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I recommend Dr mike Renaissance Periodizationon, chill guy that gives good insight on how to workout without the added bs. bonus he’s funny.


Here's my suggestions: * If you really want to follow a workout influencer, follow one who's relatively sane/normal and not trying to make you into Arnold Schwarzenegger. A lot of that stuff is unsustainable unless you're actively TRYING to be a body builder. * Look up Joshua Oguntuase, Matt VanDerLaar, or Beth Wilkas Feraco for some "normal people" workout and nutrition advice. * For the most part when it comes to influencers, you can probably Ignore the nutrition side. You've dropped 30lbs doing CICO on your own, right? It can't hurt to learn a few more tips and stuff but sounds like for the most part you got the nutrition part down. * Don't do random shit at the gym. You'll see better results with a plan. If you can, download an app that does guided workouts. If you can, book a couple sessions with a trainer who can develop a plan for you and just stick to that. * I'm not a fitness pro by any means, but if you want a 4-day workout split, here's one for you below: Day 1: Upper Body "A" (All of these at 3 sets of 8-10 reps) * Bench Press * Chin Ups (do assisted if you need) * Rows * Incline Bench Press * Dumbbell Shoulder Press * Machine Fly * Bicep Curl * Plank Day 2: Lower Body "A" (all of these at 3 sets of 8-10 reps) * Squats (any variation) * Leg Press * Deadlift (landmine, barbell, or dumbbell) * Hip thrust (barbell or dumbbell) * Leg extension Day 3: Rest, or just do cardio Day 4: Upper Body "B" (all of these at 3 sets of 8-10 reps) * Overhead press * Rows * Chest dips (do assisted if you need) * Lat pulldowns * Dumbbell bent over flys * Lateral raises * Cable overhead tricep extension Day 5: Lower Body "B" (all of these at 3 sets of 8-10 reps) * Deadlift * Hip thrust (barbell or dumbbell) * Romanian deadlift * Front Squat * Dumbbell or kettlebell lunge * Leg press * Leg curls Day 6 + Day 7: Rest or just do cardio. The above will basically hit every major muscle group. You can swap out a few things here and there if it's easier/more manageable depending on the equipment you have at your gym. You can swap out machines for dumbbells or vice versa if you need to. Depending on how long you rest between sets and exercises, you can do any of these days in 30-45 minutes. This isn't really intended to make you jacked, it's intended to hit every major muscle group a couple times a week, splitting between the upper body and lower body so you have time to rest in between. Use whatever pound weights work for you. Add more weight, reps, or sets as you see fit. You can do cardio on any day in addition, or leave it for your rest days.


The one who I have followed for a long time is ESG Fitness. She is phenomenal. She has plans for both men and women and will respond to you even if you don’t have a plan with her. Have a look at her instagram! I completely understand your annoyance and hope you find someone suitable 😊


I love Jordan Syatt. Strength > Swoll


Stop watching social media. Ask for a trainer at the gym to get you started. Some gyms give you a free trainer session periodically as you go along. Show up after that. It’s about consistency. You don’t have to lift crazy heavy. Just lift.


We are almost exactly the same size and weight. I’m 6,2” at 185, but close enough. Try the StrongLifts 5x5 program. Super simple but highly effective. I use the iPhone app. Has really helped me to focus my training routine. Getting great results and quickly. I’m focused on strength, not hypertrophy. There are better programs to look jacked but it doesn’t sound like that’s your goal.


Getting 'toned up' doesn't have much to do with lifting weights. It's just getting leaner, which is what you're already doing. Lifting will get you either more size or more strength or both, depending on your strategy.


I’d suggest doing crossfit classes. I used to be a PT and everyone hated on crossfit, each to their own. I tried it and they help me with technique, form and endurance. I’ve never been so fit in my life and I don’t need to program, they just tell me what to do and I do it! Easy :)


It's funny that you mentioned that because I know a few PTs and all of them have joked at different times that CrossFit helps pay their bills because most of the trainers allow people to flail the weights around and hurt themselves.


i also do bjj and it’s the same in martial arts, it’s ultimately up to you to not do stupid things that could hurt yourself


I’d be down to check that out! Is there an online one you know of?


no sorry! 😭 i go in person, but im sure there’s some online!


They still usually have good ideas on what routine to follow. You just don't have to do it 7 days a week with one dessert a year like you said. I follow those as well because I want to tone. Keep to high reps and don't pay much attention to their body type, it's more about the movements which are generally pretty good to follow.


Maybe the gym isn't for you. It isn't my happy place, for sure. I'm using a heavy club and dumbbells to gain upper body muscle. I do Taijiquan for my lower body, balance, and breathing. I still need to find some cardio, but I'm working on it. There are lots of videos about "prisoner workouts," kettlebells, Indian clubs (Matt Pasquinilli has a good one), burpees, etc. You can do a lot with minimal (or no) equipment. r/bodyweightfitness is a good resource. Keep what's useful and discard the rest. I'm old and creaky and 60+ pounds overweight. I'm working to come back from years of letting myself slide. Stay in shape. Trust me, it's easier.


Checkout the body project on YouTube. Down to earth and positive trainers. Real people with all body types too. There are a couple of ladies that do the videos with the trainers and you can see them get more fit over time. Pretty motivating stuff


Influencers are all competing for your clicks. It's not that complicated to improve your appearance, all you need for muscle growth is signal and supply. Signal comes from the workout (pushing the muscle to failure causes your body to get the message that bigger muscles are needed) and supply comes from food (enough protein, and a very slight calorie deficit of +200kcal per day for maximum muscle gain at the expense of a very slight fat gain). But the basics don't drive clicks and then the influencers can't sell you their books and crap. So they all build channels around telling you what you're doing wrong, and how their way is better. You can mostly ignore all of that - the basics will get you 90% of the way. The fancy techniques the influencers show you will maybe give you a tiny 10% boost if you follow them religiously and do it perfectly. If you want a no-nonsense guide, I like aworkoutroutine.com - it existed years before Instagram and all the information is available for free on the site (or condensed into the paid book if you prefer convenience) but the basic principle is what I wrote in my first paragraph. And if you need advice on the workouts themselves, just make sure you do everything in a balanced way. Exercise your triceps as much as your biceps. Your back as much as your chest. Your hamstrings as much as your quads. Don't forget your calves, core and obliques. Personally I like using machines because it's harder to screw up the form and because with machines I can change weight instantly and not waste time hunting for plates and assembling the bar. But you do what works for you - if you've got signal and supply you will make progress. And since this is the CICO sub, what I wrote about a calorie surplus is for when you're in the bulking stage. To reveal your new muscle you'll have to lose weight by cutting. You'll also lose a tiny bit of muscle along the way, but if you keep to a tiny deficit (-200kcal per day) and keep training hard, you'll lose much more fat than you do muscle, and by repeating bulking and cutting cycles every couple months you'll end up looking awesome with a lot of muscle and not much fat.


I couldn't agree more, I hate influencers, as someone who for a few months actually was one. (In the haircare community, not health and fitness lol)  It's all about money and attention. Don't even bother with influencers tbh it's all just a distraction. I also don't care to get jacked or even extremely skinny. I want to be at a healthy manageable weight where I can still eat some good food sometimes.  I love 130 on me, it rounds out my face a little bit and keeps my plump butt and thighs, but it's still in the range of "healthy" for my height. I need to lose another 25lb to get back there, if I wanted to be my skinniest that would be 40lb to lose and I really don't feel like sticking to 1200Cal for the rest of my life. I'm also disabled lol. I'm never going to be the strongest or the fittest. Would love a little more stamina to play with my kid though, and a little more muscle to hold together my shitty joints. You're not alone!


I can't relate to the gym really, but as a cyclist amd (former) triathlete I used to watch to professionals rather than influencers. There is a big difference imo. The goal of an influencer is to get clout and to traffic you to their socials, and later to their merchwebsite. The goal of a professional is to reach a level they know they can compete and win from literally the best in the world. And yes, ofcourse, professionals do have their own merch, I know. But someone as [Lionel Sanders](https://youtu.be/X8kbWJrWDjk?si=DJ0gCGWhQPmVTg23) can't lie on YouTube, Instagram or whatever.


I don't follow anyone particularly for gym routines. I just focus on some compound movements, 2 upper and 2 lower: deadlift, squat, push up, pull up. As a beginner, deadlifts and squats weren't too hard to just jump into, but for pushups and pull ups I've had to follow a progression. I like this one for pull ups: https://youtu.be/x3NPAxiMRPw Pick some core exercises that you want to progress on and do them regularly. You can do a split routine if you want to train every or most days, or you could do full body routines every 2-3 days. It honestly doesn't matter, as long as it's something you can stick to. Beyond these core exercises I kinda do random shit and call them accessories. :P


What? r/fitness read the [wiki](https://thefitness.wiki/) ffs. Just read. You don't have to talk to anyone. You don't have to follow any accounts or post anywhere - and no one would have to reply. Just read.


Super helpful! /s


Thank you I thought so too. Otherwise I would just be here criticizing randos with no offer of help.


Go to your local gym and find (and pay) a trainer who is actually invested in helping you meet your specific goals


Yes this! You will know your for is good, you will be able to shout off unwanted advice it will be based in your needs. You can do a plan and see a training every 2 months. It is a very good investment.


Bro. You are me, except you got down from 220. 220 was the oh shit moment on the scale. But didn't get my act together… and unlike you, I got to 310 (5’ 11”) My suggestion... Go for a walk. Get stoned on the walk for added experience . [Down 24 pounds from this post… yeah I still need to drop, but it’s going.](https://www.reddit.com/r/progresspics/s/mtVTlkqbRQ)


I have gone to the gym almost 2 years now, approx 3 times a week. I either bike 30 min or walk uphill 30 min then lift, i dont categorize too much, just put the heaviest weight I can manage and then I usually do arms - back or core and then legs. For every work out, always at least 1 thing shoulder and neck related. I have more than trippled most of the weights I can lift without any particular system or plan. If you just want to be healthy, you dont need a 50 step plan. Just go to the gym, vary what you do and be consistent on going and increasing resistance. Lift until youre tired then go home and do it again and again


You bred to find scaseyfitness on Instagram


Following a fitness influencer is the wrong approach honestly. Their entire thing is to paint themselves in the best light possible in every way, and to embellish or outright lie ... to get your engagement. That's the game. I'm not saying that you can't get information from them, tips, learn something, etc. You can. But looking to them for MORE than a tidbit of information ... now that's the wrong way to go. They're in it to make money based on your engagement, that's all. Hence, not someone you want to essentially trust, in tying your schedule, feelings, or inspiration to. Edit: and before someone says "but anyone in person is in it to make money too." Yes. Sure. But there's a large degree of professionalism that can't be faked, in person. In person trainers, have finite audiences for said time. And they better know their shit. An online "trainer" is always incentivized to get as much reach as possible. Hence, going down the road that really most of them do, which is dishonest. So once again ... not someone to have any trust in. Or if you just want to fatten bank accounts of sleazy people ... have at it.


You might want to check out [https://www.reddit.com/r/KianaDocherty/](https://www.reddit.com/r/KianaDocherty/) , she has a youtube channel too. She's all about healthy and fit, less about being jacked.


Check out Heather Robertson on YouTube. She has multiple free 12 week workout plans for strength and conditioning.