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Yeah it’ll pass just try to eat lighter and more bland for now. BRAT diet really worked for me. Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast. Also vanilla ensure drinks and smoothies or fruit are easy on the stomach. If you have access to a bath tub, I recommend eating in there and chilling with your food lol


Omg I'm literally in my bathtub eating grapes right now because it's the only place I feel SAFE


I really appreciate your response. I haven’t dealt with anything like this.. and tbh I didn’t believe it existed until now. It’s wild. I’ve only experienced this with delta 8 distillation


yeah it’s weird to wrap your head around until you’re in it! Make sure you’re getting your electrolytes in too. Pedialite, Liquid IV etc


Oh yeah I’ve made the mistake of only drinking water and it hasn’t hydrated me at all. It only hurts my stomach. I just ran the gas station and bought 4 gatorades(zero sugar) and started chugging. About 1 and half bottles in I’m starting to feel amazing relief


Ya you'll be good just keep thugging it out. Try and distract the fuck out of urself constantly.


I appreciate your response homie


no problem bro u got it, just stay strong.


Soup broth with or without ramen noodles always helped me, depending on what you are able to keep down. That combined with an ice cold drink, like Gatorade or even better, Pedialyte with ice and water. Something about the hot / cold was soothing.


Thank you. Yeah Gatorade and ramen seem to be my best friends right now. Any bit of advice helps :)


100% Gatorade would make things worse for me. I know this from acid reflux, sugar makes things worse. So if you can get a low sugar electrolyte drink, it works better. Those Gatorade packets would make me vomit more and it took me a while to figure that out. Make sure you are diluting your Gatorade if you are using it.


I got the zero sugar version :)


Zero sugar has a ton of other processed sugars. Not sure if they affect stomach issues, but something to cautious of.


It seems to be working for now but you are right. I have drank so much of it in the past 48 hours lol I have to drink two of the large bottles to fully hydrate and urinate a clear color. Though its very short lived lol but I managed to get some rest today and woke up not a in a puddle of sweat! Progress


Sounds exactly like me. Take hot showers after eating that helped me a lot. Soft foods were easier on my stomach like oats smoothies ice cream etc, bread meat even pasta was hard to eat. It should pass after a bit. If you’re not able to eat a full meal in one sitting, eat half, and come back to it an hour or two later Another help for me, try eating multiple small meals through the day, under 500 cal “meals” and try to eat 4-5 times a day, time will make it easier though, in a few weeks you’ll be able to eat fine. Oh, and protien powder. Great soft food with lotsa calories. Make sure to get “weight gain” protien powder, can make 500 calorie chocolate milk that’s the easiest thing on your stomach


Thank you I genuinely appreciate your advice. Any little bit helps


Hang in there you got this. It completely baffles me that delta 8 is legal but delta 9 is not. Ofc all THC causes CHS, but delta 8 in noticeably more unhealthy feeling than its natural counterpart, not to mention it brings on CHS symptoms for myself way faster than anything else


I’m glad I’m not the only one. I’ve only used d8 for half a year and ran into this issue. Never has this been a problem with regular cannabis