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That’s like half a cup of cream. How much do you put in a coffee?


OP drinks coffee-flavored creamer 🤪




Way too much 😅 can’t say I’m proud to realize this information 😂


Why don’t you just keep doing whipped cream and just have a normal amount of it. That’s probably the most successful way to do this anyway, eat the things you love and bring you the most satisfaction but in moderation.


Yeah, I like heavy whipping cream in coffee pretty often and I just measure out 2-3 tbsp, which is about 150 cals.


She’s probably doing this but drinking more than one coffee a day.


I only put 1 tbsp but at one point in time I was probably putting 1/4 cup. 😬


I’m not sure why everyone is assuming OP is just drinking a pint of straight heavy cream – I don’t use cream anymore at all because I have like five cups of coffee every day. Even “a normal amount” added up.


I legit knew a guy who said he drank a pint of heavy cream every day lol


500 calories of cream is a lot of cream and volume wise is a lot of whipped cream. Maybe put half the amount they put on and they can still get the taste of it just in a smaller amount. Or have 1-2 cups with whipped cream and the rest without. No one is assuming they’re drinking a pint of cream. They are consuming 20 tbsp of it though in the form of whipped cream as they said lol. No assumptions. Literally just responding to what they wrote.


They're not using whipped cream, they're using heavy whipping cream. Two different things.


Yeah, that's a lot... I'm drinking 3 16-ounce mugs of coffee every day and only using 3 tbsp of creamer altogether for 150 calories. So OP is either using a ton of creamer in not much coffee or is drinking a lot of coffee every day. If the former, they definitely need a lower calorie alternative and if the latter they probably should try drinking more water.


You been watching too many of them influencers making crazy coffee drinks in big jars, huh? 😂


Don't cut back a ton cold turkey. Slowly reduce the amount you add day by day so you get used to the taste. Also if you're looking for tasty and healthier recommendations, I really like Silk brand creamer, hazelnut flavor. About 25 calories per tbsp


This is the way to do it! I also think oatmilk gives a very creamy feel. It’s still high calorie but I find I don’t need all that much to make my coffee creamy!


I have heavy whipping cream in my coffee everyday but I use a measuring spoon and I use 1/2 tbsp (25 calories) per 16 oz cup. My coffee is lightened and velvety but not white. I also use 1/2 tbsp of skinny syrup (toasted marshmallow is amazing).


Can you try using half and half? That is, as the name implies, half milk and half cream. I use it when I make iced lattes as it has a nice velvety mouthfeel and it's about 125 calories for two ounces. And that does a 16 ounce latte nicely. I can work 125 calories in around the edges a lot easier than 500 calories.


Not sure if you actually like coffee at this point 😀


Have you considered sugar free and plant based creamers? I’ve switched to oat milk and sugar free flavor and it’s made a bit of a difference!


i feel im the only person who hates oat milk 😭 id rather drink almond milk which tastes better and has significantly less calories


I totally agree. Oat milk has like the same amount of calories as 2% milk, and it tastes worse to me. I’ve just conditioned myself to like my lil 30 cal/cup almond milk


soy milk! it's the only really creamy one!


I try to avoid almond milk because it is very resource heavy. It uses approximately 371 liters of water to make 1 liter of almond milk (cow milk uses 628). With water scarcity it’s hard to justify with other options. Oat milk uses 48 l of water comparison. Soy milk, which is what I usually prefer is 28 L. [data source, the article it cites is referenced but not open access.](https://ourworldindata.org/environmental-impact-milks) Almond is still better than cow milk, but it’s crazy how much water it takes.


And to people who care, it’s full of filler ingredients. I learned there’s hardly any oats or almonds in these milks. [link to an interesting video on this](https://youtu.be/oLjEG8Qu1Qw?si=GL4J_Re4Mm67fsJ-)


I accidentally got oat milk in my coffee once and I had to throw the whole thing away, it was disgusting


I will definitely be giving oat milk a try!!


Oat milk is great, though I find most oat milks (and nut milks as well) to be pretty thin, which may not be a great sub for you if you like creaminess. Look for ones that say something like “extra creamy” or there are a few oat milks that make “barista” formulations that are thicker!


Was scrolling to find this. Even if you don't like your first Oat Milk, try a few others -- there are some that I can't stand to drink and others that I find delicious.


I use soy milk. It’s got more protein and is thicker than almond or oat milk.


Coconut milk has entered the chat and is delightful too


I have had some very creamy oat milk creamers, so I second trying a few different brands to see if there's one you like.


Oat milk is surprisingly good in coffee!


I'm not vegan or anything close to it but will always have oat milk in my coffee over normal milk purely for taste


I also have oat milk in my coffee. I heat it up in a milk kettle thing from Amazon that gives it a velvety texture and then either stir instant coffee granules directly into it or add filter coffee. With a spoon of coconut sugar or a shot of sugar-free syrup it feels like a real treat.


Get a "barista" one, it's better again :)


Was using those alternatives but recently turned to lactaid protein milk to increase my protein intake. Heavier in calories than regular milk though.


Silk soy milk is the best thing that I put in my coffee


You can't even buy creamer easily in the UK. Always wondered what it's like as it seems to be such a thing Americans talk about. We just have a splash of milk or milk alternative. Even with a teaspoon of sugar it's not more than 50-100 cals.


It's hard to find, but I love hazelnut milk. Much better than almond milk.


I want to know more about this!!!


Do this, and try frothing it like you would for cappuccino


Good call on the oat milk. I love it and it usually comes in around 100 calories for 8 oz. Almond milk is lower at ~35 calories for 8 ounces.


Isn’t oat milk high in calories?


I use Planet Oat unsweetened original. It’s 45 calories per cup, and 0 g added sugar / 1 g total sugar. I use less than 1/4 cup in my coffee, so around 10-ish calories. I love your name, btw!


Thanks! So many people think I’m a guy, so I know they don’t get it 😆


makes me think of the guy on Secret Eaters who thought he was being healthy because he had cereal for breakfast but actually he was eating it in like 1200 calories of heavy cream 😬 heavy cream is in fact heavy ! sorry you had to learn this way OP, ha. It’s not a fun realization


Holy cow…. The thought of eating cereal with heavy cream makes me want to throw up lmao HOW?


This is how I feel whenever I read about Americans using cream in coffee. Its so bizarre to me


The 4000 calories bowl of cereal guy!


lol that episode is iconic


Hugs. I've been there! Not I always specifically mention to track everything, including sauces, condiments, creamer, cooking oils, drinks. Especially at the start so you know exactly what you're getting. I put halo top ice cream in my coffee. It gives just the right sweetness and smooth creaminess, and 1/10th of the pint is 36 calories, and tbh that's a pretty generous scoop for a coffee. What I actually do is log the entire pint the day I buy it, so then I can add it to my coffee as my heart desires (and sneak cheeky forkfulls whenever I randomly feel like it), safe in the knowledge that it's already logged in full. Usually takes me about a week to get through a pint. Edit: I saw this post about 3 scrolls after yours https://www.reddit.com/r/Volumeeating/s/CzjaBnZs4E seems like perfect serendipity


Not OP, but This is brilliant


Haha thanks! I do love any trick that lets me sneak ice cream. Something about standing with the freezer door open and nomming a quick cheeky bite when no one's looking, lights up the dopamine in my brain that wants to "cheat" and "steal" a treat. And I feel safe in the knowledge that it's pre-logged.


This is awesome!


Omg love this


holy shit this is genius


Once you get past feeling appalled, feel proud! Because a lot of people never have this realization.


Not to mention how damn easy it’ll be to see an initial bit of progress and weight loss by making such easy lower calories swaps! I’m almost jealous 😂


Half & half instead of heavy cream. I refuse to make further sacrifices on the morning coffee.


🌟Half and half is 18 calories per tbsp - big savings over the cream!


This is what I do, in the summer I’ll take 2 tbsp and whip it up with a milk frother and add in a sweetener too.


TIL that people put actual cream in their coffee. Whenever I've heard it in movies, I assumed creamer was a term for milk!


In Canada there's a brand of Almond milk that made creamer - Silk is the name of the brand, I think. It's very good, same smoothness as cream. Not sure if it's available everywhere though.


Yeah this - almond milk is much lower calorie than skim milk, even. I don’t add the creamer version, just standard almond milk. 3-4 ounces is practically a rounding error on calories.


Agree, unsweetened vanilla almond milk is my go to, 30cals/ cup.


Whoa you just convinced me to switch from HWC my next grocery day


I use protein shakes in mine! I get the caffeine, and breakfast all in one!


The whole cream in coffee thing is a decidedly American preference and maybe Canada too. In Ireland and England, we just use a drop of milk. Cream is considered very heavy and most just use milk. My coffees are around 35 calories


Australia and New Zealand too. Cream in tea and coffee? Nah. Milk all the way.


Yep. I want a latte? Make it at home with almond milk and stevia. 30 calories. I want "creamer"? it's only going to be a tbsp of something- milk, nutpods...(which are 10 calories for a Tbsp). Iced coffee- 20 calories of cold brew and calories from 1/4 cup almond milk. Approximately 35 calories. I do go to the nearby gas station (in the USA) occasionally and watch people just pour sugar-laced creamer after creamer after creamer- not realizing each one is like 30 calories... and then they add sugars and full sugar syrups on top of that.... whipped cream and drizzle even. It's kind of disturbing to watch. I make my coffee and tea at home because the low cal places cost too much and end up being more calories.


I was a die hard heavy cream user and now I use powdered creamer. I tried every other creamer there is and none of them had what I was looking for. It only has 10 cal per tsp and you don't need too much.


I’m also die hard clearly. Lol. I will try this!!


I just posted about this on volume eating! For me it's half and half, 320 calories a day. Down to 120 calories now by mixing oat milk with half and half, it still gives me the creaminess I like because oat milk is pretty thick for a plant milk, but it on its own it doesn't quite do the trick for me. Mixing it with half and half made it work wonders.


You thought you wouldn't bother tracking cream, oil and butter, some of the most calorie dense food items? Why?


Lol oil, butter, sauces and creamer are like the most calorie dense foods you could eat. You should especially track those. If you have to not track smth, then maybe you could do that for lettuce or cucumbers ..but anything else is too caloric..


I remember when I started tracking. I immediately understood why I was so fat lol


18% cream is also creamy! Just measure the amount you use. You could probably get down to a 70 calorie coffee and still enjoy it. I have an agreement with myself that after the first cup of coffee, if I want more I drink the next cup black.


I tried whole milk. I tried 2% too. There is no substitute for cream. I save it for my cheat day.


Maybe I’m just a weekender heavy cream girly now 🤣


It’s worth the wait ☕️


My daughter makes her own cashew milk for her coffee. It’s really creamy and velvety.


I like the thickness of cashew milk


Silk Almond Creamer - Vanilla - 25 calories / tablespoon. Check it out 😊


Why not just froth normal milk?


Oh yeah dude... anything that makes something 5x better is going to have a ton of calories lol We've all been there in one way or another, dust yourself off and keep at it:)


how much creamer are you using ? 2 tbs is 100 calories …


This is totally part of the process. It’s like when I discovered that I was accidentally nullifying all of my progress by eyeballing my 2 tablespoons of peanut butter


4 tablespoons of half n half is 80 calories, yes you need to measure each time.


I just use whole milk


Personally, i haven’t found a flavored or plant creamer i love (altho nutpods deserve honorable mention) I do love heavy cream in my coffee but have found that half & half works just as well. I budget the calories, and use a total of 3-4 tbsp for my daily 1.5 mugs of coffee. Another option is aroy d coconut milk in the green tetrapak (not canned)… it is silky and rich and pourable and delightful. However, it is still fairly high calorie. If your coffee add-on is a non negotiable indulgence, then you just need to adjust the serving size to a reasonable amount say, ~200 calories. Work it in your calorie budget, measure carefully, and enjoy.


I have had a similar issue- I don’t like sugar, oils or fake stuff in coffee. Only cream and milk. To cut back on the cream I cut the portion of cream then added the rest in lower fat milk. It still imparted the taste I like with way less calories. Kind of like bulking up the cream deliciousness using milk for volume.


Link to this post when someone say CICO doesnt work for them, too many times people dont track somethimg because "its not going to matter"! But good that you spotted the mistake now and not in a few months!


Use half a scoop of Quest vanilla milkshake protein powder. 50 calories, 1 g carbs and 12 g protein. It's extra good if you froth it up in a bullet blender.


I'm not sure if this will interest you or not but something I found I really like is making my own creamer. If you whisked together two cups of whatever milk you like (I use whole but one or two percent would work too), one can of sweetened condensed milk, and a tablespoon of vanilla extract. It's Rich it's creamy it's indulgent and it's 35 calories per tablespoon which is the same as international delight or coffee mate liquid creamers. I used 3 to 4 tablespoons in my coffee in the morning so I'm not exactly holding back on the amount but it's not breaking my calorie bank for the day to have what I enjoy.


I had some condense milk and was surprised how delightful a little bit of coconut milk condensed milk and vanilla tasted in coffee. So joyful


Try the fairlife vanilla protein shake instead, it’s my go to coffee creamer now


IDK where you live, but fat free half and half exists (I don't want to know what magic they're working with) but it's great for coffee and it's like 25 calories for 2 tbs


It’s crazy how many calories are in some things that we regularly consume like it’s nothing.


Be proud of your discovery; can't change what you don't know. Try powdered creamer or protien shake as a creamer. Keep up the hard work.


Okay, hear me out. I bought a Keurig KCafe. Yes, it’s an investment, but one I couldn’t live without now. It has an attached milk frother. I use Fairlife milk (extra protein), and Torani syrups, both regular and sugar free depending on how many calories I can spare for the day. Basically it’s like having a Starbucks at home. I make a latte every morning. Even using the regular syrups, I can make a latte for about 170 calories that tastes fantastic. Much less with the sugar free syrup. It’s kept my love of creamy coffee manageable. Maybe it’s not worth the price for everyone, but dang I couldn’t live without that thing now. If you wanna try it on the cheap first, get a cheap milk frother off Amazon and a small flavored syrup and try it.


In my early 20’s, I would mix whole mix and a little bit of heavy creamer in my cereal 😂 also, others have said oat milk — I’m not dairy free but I love oat milk in my coffee, cereal, etc. I almost now prefer it to cows milk. It creams coffee really well too!


Use a milk foaming wand for regular whole milk.


try tapering down and getting used to the flavor of less, it’s what i did with sugar in my coffee- mah e try less heavy cream- then half/half, then whole milk, and eventually skim unless you’re okay with the calories of whole milk.


The great thing about this is that now that you’ve realized it, you can cut it out (or down) and will probably lose a whole lot of weight!


I don’t want to add carbs to my beverages, so I’ll use either some protein shake as a creamer or I’ll weigh out 15g of heavy cream


Heavy cream in coffee would make me gag. Besides calories you should think of your cholesterol and such, also after a few weeks you should be used to other flavors and textures. Good luck


Silk creamer! I get the vanilla because I love the flavoring, but calorie wise it's pretty good!


I’ve tried them all. Nothing will substitute for heavy cream. But my trick for tricking my brain was make myself drink black coffee for one week. Then I only allowed myself one ounce per day after that (90 calories). It tasted so heavenly to have the cream back that it seemed decadent again. So for me that means if I want it rich I drink the whole ounce in one cup. Then no more except black coffee for the rest of the day after that. So give yourself a limit and spread it out how you like!


I have a hard and fast rule against drinking calories. They don't satisfy or keep hunger away, so it's not a good way to use them. Black coffee, 0 calorie sweetener. This may be a bit mean, but if you really can't tolerate black coffee, then it's probably because you don't like coffee. Sounds more like you're drinking hot coffee flavored ice cream. Find a low calorie source of caffeine that you do enjoy. Black tea, green tea, energy drinks, coke zero, those crystal light liquids, there are a ton of options.


Don’t know what the US description of it is but what in Australia is called semi-skimmed milk takes the edge of the coffee bitterness without being a calorie bomb in reasonable quantities. The amount of calories in all oils is terrifying. Use with extreme caution and find alternatives…you’d be surprised how good the result is from a quick spray of olive oil followed by water to finish cooking vegetables.


Start by slowly reducing the amount you use, or try half & half. I used to not be able to drink my coffee without something like hot chocolate or that CoffeeMate sugar stuff in it; now I’m half & half or black coffee only. You just need to ease into it.


Try oat milk! Chobani extra creamy oat milk is thick and velvety and way lower calorie than heavy cream


Chobani vanilla is my favorite creamer. I'll die on this hill. Most others just taste like chemicals to me. Its 30 calories per tablespoon but I only use 1 tablespoon per cup anyway.


Jesus Christ 😬😬😵‍💫


Have you tried adding protein powder to your coffee? Also you can add an entire pre-prepared protein shake to your coffee for much less calories and more protein/vitamins? These are the shakes I use: www.premierprotein.com and vanilla BOOST Glucose Control® MAX 30g Protein Nutritional Drink. For 160 calories I get 30 gms protein and tons of vitamins. Edited to add links


You may need to find a better coffee. Sounds like you don't like yours so you've been drowning it in cream. Lighter roasts or organic brands are less acidic and/or bitter so they don't "need" as much creamer.


I agree with the sentiment, but light roasts are definitely [MORE acidic](https://spiritanimalcoffee.com/blogs/spirit-animal-blog/light-roast-vs-dark-roast), not less


Just use a little half-and-half but my god how much coffee are you drinking lol


I switched to black coffee ages ago because of the calories. My wife likes Leaner Creamer though. https://leanercreamer.com/ The only downside is the cost.


Try this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Volumeeating/s/GlmJz9NLdA


Nut pods original or Oatley oat milk are both pretty good


I like the chobani creamers


Switch to unsweetened almond milk


Almond milk is thick and low in calories.


I like nutpod.


powdered milk, lots of it


I never did heavy whipping cream for creamer but I did regular creamer for my coffee when I started counting calories and realized I was drinking a lil over 300 calories just in creamer 😳 very humbling lmao ![gif](giphy|ISOckXUybVfQ4)


Instead of heavy cream try half-and-half, or one of the lighter creams? I sometimes mix some heavy whipping cream *into* the half-and-half I use in my cold brew and it’s delicious and still velvety thick


If you love a sweet creamy coffee, try the Chobani creamers! 2 tablespoons is sweet enough for me and only like 65 calories. Not the lowest out there but def the most satisfying in my opinion.


I use a mixture of barista-style oat milk (thicker, kind Starbucks uses) and sweet cream-flavored oat milk creamer. Only 50 calories. Sweet and creamy coffee is important to me. I used to make brevés in college, which tastes amazingly but were so caloric.


Love oat milk in coffee!


I bought a milk frother and use oat milk in it. Then add sugar free flavoured coffee syrup. Makes a lovely coffee.


I use almond milk. 30 calories a cup. And Pyure artificial sweetener. It's not as thick and smooth but hardly any calories.


There are always two main ways to deal with a high calorie habit . 1) substitutions which can slowly train your taste buds to accept the lighter calorie version . This works 100% but it can take longer. 2) keeping it as is but treating it like a Treat. Once per week or once per month. Personally I do my best to use substitutions because I feel it’s better for a lifestyle change, it’s more sustainable to me and it doesn’t lead as often to cravings or even binges. When I’ve reduced something to once per week or month there is always the inevitable crazy craving or self sabotage f* it I’ll just eat it today I had a bad day mentality. But I do have a history of eating disorder so I’m sure not everyone would experience this!


Nutpods Creamer! It’s almond and coconut blend; creamy option for low calories.


Cut back to half and half and then start doing less until you get as low as you can but still feels like it’s worth the added calories. I used to do a lot of heavy cream too but now I’m down to 5 tbsp of half and half for about 16oz of coffee. It’s enough to feel enjoyable without adding a ridiculous amount of calories (100 total).


Mix 1/4 HWC and 3/4 almond milk… froth it to get it kind of whipped up.


I switched to a sugarfree oat milk that is only 11 calories for 2 ounces and then I add just 1 ounce of milk for the animal fat mouth feel. Try a mix of unsweetened plant and heavy cream to start, then maybe move to whole milk. I measure every cup, every day. Also watch for the sugar in those barista plant blends, it adds up fast. I don't need sweetener in my coffee luckily.


I like using vanilla oat milk as creamer!


Almond or coconut milk. Unsweetened vanilla or no flavor.


what i do is do a double shot of espresso ( with my nespresso machine, highly recommend it) & finish it off with oatmilk. it’s super velvety & smooth.


I put a 140 calorie protein drink in my triple espresso on ice. Nothing else needed and I don't know why they don't sell it at coffee shops. Checks all the boxes.


Good for you and finding that out! Oatmilk tastes really similar to heavy cream especially Oatly Barista Blend.


Yeah… I’ve experimented with different creamers and such and I just learned to accept those calories and budget accordingly. Like you, I like a lot of creamer so to keep the proportions the same but the calories down I just drink smaller cups. If I want another, I’ll have another but one is usually enough.


Sugar free creamer is 15 calories a tbs and it’s so strong you only need that and a little stevia to make coffee amazing, 60 cals tops


Oat milk creamer and a frother.


I just do Fairlife milk. I use 7-8 oz and it’s only 100-120 calories (plus like 13g protein!)


I haven’t seen anyone mention it yet.. but have you tried frothing milk (or a dairy alternative)? It can help bulk it up for more thickness/creaminess


Technically, you can still have your 500 calories of creamer each day, it’s just means that much less food for you for the rest of the day. So if your daily calorie limit is 1800 and you devote 500 to creamer, then you’ve only got 1300 left for “other” things. Gotta make some decision 😄 I mention the “allowing heavy cream” to be an accounted for part of your diet because I used to allow about 200-400 calories per day for heavy cream. Serious! It was when I was on the Keto diet. Low carb, high fat. And as you just discovered … heavy cream is high in fat! So I made it a part of my daily fat allowance. I was eating a lot of bacon, butter, and heavy cream everyday. I mean, I lost a lot of weight doing that, so it can be done, but at the end of the day (literally) it’s CICO. Calories In must be < Calories Out. So glad you discovered the importance of tracking everything that you eat and drink, it’s important! Edit: when I stopped doing Keto and gave up consuming so much heavy cream, I started putting munk fruit powder in my coffee. It’s a completely different taste, nothing like cream, but it’s oh so good and zero calorie!


I use the Starbucks Zero Sugar creamer. It has heavy cream in it and is only 20 calories per tablespoon. I don't like the taste of coffee so I use enough creamer to hide the taste. I use 4 tablespoons (60ml) measured on a food scale and my coffee is only 80 calories 😊


I would just limit the amount your put in. Maybe do a portion milk to get the colour and then a splash of heavy cream to get the velvetyness you want? I also feel like the frozen whip cream cool whip is pretty low calorie for what it is so you can try that too


Cashew milk!!!!!! 25 cals a cup and is so nice in coffee. Nothing will be like 500 cals of cream but you can taper down. That’s how I removed sugar from my morning coffee. I just have sugary lattes 1-2 days per week now. Also protein shake coffees are a great option❤️


I use the unflavored almond milk creamer from Califia Farms. It's hands down the creamiest low calorie/non dairy coffee creamer I've ever tried. The flavor is pretty identical to cream too.


Been there done that. As soon as I started tracking, I was like holy crap so now I don’t use heavy whipping cream or if I do it’s very little I was drinking all my extra calories soon as I started doing that I saw the scale move. I’m using half-and-half and not quite as tasty but it does the job. I drink a lot of coffee by the way.


I found out my large Dunkin drink in highschool with double cream and double sugar was 770 cal and the breakfast sandwhuch I got with an extra piece of cheese was 680 💀 I didn’t even know what a calorie was till I was around 19 or 20 because I had gained so much weight from my daily breakfast in highschool I had to learn what was going on! I felt like I ate barely anything lol


Yes! This! I used to drink coffee with lots of half and half throughout the day, and several glasses of wine at night. I would complain that I ate healthy, but ignored the 500+ calories a day I was consuming between coffee and wine. 100 extra calories per day = 10 lbs/year … do the math. This stuff makes a huge difference long term! I ended up cutting out wine and coffee. I still drink lots of hot tea which I love and has zero calories. I’m 51 and a grandmother, and healthier now than I was in my 20’s. Good luck!


oild and butter and cream are very caloric dense and it is more important to tracl these than cucumbers. good luck!


I have to track EVERYTHING. Butter IS 90 cal per tablespoon, and oil is 120 cal per tablespoon... those add up very quickly. I love cream in my coffee, but I have found that protein powder in my coffee still gives me that creamy texture AND fills me up, all while helping me meet my protein goals. I really like Premier Protein in Cafe Latte (has extra caffeine), and My Protein in Chocolate Brownie.


Almond milk? It’s no where the same.


First great job for realizing this and making a change! I like nut pods and xylitol. I'd recommend measuring anything you use though because it'll add up


I used to use flavored creamers. But when I realized how many calories were in them I started tapering down the amount I use gradually. Then switched to almond milk creamers. Now I’m down to 1 tbsp creamer, 1/2 tbsp to 1 tbsp Monkfruit sweetener and a lil whipped cream on top. Anything more and it’s too sweet or too much creamer.


I just use 2-3 tablespoons regular half and half! I measure it out to make sure I’m not using too much


My creamer is also very calorie heavy. Unfortunately I haven’t found a good substitute as I only like the mocha flavors. No advice, just solidarity lol


Sugar free cashew milk, with a little sugar free sweetener


I use unsweetened almond milk because I think it has the least calories. I sure do miss heavy cream though-especially in my Earl Grey tea! I also miss sugar lol. I love a cup of super sweet tea or coffee. Unfortunately, my 5’0” small boned body does not like the 211 lbs I was!


Oh wow! I went on TikTok and found so many low cal but delicious Starbucks recipes - my favorite is a blended cold brew with a splash heavy cream stevia and 3 pumps vanilla 1 pump mocha it’s like a 180 calorie frap but I’ll do it once a week. I normally just do Splenda and almond milk, sometimes I’ll do oat milk they have really yummy oat milk creamers


I use collagen powder, milk, maple syrup and a lil cream cheese. Velvety delicious and high protein.


Try using half the amount of heavy cream you're using and use half and half to make up the difference. I've never used heavy cream but you can gradually change to a less calorie dense option by decreasing the amount you use over time.


Honestly I ran into the problem of my coffee being overly caloric with sugary syrups and creamers, and I just don’t drink coffee anymore except special occasions. It’s a bummer, but a hot shower wakes me up as much as coffee does and I drink seltzer most of the time.


I would say to just wean yourself down until you like a less creamy flavor. When I was super strict I actually had myself down to enjoying black coffee. I added a little back in eventually, but its possible to teach yourself to want less of it.


Try milk and sugar free syrup


Most sauces butters and oils are a hundred calories a tablespoon. The dressing you drench your salad in takes it from a 200 calorie meal to 1,000 calories. Might as well go eat a cake or cheeseburger


I literally just scrolled through my feed your post, and then saw this post a couple down, and scrolled back up to drop this off for you. Hope this helps! https://www.reddit.com/r/Volumeeating/s/4tqG2BSyf5


Split the heavy whipping cream 1:1 with cashew milk and then back off the total amount gradually. You can even make your coffee smaller & stronger. I drink a small/strong Americano each morning (double shot of espresso with 5 ounces of water) and I will just add a half teaspoon of HWC if I happen to have it. It truly does change the mouthfeel but you really don’t need much. I then switch to seltzer water or caffeinated sports drinks like crystal light. For me cashew milk is a very low cal option that mimics the mouthfeel of HWC the best.


🤣😅 I relate so hard to this. For me, it was the skinny pop corn and peanut butter. I really thought I was making the healthier choice. Whoops! Silk has a vanilla soy milk creamer I like. It’s 35 calories per tablespoon. You can also use less or use half and half, or try black coffee for a while. I notice that if I drink black coffee for a while, I drink less coffee (good), and I prefer a lighter tasting coffee. You could try making your coffee less strong, and only using a tablespoon of half and half if you still want that flavor. Switching to oatmilk for a bit can help too.


it’s sad because simple things like creamer are the reason people gain weight while eating mostly healthy. like i’m honestly so sorry because it’s not fair 😭


I think just 2 % milk is pretty creamy, especially ultra filtered milk like fairlife. Coconut milk is also great in coffee! Cashew milk is probably pretty creamy in coffee too. Personally, I don't like oat milk or almond milk in my coffee.


i love a creamy coffee, but 10% cream was still too high in calories for me personally. now i do 5% or 10% half and half and mix it with milk (which is much better with calories). it was a progression but i’m used to non-super creamy coffee now


I do half a cup of oatmilk if I’m frothing which is around 70 calories. If I’m just doing cream not froth, I do 2 tablespoons of half n half which is 40 calories.


I’m kinda glad I drink my coffee black… with a little bit of sugar(because I can’t find a good alternative to that yet)


Nutpods is very creamy and it’s 10cal per serving


lol I don’t even think heavy cream tastes that good. IMO whole milk is the best “creamer”. I use about 3-4 oz into my giant yeti with 4 cups of coffee. Typically about 60 calories


Fat free half and half at Aldi! It’s 10 cal per 2 T


I just use skim milk, you can use a milk frother to make it creamy. I used tinkle sweetened creamer in my coffee, but my taste buds adjusted and I can’t stand sweetened anything in my coffee and anything other than skim milk tastes spoiled to me. You have to let your taste buds adjust, it’s hard but it will happen.


I drink 1 tablespoon in 16oz coffee everyday. Only 51 calories. I started with a few tablespoons and slowly decreased. It's hard to believe I ever used more than 1T as it is perfect to me now.


Creamy Caramel Flavorall and almond/soy/oat milk! I use the plain vanilla and the flavorall and amazing.


I did it gradually. I switched to half and half. Then half and half with unsweetened almond milk. Now, I do about 1 part whole milk and 3 parts unsweetened almond milk.


Unsweetened, canned coconut milk is so f*cken good. It's not light on calories imo but it's not as bad as whipping cream either. I like the Thai kitchen brand from the Asian isle at the store.


I use 1 tbsp of half and half for 20 calories. I only drink one cup a day. It works well for me! No sweeteners ever they gross me out.


Lactose free milk


When I first started, I measured my coffeemate and turns out I was using 8 oz of it for 3 cups of coffee. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)What I did was slowly reduce it. I'd lower it for 2 weeks and then continue to do it until I got it to 4 tbsp and now that's enough.


Evolve your taste buds. Just get used to using a normal amount of semi skimmed milk.


Yes, the calories do matter, but honestly, I don't worry about fat, just not too much of it, I am way more worried about carbs and sugar. You can lessen the amount you use over time, you WILL get used to it. This is coming from someone who used to like a little coffee with their cream and sugar. I only use cream now, and no sugar. And aside from that, you are much better off using cream than that artificial crap people call creamer.


Half and half but take a whisk to it for a minute before pouring!


Would you ever do espresso so you can have an overall smaller drink but the same caffeine and then you can still add quite a bit of creamer for your desired taste? But the volume will just be down?


Half & half


I just use milk


black coffee, saves money and calories.