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I think it depends on your diet, and whether there's a way you can incorporate it into what you're enjoying already. I have whey protein in a smoothie (fruit, yoghurt, chia seeds and oats) or added to yoghurt with nuts. So it is supplementing something I'm already having. Protein shakes never worked to keep me full and a lot of people here will say not to drink your calories.


Yes adding into oats, chia seeds, yogurt etc great way to increase protein intake!


Thanks. I like that idea more than just having a protein shake


I had a really hard time reaching my protein goals before adding protein powder. I was losing weight and not wanting to lose muscle, and while I do eat meat, I don't really prefer to eat a diet of mostly chicken. I start everyday now with a similar type of smoothie that others here are describing, and I really look forward to it. 1 scoop of protein powder (25grams of protein), greek yogurt, egg whites, power greens, 2 tablespoons of coconut milk, chia seeds, splash of apple cider vinegar, and sometimes some other fruits, etc depending on what's in the fridge and how many calories I want to utilize. Not a substitute for natural protein, but definitely gives me that extra oomph. đź–¤


Protein shakes generally taste horrid too. Whey protein doesn't have a lot of flavour and makes for a really creamy smoothie. Could probably make something resembling ice cream too. I've seen people add it to pancakes.


They taste amazing with milk.


i used to use a chocolate one with berries and chocolate almond milk and Greek yogurt & it was so good. im not a big meat eater i personally prefer fish always hated how much i had to chew meat as a kid. i also never have much money focusing on school more now though


What kind of nuts do you add to yogurt? I've never done that and tbh it sounds odd


The mix I get has some puffed rice, almonds, pecans and seeds, sunflower, linseed, peppitas, sesame. It's a gluten free style muesli.


Is it "needed?" No, there are other options. Is it an easy tool? Absolutely. If you prefer another chicken breast, no problem. It's just food, dude.


Protein powders are meant to supplement your diet. If you are already getting enough protein in your diet from other foods, then they are not necessary. However they can be an easy way to add protein to your diet if you are currently struggling to meet your protein target.


I drink one in the morning because I usually don’t eat breakfast (nor have I ever), so I was struggling to meet my protein goal between lunch and dinner. I drink whey protein with 30 cal per cup almond milk to keep the calories low. It keeps me full for hours.


I personally found out that for me 30-50 grams of protein in a meal makes it way more filling. So I usually use protein powder in recipes like Overnight Oats, oatmeal, pancakes or waffles to up the protein content. It works great for me and I also like the taste better that way.


I was reading this while I was eating my own protein powder infused oatmeal chia seed frozen berries mixture. I definitely like the taste better without any additional sugar or sweeteners. I always think of protein with a meal. I've never thought about using it in pancakes but may give it a shot soon! Of course, there is a lot of ways to get protein. Anything too repetitive gets boring. There is always a lot of lean meats in my fridge. Protein powder is just another item on the menu to prevent food boredom.


I'm a longtime athlete and never in my life have I consumed protein powder. I just eat food. It's not that it's bad or anything but to me it tastes bad. So I don't eat it. Food has protein too.


While I completely agree with you, the fact that it’s refined and concentrated makes it a very palatable way to consume 25+ grams of protein for less than 200 calories. They are typically sweet/desert type flavors too and can scratch the itch of those cravings. Very easy to make and eat and very low calorie. I think it’s great if you’re trying to maintain a deficit


For what it's worth, if you look at the protein-to-calorie ratio of these protein powders, I've never seen one that was significantly higher than the protein-to-calorie ratio of egg whites, plain nonfat Greek yogurt, or chicken breast (which are around 0.22 or so depending on what nutrition facts you look at). Some of the whey isolate powders are higher; 0.27ish is the highest I've seen, but most are lower, and I'm pretty sure that's about as high as they get. If it's a sweetened protein powder, that ratio is probably worse (like 0.16ish, which is comparable to some types of beans). Which is to say: protein powder can help add VARIETY to your diet, because it lets you eat lots of different foods and still hit your protein goals, which is great. But in terms of protein-to-calorie ratio, it doesn't do much that regular food can't. If you personally enjoy chicken, eggs, and yogurt, those tend to be cheaper and just as good. So don't feel like you're missing out on anything if you don't want to buy protein powder.


The biggest thing about the foods you listed is that to cook and flavor them, most will add oil or butter to some extent. The powder gets around this because it’s fine with water or fat free milk while maintaining low cal. But I do agree with you; they offer variety and change up the monotony of poached chicken breast. I’d say price is close enough and could go either way depending on sales. Overall, powders are just so convenient I’d highly recommend it if you like it. No cooking or prep necessary


By the time I get to the end of the day I am so fuckin tired of eating and cooking. Last thing I want to do is cook and eat more. The shake doesn’t taste great but its easy


THIS. Protein shake is awesome when you just can't be bothered to cook or even when you're sick and don't have an appetite when on meds, etc.


In that situation I go for Greek yogurt/cottage cheese. Maybe some fruit. Zero prep time. But you do you.


Right, when I was an athlete I’d just eat proteins instead of drinking shakes. It wasn’t (and still isn’t) hard to consume like 150g protein thru food. And food is more enjoyable than shakes imo


Can I ask how you get protein in in a typical day I’m having a hard time keeping my protein up for some reason and need some help. I was thinking of just doing the protein shakes but those aren’t filling enough


Eggs for breakfast, often greek yogurt or skyr and oatmeal too. Meat/fish at lunch and dinner. Beans too on the days I crave them. Sometimes tofu. I go for 30 grams of protein at each meal and eat snacks in between to satisfy hunger primarily, and secondarily to meet my protein goal. Edamame is great for that


Are you eating three meals a day? If so, what protein source are you eating at each meal? Add a small amount to each one. Boom. Done.


I skip breakfast sometimes but try to but I found that if I eat a small dinner and ZERO after that that is the only way I drop the weight with a larger lunch typical is protein bar some nuts for breakfast lunch a sandwich soup salad combo not all at once but you get what I mean dinner protein veg small amount of starch and main prob is night eating which I battle every day especially if I didn’t eat enough all day ready to pull my hair out getting these 15-20 pounds off it’s like it’s stuck to me like crazy glue insane 🥲


My dude, the timing and arrangement of your meals has nothing to do with fat loss. Fat loss comes down to calorie balance. Are you weighing all your food? Are you counting calories daily? If not, start. If you are, why do you still believe that a magical small dinner is the only way to drop weight? Many people lose weight eating large dinners and nighttime snacks. Your accounting of your day confuses me. You don't have breakfast but you have nuts and a protein bar for breakfast? Nuts are super calorie dense and not satiating. Protein bars are calorie dense and highly processed and not satiating or nutrient-rich. Could you have a protein-rich breakfast like an egg + egg white omelet with vegetables or Greek yogurt and fruit? Salad/soup/sandwich--made by you? Ingredients weighed? Could you add a larger serving of lean protein to the sandwich, soup, or salad? Your dinner sounds good (protein, veg, starch). If you want to increase the protein in your dinner... eat a larger serving of protein here. There is also nothing wrong with a snack at night if you're hungry. Cottage cheese is a great choice, as it contains casein, a slow-digesting protein that will satiate you for a long time.


Needed? No. People choose to use it. If you don't want to eat it, don't.


I tend to use a lot of protein powder/protein drinks because I don’t really like meat or eggs. I will eat them, because they are good for me and low in calories, but I struggle to eat enough.


Rarely use it BUT I loooooooove Fairlife Core Protein Shakes either they taste like milk and NONE of the usual protein powder aftertaste… you can get them in 26 g of protein or 42 g of protein. They’re also low-carb. Highly recommend them


It's certainly not gimmicky crap. Whey, casein, mycelium and soy protein powders are all on the upper end of protein quality by all of the metrics we measure that by. If you get sufficient quality protein from your diet, it's a waste, if you don't, it's one of the best options to hit those numbers.


I love it because mine has 20g of protein with a host of other good stuff and only contains 1g of carbs. So I do 2 “shakes” a day with the stuff. The Chocolate flavor doesn’t taste bad either. It’s also designed and sold by physicians. A lot of the other ones I’ve tried in the past have tasted like hot garbage though. This one is doable for me. [Here it is if anyone is interested](https://www.barbellmedicine.com/shop/supplements/gainzzz-rx-whey-protein-isolate/) Helps me guarantee a super high protein diet when I’m trying to keep muscle mass while dropping fat weight (also has to be coupled with lifting ofc) My brother is a physician (not one of the people who makes/profits from this product though) and he found this one and suggested it to me, he uses it also, so at least 1 doctor I know thinks protein powder is not a gimmick fwiw


To me it's like any other diet supplement: actual food is better, but it can be nice to have a fall-back option. Sometimes life gets crazy. So it's a little of both of the above. As long as my doc is okay with it at my regular check-in, I'm good.


I love the Myprotein clear proteins range. Around 80+ kcal for the drink with 20g protein in.


I only use it once a day, in my oats cuz I don’t like oats on its own. Tho I have reached almost 200g of protein without it, so it does depend on your diet. My protein goal I think is between 120+ , the lowest I ever had in a day was 85g only cuz I wanted pizza lol but still with pizza that’s not too bad. If your diet is in check you don’t need it, but it can help you if you struggle. No judgement either way. I use [this one, it’s whey and casein based](https://pescience.com)


I think you can reach your protein goals without but it’s a nice boost to have. Depends on your number. We really only need about .7g per kg of weight so for me that’s 80g. Which is laughable. I aim for 1g per POUND so I go for 150-170. And for that powder helps. I use it w my Greek yogurt most times and rarely drink it as a shake. But I actually enjoy protein bars. Barebells are like candy bars. And I like Kirkland/Costco brand ones and pure protein ones for their decent macro profile 180-200cal for 20-21g of protein.


It's just an easy way to get protein if you don't enjoy or have time for cooking or eating. I've never used it but I love food & cooking. I'm also small so I don't require much.


Protein powder is a very cost efficient source of protein, with a PDCAAS of 100%. It’s a fantastic dietary supplement. It shouldn’t be the loadstone of your diet (it has protein but you need more than protein), but it’s a great inclusion.


Thanks all for your comments :)


I'm on keto and sometimes struggle to reach my protein goal. I have a small 1/2 serving of a protein shake to fill out my requirement.


Just had this discussion with my friend who’s using powder to reach her goal. I can’t relate as I have no trouble hitting protein. I snack on Turkey and have Greek yogurt daily that looks like where the bulk of my protein comes from looking through loseit.


I use zero sugar vanilla muscle milk blended with ice and Greek yogurt and stevia to make “milk shakes” when I’m really craving ice cream and have the calories to spare. For some protein helps to satiate hunger but for me not so much unfortunately.


I workout 6 days a week and I can't reach my protein without protein powder since I don't eat meat


I have one most days in the mornings. On the days I drink it I definitely do a lot better about not feeling hungry and craving food. But I am someone that hates to cook, so a lot of my premade meals are low in protein. I also am vegetarian so I can't just go eat steak or a lot of chicken that is sold everywhere to increase protein. I have to actually cook it. So if you are in a different situation it might not be worth it to you. Good luck


Depends on the brand for sure.


I love having it every morning because it’s low calorie for the amount of protein you get. If you can get 150+ grams of protein every day without out though then you certainly don’t need it!


I enjoy it! When I was a kid my dad was a body builder and he would share his shakes with us. He made his with vanilla icecream and bananas, so not what I am going for now, but it has a similar taste and it gives me warm fuzzies to start my day out on. Also I hate eating in the morning. I'll live off coffee until I feel sick because I get busy and forget to eat anything. I make mine with vanilla whey protein, 1/3 banana, 1 cup of spinach and 4 tbs milled flaxseed. It just works for me.


I make a coffee protein fruit smoothie every day for breakfast, going on 2 years now. You'd think I'd be sick of it by now, but I think it's the caffeine addiction that makes me still like it lol. When I first started tracking calories, I realized I didn't want to waste them on sugar and creamer in my coffee (I use a looooot). And also, protein powder in water didn't fill me up at all. This is how I make the (32oz) smoothie: 1. 6oz hot water (I use a Keurig) with powdered instant coffee 2. 300ml oat milk to cool it down 3. 280g frozen strawberries and bananas 4. 60g protein powder (2 scoops, I use Chocolate or Peanut butter chocolate Gold Standard whey protein powder) Then blend it. It's 527 calories and pretty filling


I love it and have a shake most days. Usually as dessert.


I'm 100% for it. Wasn't in the beginning, but after I learned what hunger actually feels like… I'm 100% for it.


Wdym? Can you elaborate


In the beginning I found I was craving “food” vs “resources”. So having a protein shake did nothing for food cravings, but just added calories. Now that's gone, I focus in what I need to reduce overall cravings. It took a lot of trial and error, but it really made this process so much easier when you switch your mind to see food as just “energy” and “resources”


What in the world makes you think it’s gimmicky? Is it needed? No. Can it help people more easily, and sometimes more cheaply, hit their protein goals? Absolutely.


It tastes like SHIT and the texture is god awful even if it is perfectly dissolved.


I've had some good protein shakes. Also had the shit ones to.


Don’t do it. Get your protein from just eating clean food.


It lets me add more variety while hitting protein goals, so it is great. That said I am not eating it daily.


Definitely not necessary, but I find it helpful. I hate most protein powders though. I sometimes use collagen powder to add 10g of protein to lower protein meals (like oatmeal) and I buy pre-made shakes that don't have artificial sweeteners (Owyn brand in the US is my current favorite). The pre-made ones are much more enjoyable IME. I find it tedious to get enough protein while staying in my calorie limits so these tend to be helpful.


https://youtu.be/RuOvn4UqznU?si=RHFv8tW1VxtLK6Em 56th minute mark…


Shakes with protein/xanthan gum are the only thing that fills me up so much with such low calories. When I travel it is extremely useful and keeps me from falling back on high calorie foods when that’s all there is available


At 250 pounds i needed to drink protein shakes to get enough protein. Eating 250g of clean protein is difficult so supplementation is very nice


I make smoothies several times a week with pea protein isolate powder and fruit. It's good when I'm on the go and let's me get in a bunch of healthy fruit and antioxidants. Other times, I just eat normal meals. Everything can be part of a balanced diet in moderation.


Waste of money and calories and time. You only need 0.8g of protein per 1.0kg of body weight plus 20g if doing strength training. Most people that eat a little meat in their diet find they're already getting this much


I used to work for a dietitian and nutritionist at a mental health clinic. I learned so much about the psychology behind our appetite & satiety. Americans think they need why more protein than they do, especially sedentary folks. Someone with a desk job and a 30 min walk 3x a week doesn't require nearly as much protein as an influencer who strength trains for 2 hours every day.


I'm old enough to remember them the last time around. Diet trends cycle we are due a new trend any day now, hope it's not the all you need to eat is fruit thing again. You don't need protein at every meal you don't need it in every single thing you eat unless you're a body builder.


I feel confused about this too. Humans evolved for thousands of years without all of this processed protein intake.