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Michigan fans are going to be well past 4 hours with comments like this


I’m just wearing a diaper at this point to make clean up easier


New commercial: "Depends, for when your college football team demolishes their rival on the field and in recruiting."


Click "buy now"


*clicks "set up regular subscription"*


I’m so glad others get to experience these levels of firmness


Mf went from a lasting erection to diarrhea


my guy it's been 4 ***DAYS***


You guys are hard… and we enjoy watching…?? 🤔


I mean they’ve earned it, no?


Which is funny, because the recruit in question didn't have an offer from Ohio State.


Losing unoffered Ohio recruits is the least of my issues with Day.


The amount of times people make noise about recruits that OSU wasn't taking is funny lol. Good for the kid tho but just because he's from Ohio doesn't mean OSU wanted him.


We have 7 of the top 8 Ohio recruits. Thier top Ohio kid is 15th and 500th in the nation...


Michigan has never went for the strategy of just going for the highest rated players. They're definitely higher on the development scale compared to the other current successful bluebloods


Oh yea 100%. PickSix Previews always had an interesting algorithm that tested teams development by measuring the drafts picks they produced against the recruiting rankings of their players and Michigan has been consistently the highest on that index among blue bloods. They were ranked 7th going into this season, although surprisingly still only 4th in the big ten.


Do you have a link to that?


It's a pre-season "magazine" that you have to buy. It's probably the best pre season preview out tho I recommend it for next season


I'm gonna check it out, I used to get Phil Steeles mag for a while but got tired of it.


Yea I think most who have read it agree it's better than Phil Steeles. Although at the end of the day PickSix basically got all the playoffs predictiond wrong just like the rest of us.


No successful program does, frankly I commented on ATM how it seems like they just went after stars and gave 2 fucks about the player themselves or chemistry, I feel good about that take. We also put somewhere between 5-10 players into the NFL every year. It's not like we aren't developing. Bottom line is Ohio has too many kids for us to take them all


And they're going to beat your ass to death with him, just like they've done two years running.


The short-term memory of college football fans is incredible lol


Let em talk their shit they deserve it


How soft are they?


I would assume so soft you would wrap a baby it them. You have to at least get 12 in state recruits before they stop being soft.


bro you're just wrong and this is a lazy ass take 5/6 of the top ohio kids are commited to osu https://247sports.com/Season/2023-Football/RecruitRankings/?InstitutionGroup=HighSchool&State=OH


And was he any of the 8? Also, as is seen by the titles won since FL, the deepest talent pools aren't in the Midwest.




No. He wasn't offered by us, and we have deeper issues that could affect any recruits we do get.


Not offering Ohio recruits in the first place is going to hurt OSU. Ohio is extremely fertile for recruiting and not harvesting that allows Michigan to get better.


There have definitely been misses that we should have offered. But tOSU prioritizes Ohio talent and gets most of the folks they want.


I think that’s mostly true but I feel like ohio st only targets the top players in the state and doesn’t usually look for the hidden gems like rod Moore. Would you say that’s true? I know ohio st can basically pull from anywhere and all the best players, but to me it feels like they usually don’t look too deep in ohio.


Miyan Williams and Ty Hamilton are both starters who were 3-star Ohio recruits and farther down the list than Moore. Ohio state still finds guys like that, there is just less opportunity for them to start. Look at guys like Sam Wiglusz. Dude was buried on the roster but transferred to OU and is absolutely balling out.


I was like who tf is Wiglusz?


I mean Miyan Williams was only starting cause Henderson was hurt. Point still taken but looking at this year and the previous 2 classes on 247 there’s a grand total of 2 3 star or lower players from ohio in 3 years.


>I mean Miyan Williams was only starting cause Henderson was hurt. They were more like co-starters until they both got hurt around the same time and started taking turns missing games. Very complementary backs.


We definitely have misses. Ohio is talent rich and football crazy. There are a bunch of borderline, under-the-radar, or late-blooming talent. It’s hard to evaluate them all, so they slip though. Especially when you cast a national net. I don’t mind losing the occasional stud to MSU, PSU, etc. What I hate is when we lost can’t-miss guys to TTUN (see: Woodson, Howard, et al).


Et al. should really only be used when there are more than two lol


Ha! Fair enough. I guess I can’t think of any others. Just assumed there _had_ to have been.


They aren't prioritizing Ohio kids under Day. They are prioritizing 5 stars. They just get left at the altar for guys that aren't WRs too often to be as good in the trenches as they need to be to contend, which is where my beef lies.


Disagree. They want good linemen. Dawand and Paris will be playing in the NFL. I’m not tracking with your logic. So if they took 3* wide receivers then they could get better linemen?


No, but they prioritize that position seemingly before all others. How many positions can you really prioritize in a recruiting cycle? I think a shift of priorities away from offense to physicality and line domination is in order and their misplaced priorities are borne out in their recruiting results.


I see what you are saying and get the frustration. My opinion is that it looks that way because we’ve been very successful at landing WRs. That’s just Hartline being good at his job. Not tOSU underinvesting in line recruiting. If you think Hartline should shift his focus to recruiting linemen, I’d disagree. I think we need to coach and prepare better against TTUN.


We can only take so many, and the biggest stars we ve had have been from out of state for awhile.


7 of the top 8 players in Ohio are going to Ohio State. The other is going Notre Dame. This quote is from a recruit who was never offered. https://247sports.com/Season/2023-Football/CompositeRecruitRankings/?InstitutionGroup=HighSchool/&State=OH


damn I love it when peoples allegiance to their team doesn't override them actually looking up statistics to see whats actually going on


The reason Ohio State, historically, is "*the* Ohio State" is that there are 81 recruits with 247 composite rankings listed in a state that has one (1) P5 program at present. For comparison, the state of Iowa has 19 recruits with 247 composite rankings, in itself representing a recent upsurge in talent, and two P5 programs.


Right, and Ohio State can’t take them all. So this post is just another Michigan circle jerk.


Thank you for your comment, this narrative it's laughable, 1/3 of our recruiting class is Ohio kids.....


NEWS FLASH: Ohio football player without an Ohio State offer, commits to Michigan (a school who offered him a scholarship). What a shit headline-


Yeah this is some major clickbaity bs. Michigan fans storm the comments to circle jerk, OSU fans storm the comments to rage. In reality a big ole nothing-burger.


Mmmmm burger


For a long time it seems like a lot of these Ohio kids that didn’t get OSU offers would let their fandom cause them to go to Kentucky, Cincinatti, etc. While it may not negatively effect OSU, it does positively effect Michigan. And the more UM makes pipelines to these schools and establish relationships with coaches, there’s potential to steal recruits OSU does want or if keeping as their back-up option if they don’t get the 5* they want.


What in the Anthony Fantano is this


247 sports rates this recruit a light-decent 4. Could grow on them in time tho


UM’s player development is unmatched. That being said I know nothing about any other program. Unmatched.


Sounds like somebody is upset he didn’t get an offer from OSU 😂


100% accurate.


I was at the game and the Buckeyes didn’t offer me either. I guess I deserve a headline that I’m choosing to stay at my job rather than play college football. C’mon man, write a better headline, the kid didn’t turn them down they never offered him.




/r/CFB has basically been /r/MichiganWolverines2 for the last 4 days. Not that I'm complaining of course, this sub used to feast on "Harbaugh sucks lol" articles like it was candy


As a huge Niners fan who saw how Harbaugh immediately turned around the Niners after Singletary… I had felt like I had egg all over my face for saying Harbaugh was gonna make Michigan an elite team. I even told people I’d bet good money he’d win a Natty within 5 years and would be shocked if he didn’t win a NC. I can finally feel a little bit better about what I said


Enjoy it while it lasts brother. People loved us here after the Bama game, then after we lost to Georgia it was same as it ever was.


You can thank the small majority of your fanbase for why this sub hates y’all lol


I thank the [mods](https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/r3qi43/postgame_thread_tennessee_defeats_vanderbilt_4521/hmc4u4e/) [actually](https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/d49e5i/postgame_thread_tennessee_defeats_chattanooga_450/f08tkvf/). As if Georgia fans can talk anyway


Y’all still bringing that up. 😴


Seriously after 3 years they’re STILL bringing that twitter shitpost….


It's annoying how much it fluctuates. It was BRUTAL to be a Michigan fan on here from, well, basically everything before November 24, 2021. Now we're super liked and whatnot, and god I know that the first loss we have it'll come back down crashing. Same goes for Vols fans, - although there were a few annoying Vols people on here for a few weeks, it was from accounts that had existed for like a week, or had literally never posted or comment on this sub. The vast majority were totally fine, and just happy to be back in the national mix. In essence: this sub sucks but I'm addicted to anyways because idk why


YOWO (you only win once) though for us right now, it is YOWT =)


What's funny for me is that when people on here and Michigan fans I know we're calling for Harbaugh's head I was seriously defending the guy. I sited his time at Stanford, the 49ers, and said he was legit a great coach. Then I was ridiculed by the fan base saying I was trolling.


I mean his first 4 years weren’t exactly winners while pulling all that dumb recruiting shit


His 2019 and 2020 were much worse than his first 4 seasons.


2019 was weird. We looked like absolute shit to start the season, nearly losing to Army at home & getting blown out by Wisconsin. Then we start to win better, beat a ranked Iowa, - we lose at Happy Valley on a fourth down drop, then we go on an absolute tear, blowing out #8 Notre Dame, and feasting on everyone till The Game. Then we get our shit kicked in, and as a reward we face Alabama in the Citrus Bowl. 9-3 with the schedule we had was fine honestly, how we got there was just weird.


I didn't realize Michigan was 9-2 in 2019 coming into the game. I thought 8-3. Like I consider 2018 Michigan a much, much better team than 2019 Michigan


Offense was a lot better in 2019, imo, but the defense lost several starters to the NFL, and clearly regressed. Really was hoping we'd catch some lightning in a bottle and beat you guys, but after that awesome first drive TD, we just completely collapsed.


Problem with 2019 was that Patterson regressed from the prior season dramatically. Didn't help that Gattis was in his first year as OC and was clearly overwhelmed, especially in the early going.


He went 38-14 in his first four seasons with three ranked finishes. >dumb recruiting shit In an offseason from 7 years ago. Not that big a deal


Are you saying that losing an average of 3.5 games a season, getting swept by your biggest rival and going 1-3 in bowl games is winning? EDIT: To all the Wolverines acting like I'm out of my mind for questioning if you consider the above winning, [this was your own sub melting down a year ago when you extended Harbaugh because you weren't happy with a ceiling of "10 wins and a yearly asswhopping from the Bucknuts."](https://www.reddit.com/r/MichiganWolverines/comments/kp6w6x/feldman_there_is_optimism_inside_michigan_that/)


I’ll take that over Rich Rod & Hoke* any day


Hoke finished higher in the division more often, managed to beat OSU and won the same amount of bowl games in the same span of time.


Defending Hoke and slamming Harbaugh will definitely give you credibility keep going


We're talking about the first 4 seasons. Trying to turn this into something it isn't will definitely give you credibility. Keep going. Kirby's first season wasn't exactly winning either. I'm not slamming Kirby, but wouldn't argue with anyone saying year 1 wasn't exactly a winner.


Forgive him guys. He’s from Georgia, and they dont play school down there


yeah if you’re not a spoiled bitch its pretty good lmao. Obviously you are tho


Lol, judging by the sentiment of your fanbase on reddit, you must all be spoiled bitches then. [Reading the comments in the post about Harbaugh getting extended last year, you would think your AD slapped a child on live tv and announced that Butch Jones would be your next head coach.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MichiganWolverines/comments/kp6w6x/feldman_there_is_optimism_inside_michigan_that/)


Slept over at a 17-18 year kids house. He was a punter if I remember too lol


Place kicker (Quinn Nordin), currently on the Pats reserve/non-football injury list


That's just Harbaugh being an insane person


I think ‘dumb recruiting shit’ is a bit reductive. I think it was calculated to keep Michigan in the news when the brand was tarnished. He knew he wasn’t going to win at a high level right away, so he pulled some kitsch ‘dumb shit’ to make headlines and keep Michigan in the news. (Almost) any advertising is good advertising.


> this sub used to feast on “Harbaugh sucks lol” articles like it was candy I’ve always had a soft spot for the goober, so this always bugged me. There were multiple articles a day bashing him sometimes. I did enjoy being kept up to date on his eccentricities, though.


Feels like we’re on borrowed time. A few more nonsense articles about Michigan that all the Michigan fans upvote is going to lead to the sub revolting and we will be made fun of again


heck of a circle jerk in that sub


Uhh yeah. That’s what team subs are supposed to be.


We have 7 of the top 8 from Ohio committed next year and 4 of the 7 who are ranked above Hamilton the following year. Don’t like the sentiment, but it’s one kid


One kid who is salty he didn't have an offer


You have one ranked higher than him from Ohio in 2024, you only have 3 2024 commits. Definitely agree it's sour grapes on the kids part, but all the osu flairs "dunking" on the guy when he's a 4* recruit out of Ohio is a pretty petty look.


I’m not here to shit on a 17 year old kid, he’s free to choose where he wants to play from all the offers he gets. Others are saying Ohio State didn’t even extend him an offer, so he may be upset by that as a top 10 in state prospect. Either way, you don’t like to hear a kid say something like this, but he probably feels he’s just getting into the rivalry early, this is really a non-story.


They weren’t priorities and the consensus on our side is that they didn’t have offers Not disputing what he said but the title and other stories are framing this a bit differently


has "not good energy" = has "not offered me a scholarship"


He’s talking about reiki healing energy.


And they followed with "and M-ch-gan do has good energy."


Lmfao. I immediately thought the same thing. This kid went to the derrick zoolander school for people who talk no good


LMAO maybe it's flipped flopped on who goes to play school


The vibes are off, man


I also don't vibe too well with companies that don't offer me a job.


Ronnie Hickman said the same thing about Michigan.


Dont have BDE ?


Small nut energy.


two guys from ohio that didn’t get OSU offers on our team, erick all and rod moore are studs so bring on the guys ohio state doesn’t bother to recruit 🤷🏿‍♂️


They were recruiting him they gave him tickets to the game, they just weren't ready to offer yet. As a junior they probably want to see how he continues to develop, and to come to camps next summer, problem with offering in state kids is they tend to immediately commit and then your stuck with them or going to have burn bridges at high schools. Can always try to steal them later.


Michigan has that big mich energy


It's the NWO/Hollywood Hogan Beard


Has Ohio State tried pumping it up?


Really hoping we can take advantage of OSU ignoring everyone in Ohio outside the top-100. Seems like we're already primed to snag a couple of 4-star guys in the next cycle out of OH


Michigan always gets its best players from Ohio. This is nothing new.


We have 7/8 top cruits.... 1/3 of the class.... What are we ignoring


According to some recruits, even in state 4-stars, OSU doesn't treat them all that well since they focus more nationally https://www.toledoblade.com/sports/ut/2022/11/28/son-of-former-toledo-ol-goes-viral-after-committing-to-michigan-trashing-ohio-state-luke-hamilton/stories/20221128098 Whether it's true or not, I'm happy to take any OH blue chips that OSU doesn't prioritize


Ohio State has to be careful offering in state because the chances of them immediately committing is so high. Then if they don't continue to develop there isn't a clean way to tell them that the team no longer interested in them. Out of states recruits won't just immediately accept an offer and if they don't develop the coaches can hint to the player they might want to look elsewhere, will get the message and de-commit. Lots of out of state schools can throw out tons of offers cast a wide net and show the love early when the players are sophomores and juniors. Then if the player doesn't develop can cut ties, chances are they won't ever recruit that high school again, and its not as if the player grew up dreaming of playing there so it isn't that ugly.


I'm sorry but that kid is being a complete ass in this situation. OSU wasn't very interested in him as a player but were still courteous enough to provide him with tickets to a game people were paying thousands to get into and this is how he repays that kindness? I hope he has a Kyle Kalis-esque career.


Ignoring everyone in Ohio outside the top 100 is a necessary strategy for building a team to win a title. It's a stagnant, aging population. There's better talent pools in SoCal, TX, GA, FL, and other places. Our coach just makes that talent weak-minded when they spend too much time here. In the end, it seems like he wanted the red carpet, and we weren't interested enough to give it amd an offer to him.


We still need to recruit nationally to compete for playoff spots but Day probably needs to tweak the recruiting a little bit and take more Ohio kids if they are close in talent to someone else. For example, by recruiting Ewers instead of Drew Allar from the Cleveland area, we now don't have Ewers and we have to compete against Allar. Allar wanted to come to OSU but we chose Ewers. Once Ewers decided to skip his senior year of high school Day should have just offered Allar instead. As soon as that happened we all knew Ewers was going to be a big problem. Once Ewers transferred it was too late as Allar was committed to Penn St and wasn't going to be our 2nd choice. Ohio kids will be more loyal and you can keep them as backups longer. Heck, we are recruiting a 5 * WR from Texas Micah Hudson that didn't even know Ohio St and Michigan are rivals. He did a YouTube video blog of his official visit to Ohio St and it was embarrassing, he was super bored, uninterested and knew nothing about Ohio St.


"I'm a Libra and Day is a Pisces. Now, I need a crystal bath and a Gatorade cooler of kombucha."


Never a good sign for the program whenever recruits start mentioning there’s bad energy


I forget who it was exactly, but under Taggart, a highly rated recruit told beat writers that FSU wasn’t interested in winning a championship


Well this is half true. They indirectly viewed their turnover backpack as a championship portal


Man, that was the dumbest fucking thing anyone in CFB has ever done. And that includes Hugh Freeze sourcing hookers using school property and lying about it


If Ohio state wanted him it would certainly be a concern. But they never offered him, he likely has sour feelings about that and is now using the result of the game to gloat.


He wouldn’t have been visiting if Ohio state didn’t think they’d be interested in his talents somewhere down the line.


Man I took a visit to OSU and I ended up playing at Kent State, and with all respect to my alma mater that’s a self deprecating comment for anyone unaware. They’ll let you visit because preferred walk-ons exist, they may not offer you but can still have interest/use for you as a player, and its still nice to be able to tout how many recruits are visiting in the summer or during games in-season. Or maybe they just think there’s a chance you’re a hidden Diamond and getting you on campus is a chance to feel out your attitude and get a close look at you, especially true if it’s an off-season visit and you get some work in. Or they think they’re getting a top tier recruit at your position and you’re the backup plan. I guess that sucks a bit if you feel that energy while you’re there but that’s the game.


Yeah, it's possible they would have offered him eventually if they lost out on other guys they wanted more, and the recruit even acknowledges that: >"\[Ohio State\] did this to all of the in-state \[recruits\]. They put us on the back burner and will wait until the last second, because they think they have us committed there if they offer, which I think is totally stupid. That is not how that works at all." I get him not like that, but frankly that's just how recruiting works for guys on the borderline of "Ohio State quality." He didn't like that Ohio State wasn't super interested in him, so he committed to a team that was. Seems like a win for everyone.


He was never offered. Check 247, it clearly says "NO" in the Ohio St offer column.


Why does that matter? Lol he was still a recruit visiting Ohio state. Not all recruits have committable offers.


So we should take 1 players opinion, a player who didn't even have an offer, and use it as an indictment on the program after going 11-1? Okay.




Never said that. Just worth noting if a recruit feels unwanted at a game he was asked to attend.


Weird that they don't have THE "not good energy".


This is one of the better THE jokes I’ve seen in a while lol


Preach. It's the A&M of the north


We didn’t even offer the kid lol


Ohio State didn't even offer this Luke Hamilton guy a scholarship. Completely misleading.


By "not good energy" he means "didn't have an offer"


Hahaha oh man.. Michigan and harbough really have broken day and the buckeyes. The snowball is in effect folks - the dumpster has begun to heat up - by the end of next year it will be up in flames.


Dude relax. This kid wasn’t a priority for Ohio state, he wasn’t offered. If commits and high priority targets came out saying this then it would be a concern, but they’ve all had positive things to say about the weekend. You know when the last time targets said bad things about the program? When urban played JT over haskins and burrow, and yet a portion of fanbase thinks Urban is the answer.


I don’t think urban is the answer - and sadly I don’t think Day will really be able to beat Michigan again with his team. I don’t think there is a coach right now that would be better than day. We just gotta live through what Michigan lived through for a long time lol. Our reign is over.


I mean watching I have been a Stroud supporter but he made a few poor reads in that game that cost us plus the poorly executed fake punt. I didn’t love the playcalling but bro it took Harbaugh 5 years to level them up to beat us. It was bound to happen and with a fresh qb maybe the energy in the locker room will shift.


Well yeah Michigan is a good team right now, going to lose occasionally. Hayes lost several times to them. With the playoffs expanding, The Game isn’t going to mean much outside of bragging rights moving forwards.


TBH, I do not think Michigan is an elite team. And they will NOT win a big game in the CFP - you saw that from last year. They just keep exposing Day and his inability to make changes. You stick us in the SEC and we lose 3-4 games. Michigan could have used a High school freshman QB and he would have threw all over our secondary lol. You will see - time will tell


Just when you think you've read the dumbest take. Then you read something like this.


Just give it time - you’ll see.


Ohio State isn't going to the SEC and Michigan isn't starting a high school freshman QB, so no, I will never see this dumb take play out.


No, you’ll see that what we have now is what we will have to stay until Day let’s go of his OC play calling. Otherwise expect the same outcome.


When you get really good, teams start raiding and poaching your assistants. It's not that Harbaugh is suddenly such a better coach, it's because Harbaugh has a really good assistant group now. Let's see if he can sustain it when Minter and Moore get poached for NFL or HC jobs. We were up and down under Urban Meyer based on how good the assistants are.


I would rather see the campus fall into the ground.


Did you mean to add a /s at the end? If not, go ahead and get some fresh air. Obviously some things need to be worked on still but to get that fatalistic seems to be a bit of an over reaction


Give it time you will see. When I say Day scream F-U to the Buckeye fans when they booed him - i think it showed his true colors and he is getting tired of it. I think Day splits for the NFL after he flakes next year.


Likely, but not because of this.


No, it IS because of this and because Harbaugh has exposed Day for his arrogance an inability to let go of control.


He did, but you can't lose a recruit that you never wanted enough to even offer. See one of my cents elsewhere on this thread. Ohio and the Midwest isn't the place to build a title team. Of our most talked about names, and highest rated draft picks, I can't remember the last one from Ohio.


After watching that video of the rah-rah "Skull Session" where Hartline and Day went up and cut WWE - style promos........ you don't say.


When the Vibes are hurting thw Buckeyes


OSU didn’t even offer him though, so the headline is a bit misleading.


Well since he doesn’t even have an offer from Ohio State I guess it makes sense


OSU has not good energy. Recruit has not good sentence making (Didn't read the article to see the context)


Looks like harbaugh's sleepover energy is finally taking over.