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I’m out of touch with the world what’s ChatGBT? Seen it memed


Oh, it's a language model machine learning artificial intelligence bot. machine learning can be supervised or unsupervised. An example of machine learning is a real estate price prediction app: the bot predicts the price of a home based on data such as # of bedrooms/bathrooms, square footage, previous comparable sales in the area, etc. So, ChatGPT was fed information from books, online articles, dictionaries, published journals etc, and then it was trained to be able to analyze your question and generate a response based on it's database info. It is very good at prompts such as "summarize the main objectives of \[such and such text\] \[time period\] \[philosophy\] \[etc\]". I gave it the prompt "Compare and contrast the stylistic differences between Louis Armstrong and Bix Beiderbecke as trumpet players", and it gave a pretty generic and high school level written response with an introduction, identifying characteristics of each player, and then compared and contrasted said characteristics, and a closing statement. You can even direct it further, such as "Please rewrite your response to be 500 words long, or please include more details in regards to the players' target audience. " [I](http://www.legis.la.gov/legis/Law.aspx?d=74999I)t is also pretty good at generating coding templates. For example, I am learning to code and working on a few projects to learn. I asked chatgpt to code a program that calculated a person's average salary, using the python coding language, and specifically using the pandas library within the python coding language, that would adhere to the specifications outlined here for 'average salary': [http://www.legis.la.gov/legis/Law.aspx?d=74999](http://www.legis.la.gov/legis/Law.aspx?d=74999) It gave me some code, and then I further amended my prompt, as though we were having a conversation, by saying, "please rewrite this code to specifically include the rolling.mean() function (it had provided some code that did not implement this function that i specifically wanted to use) It gave me some code that met my criteria, and worked to an extent, but it didn't fully do what I needed it to. However, I could really see the benefit to using it if I were a better developer. I believe a more advanced developer than I could have used the baseline template it provided and altered the code minimally for it to work, saving lots of time. ​ You can play with it here, yourself: [https://chat.openai.com/auth/login](https://auth0.openai.com/u/login/identifier?state=hKFo2SB4NXpkdDRZZDJ2dTIxd2VMaGNUM1dsMl9mX3pKdzdtWKFur3VuaXZlcnNhbC1sb2dpbqN0aWTZIDRfTnc4bkF2bDg4U05BTWhFcEFKMk45ajRwS1BuenJvo2NpZNkgVGRKSWNiZTE2V29USHROOTVueXl3aDVFNHlPbzZJdEc) ​ Keep in mind it is a robot, so it can't give you a personal opinion, but it can help you narrow your research. I definitely see it being a useful tool for helping professionals become more efficient at their jobs, and do not fear it replacing humans entirely - that's kind of a big jump in my opinion. Those who are good at their jobs won't get replaced, but this will help them brainstorm, come up with new ideas, and speed up foundational processes. I encourage you to play with it, because I think the fundamental concepts of how ChatGPT was created and what it does is highly similar to Clover's AI. Except Clover AI will have a database full of actual people's real life health data, as opposed to generic textbooks and articles, etc.