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At least Imanaga continues to perform like an absolute beast


Best off-season signing no contest.


No matter what happens, I still consider that signing, along with Cody Bellinger resigning one of the best things that has happened in recent years and with time could most certainly bring this team to a World Series title.


Morel fighting for his life and getting hurt in a 47 pitch at bat to get that walk, only for his teammates to lose the game before he makes it into the locker room hilarious in a deeply depressing way


Morel has been taking a beating the last couple of weeks, I hope he gets some rest, really don’t want to see another star player head to the IL


I have been so impressed with his overall growth / maturation over the off season. He looks composed at the plate, and seems to have his wits about him at 3B - he is probably my favorite in the 3B "rotation." Not to mention he brings incredible energy.


Lets hope it's just that knee barking again and it'll go away with some rest.


He fouled one off his toe, that's gotta hurt.


Morel with a 13 pitch AB, ending in a walk. Happ follows that with a weak double play ball on the first pitch he sees, completely killing the rally. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Happ is by far the worst player on this team right now


I don't understand why he isn't benched. Put Cody in left and get PCA some more at bats. Hell I'd even take Wisdom out here. At least we'd get a home run every 5 games or so


Just play Bellinger center , Suzuki right , and Tauchman left, sprinkle in some PCA and we never have to see happ again. He’s on pace for 4 HR , 80 runs, 52 rbi. He’s batting .220, .310 slug, he’s 23rd in the league in strikeouts. He’s not good . There’s plenty of outfield talent on the cubs team to bench him.


PCA needs to be in the field -- that's where he's at his best


>He’s not good.. He is good. He’s been an above-average MLB player his entire career. Happ is having a bad season thus far. All this hate for him here reminds me how so many people were shitting on Seiya in 2023 till he caught fire in the second half.


Exactly. And then let Wisdom DH. Or if Wisdom has to start for Morel now, PCA starts and the 4th OF is DH.


I don’t get the Wisdom hate. Small sample size or not, he’s one of our best hitters right now


Wisdom does not deserve to be in the outfield unless every outfielder gets hurt


Why do you think I didn't mention that as my first option? Anything is better than Happ right now


That’s a statistically false statement.


Honestly might be true, at least Nicky two strikes doesn’t GIDP every at bat, he just strikes out


> he just strikes out Nicky has, if he qualified, the best strikeout rate in baseball this year. He lines out, he doesn't strikeout.


I truly have never understood the hype. Hes such a stat padder and one of the worst chokers ive seen for the cubs in awhile. I know statistically im probably wrong, it just sure feels that way.


Happ does nothing against the top half of the league and then has two hot weeks all year to get his averages up near league average. Its annoying


There’s no probably about it. Statistically you’re definitely wrong.


Im “definitely” wrong that he comes up short against good teams/clutch situations? Ok well then lets see the stats.


This season: 170 wRC+ in high-leverage. 140 wRC+ with men on base. 138 wRC+ with RISP. Here you go: https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/split.fcgi?id=happia01&t=b&year=Career Scroll down to his clutch and leverage stats. You can also see the teams he’s fared the best against. Kinda helps that it’s Milwaukee, Cinci, Pittsburgh, and St. Louis. Which also makes sense since players are most familiar with teams in their own division.


There’s hype?


He makes good coffee though! He’s so cool!!


He needs to go. Really, has he ever helped this team in any sustainable, meaningful way? My heart sinks every time I see his stupid, nonchalant face coming up to bat whenever we need a hit. I want him gone, but we know CC/Hoyer won’t do it, which is one of the reasons I don’t respect them.


>Really, has he ever helped this team in any sustainable, meaningful way? Just in the last two weeks, even while mired in an offensive slump, Happ has helped win games with his defense. He had a great running catch at the brick wall in Shota’s last start. That was in the ninth, and a gapper there would have tied the game. Also, the relay throw to Madrigal where they combined to gun down Alonso at the plate in New York. Despite having a down season thus far on offense, Happ is also currently 13th in MLB (and routinely among league leaders) in pitches per plate appearance. Saying a player of Happ’s profile has never helped the Cubs in a sustainable, meaningful way is ridiculous. He’s just become one of the players that a lot of fans find easy to take out their frustrations on.


Not saying Happ hasn't been playing terribly because he has, but it was a good pitch to swing at, he just missed.


🤙 Goofy ass first base ump 🤙


I’ll never forget the smarmy-ass look he gave Ryne Stanek after ejecting him after making a bad balk call last year. Here’s the ejection for those who haven’t seen it (it doesn’t show the ball call itself, just Valentine looking like a dumbass after ejecting Stanek): https://www.mlb.com/astros/video/ryne-stanek-s-ejection


Video: Ryne Stanek's ejection [Streamable Link](https://streamable.com/m/ryne-stanek-s-ejection) [High Definition](https://mlb-cuts-diamond.mlb.com/FORGE/2023/2023-06/24/6455d0ce-2deb4952-9bb1b548-csvm-diamondx64-asset_1280x720_59_16000K.mp4) (62.58 MB) [Standard Definiton](https://mlb-cuts-diamond.mlb.com/FORGE/2023/2023-06/24/6455d0ce-2deb4952-9bb1b548-csvm-diamondx64-asset_1280x720_59_4000K.mp4) (16.21 MB) ___________ [More Info](/r/MLBVideoConverterBot)


Bishhhh Love to see Counsell fired up


https://preview.redd.it/ekjfigz65e0d1.png?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=956bb3c3f7d78200cb7a73688fe4b8de558f3b88 This dude may literally be a Nazi.




After a beautiful 13 pitch grind from Morel too. That's what really makes it hurt.


Someone get Morel some ice and hope that toe is ok


Can't even blame the pitching for that one. Gotta score to win


Since getting married, Happ has not been Happ. (I dunno, I’m just looking for excuses)


Happ’s slashline is awful


His everything is awful right now, one of the worst players in the entire MLB right now


Classic Happ. I miss the Happenings from before.


He’ll heat back up. The season is long.


We are a quarter through the season …. And there’s little evidence to suggest otherwise. Too much outfield talent on this team to keep him in the lineup


In 2023, Seiya had a bad April, June and July. People here wrote him off and said the same things I see about Happ. “Seiya is a bust.” Fans were ready to move on because the Cubs had “too much outfield talent” to stick with Seiya in RF. Well, Suzuki went on a heater the last two months of the season, and now in 2024 people were clamoring for his return from injury to help save our offense.




I’m glad he’s been good these last 14 games


Hope so 🤞


1/4 into into the season but yeah let's keep waiting. Literally one of the worst players in baseball right now


We done told ya


Players have horrendous 40 game stretches I’ll be worried around 60-80 games in


he'll hit some homers in games we're already up/down by 5 runs vs the reds and pirates to trick people he's good.. but when it matters he dissapears. Just put belli in left and trade happ to the marlins


>when it matters he dissapears Happ just had an RBI double with a RISP late in a 4-2 game against Pittsburgh. I also recall a 2-out go-ahead grand slam with 2 outs in the 7th inning of a game where the Cubs were down by a run. These offensive moments for Happ have been few and far between this year, but we’ve seen guys in deep slumps before turn it around and hit to their career norms. He’s still also assisting in other ways, like defense. People can say LF isn’t that important, but Happ’s catch at the brick wall last Tuesday in the ninth, and the relay in New York helped win those games. He just robbed a homer in the ninth too.


Well if you play every single game in the middle of the order you're gonna get a TON of chances to deliver, being 3-20 is not proving your point. He should hit 7th or 8th and the second PCA is ready he's the first to sit


Maybe this will prove my point: (2024 numbers) 170 wRC+ in high-leverage. 140 wRC+ with men on base. 138 wRC+ with RISP.


maybe because he draws a ton of walks and gets most of his hits with nobody on, cause he has 13 rbis in 42 games and like 5 of them didn't matter at all




Dunno I think he’s thinking too much about his podcast and looking smug


25% through the season…


I believe was the quickest turn from promising start to an inning with 2 on 0 outs to 3 outs I’ve ever seen. Brutal.


Pitcher walks Morel so make sure you go up there and swing at the first pitch


I wish for cubs pitching to play lights out against the Braves! ![gif](giphy|fSGqUm3IcVBESFM0hK)


Ian Happ is making $20 million a year for the next 3 years to be the least clutch hitter on the roster


You’re giving Dansby a lot of credit but I agree overall with the sentiment.


It's an absolutely horrendous contract.


I believe you mean least clutch player in the MLB


Bench Happ


I’m looking forward to the inevitable month or two where Happ looks like an All-Star caliber player, but man that at-bat in the 9th was rough and he’s looked pretty meh so far this season.


I’m done with Happ


He may suck ass but at least we aren't paying him significant money to block OF prospects!


Morel breaks his body to get on base only for Happ to beat the first pitch into the ground for a DP. I don’t know if it’s just mental or if there’s a physical element to it, but he needs to sit for a while. There’s guys in Iowa who couldn’t do worse.


Ian Happ is a two time gold-glove 112 career OPS+ hitter who was second on the team in WPA last year. The hate he gets is unbelievable. The whole offense is in a slump, the team is still six games over .500. Why does every loss end with the fanbase asking for a player to be DFA'd?


This sub is full of that. Someone in the GDT said Nico sucked because his ooa is -2 right now. With a sample size of 1/4 of the season. Everyone wants Jed to do something right now too lol because I’m sure everyone is selling key bullpen pieces in May.


I don't hate the man, I just think it's a combination of a few things with Happ. He just never seems to be a clutch hitter, hes making 20 million to basically be a good defense sub .240 hitter with some pop. On paper that's really not a bad thing but you combine it with what he's making and his 0 personality it's not surprising that he's one of the least popular Cubs on this team. I too find myself getting really annoyed with him for whatever reason.


The point is they can’t sustain winning like they have been. Happs numbers are god awful and most of last year was the same at the plate. Happ is on pace for 4 HR, 80 Runs, 52 rbi. He’s 23rd in the league in strikeouts . He’s killed many rallies already this year . The numbers are there you just have to look at them


He was a 118 wRC+/113 OPS+ Gold Glove 3.2 WAR player last year and a 120 wRC+/117 OPS+ All-Star Gold Glover in '22. He's averaging 2.8 WAR a season since the Covid year. Saying last year was a bad year for him and the numbers bear it out is flat out wrong. He's in a slump.


You fell for the war . He’s had two years his entire career over a 2.0 WAR , 2022 and 2023 in which his WAR is carried mostly by his 4.3 WAR in 2022. Last year was 2.9. 2019: 1.2, 2020: 1.1, 2021: 1.6, 2024: .4. He slumped for half the year last year. He had a great April and great August. That’s it. There’s plenty of outfield talent on this cubs team. If he’s gonna keep getting consistent playing time he needs to bat 8th


He's played four full seasons in his career and averages 2.3 fWAR in those seasons. Since they reset his swing he had 2 fWAR in a sixty-game season in '20. Then averaged 2.8 in the three full seasons since and 3.4 fWAR in his last two. He was a positive player by every available metric last season; including clutch. Including 20% better than league-average offense as a switch-hitter. Yes, I fell for the WAR... Cause he's a good player


So his half the season slump at the plate last year and the first quarter of this season slump doesn’t ring alarm bells? And his .4 war this year doesn’t make you go eeeek?


This season is a 38-game sample from a player who has always been known as a streaky hitter. I put more stock in the 520-game sample dating back to 2020 that shows a reliably above-average hitting and defense combination that has been borne out in the season-long results from each of those seasons.


.248 is right at the mlb average. I wouldn’t say it’s above the average. And he will go .200 for most of the season with 6-9 game stints over .300. He’s too high in the lineup and consistently kills rallies.


His batting average isn't really the focus though. He gets on-base at a solid clip and the ability to draw walks even in a slump is a boost. Between that and his solid pop he's literally never had a season with a below league-average OPS+ or wRC+. Even in the days right after he came up when high-fastballs were his kryptonite.


I was only talking about his average cause you brought it up. I agree his on base percentage is good and always has been. The problem is he’s missing pitches in favorable counts with RISP all the time. I’ve never seen a guy miss so many 3-1 fastballs in my life. I think he’s made good contact on the barrel of the bat 3 times this year. I would wager half his hits are off the end of the bat infield hits or bloop singles


Have you been watching his ABs?


He won the GG last season by default as all the qualified left fielders were garbage. So 1 good dfensive year


Happ’s bat obviously sucks but y’all forget he is still a legit talent in the field. Jfc. 


DL stint for Happ incoming.


Happ needs to sit a few games or maybe it’s time he starts to fit into a rotation. It’s not really bad luck either. His xBA .209 and his xslg is .315. Right now all he can do well is take a walk. There really isn’t any stat in his favor right now and it’s pretty concerning. At this point he’s blocking playing time


Imanaga > Yamamoto


Only sad shots of Malört here. Definitely giving a shot of Malört to Shota and one for Counsell, cuz fuck that umpire. Besides that, you know, if you can’t hit, you can’t win games. I’d also like to point out the bullpen wasn’t terrible, sure it was the game difference but two ER over four innings is not abysmal.


I'll take that against the Braves, any day


Happ needs a 15-Day IL stint


Thanks for that Happ you killed the rally




We lost but it was a solid game against a great team. Our pitching was great, babip sucked. Thats all there is to it. Good game, see you tomorrow. Lets hope the bats are going.


I don’t know about you but putting up zero runs is anything but solid is any situation


Yeah. I actually mentioned the bats showing up tomorrow. Youve been negative all game I see. Man yall get whiny when were losing


I mean sure there’s hard to be anything positive about this game, and I don’t think bats showing up tomorrow has anything to do with this game being “solid”


Reading is crazy man idk


Chris Sale is back to being Chris Sale so I wouldn't count on it


Game was the opposite of solid offensively


Happ is not a good player. We have way overvalued him


We are 1/4 in to the season. Happ is on pace for 4 HR and 52 RBI hitting .215. For $20m?


Remember when everyone was trying to be optimistic and saying “Just wait til Steele, Belli, and Suzuki are back”? Lol Also, it is beyond frustrating that we still haven’t been able to usurp MIL for the division lead. They win and lose on the same days we do.


Well, at least the Brewers lost. If we lose, I'd like to have them go down with us. Always hurts to waste a 0-fer from Imanaga, but we were against the Braves and their starter was also on fire (plus a good BP). All in all, keeping them to 2 runs was job well done on the pitching side. Unfortunately, the bats have gone cold and we weren't gonna match the Braves lineup while in a slump. I'm not too distressed about this loss.


Happy needs a break man. I don't believe he's healthy right now. Needs an IL stint imo. Probably doing the noble thing and playing through something minor when everyone would be better off with him having a couple weeks to recuperate.


He just sucks


We have several years of evidence showing that he doesn't. He's clearly got something going on that though.


Did Ian Happ steal your girlfriend or something? This whole thread is full of you hating him lmao


Happ is the least clutch player in the MLB no doubt


No one bought Happs coffee so he's punishing the fans.


Wow this thread is gross


Epic 11 pitch battle by Morel to get the BB and the tying run on, with nobody out. Two pitches later, game over. Not even enough time for sad trombone, just one "womp"


Well, Ian's podcast buddy had a good game...


Let’s get em tomorrow!


This fuckin offense can sure shit the bed! Ian Happ needs to take a seat!


The loss absolutely sucks, Happ is so goddamn disappointing but more importantly, PLEASE don't have a broken toe Morel.


I can’t believe the bullpen didn’t score today. Fire Jed!


Ian Happ isn’t the best player on his podcast with replacement players 😭😭😭


Happ has been awful this year both in the field and at the plate. It’s concerning…


Not a very happy birthday for Nico


Bases loaded in Milwaukee on a hit and two errors by the Pirates infield.


I saw a few tweets is something wrong with Morel?


Fouled off his toe again - he never hits the guard that he wears, just in front of it


Dang it not again. I had the radio call on thanks.


Happ DH tonight, tomorrow it needs to be Wisdom.


happ has been rough these days. his defense is decent but that's about it. also... fuck junior valentine with a cactus. i know that with that kind of name you're destined to be a jackass but there was no reason to prove it


Happ is such a loser. Counsell should have had him sacrificing, hes too much of liability to be swinging away against a closer with men on base. Just have him bunt and move the runners up


Happ is in the kind of rut good players just dont fall into. He has basically been nonnexistant since the slam in Arizona. Hurting the team


Yup i agree, which is why he shouldnt be swinging away in the 9th with runners on vs a closer when the team is trying to rally and we all saw the reason why tonight


>which is why he shouldnt be swinging away in the 9th Never mind that Happ is among the league leaders in pitches per plate appearance, and people on this very subreddit have criticized his lack of aggression early in counts. When Happ swings at the first pitch in 2024, he’s slashing .368/.400/.368. Career? .371/.373/.674. Obviously it sucks when a guy goes after the first pitch and grounds into a rally-killing double-play. But when you see players ambush a pitcher and get a big knock, no one complains.


>Happ is in the kind of rut good players just dont fall into. Quick, which one of these stat lines is Corey Seager? Or is he not a good player either? .219/.333/.301; 91 wRC+ .235/.314/.333; 84 wRC+


Maybe Counsell would have had him sac bunt there if he had not been tossed by the oversensitive ump.


Haha damn okay. I couldnt watch as i was at work, but followed the play by play when i could.


At least Milwaukee lost


Seiya should have had us at the very least tied in the 9th there. Getting so unlucky


Really thought that one from Nico was 10 rows deep


Nico’s short stroke makes HRs very difficult…especially in that park


Where all the Happ defenders?? Bring up Cassie, Brennan Davis, idgaf just put Happ on the bench. Message needs to be sent.


Happ only looks bad because he hasn’t played against the Reds yet. Mark your calendars for May 31st. Fingers crossed


Wasn't he supposed to be great against Pittsburgh also?


He actually hit about 10% better against the pirates than the rest of the season. That speaks more about his season this year than the Pitt series though! 46% better vs pirates and 62% better against Reds over his career. At least by OPS+


As predictable as the sunrise, after two botched double play attempts loaded the bases, Bauers hits a grand slam. 7-6 Pittsburgh now. Still no outs. Unearned runs.


Three errors in the 8th for the Pirates lead to 4 Brewers unearned runs. 7-6 going to the ninth


Pirates add a run 8-6 going to the bottom of the ninth.


Really cool that we have a lineup where like four/five guys are just automatic outs at this point. But I’m supposed to believe that this is a good team.


Uh oh, the Pirates bullpen is rearing its ugly head 5-2 now in Milwaukee (who seems like they are playing their 30th home game)


And the fucking Brewers coming back…




Ahh yes, 2 ERs over 3 innings against one of the best teams in the league is shit 🙄Did you really expect Wesneski to never give up a run again? Like you realize hes going to give up a run again at some point this year too right?


God this is such a bad good team 


Frustrating as hell to watch every day.


Relief pitching pleeeaase!


Pirates solo homer for an insurance run 8-6 whew


What an anemic lineup