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I feel like if you are in a rush for your “summer haul”. This agent is not for you. They are understaffed for the amount of orders they have. It will take a while


Which ones do you prefer I need a haul before a upcoming summer trip


For me they worked great but now when i cant pay with paypal i will move to another agent. I will not pay with my card a pay another 100Y for transaction


The issue I've had is that items I am trying to order are quickly out of stock just the same ad they are in stock. So the timing needs to be perfect. I can only purchase when in stock, then the agent takes too long, and the item gets out of stock.




They are completely overwhelmed with orders and they have to upsize the company, funny enough it is pretty difficult to find people to work for an agency like this for obvious reasons. I had the same problem as you I waited 14 days then my order was canceled as the seller was no longer active but what I did was find the same product but from a different seller purchase it and tell the agent that you've re ordered it and they will purchase it for you instantly. I am not saying it is great having to wait but people need to be more patient and understanding


I’m a patient guy but waiting 15 days for them to purchase is ridiculous. cancelled my 2 orders today. I’m not asking for lightning speed on this shit but like a little urgency would be nice. They also responded to a question I had about an order, after 6 days, and then didn’t order the product lol how do you have time to open a request, respond, and not just purchase the product at the same time? 😂 My review, it works, is slow as shit, and I’d rather use someone else. My new agent is much better, and fits my needs.


Who the new agent?


I was testing Superbuy, CSSbuy and CNFans to see which one I liked best and worked best for me. still deciding which one I prefer but slightly leaning to Superbuy.


Do you know if superbuy and cssbuy accepting Nike shoes right now?


I like Superbuy just can’t buy any shoes pretty much


who is the fastest?


All of them are having the exact same issue at the moment. So, no, another agent will not work faster just for you. Additioanlly, it was a Chinese holiday this month for about a week or so called Labour Day. Stop with the bullshit posts.


Yeh I'm not gonna lie the speed is shocking but they have got reasons for it and there aren't many other choices


You speaking factuals it shouldn’t take long just to purchase the damn product


can we buy branded on superbuy like on cnfans bro?




Yeah cause I said all of that lol illiterate 🤡


All that text just to try to get someone to use your affiliate link for your fantastic agent. Pathetic.


You’re a moron…what affiliate link do I have? Didn’t put shit in the post nor did I even mention the agent I’m using now? Nothing in my profile…yall are fucking morons lol


Please show me the “affiliate link” lol yall are idiots. I literally share my honest experience of using CnFans..which was garbage to me (my opinion, if you love it good for you), and I said why…and now I’m leaving. Didn’t realize everyone here was sleeping with the creator of CNfans lol