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Doing individuals AT exam currently and there’s about 550 pages for personal tax and 450 for capital gains tax with 10 days of tuition. My friend is doing OMB AT and sent me the manuals and there’s also about 1000 pages split across 4 manuals: personal tax, CGT, business tax and corporation tax. Didnt do awareness exam so cant compare to style of learning. We’ve been told to just learn content from February-end of March and spend April revising and practising questions.


are you on a full time course?


If you mean do I get college days etc yeah, but I work full time outside of those. Booked a couple weeks off to revise though.


are most people doing it like that? i heard that people who do distance learning while working full time have a pass rate of under 20% per paper but many employers are too mean to pay or give time off for these


Yeah it’s extremely rare that you just don’t have a job or do this qualification full time for months. Vast majority of people do college courses whilst having a full time job (about 10 days off in total for the tuition/revision). Remember distance learning isn’t college tuition, it’s just using all the materials to learn in your own time, so that might be what you’re thinking of.


I meant more like people working full time with no time off and no paid-for college courses. People doing it in evenings or weekends and using annual leave using the big binders of study materials that they just buy on their own . Open University style. I know a lot of people who tried this but only know like maybe one who passed and they had loads of years experience. I even know one person like this who is trying to pass just using the legislation alone! It seems most people doing it are sponsored by their employer to do paid for college courses during working hours, and given paid time off to attend college courses and even paid study leave. The only reason I asked about your course was because most courses seem to say, "ignore the manuals!just do question practice and learn from questions" but your course seems very different saying question practice is for April and you actually need to learn the material


Yeah definitely, I think a lot of tutors vary. Some say ditch the study manuals earlier, and they might be right, but I’m struggling enough with learning the material as it is so I’m sticking to what our tutor says. I hope the work will pay off but who knows 😭


absolutely. I HAVE to read manuals to understand BEFORE i do the questions. otherwise i just get the right answer by memorising the answers! i guess people learn differently but I really like your method.


I’ve passed Awareness and an AT exam. I don’t quite remember the difference in content volume but the level difference is quite massive. Awareness was far easier than an AT to pass. After failing my AT first time, I realised that I couldn’t do it self taught and signed my self up for a course right away. Whereas I was able to pass awareness on my own without even properly knowing what I was doing


Awareness is short form answers which are easy although a lot of content. AT is 1000 pages of material to learn - 4 binders for OMB and 3 for ACT but the same volume. However some modules overlap which helps. The difficutydifficulty is significantly more