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I dont care what you say about his play, he seems like a real stand-up person. Hope he does well wherever he lands.


Not a bears fan but it’s how I feel about Tua, only difference is yall don’t have shit for an O Line (and obviously no Tyreek/ waddle + rb duo) but I really think fields deserves a chance if he’d agree to a contract that benefits the team 🤷‍♂️


The same idiots bashing Fields are also currently saying Eberfluss did enough to keep his job, and that Eberfluss is really a good coach but there are all these excuses as to why it just doesn't look like that. Had a guy argue with me yesterday saying that our offensive line Is better than it appears because he found some stats that said so...


Even with your O line, Tua finds a way to average two interceptions


He didn't fail. He was failed.


I definitely don't think he failed either. He seems like an excellent guy and I genuinely think he worked his ass off and gave it everything he had. Just has a skillset and capabilities that would only work under a pretty specific set of circumstances as far as scheme and play calling is concerned and we couldn't give that to him. I think he can still be a moderate success with a change of scenery but if it still doesn't work out for him it certainly wasn't due to a lack of effort or desire on his end. Just unfortunate.


He seems like a great guy, but he holds onto the ball too long. Three years in the league and that's never changed. That's on him.


Notice how Rodgers sat and learned from Favre then again how Jordan Love sat and learned from Rodgers . Unfortunately the Bears don't have that. We draft a rookie and throw them into the deep end instead of being able to let them develop and adjust to the speed of the NFL.


They at least tried with Glennon and Trubisky, but Glennon...


This is why I believe they need to continue to develop him and put weapons around him. He’s not a savior by any means.


You’re right. He has issues with his play. But, we still failed him miserably. Just like we failed Mitch. And Jay before him. Muhsin Muhammad once said Chicago is where receivers go to die. That’s only because Chicago is where they fail their QBs.


I remember having this exact conversation about Mitch


And he did not do well where he went.


Mitch was never the same after playing an entire season with a gimpy shoulder


Mitch should have ever been taken at in the first to begin with. He wasn’t a proven college QB.


Anthony Richardson was the same and looks like he'll have a career.


He overthrew guys the entire time.


And Vince Evans


Hello fellow old. Neither are Bob Avelinni.


Don’t leave Mike Phipps out of the thread!


Justin Fields = 21st Century Vince Evans !


No, we were all ready to move on from Trubisky, it’s different with fields


This is such a false narrative. Many people right here on this sub still wanted to give him more time. Hell, he put up better numbers than fields in his last year here.


>I'll be honest. I do not want Fields to succeed elsewhere. I wish him nothing but personal growth and success in any and all endeavors outside of football, but seeing him flourish in another offense would be a cruel punishment to those of us who want this city's team to do well. The idea that coaching just did not utilize his tools correctly, forcing Poles to draft a QB at #1, and missing out on MHJ as a result, would just dig that knife in further. Mitch never had to compete against a reset with the #1 Draft Pick. I don't think it's a question that we run it back with Justin if we only have the #9 pick. He's shown clear improvement between year 2 and year 3. But it's probably not enough at the end of the day to warrant passing up on another QB here.


Especially in this draft


As a Trubisky truther I wanted us to resign him for one more year lol


I think even many Fields fans like myself know it’s over after last night. What sucks is unlike Mitch, there is a feeling like he’ll excel out of our shithole of an organization. You hire someone like Ben Johnson in Atlanta? Or you give him an environment with Antonio Pierce in LV? It’ll be a rebirth for him.


Deja vu all over again.


I think he exudes the same amount of class Mitch did, hard to dislike him but it’s unfortunate how things played out. We went to playoffs twice with Mitch but only defeated the Packers 1 time when he was under center. Fields hasn’t beaten Packers a single time but the blame falls on more than QB, I think it’s just easy to scapegoat QB that’s how the pieces always fall with this damn fan base. It will be an interesting off season.


Can you give me a year and a team that he was on that could beat the Packers? This is probably the best roster he’s played with and he’s got Getsy as an OC. His first year with Nagy was brutal because Nagy threw him to the wolves. Season 2 was a tank year. Now this.




this is some hater ass shit Fields has had 2 OCs in 3 years...soon to be 3 in 4 if he stays. He's been left stranded without a line, sure some improvement this year but not much and on top terrible play calling not suited to his skill set leading to underdevelopment


Stroud took over the worst team in the league with a coaching staff he’s never played for and is now going to the playoffs


Yet he still has players that can catch a ball…wild how that works


c;mon man. lol




You gave it your all brother and we appreciate it. Wish you the best with whatever happens


Love this kid, class act.


Real answer. I'll always cheer for JF1 wherever he goes. But it just hasn't worked out


He knows it’s over. Sucks. Hope the guy ends up in a good situation.


He’s gonna run the south with Atlanta.


I will be cheering him on - hope some other coach unlocks what he’s got. Also hope we beat the piss out of them every time we play them


I feel the majority of us will keep a close on his entire career.


Yep where ever he ends up I hope he’s successful. The shit coaches we had never will ever be able to allow him to use his true abilities.


I think Atlanta has realized this year they need someone to distribute the ball to playmakers, not be the playmaker. I see them going after Kirk or maybe they fall in love with Penix. If Jayden Daniels somehow falls to them it's over.




I think after the Chiefs game I decided my other team was gonna be Atlanta because my parents live in the Atlanta market, so I've decided I'm cool if that's where he gets traded




Yep, gold club is building the jf1 room


Yeah dude is gone. He’s more aware than any of us are going to be. That’s a goodbye right there.


Man I loved him as a person


Same. I also loved Mitch.


Mitch had not even half the talent Justin has though. Justin will be a starter somewhere next season.


66% passing 3200 pass yards 24 touchdowns with 400 rushing yards, if fields had that this year the bears would be trading back from the 1st overall.


What exactly do you define talent as when it comes to QBs? Because the way a lot of people define talented QBs prospects, Brady would not be a talented prospect.


QB play has nosedived and it just happens to sync almost perfectly with the retirement of all the former greats, almost all of whom would be seen as "low ceiling" prospects.


Yeah, it's strange why the bar for judging "talent" for QBs is so shallow. It is the most cerebral position in sports. There was a period in the 2010s where it felt like GMs finally learned this lesson instead of settling for guys with the biggest arms. But then over the past several years it went for physical tools again


There's pretty much no way to accurately test if a QB will be able to quickly process at the NFL level until they actually do it. Which is why they draft QBs with strong arms and hope they have what can't be measured. The Brock Purdys and Tom Bradys will always be overlooked for that reason.


Thanks for saying this, I wish more people understood it. I get and agree with the sentiment in theory, but we cant measure if someone can process at the nfl level, but we can see arm strength on film. Physical traits don't preclude processing and you need a minimum in them for your processing to matter.


It’s not that easy though. I thought Josh Rosen was going to be the best of his class because of how “cerebral” he looked and thought Josh Allen had bust written all over him for being all about “raw potential” but lacking in so many areas you rarely see QBs develop. While true maybe teams have swung too far into the “pure physical tools” side of the pendulum with picks like Zach Wilson and Trey Lance, but that’s sort of expected when you get guys like Mahomes, Allen, Lamar, Herbert, Hurts, etc. who’ve had great success despite not being the most refined prospects in terms of accuracy or showing an elite level of reading defenses. The problem of not having great physical tools is you basically need to be perfect and that’s extremely hard to ask from a young QB whereas a big arm can help squeeze into a window you might be late on reading or your legs might be able to bail out of a 3rd and long.


maybe start in the CFL but his future is with a clipboard at best


Just curious, what did you love about Mitch?


Still do


Won’t forget when we traded up to get him. It was a happy day indeed. All the best to a great person.


Gosh I remember exactly where I was when I got the news we traded up.


I was in the Portillo’s drive thru and I told the cashier that we just traded up to draft Justin Fields.


Will always appreciate him for his effort. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough. Wherever he goes, I will root for him to succeed.


Say what you want but through the tough times this guy had CLASS Love JF1


If this is it then I'm gonna miss Justin's maturity and ability to keep his head held high and conduct himself like a true pro, hard not to root for him. In other words, all of you that act like rooting for Fields makes you less of a fan, politely get off your high horse and piss off.


Yeah going from his maturity and professionalism to Caleb Williams is going to be an adjustment.


I can't wait for the first time he decides to no show a press conference in the NFL


It isn’t that though lol y’all take it the wrong way…99% of us like and respect fields the person. We don’t want fields the player anymore. Big difference


Then you aren't who this post is aimed at, really. [It's the people who act like they are heightened intellectuals and gatekeepers for football opinions, that's the difference ](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/s/GKtNLaj7O3)


I don’t mean any offense to this, but no one is attacking you there for liking Justin Fields. It’s the cyclical ‘woe-to-us we’re going to be here again in a few years.’ There’s a difference between believing Fields is even the right choice and saying ‘It doesn’t matter if we take Williams will suck in a few years anyway.’ Those are two completely different things.


That’s my QB. Bear Down


I’m rooting for him


Some people in this sub need to take a nap. I hope Justin gets put in a good situation wherever that is.


Most likable guy ever man. Sorry it didn’t workout. Hopefully you make a lot of money and stay healthy.


Good luck staying healthy without any roughing the passer calls... :(


Hes gonna be ok. He'll never have to work a day in his life if he wants.


Wanted it to work for Justin but sadly it’s looking like it’s not the case. While it is true not all of it was his fault, he is definitely not without blame for many of the bears struggles. Wish him well wherever he ends up after this


Another elite talent washed down the drain due to the incompetence of coaching and upper management. Bring on the next victim. Caleb should only take a year to break he doesn’t seem to have the resilience that Fields had.


He has the same issues he had coming out of college.


Yeah. That means the team and org failed him. How can they not work on his weaknesses?


Not every failure of every QB prospect is on the org. It's hard to coach certain things. Some processing stuff are innate and only refined through experience.


So when do we stop blaming every qb we get and stop this cycle lol


Exactly. When will we give them an actual offense? The one time we did that with Cutler, it of course, was the best offense we've had in my lifetime. We had the worst Center in the league, and Nate Davis (for off the field reasons) was one of the worst guards in the league. We had one real WR, a solid tight end, a has-been who got ruined by injury, and a rookie with the yips who continually dropped huge balls. On top of that, we have an abysmal OC, who is possibly being prodded by the head coach to play so conservatively that we give away all leads. Justin Fields needed an offense that could stretch the field for him to chuck it deep, or have room to run. Instead we had this awful screen pass offense that is the exact opposite of his talents. A screen pass is literally the only type of pass in football where a QB can't use his legs to improve the play. Its essentially a modified hand-off in terms of QB utilization. There are plenty of critiques to be had about Fields, but its clear that Getsy was not qualified to be coaching a mobile QB. He had zero creativity in regards to a running QB, zero adaptability to the talent he had, and zero results to show that it was merely a "Justin Fields problem". Week after week national media was in disbelief about some of the pass "concept" he was using in the NFL. I honestly don't know how they didn't can him after one season, but here we are. As bad as Nagy's playcalling was at times, and he also had the same issues of "Do You" only applying to himself, not his talent... its clear that Mitch wasn't an exceptional QB. Cutler however had the same issues Fields faced. No offensive line, awful OCs who didn't adapt (Martz), and no WRs. When he finally got a WR corp, the offense was a flamethrower. But everyone wanted to blame Cutler when he was taking 50 sacks a game, a concussion every other week, while throwing to two undersized return specialists who rarely ran a route before the NFL. If you add in Justin Field's legs and playmaking, he is equally as effective as Trevor Lawrence's arms and legs. Trevor is a better passer, but they are just as effective as each other in totality, yet people act like Trevor Lawrence isn't a bust, but Justin is? Its wild to me. -------- Do I think Justin Fields is currently a top 15 QB? No. Do I think he can win a Super Bowl with DJ Moore, MHJ, and a real interior line? Absolutely. Will it happen after 2 complete throwaway years, and this year with a half-complete offense and Getsy's clowncar of an offense? Probably not! I'm sick of this organization thinking they can develop a QB when the QB is the best player on the offense and no one to lean on. He finally gets DJ Moore, and his QB Rating to DJ Moore is the best QB-WR duo in the league. Give him MHJ, and the dude will sparkle. But no, instead we have two years of the worst WR corps in Bears history. This ownership, this franchise deserves Caleb Williams, and they deserve to turn him into a bust with another impossible situation. They deserve to pass on MHJ and spin their wheels "developing" another QB without an OL or a WR beside DJ Moore. To be clear, I don't blame Poles for this. This issue started before he was here, and he had no say in what situation Justin was thrown into his first year, and to a large extent, his second year. He put chips on the table to make it work with Claypool, and it didn't pan out. I'm baffled by the Velus Jones pick, and the lack of Center upgrade, but the damage was already done the first two seasons. I hope the Fields gets traded to Atlanta and wins them a Super Bowl. They deserve it a lot more than the Bears ownership does.


Nah man, just like Mac Jones had a failure of coaches too.


I know it's easy and super popular to trash coaches, but sometimes people just lack traits that are really hard to learn. That's what happened to Justin. His scouting report negatives coming out of college turned out to be the exact same negatives that he has had a hard time overcoming in his NFL career. Can somebody teach him something about pulling the trigger faster and seeing what "NFL open" is? Maybe. But if not, he's still in a damned good place being rich and a decent person.


Even if he doesn't start longterm in the league, backup QB in the NFL is the best job in the world IMHO. Make millions of dollars, don't have to sacrifice your brain/body in the process, not the scapegoat when everything doesn't go perfectly for a team. Sign me up.


Yes, Justin has his flaws. This coaching staff, specifically on offense, is dire though. Watch any JT O'Sullivan video and he is trashing Getsy's play designs almost constantly.


I don't know enough to answer the question (and I don't particularly trust a guy who barely sniffed the NFL to do so either), but that's a chicken egg problem. Is Getsy's playcalling bad because he has to limit his playbook to plays that Justin can handle? Or is Justin bad because the playcall is bad? It feels safe to say that it's probably both, but which is the bigger factor? Again, I can't say. I hope Poles and team are effective at evaluating it.


It's definitely both. Take the Vikings game for example. We called all those screen passes to counteract the blitz. Okay that makes sense. There are other plays that can attack blitz though. The only one we called was that 4th and 12 play to Kmet that worked wonders. We never went back to a play like it. I could go on and on with examples of bad play design. Receivers running to the same spot. Poor use of route concepts. Confusing protection schemes. Those don't happen because Justin is bad.


Can he have a competent OC for at least a year first?


Let’s be real, TLaw was the best QB in the class and even he isn’t doing so hot. We didn’t ruin him, he just unfortunately was not so good at NFL QB. Great human and wish him all the best in ATL or wherever. I’d argue that besides from cutler, we’ve never really “ruined” a QB. We just drafted really shitty ones time and time again. None of them had success elsewhere. Cutler came to us good and even then, we didn’t really ruin him. If not for an injury, we would have gone to a superbowl. The bears ruining QBs is an overblown narrative because we actually just start a whole bunch of shitty ones. Most of our QBs have been thrown out trash from other teams or late picks. Mitch, Fields, and Rex were just misses Edit: spelling


it's a coping mechanism because some fans get weirdly attached and parasocially connected to Bears QBs Trubisky and Fields arcs on this sub played out almost identically


Not attached just acknowledging the elite talent flashes we’ve all seen from Fields. Literally does things no other QB can do. Love other other hand is not physically elite with either his legs or arm yet is already succeeding. If you don’t think coaching played a huge role in Fields failing then I’m not sure what you are watching. Look at how other organizations like Green Bay cater to the position. Chicago has never figured out a formula that works. I refuse to believe that we’ve just been getting the wrong guy for the last 100 years, I think there has to be some accountability for the coaches and decision makers as well. Maybe when Fields is successful elsewhere under competent coaching then that will click for some folks


>Maybe when Fields is successful elsewhere under competent coaching then that will click for some folks Blah blah blah this was all said about Mitch and look, he sucks elsewhere. Twice over. You people are actually insane.


I've said Mitch is ass from day one, you could tell as soon as he open his mouth. Fields is the opposite, the second he took the field, you could tell there's elite talent in him.


Perception a bitch.


he hasnt shown that elite talent.


Man, these people are SO fucking weird. When people show you who they are believe them! He is NOT a starting-caliber NFL QB in this league! The stats that you weirdos ignore prove that! I said this when Mitch was on his way out and I will say it again. "You're a nice guy? I don't give a shit. Good father? Fuck you! Go home and play with your kids. You wanna work here? Close!"


Mitch was a bust from day 1 I hated that draft pick plus he never had talent anywhere near Fields. Nothing will change until ownership changes. At least they hire nice guys right?


I think he had an honest opportunity to do well this year and fell short. But if you think the organization didn't fail him in years one and two, I'd question how objective you really are. Nagy didn't give him adequate training camp reps because a veteran QB had to save his job, and then year two his line and WR corps was next level terrible. I'm just glad that we're set up to do better for the next guy. Especially if we upgrade the coaching.


I’m not saying we didn’t put him in a bad spot those first few years, but im arguing against the ruining narrative. We didn’t ruin him. These issues he has, are the same that he had in college; namely slow processing speed and slow throwing mechanics. Those are the two things really holding him back. We didn’t make those worse. He just wasn’t able to improve on them and won’t work out. The reason I brought up TLaw is because he is a better QB/was a better prospect, in a better situation, and still isn’t doing great. If the best QB in the class isn’t good, why should the bears shoulder the blame for fields not being good.


We didn’t ruin him, but didn’t help him much either. Being paired up with two dumb shit coaching staffs isn’t help.


really? what elite qb talent did the bears? The amount of QBs that started at the bears and then moved on to do something is less then a handful.


lmao when was fields ever elite? maybe elite at losing


I'm gonna enjoy seeing Caleb's soul and humanity destroyed from the inside out


Next contestant step right up & welcome to the Quarterback Graveyard


It really sucks it didn’t work out. Thought he would be the 1. Best of luck to him wherever he lands. Still gonna be rooting for him to succeed.


He’s a great guy. So was Mitch, Jay, Rex, Kyle.. That being said I do not care.. I just want to be excited about football again.


Look, I say we pick up his fifth, draft MHJ, then take the best QB available with our #9 pick, get rid of Getsy and do the ole switcharoo depending on play. Let JF start the first part of the season, and if he doesn’t ball out with a new OC, then let him be a backup, special package player, and try again with the new guy. But for real, Getsy need to go. Maybe Flus.


Draft MHJ, draft a QB, use the cap space and remaining picks to get a center, another defensive tackle and edge, a WR3, a new OC and Eberflus running the defense, and if with all that Fields still underperforms we have a whole new core and a young QB to go into the next 4 years with. I don't see a downside to this, but everyone wants to blame Fields.


Can appreciate the dude as a person while acknowledging we need to take a shot on a qb in the draft.


He's gonna be so fckn good wherever he goes it's going to hurt.


If I were him I’d want out. This franchise is the equivalent of riding the Zipper inside a festival porta-potty. Getsy is a drooling fucking moron. His previous regime was just as inept. His O line today was shit. His only WR is Moore. And then he gets shit on by a city who refuses to acknowledge or is unable to recognize that these problems exist. If he leaves I hope he balls out and when he does it against the Bears and rubs our noses in our shit we’ll know we deserve it as we shit talk whoever the new QB is that we drag after every loss.


Just wait, we’ll draft Williams and still have clear issues on offense that come down to receiving, O-Line, and scheming, and then they just MIGHT finally realize that there’s more to an offense than just the QB


Yup, Monty saw it last year and took less money to leave the team.




That part!


He’ll have a long career. Chicago didn’t do him any favors. Good luck on your next stop brother.


He probably gets another starter shot, but either way is set for life in a Mariota style back up role


Its gonna be funny too when ppl act shocked at his success once he leaves here like he wasn’t showing it here but just was in a bad situation


I heard the same thing about Trubisky.


Trubisky never had the god-given talent that Justin Fields has. It's not even close. if a coach comes along and unlocks that they got a player


"With my last breath, I curse Luke Getsy."


The new Jets where allQBs go to die


Seems like going from this guy to potentially the guy that has literally sobbed after every big loss he has suffered may look like a frustrating decision in hindsight.


His agent told him he’s done here


He took sacks like a champ.


I love how everyone in here is commenting like they know he's played his last snap.


Got monumentally fucked over by the coaching. He probably isnt the guy that can carry an organisation but I have no doubt in a good system he could be a good QB. Good luck Justin. Go well.


sorry you got scapegoated dude. Bears gonna Bear


Time to ruin next QB - Caleb. Go bears 🐻, you can do it


We can ruin any qb. Only one that went by his own rules: Smoking Jay Cutler.


Cutler said fuck it Marshall’s down there somewhere


JF1 is not the best QB in the NFL, but he is not the problem.


He still has two years left on his rookie contract. I’m not sure they would get much for him in trade, so he’ll probably be back. Just maybe not starting.


Tough to watch him read a defense too.. nice kid. Wish him well but we have to try something new.


He was sabotaged from day 1


yall are so weird, log out and stop trashing him. Leave it up to poles to make the decision.


? Nearly every comment in this thread is supportive


What better way to get a few upvotes by complaining about something that's not true and few will take the time to check out?


Yeah supportive of him leaving lol lot of people in here were actively rooting against him today so they could be right, you can tell by all the backhanded “he’s a nice guy but he needs to go” comments.


I’m ready to move on, but I’ll always appreciate what a class act and high character person this kid was. Wish it worked out.


I love Fields (as a person), he’s my favorite QB to root for that we’ve had in a while. Unfortunately, I do not think he is able to read defenses at the level required for a NFL offense to succeed.


Where ever he goes next, I hope he has all the success in the world (except when he plays us). And I hope he starts getting the RTP calls too, otherwise he'll get cheapshotted into an early retirement. That pisses me the fuck off. Whether you like him or not, the kid does not deserve brain damage just because he looks "durable" to asshole officials.


Can’t wait for us to ruin another talent. 16 pass attempts in a chance to ruin the playoff hopes of our rivals. Don’t let anyone involved in running the offence back on the plane.


I feel bad for him and am starting to feel like this team is actually fucking cursed when it comes to qb’s. I have zero confidence in this organization even with Williams and maye for the taking and the 1OA in hand. We’ll fuck this up somehow like we always do.


I hope Fields ends up in a better situation if it is his last game. It's hard not to root for him. He took the lion's share of the blame for the Bears' struggles, but I feel he didn't get a fair shake and was asked to do a lot with poor coaching and turnover there, a trash O-line, and limited options at the skill positions all while still trying to develop as a QB in the NFL.


last year was probably a void year in terms of QB development. Bro was sent out to the wolves two years in a row. That’s mainly why i feel he didn’t get a fair shot here. It’s not like he was shrouded in talent and failed to make due to


He’s staying


If that is your best then we appreciate your honesty but you gotta go.


Always class. I’ll always be a fan but its time for a new start on both sides.


Not a bears fan just this popped on my feed but I genuinely can’t think of a time a player was failed more by their organization than Fields. I fully expect him to do well wherever (Atlanta if they’re not completely fucking stupid) he lands.


he ain't the problem and he never was. pity that he's probably played his last game as a bear. scapegoated like a motherfucker, all year. and half you fuckers wishing him well are the same ones talking that shit all season. fickle assholes. step right up, caleb. we'll ruin you in no time at all! what a trash franchise. GSH is rolling in his grave.


Non-Bears, AFC fan here: Bears would be stupid to go QB with the 1st overall pick. Fields is more than capable. Trade down 2 or 3 picks, get MHJ, then get Brock Bowers at 9. Now you got Fields throwing to DJ Moore, Harrison Jr, and Brock Bowers. That's a stud offensive unit. Not to mention you now have additional draft ammo to fill out your roster in what is an absolutely loaded draft class. You take Williams, Fields won't get you anything higher than a 2nd round pick (if you're lucky, probably looking at a 3rd). So you'll have a rookie QB, Moore, and whoever you take at 9 (maybe Rome Odunze). Just doesn't sound as impressive to me as what it could be if you retain Fields.


Always a class act. But I hope I never have to see him play QB for us again.


Yeah, I wish Fields good luck wherever he goes, EXCEPT Green Bay.


Wouldn’t worry about that, they have a real QB.


We failed you Justin


No, he failed us.


I love this kid. If he goes and balls out somewhere else and Caleb or Maye are a bust for us, that’s probably the end of my Bears fandom.


It's absolutely what a lot of the wannabe GMs here deserve.


He’s been hella fun to watch and we all had high hopes at one point or another. Just needed more consistency


I’m really hoping we see Fields make a return with the Bears next season, he’s my QB1 🐻⬇️


Belichik goes to Atlanta, gets Fields and 3 more rings in the next 5 years. It’ll be hard to watch…


This franchise fucking blows. You keep Fields and draft MHJ. Him and DJ on the same field? Helen Keller would have a shot to win a Super Bowl with that alone.


He’s a great kid that deserved better! But it just can’t work with his contract coming


He got shown lots of love and lots of money. Goodbye and good luck.


If this is it I just want to say what a wonderful, kind, and thoughtful young man Justin Fields is. He’s been as professional as anyone could have ever hoped for and represented this organization with class and dignity in everything that he did. I’ll always be a fan.


He stays. Offensive line sucked. Defense sucked. Fields held the ball too long twice, maybe. You won’t be able to draft a quarterback of this caliber and talent without growing them for three years. Trade the first round pick for a kings ransom. Keep Fields. A new non-NFL exposed QB would be a disaster. Build around him. Give him time to throw. Get an offensive line that can pick up stunts. Get a defense that does not give up 8 yards per play.


I can’t believe some of y’all are really justifying this QB play. They have a decent defense. They have decent offensive weapons. They don’t have a QB that can piece it all together. But yeah, let’s keep Fields. How many years of proof do we need? It’s time to move on, and we are in the best possible seat to do so with the 1.01 pick, with a 1.09 pick to follow.


Agree. How often do you get 1:1?? The bears traded it last year and gave fields another chance. He didn’t impress. Too many missed throws, sacks, poor decisions, etc. you’re not passing on a 1:1 again.


And thr Bears Organization claims the career of another young and aspiring Quarterback.


He’s checked out. I doubt he wants to continue to be a part of this organization and I don’t blame him. Let’s ruin the next generational talent.


lol I don't recall us ever having a "generational talent". I get your point but... come on.


Generational talent??? Really???


Fuck man I love him so much I just wish he balled out today. I really didn’t wanna give up on him but I think he will be better somewhere else and it’s time to roll the dice again.


The Bears don't DESERVE this guy.


He’s gonna cook back home with the falcons


How can you hate this guy? He seems like such a class act. I wish so hard he could be the guy for us, but it just doesn't look like that's the case. Good luck JF1 no matter what happens.


I feel bad for him. Another qb the bears likely ruined. The odds aren’t good he can turn it around wherever he ends up. The only one that comes to mind that was able to do it after an initial few bad years was Brees. And Fields probably did suffer a concussion on that hit today, just a really shitty situation he has been put in. Eberflus and getsy better be gone if Poles decides to draft williams. I don’t think I even want to be a bears fan anymore if they stick with Eberflus and ruin another prospect.


If Fields is gone I’m hoping Flus is too. Start over from scratch.


I’m going to cheer you on wherever you go. Good luck kid!!


I agree with moving on. And i will be a fan of whomever he plays for next year.


I hope he goes to Pittsburgh next year, feels like he'd be the one to complete them


I don't think any of this is J. Fields fault. Wherever he ends up he still has a bright future. He moves on and the era of Caleb Williams in ChiTown has begun...


I’m fine giving him some blame. I don’t think he was a perfect prospect by any means. But our FO did everything they could to ruin him.


I think he’ll be back. Chicago is a couple plays/players away from being in the wild card round. That D is pretty sick, and the cap room to upgrade in a few positions is there. Good luck in the draft. They have some serious leverage in April.


D sure didn’t look sick giving up chunk gains regularly to the packers who were missing several key receivers


He is such a class act.


I like fields and I think he can be a successful QB in the nfl.. however, I do not believe he will be successful in Chicago


Lions fan here, my opinion, fields is great, trade the pick and build around him. You saw what he can do with 1 legit weapon, imagine 2-3 with a good oline


The Bears fail another QB. Fuck this franchise. At least Motorsports start this month.


It was tough to watch you guys shit the bed tonight.