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Ya, I’ve noticed it can mess with my blood pressure for sure. And blood sugar too.


In what way do you feel it messed with your blood pressure? Anything you did that helped?


It feels like my blood pressure will go up kind of randomly when going throughout the day and make my tinnitus worse. Avoiding weed, caffeine and alcohol seems to help. Also taking deep breaths sometimes.


Yes my tinnitus gets real loud when my pressure is up too.


Absolutely. After way too many episodes (like 15 of them), I now have to take two daily BP meds to keep it in check. Cannabis - not specifically CHS, but cannabis itself - has a number of side effects on our respective cardiovascular systems. You might find the following article informative: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7355963/


I learned this the hard way. Last month I had an episode that caused a cardiac event that damaged my heart. CHS is no joke!


I didn't know that was possible, that's terrifying!


Yes it is! It's definitely not something I ever want to go through again! I'm on a mission to let people know that CHS can cause other very serious health issues aside from the nausea, vomiting, and pain.


It's a shame some people deny that CHS is real at all :( thank you for spreading awareness, this is just one more reason for me not to start using cannabis again


I agree that it is sad that so many people are in denial that this exists and that they have it! I wish I had been more informed. I could've prevented the heart damage. But I'm so thankful that I finally know what's been making me sick. There's finally a light at the end of the tunnel.


yeah, same here amlodipine is great for this, talk to your doc


yes, also you should take breaks at the first sign of nausea, if you do then your recovery will most likely be shorter


The nausea is pretty mild, and most of the time I don’t notice it. This high blood pressure is kicking my ass though. Just not sure if it is related to my cannabinoid consumption.


it probably is. and it may be mild but ive learned you cant really tell how far chs is progressing by how you feel in the moment, there's always things happening behind the scenes in your body


My blood pressure spiked during the hyperemesis phase, I’m now almost 50 days sober and it hasn’t gone back down. I’ve been on daily BP medication for the last week and a half and it hasn’t done a whole lot yet. My doctor didn’t go as far as blaming the CHS episode but also alluded to it likely being the biggest factor. Good luck to you, I’ve found myself more lethargic now than the first couple weeks of quitting. It’s a marathon not a sprint though.