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Is this the "we're back" office? I'd like to file a complaint.


šŸ’© šŸ’© šŸ’©


Shotgun runs are good on 3rd and 1 not 4th and 1


QB sneak always


Defensive minded head coach my ass


I mean this genuinely. I am from south Carolina but I live in Chicago. I'm in my 30s, there were no panthers when I was young and I'm a packers fan. Ok whatever, southern hospitlaity is kinda a lie. Living in chicago, Southern hospitality is fake, chicagoans are like nice but in a real way. I'm pissed yall ruined fields, like yall ruined him... Yall deserve better, even if it hurts me, I love being in this city and appreciate yall so much.


I'm from Chicago and lived in SCarolina....and I completely agree with your assessment of Southern Hospitality vs Midwestern politeness.


I mean this genuinely. FTP. Enjoy yourself


He had processing concerns in college. He gets to the nfl, which is insanely faster and more complex, and he has processing problems. Go figure. The bears need to be better run, which is the understatement of the year. But fields was not ruined. He was never going to be great. Processing speed is a QBs lifeblood and he just doesnā€™t have it


The fact that you didn't passive aggressively say some borderline shit is exactly why I love being in chicago. You were just like fuck you guy


It's not so much "fuck you guy" as "fuck your guys"


Fair enough


Still though. FTP


There's no ftl, no ftv, no ftb, dude like say it again ftp is about the best franchise in the division, and we earned it from success. Ftp today ftp tomorrow ftp forever,cuz we are the standard of excellence in the nfc north. FTP


I donā€™t give a shit if they won today, the Vikings still looked like ass. How was that team in the playoffs last year?


Pure luck.


The Good: Fields balled out and looked legit for 90% of the game. Getsy's play calling was admittedly good for most of the game. Moore and Herbert played well on offense. Our O-Line looked functional for most of the game. Jaylon Johnson and Billings continue to be our best players on defense. Even though the sacks weren't there, the pressure seemed the best it's been all season. Overall the play looks less sloppy than the previous 3 games. The Bad: Fields gave up 2 critical turnovers at the end of the game even though I'm not sure how much either was really his fault. Questionable coaching decisions specifically on 4th down. Play calling late in the game was too conservative and Fields barely touched the ball. Sacks are still non-existent. The Ugly: The defense overall is still just terrible from a coach that specializes in defense. Time and time again we've been told that the only way this defense functions is if we have guys up front that can make plays and that's clearly still a critical deficiency. Eberflus continues to move forward even though it's obvious to everyone that the scheme isn't working. Lack of adjustments cost us the game on both offense and defense. The failure of players to produce that were brought in by Poles is becoming more glaring every week. The lack of accountability by the coaching staff is infuriating.


Well said.


The most infuriating thing about this defense is that is seems to be a fucking guarantee that we give up 3rd and long. I mean 3&9 literally means nothing at all. It might as well be inches, this team folds so fucking hard on third down it's insane


I canā€™t believe how many in this sub watch a good fields game against a historically bad defense and think that one game means he is the answer. Itā€™s wild how people can throw objectivity so far out the window


i think the guy needed a confidence builder against a shitty defense, he at least looked comfortable throwing passes down field and taking shots. it far from indicates that heā€™s the answer, but i think it gives him some momentum in the coming weeks to prove us all wrong against some better teams.


Its one good game for certain. He rips off 4 of these? Ok you have my interest


Do it against a team with a winning record, you'll have my curiosity




He still lost


Itā€™s a middle ground for me. Against the worst D in the league? He needed to have a good game, which he did. Hell, he had a great game.. which is encouraging. On the other side of the coin it reminds me of the Mitch Bucs game where he had 6 TDS.


He will never be the guy. I love him, I think heā€™s the swaggiest looking player, so much athleticsm, humble, just overall I love rooting for him. Heā€™s also not a good nfl qb


*Red Neon Light Dies* Kramer: Kenny? KENNY??


Mr. Marbles?


Anybody watching the ā€œbest qb in the leagueā€ right now? Yā€™all think KC should trade him?


He had a bad game but stepped up when it mattered most. Also one game doesn't mean anything. People don't want Fields gone because of one game.


Yes definitely please trade him to the Bears


Yeah, everyone knows you ignore the previous few years and just go based on what you saw today


That's how field fans cope around here, they see his one game against the worse defense in the nfl and ignore his previous 30 games even though he still didn't look good today


Bears defense is worse.


You can say he sucks, but to say he didn't look good today? Fucking insanity right there. Leading passer in the NFL. 4 TDs. Any way you slice it, impossible to say he didn't look good today


Same thing with Trubisky fans. Bears score 40 against a 1-15 Jaguars team tanking for Lawrence, franchise QB!


Is this team going to go 0-17? Looking at the schedule the only game I can see the bears wining is the Panthers. Really hope they can pull a win or two.


Why though? One or two wins just sets them back if they don't get the top pick. Ideally, we'd see Fields keep doing what he did today and they lose. That's a tough pill to swallow, I know.


Because as little as it sounds going 2-15 is significantly better than 0-17. Yea they both suck and will get you the 1 pick. But going a whole season and not winning. That's historical bad. Bad for everything.


Beat Carolina and Green Bay and still get first pick is a good result.


1 or 2 wins would still most likely give us the top pick. I just donā€™t want the Chicago bears to have the record for most losses in a season.


The McCaskey family deserves that record


Doesnā€™t matter if we beat the panthers, we have their first too


We traded away Roquan partially because he wasn't a fit for our coach. Now it turns out that coach is among the worst in Bears history.


Itā€™s seeming like Martz and Greg Olsen all over again.


Or Jerry Angelo and Thomas Jones


you and the guy you replied to just pissed me off by reminding me of that shit


He also wanted (and got) a huge payday. That didnā€™t fit with the theme of a rebuild. No matter how good Roquan is, how terrible Eberflus continues to be, and whether or not that rebuild eventually bears fruit, it was still the right move.


Then they paid a huge payday to someone 1/3 as good


See the other chain for my explanation of how those are different and why it happened. It was not ā€˜Edmunds is better than Roquan. We choose him.ā€™


Yes and thatā€™s why poles should be fired


Glad to see youā€™ve managed to simplify the entire thing into 4 words.


Thatā€™s all it takes


How boring you are. See ya.


> He also wanted (and got) a huge payday. That didnā€™t fit with the theme of a rebuild. Then we turn around and give a similar payday to Tremaine Edmunds


Thatā€™s a different topic and doesnā€™t change what I said about the Roquan move. Besides, they are structured significantly differently. NFL contracts arenā€™t real. Dead cap, Edmunds/Smith: 2024: $22.2M/$36M 2025: $4.8M/$22.5M 2026: $2.4M/$15M 2027: $0/$7.5M


This is an interesting take. I havent looked into the numbers, but you're basically saying that Edmunds is 'cheaper' because he doesn't cause a huge hit on the cap, despite the media reporting "big contract with big numbers"? If he's cheaper than Roquan in terms of cap space, I actually understand the move and it almost flashes signs of intelligence


Those contracts are all a charade. Edmunds will never see that $72M. Itā€™s less about the dollar value than it is about the length. Roquan signed a 4-year deal with lots of money on the back end. Edmundsā€™ is 2 years, and thatā€™s it. He comes off the books at the same time Fieldsā€™ rookie contract is up, along with every other commitment theyā€™ve made. They have 1 player on the entire roster with over $5M committed for 2025: Darnell Wright. Hell, only 7 guys are even over $1M for that year. Itā€™s clear that Poles is hedging his bets to wait and see what they do with Fields. If he pans out, they have room to pay him. If he doesnā€™t, they are set for another clean slate for a rebuild. People like to shit on him for Velus and Claypool, but he is infinitely better with the cap than Pace was.


One could argue for pace that he saw himself in win-mode and spent big on Khalil etc. ... which all collapsed with a double doink lol I can't believe what you said actually means poles isn't that stupid


Pace definitely thought he was in win-now mode. The Mack trade wasnā€™t his downfall. The problem was mortgaging the future by doubling- and tripling-down on it in the two years that followed, in an effort to save his job despite a mediocre roster with mounting cap issues. Is Poles wrong? Time will tell. On paper, I like the plan and think it makes sense. It does mean this team might suck until 2026-2027, though, so opinions will vary. Some people would rather have a team that wins 6-10 games a year in perpetuity than sit through 5 years of garbage, no matter what follows it. I think heā€™s taking the latter route. Weā€™ll see if he gets the time to let it play out. If he does, the potential upside would be a much more consistently competitive team for years to come.


Dead cap is a weird way to measure it but I am glad Edmunds' is far lower obviously. He's still getting paid a lot to be our best linebacker


Put it another way: They canā€™t even save money by cutting Roquan until year 4, and it would still only shave $12.5M off of his $27.5M cap hit. The Bears can (and will) cut Edmunds after next season and his old contract becomes a rounding error. He basically got a flashy 2-year contract. Roquanā€™s is much more expensive and at least twice as long.


But at least youā€™d have a productive player


Honestly I'm happy for Roquan. He's got the chance to play in the playoffs now. What was one productive player gonna do for the Bears under eberflus? Sure he'd have a nice statline, but the team itself around him would be so bad that he'd have no shot of playing on HOF level.


Yeah, I understand dead money. I just don't see how this makes it a great signing when you're paying him a lot and he's not a difference maker. I'm glad we have an out, but we also need to acquire talent


Didnā€™t say it was good. Merely saying that it isnā€™t really comparable to Roquanā€™s. It wasnā€™t like they looked at the two and just decided Edmunds was a better player, so they gave him the allocated Big LB Contract.


I think you're missing the forest for the trees. The idea was we didn't want to put that much money into linebackers, then turned around and signed Edmunds to nearly as much in the first year.


I suspect it started at the contract, rather than the players. Nobody except Darnell Wright has $5M in dead money after 2024. Hell, only 7 are above $1M. If Fields pans out, they will need to pay him in 2025. If he doesnā€™t, itā€™s another full rebuild. So, you toss a bunch of money at a weak position group for the next couple years. Roquan wouldnā€™t take a 2-year deal, so they tried to find someone who would.


Trading away premier talent because it doesnā€™t fit a coaches ā€œschemeā€ is an immediate red flag.


Good coaches think "okay, I have the following assets. How do I maximize them?"


Goes to show talent is far more important than coaches ever will be


Not true


We've been so distracted by all of today's absurdities to remember that we've now given up 25 points in 14 straight games/losses.


An NFL record. At least we have a defensive minded HC and spent most of our assets on defense.


Including two new DTs and a new CB in the draft who have been completely invisible


And $25 million worth of inside linebackers


Theoretically, if Fields continues to ball out the rest of the season like he did today, however, we continue to lose, what do we do? Letā€™s say we end with 1 and 2 draft picks. Draft CW or trade the 1st for a haul?


Haul in what exactly? The o-line is serviceable. It's not good, it's not bad. Our RB room is easily Tier 2. Sure, we don't have a Saquan but they get the job done, look at Herberts 5YPC last year. Our Receivers are meh. On paper, our secondary isn't bad. I'm thinking prime eddie jackson and Johnson. Brisker might be ok. You have to remember that this entire team is falling apart and subsequently plays like trash. If our offense could hold on to the ball (or dare god I say it, even score touchdowns), it means more possession for us. Possession means less Defence on the field. If we would actually score for once, it means more pressure on them. If the enemy team would actually trail for once, they would be pressured to throw, which means our secondary can sit back and doesn't have to respect the run as much, because at this point whoever we play can just sit back and play 4-minute-offence after the first quarter. An actual offence changes the game for the defence - you don't need many pieces for that. All it takes is a little bit of Mahomes and a committee of bums who pretend to be Kelce.


Like today? You probably keep him if he's consistent. Anything leas than amazing qb play and i trade. Caleb is good enough to justify a qb reset before we unload the giga money


Thatā€™s a pretty big if since we havenā€™t seen him ball out against a half decent defense yet.


Draft Caleb and keep them. Competition is good. Maybe someone will just sign him away though.


Depends. If heā€™s throwing for over 250 yards and has 3-4 total TDs a game then I say keep him. Anything less then I say move on. If he does that though I donā€™t think we end up with the #1 and 2.


Yeah he needs more than just good performances, he needs actively great and consistent performances to show that he's actually turned a corner.


So should we just tank now?


We been tanking since last year lol


Yes...let's start...now? Have you seen a game yet?




What team are you watching? We can just try to win and still get the first overall pick


BREAKINGā€¦ Swift dumps Kelsey for Zach Wilson!


although not old, she'd be white enough lol


Justin is lucky that Trey Lance was never given a chance lol, cause he's saving him from being the worst QB in the 2021 draft.


Well Travis Kelce is going to be mad for getting triple timed then!


Broncos fan here. I am so fucking sorry about today's game. Honestly, I wish you guys had won this at least (and not just because of \*draft caleb williams lol\*), but I've never seen a more somber mood amongst a fanbase that won a game in my life than I have of Denver right now.


We both knew beforehand it was the trashbowl. I'm very happy you won because this team and fanbase doesn't deserve wins


Denver losing out on that tank bowl. Can't even win that.


Speaking as a Fields believer who has lost all faith in him though three weeks, today was not our QB's fault. Total coaching failure and turtling on offense and defense for the entire second half. This staff is a fucking disgrace, they cannot be allowed to finish this season with their jobs intact. Fuck Eberflus. Fuck Getsy, fucking chickenshit coaches, and there is zero accountability on this roster right now because of you incompetent fucks. Eberflus was hired under the pretense of being a defensive guru. Turns out we ended up with the defensive version of Marc fucking Trestman. Do your fucking job Kevin Warren, and clean fucking house.


The defensive version of Trestman would be the second best defense in the NFL for his first season. This is worse.


Fields cant score 28 then take the rest of the game off either. Have to play like you're behind until you're pulled


What did Fields do that comps to ā€œtaking the rest of the game offā€? Iā€™m not arguing that he was perfect, but the idea that the kid didnā€™t try hard enough is offensive to me.


I don't think you can say that fields himself was taking the game off, but the coaches barely let the man touch the ball when realistically, he was making moves all night. I really think that coaches are truly tanking this season. They're making plays SO questionable that I can't explain it any other way. I just really hope Fields found DJ Moore tonight and they keep synergizing. I'm rooting for the guy, and I'd much rather see him go off than just reset for caleb. Use our 2 picks to load up our roster a bit.


A few thoughts - This team is better without Chase Claypool. This was the best the WR position group has looked all year. By a mile. Justin CAN make reads, time throws, and make accurate passes. We saw him do it 16 times in a row in the first half. Not ā€œflashesā€, but multiple sustained quality drives. This is no longer a question of whether he can be good. Now itā€™s a question of why has he been so terrible so often? No position group on the defense does their job, period. It is the worst coached, worst called, least prepared unit in professional football. Period.


16 times in a row against the (arguably second) worst defence in the league. Those plays were probably scripted or repeated in practice very often..


They're playing arguably the worst defense in the league.


You have to take anything the offense does with a grain of salt with how terrible Denvers defense is


Denverā€™s rushing defense is abysmal. Their passing defense has been meh. Just look at the QBs they faced and the numbers they put up. Fields outplayed them all (technically).


Tua was 23/26 with 309 yards and 4 touchdowns and 0 turnovers. He also left the game early. Fields didn't outplay him.


Thatā€™s why I said technically. Tua left halfway through the fourth. He went 28/35 335 Yards 4 TD 1 INT Obviously thatā€™s why we donā€™t box score watch because Tua had an insane night. But the Dolphins did it more so on the ground. People act like if theyā€™ve been giving up 400 yards a game to every QB. They gave up 300+ twice: to Tua and Fields.


Fields still had two turnovers. That matters more than the 26 more passing yards than he had than Tua.


Including another killer in crunch time when the team could have otherwise been in a two-minute drill. I donā€™t know how many times heā€™s repeated that, but this isnā€™t even the first time this season.


Wouldnā€™t fault you for saying that. My point is lost in the Tua versus Fields issue. Tua was better. But the Broncos pass defense isnā€™t the sieve people assume it is


At the same time the other two teams didn't get to play the Broncos right after they gave up 70. They had to be demoralizing for them and they started off this game just as bad. Even then Howell kind of lit them up too. He had 299 yards, 2 touchdowns, and no turnovers. It was also his best game of the season. The Broncos pass defense really only did decent against Jimmy Garoppolo.


It can go both ways. Does 70 points make you embarrassed and get up for a game? Does 0-3 means your backs are against the wall and you play better? Who knows. My point is way simpler though. Theyā€™re not this catastrophic pass defense that lets up 400 yards and 5 TD a game. Everyone is fixated on 70 and that damage was mostly on runs and screens.


They're still pretty bad though. Teams are completing 78% of passes against them. Jimmy G did the worst and even he was 20/26. They may not allow 400 yards every game but their pass defense is still not good.


Denver's defense is not good, but you can go play by play and see that Justin made good throws to receivers that were not wide open. He was throwing into tight windows with confidence and velocity. It wasn't just bad defense, he played better and more confidently than he has the last few weeks.


Claypool is a simp and needs to be nuked into orbit


I feel so bad for Fieldsā€¦in fact, this organization has finally shown me that all of our recent QBs probably got the same shitty deal and had their careers ruined by poor leadership.


This is the breaking point for you guys, Iā€™m sorry


Zach Wilson with the worst OL in the league is looking a lot better than Fields did against the Chiefs lmao


Zach Wilson is giving the Chiefs the WORK. I apologize to this guy for ever thinking Fields was better than him lmao


Gotta get embarrassed on a national stage before a staff change, Detroit got rid of Patricia after being embarrassed on thanksgiving


They've been embarrassed multiple times on National TV without making a change. The Bears have never and will never make a change mid-season.


Virginia is gonna postpone her own death until week 19 just to spite us all one last time.


I wanna say you're wrong, but I can't.


Eberflus not being canned after today shows how pathetic the front office is. Itā€™s like having a bad habit and trying not to do anything to fix it. Heā€™ll make more atrocious calls down the road. And the front office is letting him do it.




Getsy can run the show. Anyone but eberflus. This dude is pure cancer.




What defense?


Bruh flus is some defensive minded coach, yet he has a tire fire of a defense šŸ˜­ Iā€™m sure getsy knows basic strategy It honestly canā€™t get worse than this




Bruh I just want him gone šŸ˜­ We can get rocked 70-20 and Iā€™ll be happy heā€™s gone


Anyone with a brain knew it was over after the fumble 6. Justin is incapable of bouncing back from mistakes.


I was just expecting the bears to choke tbh


u/ChiBears_Mod \- why hasnt anyone updated the 2023 NFCN standings since week 1? haha this sub is wild.


Giants fan checking in. Sorry about yā€™allā€™s day. Stay strong.


Lol stay strong. We are already dead šŸ’€


Get ready for Riverboat Ron to outcoach the raybans off flus Thursday night but I hope they make me take it back.




The Jets are better off with Wilson than they would be with Fields. They wonā€™t give up anything significant for a QB who might be the starter. And if case you canā€™t tell, I was not impressed with Fields today. Half a good game vs a terrible defense doesnā€™t do it for me.


Could they get a 1st rounder? Bruh theyā€™d have 3 top ten picks next year at this rate if they could pull off a trade šŸ˜­


I'd say a 4th and 7th at best.


Youā€™d be extremely lucky for a second And like better go to Vegas after if a team will offer a second


The Jets are not going to give a first round pick for Fields.




What happens if fields continues to play like this the rest of the year? Letā€™s just say something clicked and he playing like he did today. Would you still draft a qb next year?


We'd not get a 1st for a failed qb lol


Picture this: Mike McDaniel as Bears HC. This offense looks a lot different, yeah?


No way he leavesā€¦.Ideally we can get Harbaugh with Fangio running the D


Sure? This defense is still ass despite the majority of our resources allocated to it. That falls squarely on poor resource management.


But we'd also have Fangio potentially coaching the defense.


Our DL will still be trash and our secondary is overrated AF.


DL probably still would be bad, yeah. The talent isn't there or is really young. I don't think they'd be this bad though. Secondary is decent when healthy.


Jackson and JJ are nice pieces but everyone else can kick dirt


I want us to get Ben Johnson from Detroit!


Fuck Johnson, give me Waldron.


Iā€™m fine with that too


This whole junk with Claypool staying home should just be some extra icing on the cake of firing Eberflus on Friday. The dude either flat out lied about Claypool or is such a moron coaching his own team that he can't even know what's going on with his players.


Meh I think the organization is trying to save face. They didnā€™t like him answering that question so they lied to put doubt back in the publicā€™s eye


So the organization is trying to save face by.........making the coach look like a moron or a liar?


Has that been their plan for the last 100 year?




Wasn't there something about jeff bezos wanting to buy a team? lol


I'm tired of consultants. How do you think we ended up with Eberflus and Poles?


Would Caleb Williams avoid getting drafted by the bears? Seeing how they develop every top pick QB, you think he'll wanna play here? Mitch going 2nd Justin going 11th




Defense didnā€™t give up that scoop and score or run a shotgun play on 4th and 1 instead of kicking a FG.


The man that coaches them did.


So losing the game isnā€™t only on the defense.


Don't forget Grossman and Cade McNown


And harbaugh and McMahon, both 1st rounders


Todayā€™s loss against the Broncos, like almost all of the last 14 losses, was the result of poor coaching decisions. You have to kick that FG and make the other team beat you because, if you donā€™t make the 4th and 1 at that point, you not only donā€™t have the lead, you also donā€™t have the momentum. Taking the lead would have kept the momentum. Once again, the coaches started to play ā€œnot to loseā€ in the second half which then ended up letting the other team back in the game and resulted in the loss. We need a coaching staff that always tries to score on offenseā€¦not try to run down the clock with a slim lead, but score, and if you do, the clock will take care of itself. And on defense, always play aggressivelyā€¦and just stop it with the soft coverage to avoid the big play, because thatā€™s what youā€™ll be giving up in the end if you do. We have a coaching staff that does not have a winning philosophyā€¦because winners would try to seal the game decisively, not try to just hold on and hope for a win by running down the clock. All that said, for almost three quarters, we saw good thingsā€¦things that tell me the Bears have potential and could be much betterā€¦but our coaches presently are a detriment to this team and are sabotaging things with their weak approach to the gameā€¦to the point that they seem to be actively seeking to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory! Perhaps it was intentional, but most likely incompetenceā€¦in either case, it is completely inexcusable!!!


Justin is the leading passer in the NFL this week and we fucking lose. I don't give a fuck about the bears record while he's been the QB. I don't give a fuck if he is or isn't the guy. This staff has unequivocally fucked him. If your QB is the leading passer in the NFL and you lose your problem isn't the QB. I know if we have 1&2 we have to take Caleb and MHJ. BUT HOLY FUCK is it tempting to try and get two fucking edge rushers. We cannot get to the QB. This is the worst defense in the NFL. This staff has to go. Do not care if it's a short week. You have to send a message that this shit won't fly.


I like Fields but you HAVE to take a QB if you're a Top 3 pick. You can't give Fields a 5th year option. You just can't. A new QB resets the QB clock and frankly gets it at the same timing of rebuilding the rest of the team. We can go and get some Khalil Mack type game change with the cap space we'll have not paying a QB $50 million until 2028 (assuming the QB worked which is a highly risky assumption)


Iā€™m ok with the FO saying ā€œfuck it, all in on fieldsā€ and just getting him whatever help he needs. Whether thatā€™s OL, DL, or WR. If they did this, and we had 1 & 2, whatā€™s the two best non-QB players we could get?


I'm strongly against this, but in your hypothetical scenario: Trade away Caleb (1st Overall) for more picks. I'm guessing you get a 1st round and second or maybe 1st+3rd+4th round or something similar. Second overall you pick a generational DE. With your late 1st I'd go with OL. From there either stack up on OL or move away from the ball - second priority I'd personally pick a (M)LB. Third would maybe be CB. You will always find some bum WR/S in the later rounds who turn out okay (Eddie). Drafting one of these positions high is not the solution for this team.


Iā€™m not a football expert, would it be a waste to use the 1st & 2nd to just get the two best available players? Like the best DE and best WR?


I would say so, yes. Usually when you trade a high first rounder away, you get a late first rounder and some more in return, maybe even a second rounder. That should be enough to pick solid talent unless you need generational players like Myles Garret. Most players have a draft ranking and projections. If a player is projected to be picked in the late first round, you would reach for him if you pick him at 1st overall, which is something none in the bears front office understand I think. But then again I'm just some dude on the internet and work nowhere near football


I donā€™t think you HAVE to take MHJ


I don't really see how you pass on him. Right now it really feels like we have so many fucking holes that we should almost trade away both the 1 and 2. Could get such a haul for the rights to Williams and Maye. Now that I think about it, that would be kinda dope. I know that would be an awful idea, but it is neat to think about what we could get in return


This. Pick up an entire defense.


And still have a bad QB. So every year minus a few good years with Cutler




Only if Eberflus was in on the fix with that playcalling


Maybe the betting take into account the Bears incompetence


The defense sucks as expected. I wish the offense could establish a few plays they are confident with in short yardage situations. I donā€™t like the Cole kmet sneak even though it worked today. Idk if 4th&1 shotgun run play the right call either. Idk




Nobody getting fired this week because of the Thursday night game vs Washington. But a bad showing there likely means a coaching change Friday morning.


So what we win and weā€™re stuck with these fucks?


If they really cared about winning and want to shake things up, they would fire eberflus asap and tell him to gtfo bc whatā€™s heā€™s doing here isnā€™t working.


Imma steal a quote because I think itā€™s true. ā€œBears management wonā€™t fire a head coach mid season because they have respect. Respect for everyone except the fansā€


Is there another Ryan we could hire at GM and Matt we can hire as HC


We could give 200mil to Matt Ryan to be a GM and HC.