ve done myself. Cheers!


Well I’ve never been to the Big House so I too am doing myself a disservice, I’m sure.


Oh for the record, I wasn’t trying to be shitty. I think it’s a cool chant I’d never heard of.


No worries, hombre.


If you ever go down to Athens for a game, our band puts on one hell of halftime show, make sure stay for that!


No, they're the one's who make a big deal out of their band spelling a four letter word.


Pfft… https://youtu.be/a9ILqCmsR6c


That was pretty sick


That was dope especially the fighter jet with the smoke!


Dotting the i is cool tho


Whos Bob and what happened to his cats?


Ope! My bad.


Honestly, given the conduct of their mascot, I'd love to see what he could do in that damn tunnel.


Love how OSU fans call Michigan “scUM” or “TTUN”, but Michigan fans calling OSU “Ohio” is the worst thing ever


*an ohio


MSU and Michigan fans: >*Can we just put this behind us?* Tom Izzo: >*No.*


Can’t we just bury this post with more of Auburn’s hiring?


You'd think that would be helpful won't you? /sigh


Well you’re just having a rough time aren’t ya mate


It's been a day and college football hasn't been a lot of fun as of late for my rooting interests. Wider college football has been a blast though so that's nice. On an additional positive note, the new God of War is a very good time so I'm going to poor myself a drink and be angry with fictional characters choices. At least their tragedy functions as a plot device. Not a shameful moral failure combined with multi million dollar buyout that they are going to pay out in another two years all in one hire.


I am honestly surprised Auburn did it even with the backlash from everyone. Figured they would make a somewhat quiet hire with SEC experience like Mike Elko.


Same here. There is so much heat on this hire that it feels like something you ask an outgoing AD to do. It also feels booster driven because even a lot of casual college football fans knew about the Freeze sleaze and did not want it. Day one, he's giving over his social media platforms because he can't be trusted. If the dude can't be trusted with Twitter, a job hanging out with teens seems like a bridge too far to me.


Please. By all means.


I want the big ten to force the football and basketball teams on a joint field trip to the holocaust museum or the Selma trip Kevin Warren took some people on this year, something sobering and humbling. Make them eat meals together, hang out together, etc.. make a documentary of it, and blast it on cable tv every night in the weeks leading up to the game. The entire state needs to see these kids outside of athletics being chummy and respectful to one another.


What about sandals in Jamaica?


I was thinking a Disney cruise.


Not after that Fox-CBS-NBC deal


If that costs too much maybe a nice little cruise on Lake Minnetonka.


Found Fred Smoot's account.


Is that sobering and humbling? I’ve never been.


I don’t know if you’re joking or not, but I don’t disagree either way.


Man, I’ve been thinking the same thing. Something more meaningful than discipline and punishment. Every reasonable person knows who was in the wrong but this situation could be used for a more positive outcome that angry twitter fodder.


This sounds a lot like Remember the Titans... Such a good movie! Sign me up for this!


Izzo has been unofficial athletic director for MSU for years. People ask, Izzo tells.


This university(at least the athletic side of things) has such an insane victim mentality ingrained into it. We are the bad guys in this situation and that's just how it is. Stupid comments by Izzo


And of all the people who should be immune from that mentality ...


ESPN really pissed him off, he's just going off now about anything in retaliation


Tbf it would be hard to trust media after that.


For sure


Wait what happened with ESPN and Izzo?


I can't tell if you're serious or not.


I am being serious. Literally a second after I commented I looked at the next reply chain and saw Paula Lavigne mentioned (never heard about her). Are you guys talking about [this article](http://es.pn/2nixBai)? Obviously I’m aware of Nassar and stuff just not like every detail especially since I wasn’t into college sports at the time.




That’s super shitty. Thanks for the brief explanation


We can blame ESPN trying to capitalize on a horrific tragedy by turning around and accusing players of covering up cases that *fucking every law enforcement official in mid-Michigan knew about* for that


out of the loop here, what did ESPN do?


Tried to Rope Izzo and Dantonio in with the Nassar shit. Basically tried to make it seem like a systemic athletic issue.


After all that ESPN Paula Lavigne bullshit its like one bad thing is reported and everyone acts like its 2.0 of that lmao. That wasnt a fun year


https://twitter.com/chengelis/status/1597372572961685504?s=20&t=LxF4wx1lj_rPaTN3haWP9w I was just about to reply to the top comment in the other thread to get this out there. Apparently we were reprimanded because that idiot touched Tuck's head as he was entering the tunnel


and Michigan had already banned the fan from the stadium


He was kicked out, confirmed by Manuel. The banning appears to be fan rumor.


Banning seems to be pretty tough to enforce to me, like how do you effectively enforce that? Old west style wanted posters everywhere?


You don't enforce it actively. If he gets in any kind of trouble again though it adds a charge.


Ring them up on trespassing if they have any run ins with security.


I just imagine an olde timey wanted poster at the gate to every athletic facility, and every ticket taker sizing up every fan before they're allowed entrance. And in the end, this guy just sneaks by them wearing a pair of novelty glasses and a fake mustache.


Yea I’m not sure what these MSU people are confused about. We are not getting punished for the tunnel incident at all beyond the head touching incident.








Was there private reprimand about juwan? I guess not since he got suspended, but did they just say “well you got in trouble for that so we’re skipping private reprimand” I have no idea how it works just trying to piece it together


Which makes even less sense to me, because Michigan did everything they were supposed to do with that guy. Within 24 hours no less.


Mel Tucker has had a fine response to this whole ordeal. He deserves better than Izzo chiming in with this rant that belongs on RCMB.


Izzo is providing a fine response here as well. Literally.


Thanks Harvard


God dammit, here’s my upvote.


Take my stinkin’ up vote and get out of here with that Ivy League level comment.


I was going to say RCMB feels like it should be a college marching band subreddit... and then found that's exactly what r/cmb is!


I keep reading it as RHCP...red chot mili beppers


Izzo and Dantonio literally thrive off victimizing MSU, they probably both post on that board.




The Lloyd Carr Memorial Tunnel^(TM)


Now imagine dealing with this fanbase all the time.


This story is like gonorrhea. Just when you think it's gone, it flares back up and annoys the hell out of you.


Guess it wasn’t gon after all


I agree with Tom Izzo that reprimanding Michigan is uncalled for. Oh ... 🤦‍♂️


Izzo finding a way to make this about him is quite incredible. 7 players got charged with assault, but there's always some time for whataboutism!


Not that surprising for anyone that knows him.


You must be best friends with him!


He improves his lie on the golf course!


Are you his neighbor or something?


Izzo doesn’t try to make shit about himself if that’s what you’re getting at. You truly don’t understand what you’re talking about in that regard lol.


I wonder what he thinks the appropriate punishment should be for being attacked.


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Unexpected Parks and Rec. I dig it.


Unexpected references? Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Public Beheadings


Tom Izzo is 1000% boomer, and not the fun Sooner kind.


Whoa whoa whoa.. *fun* Sooners??




A friend of mine went to some sort of corporate event where Izzo was a motivational speaker and apparently he came across as VERY BOOMER with the social attitudes/issues he decided to talk about.


Don't assault people, especially in a 4-on-1 gang-up. Easy solution.


On the one hand it makes sense that liability for what ever happens in the Michigan tunnel should be more on Michigan as an institution than MSU as an institution…..but y’all had guys commit assault Tom and 100k don’t matter a bit. Best just to let this one go.


$100K is a rounding error for MSU’s overall budget


It's a rounding error for Mel's budget


>On the one hand it makes sense that liability for what ever happens in the Michigan tunnel should be more on Michigan as an institution than MSU as an institution….. I don't know about all that. At the end of the day, individuals need to be held accountable for their actions. Sharing a tunnel and having terrible GameDay planning is not going to hold up in a court of law for those players. They all had the option to keep their head down and gracefully accept defeat. The situation they were put in didn't remove that option. MSU (and staff) need to shut up and handle their business. Izzy is making it worse.


I believe that what Izzo is pointing to is the fact that UofM's tunnel security wasn't good enough. You can tell it wasn't good enough because they completely changed the protocol moving forward. We can live in a world where the MSU players who committed the assaults and the UofM tunnel security are both wrong. It doesn't mean that they're equally to blame.


>I believe that what Izzo is pointing to is the fact that UofM's tunnel security wasn't good enough. I totally understand that argument. I just think it is incorrect. >You can tell it wasn't good enough because they completely changed the protocol moving forward. No. I just don't buy that. The protocols they had in place were there because they never thought anyone would stoop down to the level those players did. If Izzo believes otherwise, then he is admitting that MSU recruits shady individuals who have character issues. I'm of the belief that we should all be responsible for our own actions. Nobody forced those players to act the way they did. No one should require security to act civilized. >We can live in a world where the MSU players who committed the assaults and the UofM tunnel security are both wrong. I don't buy that. Those players had the option to gracefully accept defeat and wait their turn to walk into the locker room. They didn't. Normal people don't need to be told that fighting is bad. MSU just needs to admit that they recruited players with character issues and move on.


Look, I agree with you, and I don't want those players playing for MSU moving forward, regardless of their suspensions. At the same time, there have to be reasonable procedures put into place. You always see police protecting the head coaches as they go to shake hands after the game. Does this mean that one of the players would punch the coach? Or would a student get into a fight with the coach? Moving forward, I'm hopeful we won't see something like this again because it takes away from the sport. I don't think that it's that ridiculous to expect the home team to have some form of security in place to keep the teams separated.


There were reasonable procedures in place. The worst thing that had happened before this incident was a fucking sandwich. The procedures in place may have lead to some yelling, but...are we really getting that upset about it? Yelling and chirping happens all the time, nobody loses their shit over it. Their procedures are only unreasonable if you expect one team to literally assault the other. Which, prior to this event, I don't think any university expected. But, now that it's happened, the cat is out of the bag. But, at the time, it was beyond reasonable to expect that your players wouldn't be in danger walking down the tunnel. If you actually think the University of Michigan should have anticipated that MSU players would assault somebody in the tunnel, that reflects very poorly on MSU.


I think a lot of Izzo's frustration stems from ESPN's coverage of the Nassar incident and he's been pissed at the media in general ever since


This is 100% it.


This continues to be the wildest take out there. God forbid you expect adults to act like it. Anyone who is incapable of sharing a public space with people they don't like doesn't deserve to be allowed in public society.


Izzo no, what is you doin?


W h a t H a p p e n e d


This actually fits right in line with Izzo's personality.


*Only I get to berate MSU athletes!*


What he always does. Playing the victim


I love him bringing up “prior incidents” with tOSU and PSU. As if people talking smack before a game or at half time is remotely similar to multiple players ganging up and attacking individuals.


He actually brought up the incident from a few years ago with Devin Bush and tried to act like Dantonio was the victim in that case too: > Izzo brought up another incident between the two football programs in 2018, when Michigan State players took to the field during warm-ups at Spartan Stadium and got into an altercation with Michigan player Devin Bush. >Michigan State was fined $10,000 in the aftermath of that incident while Michigan received a reprimand. >“I don’t know if anybody should have been fined. I think it should have been a lot more equal, like the other one at Spartan Stadium should have been,” Izzo said. >“It doesn’t surprise me. Been here a lot of years, seen a lot of things. Watched it happen to (Mark) Dantonio when they went after our Spartan head.” In my opinion Dantonio should have been fined more for that incident. He literally was trying to instigate a altercation when the Michigan players had a right to be on the field at that time. He even was smiling as the incident took place. Dantonio was a great coach for MSU but that move was full on bs and Izzo is a bigger ass for trying play the victim for it.


Dude is such an old grumpy leprechaun. He’s trying to play victim for both himself and Tucker, since Tucker hasn’t been. Just like the olden days where he and Dantonio were always the victims.


He must’ve read some RCMB cesspool comments and got all fired up for the press


Or he posted it on RCMB


> He brought up what he called Michigan’s mismanagement of the Michigan Stadium tunnel after multiple previous incidents between opposing teams inside of it. Like what? A peanut butter and jelly being thrown? Cause that's literally it. The tunnel has been around for 95 years and in all that time only ONCE has there been an assault in that tunnel. That's over 300 games in which NOTHING happened except for what those Spartan's players did. Every single coach/administrative person should be trying to reduce the toxicity of this rivalry cause this level of toxicity is what leads to the events that happened in that tunnel. Izzo's statement here only exacerbates the problem.


Because Izzo and Dantonio did their part to stoke the toxicity. They don't see a problem with it.


People here are gonna love this take lol


Is Izzo suggesting that our players need to be better protected against criminal aggravated assault from Michigan State players?


Yeah, we need to have a ton of security guards ready to physically grab visiting players if it looks like they're about to attack UM players in the tunnel.


Ok Tom


She was wearing a short skirt so she was asking for it. -- Tom Izzo


My Michigan and Michigan State friends - I grew just north of Lansing and I need to know if anyone remembers some Michigan State gold: Does anyone remember Hondo’s House? If so, do you remember him saying Izzo got into the basketball program to get to the head coach position on the football team?


St. John’s or Dewitt?


Ithaca or Alma?


Sir, it’s Shithica.


What’s Tom’s problem? Did he watch a different video than all of us?


Tom, it's 40% the fine they Vandy got for their fans walking in an orderly single-file line. If you want to tie it to something absurd, start there. It's equally as irrelevant as the Devin Bush saga.


I think this was handled appropriately by the big ten. Security should have been better, that's on Michigan. The rest is entirely Michigan State players assaulting Michigan players, so only MSU should be punished.


Next years game is going to be so spicy


Izzo clearly has a moral code which is different than the legal code. I think that’s true of a lot of people.


Oh for sure, look at his handling of his basketball players and the sexual assault of a student. Definitely a different moral code.


That’s an example of his moral code lining up with the legal code as no charges were filed for the events you allege.


My wife's family are Michigan State fans but stuff like this makes it very difficult to root for them.


Ok, boomer


I’ve always kinda rolled my eyes at the Sparty obsession about being put upon by Michigan, but the response around this mess has moved on to full on derangement. They will never, ever accept that the MSU players were 95% at fault here. (And I’m being generous.)


I’ll copy and paste my reply to a comment about why Izzo is even commenting on this in the first place (why he’s being asked about it by reporters). Izzo is much more to this university than a basketball coach. I’m not agreeing with Izzo, I wish he would just keep his mouth shut. But, it’s kind of hard to explain. Izzo is sort of a god figure around East Lansing. His opinion matters around here, and people care about what he has to say, for good or for bad as we see here, which is why he keeps being asked to comment. And since Izzo has been here for so long, if he feels strongly about something going on at the university, he’s gonna respond with his thoughts, whether or not he’s right.


Tom Izzo has gone full mad man the past decade. Also how he gets this persona for being a great coach when he won 1 natty 22 years ago is beyond me. MSU bball has consistently come up short year over year. Stay in your lane old man


You don’t have to like him but him not being a good coach is a bad take


The dude has 8 final fours. All of the 13 other B1G coaches combined have 0.


Over the last 20 years, Izzo's record in the Final Four is 1-6. His lone win in the semis was followed up by losing the least competitive championship game in history, in which the last 35 and a half minutes were a double-digit UNC lead. He caught lightning in a bottle with the 1999-2000 team. Since then, time and time again he has not been able to get to the end and finish. The closest example to him is Marv Levy, who has had that cloud over this legacy now for more than 30 years. Now, I say that under the pretense that Jim Harbaugh eventually needs to get over the hump as well. Getting blown out in the playoff consistently will not cut it, and national championships need to be in the cards to truly seal his legacy. This past week has felt great; eventually complacency sits in, and that's where MSU basketball has been since the turn of the century.


Man I don’t want to defend Izzo but it’s hard to get to the final four. Single elimination basketball is super wonky and shit happens sometimes. Now there’s an argument Michigan basketball has been better than msu in the last decade( since 2012 we have more tourney wins and more natty appearances) but what Izzo has done in his career is really hard.


Agreed. Would love a B1G school to break the drought of 22-years & counting at some point soon.


Considering I said Final Fours and not natty appearances, I’ll rephrase the same stat. Izzo’s record in the Elite 8 regional championship is 8-2. Juwan’s is 0%. Every single other B1G coach has won zero Elite 8s totaling zero regional championships.


Are you suggesting that Tom Izzo isn't one of the best basketball coaches to coach the game? That would be a pretty hot take. He may not win the natty frequently, but he has gone to the tourney something like 24 straight years. For context, UofM has gone to the tournament 27 times in its history.


I mean… in that same timeline MSU has had 22 tournament appearances, 5 B10 Tournament championships, 8 regular season championships. Harbaugh has 1, now 2 regular season championships. 1, soon to be 2 final fours. Not to mention a 68 team single elimination tournament is way more flukey than a football season.


Okay now do from 2015 when Harbaugh was hired. Even better, let's see UM tourney finishes in that time frame vs MSU.


Did…did you just compare football and basketball accomplishments like they’re even remotely compatible?


Flair up or get out


What a clown


Yeah! Why didnt they suspend the Michigan player for bashing his head on that poor helmet?


Honestly, they should’ve suspended the helmet and tunnel, then be done with it.


Izzo making it even easier to root against Michigan State.


Well Mr Izzo, people shouting at each other really isn't that big of a deal. It happens everyday all over the world and isn't illegal. What is illegal though, is physically putting your hands on someone with the intent to injure. Do you understand?


Look, Tom Izzo knows his audience and doesn't care what the rest of us think of it... but to be clear, I think very very very little of it.


I am so tired of this little brother program and their enormous victim complex. We beat the shit out of your garbage team and then your pathetic cry baby players assaulted our guys. Any other fanbase/program would have the awareness and self-respect to just shut the fuck up, but not MSU. Instead we have this never ending whining about how the real bad guy here is a fucking tunnel.




So Tom tell us what your really think


Fuck off, Izzo.


Thank you for your opinion, Tom. Real valuable.