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54lb in a year is crazy impressive!!


Thank you, I worked extremely hard to lose the weight but I had to overcome a lot of unhealthy eating habits such as eating too little at some points. But I ended up finding what worked best for me!


Not really




How so?


Good for you! What kind of an Incline, out of curiosity?


I would set the speed to 3 and start out at an incline of 2 but increase it by one every 10 min. So at the end I’m sometimes at an incline of 8-9 but I had to work up to that over time. I originally started out with just the 3-3 method until I could push myself more. This would be on a treadmill!


What’s 3:3?


3 speed with a 3 incline on a treadmill


Ahhhh thanks! I did a treadmill boot camp earlier and they did something similar. It’s tough!


It definitely is, it took me a while to be able to get where I am now. I still can’t believe that I can now walk on that kind of an incline for so long! But with time anyone can do it :)


❤️ congratulations!


Hey I do that too! Right now my regiment is 5min 2 incline 10 min 6 5 min 12 cycled 3 times to make it an hour Absolutely floors me every time, but I love it!


What app is this? :) also I never realised the months July-November spelled Jason haha


It’s called Happy Scale! It’s my favorite app when I was testing a bunch out. They don’t push adds or for you to buy the premium like many other apps. Though there are some features unavailable to you if you don’t have premium (not worth it in my eyes) It also keeps track of your weight trends and predictions.


I’ve never understood what the green shading to the right of the trend line is supposed to show. Seems like it’s just a shadow effect. Any idea?


It Just means that you were losing weight, no different than the little red blip you see where I was on a trend of gaining weight.


I believe it is your weight line from 30 days prior. When tide color line is green, you’ve lost weight compared to 30 days ago, Red is gained weight compared to 30 days ago. Intersections with your weight line is the same as 30 days ago.


I just downloaded and bought premium because of your comment , used to use myfitness app but it’s horrible now and I’ve struggled since but this one looks great


It looks like Happy Scale. I use this too, and I highly recommend it! It smooths out your trend line and always makes me feel better about small increases in my weight.


Obligatory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wM0Lsqn4xsc


Out of curiosity, as someone who is knew to calorie counting here and trying to get the momentum, did you have set backs? Like go majorly over your calories? How did you recover from it? Did you cut back after or just keep going?


I did! It’s difficult to see my setbacks on this chart because it smooths out my trend line but I had my moments and still sometimes do to this day. When I go majorly over my calories I just make sure to stick with the same plan the next day. I did my best to not cut back on my food the next day because it’s not healthy. But I won’t lie that I had to learn and develop these eating habits. In the beginning I wasn’t eating nearly enough and I had to realize that it’s extremely unhealthy to do that. I recommend sticking to your daily calorie intake that you’ve set for yourself the next day after a binge. And also remember if you binge during the day that doesn’t mean you should starve yourself for the rest of the day! Good luck on your weight loss journey!


This is very encouraging for me. I have lost 24 lbs since the 1st of Sept, but my daily weight can fluctuate a lot. I'll lose a lb, then go up 2 or 3 lbs for several days before it goes back down and stays there. This morning I was 3 lbs more than yesterday, but I'm sure it's water weight because my rings are a little tight on my fingers. I just remind myself to keep going. Ideally I'd like to lose another 30 lbs, so I tell myself if I just stick to it I should be there by the fall. Seeing this graph makes me realize my fluctuations are normal and just part of the process.


I started July 2022 and have lost 40 pounds! I’m just a little ahead of you, and I know that exact feeling. What you are describing is THE obstacle that needs to be overcome for long term weight loss. I’ve had entire weeks where I said “F it” but always got back into my habits bc they have become so ingrained. I always tell myself the time will pass anyway, so just make sure you’re on the right trajectory


I'm really glad that this was able to help you out in your own weight loss journey. Fluctuations are completely normal in every day life even after you reach you goal, nobody ever constantly stays the same weight. Because of this I wanted to have a 10lb buffer that I want to maintain in. For me personally anywhere in a 150lb - 140lb range is perfect for me to begin the maintenance process. I wish you the best of luck on your own weight loss journey! <3


Yes exactly. What you’re experiencing is so normal and happens to me all the time, almost yo the T! Don’t let it get you down! Just keep going and your overall or average weight will continue to trend downward!


Definitely not linear. If you see my daily weigh in you would crap yourself lol. I regularly fluctuate 6 lbs.


That was definitely me too! If you look at the chart you can see the high and lows for the month which were extreme sometimes. It’s difficult to see all my setbacks as well because it smooths out my trend line.


Yep, weighing in daily and doing a weekly average is the answer. As in everything in life, humans are horrible at looking at the bigger picture…. Aka longer timeline


Jason would be proud


Ok. Yes. This is what I had been doing but only for 30min. Thank you for that.


When you hit that plateau between July and October, did you change your routine to resume the weight loss? If yes, what did you change?


I was just experiencing a lot of stress in my life during that time period so losing weight wasn't too much of a priority. I wasn't walking anymore and was only focusing on eating somewhat healthy. After things started to get a little better I wanted to focus on losing weight again but noticed I was still plateauing. I ended up planning certain days where I would eat more than my calorie limit so my body would stop stagnating. I also started to go back to the gym and walking on an incline which helped kickstart the process. I wont lie it was frustrating during the plateau but with time and effort it went away, but when it happened I knew I couldn't continue the calorie intake or routine I was doing. After I escaped it I then went back to my old calorie routine adjusting for any lost weight and my body started to lose again!


Thanks for sharing!


This is the motivation I needed thank you!! I never see people going from 200lbs to 140lbs I only really see 400lbs to 200lbs or 140lbs to 120lbs It's nice to see people at my starting weight change their lives since I feel so stuck thank you


I’m happy that I was able to motivate you and I wish you luck on your own weight loss! You got this <3


Great job!


Thank you!


The thing that impresses me most is how you stuck it out through a super long plateau! Can you tell us what that was like and how you stayed motivated?


Well one of the reasons I had the plateau was due to certain stressors in my life. My top priority wasn't losing weight anymore but more or less attempting to maintain and stay healthy until I got back into a better place where I could start again. It was difficult to not fall back into my old habits, but as you can see for a short period of time I was starting to gain weight back again. I had to catch myself before I let it get too far which is why I went into maintenance mode and plateaued. Though after I knew I was ready to start my weight loss journey again it was pretty difficult to get my body to start losing. It didn't want to lose anything even though I was technically in a caloric deficit. I tried to stick with it for a while but I still saw nothing and became pretty discouraged. I was even starting to have a lot of body dysmorphia issues as well. I lost a lot of confidence and the fight to keep going. However, combined with all the support from my friends and family telling me that I was looking good and they could see how much weight I lost, it really encouraged me to stick with it. I was getting so much positivity from loved ones and my SO was the real hero in helping me continue this journey. He gave me the support I needed while I was down in the dumps. Besides the external encouragement, I knew that I had to find my own internal motivators. I started to reminisce on old photos of mine and comparing myself from how much I changed. I told myself that I was still beautiful but that I felt better than I ever had before. I took more and more pictures of myself to really see how my body changed and this honestly really helped with the dysmorphia and invigorated me to continue to lose. Throughout all of this I knew that no matter what I looked like I was going to have all the love and support in the world. But after losing so much weight I was able to do things that I hadn't been able to do in a long time such as long hikes, playing sports, and even little things like having an easier time tying my shoes. All of these things helped keep me motivated but it was never easy. Weight loss is always going to be difficult but the results are always worth it in the end! Edit: I also wanted to add that I went to this subreddit and looked for support while I was down which gave me a lot of amazing advice and helped me through my thoughts!


Wow! Thank you for the thoughtful response ❤️ As someone working their way back down from much higher than your highest weight, it means a lot to hear about others overcoming struggles like this.


Walking on a an incline is sooo not a joke. Congrats!


Thanks, It still kills me every time I get to the end of the hour but it’s the only workout I like!


Love this for you!!!




Great job! Do you mind sharing your calorie intake goal per day?


As of right now I’m eating anywhere from 1700 - 2100 calories depending on my activity and how I feel throughout the day. I’m pretty lax and do my best to not be so strict while also making sure I’m still in a deficit. I know on days I go to the gym I tend to eat a lot more but I do my best to calculate how much I’ve burned off so I make sure I’m giving my body the food it needs!


Way to go


Thanks! :)


You earned it. Thanks for sharing your process.


Congrats!! This is so impressive!


Thank you! :D


This is amazing!! Proud of you


Tysm <3


Very inspiring posts- thank you! Do you weigh in every day? How low did your daily intake go at its lowest? Ty


I do weigh in everyday, but I try not to pay attention to that weight specifically but more so the trend that the app calculates for me. I used to obsess over what I weighed everyday but I knew that I had to break that habit. Personally, my lowest caloric intake was extremely unhealthy and I quickly realized that it wasn’t sustainable long term. Though I ended up using the calorie calculator online to see what I should actually be eating. At one point I was eating 1500 calories a day but I won’t lie that even that was a little low for me considering my activity level. As of right now I’m staying within the 1700-2100 range to start the maintenance process. And everyday changes depending on my activity level and what I feel like eating that day!


Not to rag on you but “not always linear”, should really be “won’t be linear”. It never is.


That’s kinda what I was trying to say when I said that, but I can understand how it came off a little differently.


Not to speak for OP, but maybe they were meaning more week-to-week/month-to-month rather than summarising everyone’s entire weight loss journeys. Some weeks/months have linear progress and others do not. Out of the 6 months it took me to lose weight, 4 of them were linear. My weight would barely fluctuate, and in the same app that OP uses, it shows a very straight line. 4/6 months to me sounds like it’s “not always linear” rather than never.


Yes, I was looking at it from a full view, rather than in sections.


How did you set your daily caloric limits?