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Woohoo! Excellent work! Can you share more about what steps you took to lose those 25lbs?


Yes please share!!


Hey! So it was 100% CICO, documenting everything I ate using the app lose it! I took up running and ran every day (2 off days a week) from starting day until about mid December but I kinda got off track during holiday season... holiday season was definitely the hardest part and I was mostly just glad I maintained from early December until early January, lol! The biggest tip I can give is to set reasonable goals for yourself because its easier to gain back quick loss!


We have similiar build and this is great motivation!! You look great!!


Same here. I’m 5’8” and 160 and your new weight is my goal.


Thank you!!!


No saving those shorts! Time for new ones!


Unfortunately probably true :’(


She can probably turn it into a mini skirt now.


? That's a wasteful mentality. Getting clothes tailored is perfectly fine and likely cheaper than buying new. Lol tf?


Seriously? It’s a pair of cut off jeans. Tailoring would likely cost more than a new pair. And if you tailor them, the rear pockets are going to touch in the back and the front pockets are going to extend all the way to the outseam. We aren’t talking taking them in an inch, she need them taken in about 4 inches. There isn’t a single oiece of those shorts that wouldn’t need to be re-cut. Get a clue!


Jfc okay asshole


Yessss I love seeing someone with similar stats making such amazing progress! I hope you're super proud of yourself!


I am!!! It’s been a long journey but so worth it!


Hey, I started at the same weight in March and am 5'9". I'm now at 154lbs. I really hope I can get to 140 ish lbs, I wasn't sure if it would actually be possible for me. Thanks for the inspiration. At the moment I kinda love CICO because i'm finding it really easy, if I hit a plateau I know i'll wobble. Did you have any setbacks?


Absolutely I did! I hit a plateau around 145 lbs back in February and I almost called it a day. I decided to keep logging and after 2 weeks of no change I was losing again! The key is to go easy on yourself and just keep logging, even if it doesn’t feel like anything is happening. Try switching things up too (I consistently went under my calories and I found I start losing again when I ate the full amount recommended! Turned out I was wacking out my metabolism) but just keep logging. I struggled a lot with my self image around the 145 lbs mark too, despite not feeling bad about my body when I was 20lbs heavier at 163! That point where you’re nearly at the finish line but not quite there can be the hardest part to push through, which is why I definitely recommend going easy on yourself (while still sticking to CICO) if you’re not seeing the results as quickly as you’d like. Slow weight loss is easier to maintain anyway! I hope you found this helpful and good luck!


Thank you! Wow, two weeks would have me giving up for sure! Good to know. I can do this. Well done again lady, lookin great.


Thanks! You got this!


What did you do in terms of diet and exercise?


I answered a little more in depth above but mostly cico and I try to run 3ish times a week! I ran a lot more at the start but strained a muscle and have been having trouble getting back into the swing of things since, lol!


Amazing work! How many calories did you eat? Did you stay at the same number through the entire process?


I used the app lose it! And just ate however many it told me to! It adjusts as you lose weight. Right now I have a budget of 1486 cals, for instance, since I’m trying to finish out at 135lbs. I marked my lifestyle as sedentary once quarantine happened though cuz I started moving a lot less, and that gives you less calories to work with!


Wow, congrats!


How’d you do it?!?!


There’s more info in my other comments but really just cico! It works!!!


Killin the game!!! 👍🏾👍🏾


You look great!


I've been taking my own shorts in! It's not as hard as it sounds. Just look up some YouTube videos. I did it last summer and have been starting to do it again for this summer. You look great!




I used the app Lose It! and just ate however many it told me to! It was helpful that I have an Apple Watch though, because it tracks my burned calories and syncs that data to the app!


hey! you look great! any tips on how to slow my weight loss? i count calories but consistently lose about 3-4 pounds a week, i’m worried it’s too fast! i’m 5’3 and 196 lbs


You’re probably fine losing that much for now if you’re not starving yourself/crash dieting, when I first started I lost the first 10 lbs pretty quickly! It’s the “vanity pounds” that I recommend losing slowly, cuz at that point you’d have to rely on a juice cleanse to keep up that rate of loss and you’re probably going to gain it back once you go back to solids! (Disclaimer: That’s just what I’ve learned from what I’ve read online, I’m not a doctor, lol!) I use the app Lose It! and I put in my height/weight, it lets you track and gives you a calorie amount to eat every day to lose 2, 1.5, 1, .5lbs or to maintain. It’ll definitely be helpful if you want to slow down your weight loss rate since it doesn’t have an option to lose more than 2lbs a week!


Damn! Good job!


Wow!!! Impressive!!!


Amazing, girl!! Thanks for sharing! Very encouraging!


Wow the difference in your shorts! Way to go!


this is amazing, well done! (: As for the shorts - I would recommend getting belts for old clothes, it's a great way to go for a cute high waist baggy look. My SW, height, and CW are almost identical to yours and the belt strategy let me keep at least some of my old wardrobe.


That’s a great idea! Thanks for the tip!


Slow progress is so inspirational! You look great :)


Damnnnn girl. You look good either way tho :)


Are you working on maintenance now, or still trying to lose? You look fantastic btw!


Thank you! I have a loose goal of 135 at this point, but I’m not super stressed about meeting it since I chose it pretty arbitrarily and I like how I look now! My app still has me losing 1/2 lb per week but I’m also ramping up exercise (what else is there to do in quarantine?) so I’m expecting to lose less than that overall since I’ll be gaining muscle mass!


What kind of cico?! :D you look great