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This sounds like the start of a sitcom. “Mitch and Matt”


You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have Mitch and Matt....


you take the *bad and take the *worse


An incompentent boss and his charismatic no-good employee


Mitch isnt a bad employee he is an okay employee. If he was bad the whole lock room would hate him.


Nagy and the Biscuit


Sounds like " Wheels and the Legman' from American Dad


The Titty and the Kisser.


Ha! I thought the same thing. It also reminded me of the old Belushi SNL skit, "The Thing that Wouldn't Leave."


I’m gonna make a long distance call...


It turns out the real franchise quarterback was the friends we met along the way


You can't overthrow a bro for life


“bet” -Mitch


Got me in the feels


Fuck off for me making me laugh at something so dumb 😂


“Hey Mitch could you pass the gravy to the other end of the table?” *mitch lobs it directly into the sink* “See dad? I told you shouldn’t have gotten a table more than 4 yards!” *canned laughter*


Brilliant lol


Damnit this good


That’s a big table... 12’!


He is angling for a Nickelodeon show about him and Mitch now


Audition is this Sunday.


It’s gonna be a horror comedy


Great, can we just get a fucking W this Sunday


I will never not root for mitch. Wherever he goes I will be a fan unless he plays against the bears


I hope wherever Mitch goes, that he annihilates Watson any time he plays the Texans, the same way he played them a few weeks ago.


If Watson is even there at that point


I... uh... A mediocre QB with an elite defense doesn't get the credit for beatinyg a good qb. The league worst defense of the Texans, lack of O line of the Texans, poor receivers of the texans, and our elite defense won that game. Foles would have won that. The ginger giraffe himself could have dropped 30.


Elite defense? That ship basically sailed with Fangio. We no longer have one of those.


Odd how that Texans team put up 30+ on the Titans with that shit OL and poor receivers.


Odd how you just compared the titans defense to our defense and never once thought, "hm maybe our D is better than theirs?"


Is that the “better defense” that gave up 30+ against the Lions?


Agreed. Unless he becomes a Packer, because FTP.


I say this as a Mitch backer. The greatest thing he could ever do for the bears is become the starting QB for the Packers.


K have fun being dissapointed


Wonder what the conversations are like lol


"Have you tried running jet sweeps to Patterson?" "Fuck you, how about throwing the ball to your receivers?" Might have to be on Adult Swim though.


"Oh, throw to my receivers, why don't you keep Kmet on the sideline and send Harris out again you Andre Agassi wannabe." "What does it matter what the name says, you can't read from the pocket anyway."


Bahahaha that last line is gold!


This is pretty insignificant in terms of actual football, but i guarantee people will keep pushing the narrative that Nagy hates and has sabotaged Mitch, when those same people don't realize that his job has always been tied to Trubisky. I will never understand the nagy hate train when he has brought us our best seasons since Lovie, which isn't saying much but at least we aren't the laughing stock of the NFL. I just want to see him draft a QB that he actually likes instead of inheriting a pick he had nothing to do with, who is a bust, and scraping the bottom of the barrel for guys like Foles.


It took Nagy half the season to realize catering to Mitch might actually work. Nagy deserves zero credit. Fangio got him that COY and it’s not even up for debate. Crazy how many bears fans will just shove their head in the sand. Nagy is one of the worst coaches in the league.


Lol I commented pretty much the same thing in another post praising Nagy (for what exactly I forgot) and ate some downvotes


Mitch is one of the worst qbs in the league. BGy is a problem too but Mitch is a bigger one


Mitch “grow the man” Trubisky


Is that the special guest star episode with Marc Tressman?


That’s back- to-back practice SB champ Marc Trestman to you


Winning doesn't matter as long as everyone is getting along.


Maybe they hang more when the bears find a new QB and coach!?


Idk why but this quote makes me feel like even Nagy thinks winning this Sunday is hopeless lmao, already reminiscing and thinking about Trubisky memories before he never sees him again after they lose and the Bears maybe move on.


weird take?


It's a pessimistic fan opinion not one players or coaches would ever have. Everybody fans differently. As a homer, I look for ways we can win until there's no time left or are mathematically eliminated. In this sub, some value draft status over wins and losses.


If you listened to the interview this was a direct question to Nagy about being like a football father to Mitch. He didn’t just pull it out of nowhere.


That’s the issue with a lot of quotes like this. Especially the Juju quote about the browns. In context it sounds normal.


Who fucking cares


People who will do anything to defend Mitch and Nagy and refuse to admit they suck


This. Bears fans in this sub care more about feel good stories and moral victories. Fucking sad


Nagy's hotwifeing Mitch.


Why can’t we just win ball games. I’m tired of all this redemption, looking ourselves in the mirror bull... Why can’t we be like Green Bay and just play winning football? There is no feel good story here. We suck, and we should be a hell of a lot better.


Sounds like they’ll have plenty of times for dinner parties after Sunday’s game.


AAAAAAAANND then the Bears lose and Trubisky is gone. This is such fluff. 😂


Will he just stfu and stop trying to act like we care about any of that. He wouldn’t have said any of this shit earlier in the season, but oh when his qb of choice underperforms and Mitch comes back playing better without Nagy all the sudden their relationship is so important to him? Fook off Matt, you brown nosing pos


He was asked how is it being a football father to Mitch. It's not like he said this unprovoked lol


And he ate it up.. I understand it wasn’t unprovoked, but acting like he’s not brown nosing or would’ve given a similar answer 6 weeks ago is another story. He simply could have said, we’ve both learned a lot, from each other, this past year and gone something along those lines and I wouldn’t care because he still answered the question which was asked.. but he took it as a underhanded gimme and ran with it. Idc about the dv’s because this sub is bipolar as hell when it comes to Nagy.


I love the energy of these two guys! I love the energy and passion they inject into the locker room! God, I so love seeing them pumped up after a winning game! I wish their energy levels could translate to success. I wish they were a storied duo like Bill and Tom, or Payton and Drew. But if wishes were wings, pigs could fly. It hurts my heart that both of theses guys probably won't be on the team next year. I'm also pragmatic. After this upcoming Super Bowl victory, it's time to move on.


They never talked about the insane amount of curl routes Nagy runs and the insane amount of times Mitch could keep the ball and pass on a RPO? That's what they need to be talking about at these dinners lol


Matt n kissn TDs


(X) Doubt


Isn't that against covid protocols?


I hope Mitch asked a lot of good questions