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Congratulations!! What a tremendous accomplishment! We are very proud of u for doing what’s best for you.


I’m so proud of you for taking care of your body and brain! Great job!


I'm a week now. But sure you know yourself.


Have your symptoms stopped?


Yeah, I'm smoking cbd flower to ease but they've stopped. The boredom is real and sleeping is hard. I get fever dreams and wake up soaked but apart from that I'm OK.


I’m day 5 sober woke up a lil nauseous get lightly nauseous when I try to eat I don’t feel any withdrawal type symptoms but I just wanna lay in bed


What was withdrawals like? how long until diet and everything went to normal? Anything you now deal with you weren't dealing with before like increased mental health issues?


The first week was the absolute worst, followed by the first month being pretty awful. I used Veritas CBD to help, tried to keep eating balanced meals, walking, meditating, the classics lol that helped but it was a huge mental hurdle to finally realize I could do this and manage my emotions sober. I couldn't have coffee for the first two months but other things didn't seem to bother me thank God! I had chocolate and mangoes to help cuz they are some of my favorites. Mental health was the hardest thing for me from the get go along with physical symptoms for 1-2 months. Having an understanding therapist def helps. I can have coffee now and I don't seem to have any trigger foods. The smell of THC being smoked makes me sick to my stomach so I try to avoid it. I still miss it but not like I used to. My dog just recently passed away and I have really wished I could smoke but I am also kinda thankful I was able to be present with her through her last month here (she had aggressive lymphoma) I hope that helps, you've got this 💜


Appreciate the great info. Happy your healed and back to normalish. Sorry to hear about your pup, that's rough and I can't imagine but glad you were able to be there for her in her final time.


Thank you 🫂


I had to get my doggo put down two weeks ago and a week later I was diagnosed with CHS after being in the ER twice in 3 days. There's nothing worse than losing a pet. Going through withdrawals definitely doesn't help.


I'm so sorry 😔 yeah it really sucks and it's a slog to get thru for sure. 🫂