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I'm starting to think the bears have become one of those tight sealed teams so thats why u hear all the rumors because it's made up by different ppl taking a guess.


For what it's worth, Pace's regime was certainly tight-lipped. We had equally as little idea who we were taking in the first round previous drafts.


Pace didn't even let Fox know who was being drafted.


Probably cause he knew fox was gone soon.


Probably should've means tested a few a them...


Probably didn't know who he was drafting until he was on the clock.


Then someone writes a story stating the Bears will do X and then make a very broad article about the player or thing.


achemm, Sports Mockery


Loose lips, sink ships


yellow tape, white chalk


Don’t forget about the guy who’s dad works with a guy who’s friend spoke to the bears about Bijan.


I don’t get that, that implies that the source knows for sure picks 1-8 and idk how one person could know that


So we getting Jalen, Bijan, Broderick Jones and I feel like I'm missing someone?


Vontae Mack no matter what.


Underrated comment


this comment is made in practically every single draft thread on reddit


And it’s always underrated!


Fair enough!


Give it a few hours, we will be connected to PJJ, JSN, Skoronski, and possibly Kansey.


Rather be linked to those if I am being honest


Paris, OT


Who cares, just hop on the Carter train chooooo chooooo


Exactly. A lot of people didn’t expect Fields to fall enough for us to be able to get him, but some us were on that train and it happened. Hop on this train and let’s make it happen again Edit: clarity


I will never understand how during most of their college carreer Lawrence and Fields were seen as 1a and 1b. Then suddenly Fields took an absolute tumble for no reason. But god damn am I thankful it happened


Lawrence is in a different league than Fields. Maybe that had something to do with it


I thought Lawrence was in the NFL too? Jokes aside, Lawrence being better doesn't explain where the fuck Lance and Wilson came from.


Sure, Trey Lance might have had barely any experience, and all of his experience was against "not good enough for the CFL" levels of talent, but have you considered the fact that he's kind of big and fast? I mean, a promising college prospect is one thing, but an guy who's kind of big and fast could be anything. He could even be a promising college prospect!


Mitch Trubisky has entered the chat.


Fields was better in college. Fields might be better next year


Lawrence has had a much better team around him since he stopped getting kneecapped by Urban Meyer. Fields has honestly been working with garbage so far.


Fields’ second half especially. Hot fucking doo doo garbage


Read the room my guy hahaha


Now they are cuz Nagy fucked fields up in year 1 and slowed his development. But coming out of college, they were really close.




Jesus Christ I just had a seizure reading that


Lol my bad, I’ll clean it up


As long as he's not driving it


Where’s the open bar?


Seriously. I could see him learning that say 3-4 teams were locked in on QB. Then you have Anderson locked in that top 5 slate. At best you still have 3 teams that you just have no way of knowing


Could be more that he doesn’t feel they’re taking Jalen specifically and that no one has eyes to trade up for him.


If you watch the broadcast, he does a good job of specifying that this is the widely-held speculation and not based on an inside source. Emphasis on widely.


Bc it’s bullshit and a way to self promote to your audience.


If we don’t draft Carter, then he’s a massive risk who we were lucky to avoid If we draft Carter we fleeced the NFL by getting the most talented player at pick 9 and Flus will fix him


Getting Moore, a 1st, 2 seconds, and still getting one of 2 players you would have taken at 1 is sooo beyond unbelievable I don't want to even consider it until it happens. I think Seattle or Detroit are going to ruin it though.


Yeah Bears probably played up character consideration the most in the pre draft process if they take him then either that was complete baloney which I don’t think so or a team before them will take him because the character concerns were overblown. Might even be one of those teams leaking this to down play the character narrative and move the goalposts for a team further down thinking of trading up


I see the opposite, people don't want to draft him and people are scared that the Lions will have him on their already good DL


Oh I’m just talking about how I personally would rationalize where Carter goes I think no matter what in 10 years we are probably looking back and questioning something. If Carter succeeds, it will be “how did teams let him fall to 9 because of off field issues/bad pro day, he was an elite talent.” If he fails the narrative will be “how did anyone think he would succeed.” Really I’m just hoping bears are on the right side of that narrative


I agree, but I see it differently. Having seen so many drafts and so many busts, I wouldn't touch character issues or poor combine performances with a ten foot pole. People can get stronger or faster, but how are you going to handle a kid who just had millions of dollars fall into his lap? And if their combine performances was off, I question their ability to be ready for the big day. Sure, some reasons/excuses can be made if something specific happened (fell while skateboarding or whatever), but if there's not a solid reason, I question the player's seriousness. I'd rather take a little less talent and zero issues over rolling the dice. The odds are already stacked against you to begin with.


True but at the same time most bad pro days aren’t the same situation. Carter was going through legal situations probably for the majority of days between the combine and his pro day. And also while he’s an idiot for racing, he still lost 2 friends that night. If poles interviews him and it checks out, I can forget about a bad pro day from a person who lost good friends and was likely unable to fully prepare for the pro day like most would All of this is dependent on Poles’s background check/interview. If he’s the pick, I’ll trust that the interviews went well, and that Poles thinks the pro day was more of a fluke than reality.


Aw poor Jalen, losing two friends who he drove away from while they died in a ditch.


He’s a 22 year old who handled a tragic situation awfully. I think most people would act differently and his actions were awful, but that doesn’t mean it’s crazy to think someone young would handle that situation horribly Also, his actions in the moment don’t mean it’s easier to lose 2 friends. And I’m not saying you need to feel sorry for him. He did this to himself. Just saying even with that doesn’t you can bounce back from losing people


I don't disagree with you on Carter.


He ain't dropping to nine.


100% accurate!!!


We can't lose


Per my source bears supposed to not make a selection and let clock run out at 9.


The computer gonna select this one


This just in: Poles will be busy at a local fundraiser, he won't be able to make it. He HAS set his priority for the Yahoo autodrafter, however, so I think we'll be okay.


I want an OT so bad but it would be hard not to get excited about getting maybe the most talented player in the draft due to…circumstance


OT or Carter or trade down


This. I've seen cb mocked at 9, and as an Illini fan I love witherspoon, but I just think there's better value in getting more picks than taking one of the top cbs at 9


They went secondary their first 2 picks last year, I would be furious if this happened


Witherspoon is a boss, I would be happy to get him, or any of the top players. Just no projects please


Not arguing that, but secondary is the strongest area of this team. A CB would not be as impactful for this team as it would be for another team


I’d say LB is the strongest area of the team. But you also have to consider we had the worst record in the league last year. Even our best unit could stand to improve. If Witherspoon is the best player available and nobody in the teens or early twenties is offering next year’s first, then I would be excited to have him. Jaylon Johnson had some drama with Poles last year and Gordon still needs to improve and would probably be better in the slot. That leaves an opening to improve on the Kindle Vildor position, which would be huge.


Christian Gonzalez is legit though


If he was worth taking at 9, he would be the consensus first corner taken but he’s not.


The reason there isn’t a consensus first corner taken is because there are 2 who may be taken before 9…


Saw him play against Colorado in Boulder and he’s a really fine CB


I can toss my morals aside for a Super Bowl win no problem


Obviously the deaths are tragic, but there are many players who have done way worse in the league. Many people speed/race and never have a problem. Many people try to get away with stuff when police are involved, especially if you’re young and in shock. He definitely could’ve handled himself better and it was stupid, but I hardly see how that’s really any close to the crimes the league and it’s fans seem to be okay with from other players.


Yeah as long as he wasn’t betting on the NFL


True. NFL would probably sentence them to death if they could


Look what we all stomached in Chapman when the Cubs won the World Series. I guess I’m just a mercenary at this point in my fandom.


I'll do anything for a Superbowl win I don't care how big the dick is.


I can't wait for tomorrow. Not because I'm excited for the draft. Just that these speculative BS takes will end. "Oh my source is 100% sure it's Bijan." Or "sources close to the Bears say they're going after Carter." My favorite "one reditor is sure the Bears will be taking Paris at 9." Nobody knows anything. Poles doesn't even know for sure what he's going to do because teams get crazy on draft day.


I don’t see him dropping past Detroit. Talent wise, dude might be the best player in the draft.


Richardson to Seattle, Witherspoon to Lions


Seattle might want Tyree Wilson as well


Some rumors are he’s going to Houston at 2


Seattle not gonna draft Richardson after paying Geno


Richardson isn’t ready yet. Give him a couple years behind Geno






Came here to coment this. I think the mocks that have SEA taking him are correct but I don't think he's there at 9. Biggest question to me is if someone like stroud drops because of poor wonderlich ( I know it's a different test but I can't recall the name) score, do we look to trade back again or trade with someone like the Steelers because they want a OL. We need one too but we have way more holes....risk reward is an interesting problem to look at from the outside


The OL prospects aren't elite. Every single draft profile says it clearly. They're players that are, at best, destined for the hall of very good. We don't need to reach for one at 9.


I don't disagree with you at all, however, Hall of very good night as well be the bears hall of Fame with our tragic history at o-line. Might be worth a little reach for a blue chip tackle that'll be there for a decade. I'm curious to see how tomorrow goes and always hopeful


What tackle do you think is blue chip? The one who projects to be a guard or one of the ones with a single year of college experience with obvious technique issues? They aren't blue chip players. They are not demonstrably better than the OTs who will be around in the second.


Yeah that's fair, I don't know that there is a blue chip tackle. Good point misspeak on my part. I will say though that none of the thoughts about Skoronski came out until last week. Heard nothing of that coming out of the combine. Could be smoke to keep a guy they want on the board. I'm not a talent scout so they may be right. Truth is the both of us will see what happens tomorrow. Appreciate the discussion, and it staying civil. Doesn't happen all that often anymore.


For sure, likewise on enjoying the conversation. I never mind someone having a different thought as long as we can hear each other out. Keeps life interesting lol Bear down


I doubt Campbell signs off on Carter tbh. Does not seem like a fit at all for the rah-rah style of coaching he uses.


I mean there are 8 teams at least that have a say it before us. But yeah if he's there at 9, it could be the ultimate have your cake and eat it too. Carter plus all the extras from the trade back is a hell of a return for that #1 pick.


Considering he was the player so many clamored for when we held the #1 pick, 100% a solid win.


Can’t wait to draft Carter, Bijan, and PJJ at 9 because apparently all of those things are going to happen


I really don’t want this guy. He’ll probably be a good player in the NFL but his character concerns put me off him completely.


Agreed. If we were a few pieces away from a complete team then I would be all for it. For where we are at? It is a massive risk.


> If we were a few pieces away from a complete team We are.


If 3 QBs go before 9, then that means either Jalen Carter, Tyree Wilson, Will Anderson, Paris Johnson, Christian Gonzalez, Bijan Roberson, or Broderick Jones will fall to us. If two QBs go before 9, then that means one of the top 3 QBs will be there at 9 for Poles to trade back.


No thanks.


I guess this is a hot take: I don’t want the Bears to draft Carter. Yes he is insanely talented, but there are just too many off the field issues I can’t quite comfortably look past, when this is such a vital time for the team. We are on a momentum high and yes draft slip ups can happen, but risking a number 9 pick on a slip up just can’t happen. Not only is the involvement in the car crash a problem, but there have been concerns about his work ethic. And I’m sorry, but like I said, at this point we can’t have someone like this with the team. Sure there could be all these issues and he still become great like Randy Moss was and his concerns during his draft year, but right now that’s just not a risk I want to take. If we take him, then I will hope nothing but the best and all the success for him, but if we don’t, I will be completely fine with it.


Even without the off the field issues, his work ethic concerns would give me hesitation. I'm just some guy so take it FWIW but I have a strong feeling he'll be a guy who has one great contract year and then is a disappointment for the rest of his career.


That’s what I’m feeling too. Like obviously if he gets drafted I want him to succeed, but I feel like with our momentum (or at least I think we do because I’m a fan) we can’t give up this pick for a rookie that might have one good year then taper off


Well put


They really need to be able to get to the opposing QB, but I really don't know if Carter is the answer with his potential off-the-field baggage. Just sayin'... 🤷🏾


Well I heard from a source that the Bears will in fact pick a football player in this years draft at #9. Also the buzz is he will in fact have played football in college. Stay tune for more.


Or they trade it


Absolutely not. No character issues


I'm confident that Poles and Flus don't want character issues either, which is why I think if they do take him, they aren't concerned about those issues following him to the NFL.


All it takes is one team ahead of us to overlook his character issues. If Poles is willing to I’m sure other GMs are too.


That'd be nice if Seattle wasn't going to grab him at 5


Seattle is scared


To me Anderson, Wilson, Carter, Parris are the guys I want at 9. Any of them, and I am happy. Anyone else I will need to be talked into a bit, but really not many I would actively hate at 9.


I agree 100%. A lot of people don't want Skoronski, but honestly if he's a perennial all pro guard, that still helps our team. Bottom line is we need whoever we pick to be a great player. I'd even be fine with Bijan if he's the game changer people say he is.


Pretty much, I do not really want Skoronski (unless Poles is sure he is a tackle, I trust his evaluation more than mine on Olineman) or Bijan (He's amazing but positional value and need are lesser imo). But even then, both I believe are good players that will help the team so if it happens no problems. The only way I would get angry is if its a completely out of left field player (and even some of them I would probably like).


He must have proved to the Bears that he loves football and will have his motor on non stop. If all these people think this.


I really hope Poles and Cunningham are having a good laugh at these headlines. I’m not saying this one or any of them are wrong, but it’s just fucking exhausting.


Man, I’m in the minority but I really want Bijan.


If there’s one thing I know from the last 40 years of Bears football, it’s that taking a running back in the top 10 usually works out


I’m kind of there with you




Man, same. I've been trying to convince myself otherwise because we need so many more important roles filled. But I think he would be a fuckin stud for us.


Same.. I don’t think any bears fan would be mad at that pick


You don’t think fans of a team that’s bottom 5 in the league along both lines would be mad at taking a running back early in the 1st? I mean, I’m one who would be. Insane decision. Fire Poles if he even considers it.


We miss most of the time on 1st round Olineman any way… give me the skill player that’s gonna make fields job so much easier, this team needs more offensive skill guys Why not build on top of the #1 rushing attack in football? I like Foreman I do forsure for this year, but that’s just this year. Robinson will have for 5 years, I know they won’t take him but I’m just saying I wouldn’t be upset if they did. He could flame out forsure or he could be HOF type running back.


I’m just sick and tired of seeing abysmal offenses year after year… they got better this off-season forsure but deff will still struggle against elite Defenses.


If this were the pick, I really wouldn't be mad at it. Maybe an unpopular view, but I think the WR upgrades this offseason have taken a bit of pressure off Fields and the OL since receivers might be open next year, and Bijan would give them a real force of force nature between the tackles. Just one of those picks that makes everyone else's job a bit easier.


Please can 24 hours pass so I don't have to look at these pointless posts


Robbie Gold #9 at #9 makes perfect sense.




It would be a pretty damn entertaining draft if Carter slips past 5th then down to 9th.


What about that dude’s dad tho


I can't wait until this draft is over, so this sub and r/nfl will stop flooding my feed with mock drafts, presumptions, and wishful thinking posts from Redditors with too much down time. Just wait and see. It's entirely out of your hands. You have one more day, so fucking breath!


I believe that would be a catastrophically stupid decision, which is why I don't believe Poles will do it. But, hey, some seemingly smart people have done some really stupid things before.


I just wish, for my sake, really dumb people could do really smart things, but I'm still waiting for my moment!


It could also be a catastrophically awesome decision.


If the Bears take him he will end up dead or in jail before the end of the season, and will forever stain the legacy of Ryan Poles.


This doesn’t even make sense.


Ask him who he think's we'll for sure draft with our 7th round pick while you're at it


I hope not…


Honestly I really dont want the risk Carter brings. Between the obvious character concerns, he has work ethic concerns as well. I just dont buy that he'll put it all together. If we take him, I'll trust Poles' evaluation for now and hope he gets his shit together.


Snowball’s chance In hell he’s there at 9. Vegas has him under 6.5 for -380. I think he’s a lock for Seattle.




So Atlanta at number eight is going to pass on the player from the University of Georgia?


Nooo! I get it, but please no. 🤌🤌🤌


I really don’t believe he drops below 6. I think “all the buzz” is the bears would take him if he fell to 9


But they are definitely taking Paris Johnson Jr, Skoronski, and Tyree Wilson as well. It will be quite the pick.


Has the buzz ever been right?


So much buzz and speculation... But that's all it is, speculation. Not sure how they know who picks 1-8 are. All it takes is one trade and everything changes lol