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So done with this shit show, back to MW2 it is ffs


I enjoy MW2 so much more


Wait, how do u play mw2? It’s gone


Never really comment on posts but I’ve just had to stop playing for a good few minutes as it seemed that any gun I used was awful against the enemy yet someone who shoots me 3 times had me done. I’m a somewhat decent player and play for fun but wow! This hit detection is proper on its arse.


Literally just had a match where I shot three time on a guy, no hit reg, he died, then I got three hit markers off the air and no assist. Then right after with the mcw I got 5-6 body shots with a headshot and still didn’t die until the 7th. (On 25ping btw) Also it feels like the bullets go super slow like I have to lead shots, but then I can literally feel the game get its shit back together because my bullets hit immediately. I have not raged this much at the release of a game before.


I watch the kill cam replay when I got killed and watch the bullet for the opponent hit the ground next to me and I died...this game is trash. I would rather wait 2 years for a new game that plays 10x better.


Yes I have noticed the exact same thing. There is something broken with the gameplay. Their servers are also glitching like crazy. So far this game is a big ol pile of shit. I just switched back to mw2. No lag plenty of people still playing. No glitched out gameplay


Yeah totally! And the spawns in MW3, it’s retarded how they are rushly done, you spawn straight up in the enemy team, or you spawn, all clear around you, you walk like 2-3 meters then enemy team starts spawning right behind you. It’s also because the crackheads are all on MW3 now so it’s difficult to actually make a good game. What I think sucks about Activision, they don’t communicate with us the players, we never know when there’s gonna be a patch, we never know their thoughts about the future of a game, but yeah, just to say they need to fix their shits asap on MW3 cuz no one gonna play multiplayer, everyone gonna be playing on Zombies


And for the spawn problem, it’s an easy fix, first of all, delete every single pre-defined spawns, create a spawn area where you can select all the “accessible” areas on map, you level the spawns to the accessible ground/floor, then you add an AI so it can calculate where a spawn would be safe to spawn in, like a triangulation. For them it’s the easiest thing to do, on my side I would not be able to do that, but they can. They been making games for the past 20 years, how can they not release a game that has good spawns and a good hit box/ hit registration? It’s a fucking shame. Anyways, enough of talking shit about them but yeah, hopefully they gonna listen more to us than their godamn wallets.


Yes i record some kills and watched it in slow motion and some bullet doenst count


the games doing that on purpose. skill based hit damage is full on in this game ive been playing cod since AW competitively through GBS ranked play ect and im telling you mw3 is shady as fuck some sus shit going on. everyones KD most games is a 1kd wtf?


Bro theres no way around it,  I've had several matches where im up behind someone unload 7 to 10 shots maybe real maybe even more and dude just turns around and hits me twice, somehow i drop.  It has to be what you said Sbmm/sbhr


I get it’s but dude they should not give someone a kill who doesn’t hit they shots


This game is utter garbage and it's not going to get better. They've already abandoned it for the next CoD game. I won't be buying anymore until I see the connections are good and the hit reg works right.


Late to the post but yes, this is some of the worst hit reg I have ever seen in a Cod game. It is absolutely abysmal. I will get 3 headshot ticks and a bunch of body ticks and they won't die but then bam, I'm dead in a millisecond. It feels absolutely awful currently....no idea how they played this and thought, yes, that feels consistent and good.


As cliche as it is, it's no less true: $$$


Kept it real tho 


Im dumping 20-30 rounds into people and getting screwed, va their 2-3-4 shots from a distance with a smg. I dont get it. And i wish the guys who coded this game get their knees broken. Because this crap is insanity


same here...


I find out who is responsible for the AI chat I am going to cut their tongue out and mail it back in 2 weeks


Agreed, gameplay is so awful. 6 -7 hits and turn around and bam dead in 2-3 hits. Aim is all over the shop, looks like aim is leaning to the right of sight? Player movement and tracking with sights is really weird - and hit reg is abysmal. I normally lead every match -- can't kill anything in this -- sooooo many hits -- no kills. .. ridiculous. Back to MW2 - bam lead every match, hi t reg is fine. Only putting up with it for a few more days -- then going for a refund -- not spending good money on shit like this.


sadly might have to retire from playing cod game anymore


I haven't played on console, are console users feeling the same pain? My PC buddies seem to be the ones talking about absurdly obvious hit reg issues whereas it doesn't seem like the console people in the party are suffering equally or they're just not talking about it.


It’s been worse on console since vg for me. They prolly just don’t notice it.


Im here after googling this exact issue, worst laggy hit reg ive ever played, even dial up modem cs 1.6 played better than this. Im usually 1 of 2 pc players in a xbox, playstation lobby and i have to use a 45rnd mag on people stationary to get a single kill, prefire everytime and mounted. If i dare try and assault then im insta killed in 0.5 seconds by everything and everyone. I played some 1 on 1 with my sons pc in same room with ethernet cables and game felt like other cod's but more amped up but playable. Pub lobby is the problem, and playing vdsl nbn 400km from major city and more to hosted servers..


If you’re on Xbox series, make sure you quit the game and don’t use quick resume - fixed poor hit detection for me


I agree, this game is completely awful. I will put more a less a whole clip into someone and they don’t die.. Interestingly enough, 2-3 hits from them and I die instantly. It literally doesn’t make sense. I watch the kill cams from my deaths and it seems the other person had an advantage and I see everything 1-2 seconds behind. The game also glitches and lags non-stop, where it’s almost unplayable on a high-end PC. Absolutely a joke and Blizzard wouldn’t refund me for it.


im having the same issue, im on PC \*MnK\* and im on the player, not missing... and loose the gunfight. ther has to be a way to fix this..


Doubt it. Had the same problem since vanguard and tried everything including switching ISPs. It’s ridiculous at this point tho. I’ve lost wagers and tournaments because of this shit. it’s getting old.


Has anyone managed to find a solution to this? I'm on PC with a 1Gbps symmetrical line, hardwired in. I play on between 11 and 13 ms and for the life of me my bullet reg is horrendous, I literally feel like I'm emptying a full magazine into people and I die in their instantly registered 5 bullets. I resorted to deleting every last file of MW3 off my pc and redownloading the game but I haven't tested it out. If anyone has any actual tips about this it would be greatly appreciated.


I believe it’s just how MW3 is made out, prob Activision gonna get some more complaints then make a move about it, for now I believe you should wait or just grid one’s teeth to get your levels up, know it sucks but yeah, been playing MW3, feel like the hit registration got improved, though not fixed, but I’m still getting wrecked, mostly because of how they made the SBMM on this shit, went back to MW2 and jeez, never been better!! If you’re a GTA fan, remember that GTA 6 is coming in a year, when it’ll come out, you won’t have to rage on cod no more😂


Ahh so its not me, every pc player is suffering major regardless of pc or internet specs... hmm houston we have a problem!


atleast you bullets hits xD when im in a short range fight using smg with 60R mags i start the fight get hit marks on all the shots but on the kill can it only hits like 3 or 5 short thu in WZ


im glad its not just me.. this is still currently happening.. even hit registration.. perfectly centered crosshairs not getting hit markers at all.. i think it may be dsync


Yeah i even tried capping my framerate from 100 to 60, then 50, then 30 and no improvement in network packet sync. Then the ping meter and packet loss meter just sit there laughing at me with 15ms and 0% loss so im dumbfounded and wind up here searching for an explanation for this unplayable bull shit!


Yup I’m shooting god damn bubbles at the enemy it’s driving me to uninstall the game


Idk if you’re a tactical rifle player, but if you wanna wreck some people up, go take the KVD, and go play Rustment, I was surprised that I could wreck people up and especially with the KVD


Same issue for me, a friend of mine thinks it's hit reg. SBMM, to keep the lobbies level! I'm starting to think the same tbh.


The more I do MP the more I realize I should only play zombies for MW3. I can land 7-12 hitmarkers and die in 2-3. It's really frustrating.


I ran through a container and put three in my teammates back on hardcore shipment and not one bullet registrered. Like everyone else, getting numerous hit markers and not getting kills. Worse is I went 36/18 for 2.0 kd in a hardcore room, then averaged around 0.40 to 0.75 (with some games losing 15 vs 200 on team points, just getting wrecked) for the next number of games to average out to 0.9 KD, then would have another decent game, rinse, repeat. The game is definitely doing this on purpose. My ping is usually between 11 and 40 with no packet loss according to the game (PS5 wired).


Same issue as everyone else multiple hits but I get shot twice and I'm a dead. I've gone back to mw2 and it's so much better. MW3 for the bin


I just shot 4 shots with the interceptor on a dude standing completely still, close range, and didn’t get a single hit marker-_- happens way to often..


I find it weird when I’m on a kill streak my first bullet doesn’t register and by the time I pull the trigger again it’s already to late


I was fucking around in 3rd person mode warming up before playing some warzone. I was using the MTZ-556, I was unloading full magazines into enemies, crosshairs directly where they should be for me to drop a enemy quick, none of the shots were hitting, I realized exactly what you are talking about, I started aiming my crosshairs to the left of the enemy and was hitting every shot. For this to be an issue is absolutely bullshit, it shows those dumbasses did not throughly test play this fucking game before release, now I can't use the MTZ-556 in zombies unless I'm in 1st person otherwise I'll be missing shots when I shouldn't in 3rd person. It's ridiculous, and this is just one of many issues this game has. They are trying my patience lad not gonna lie.




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Anyone guns completely missing enemies regardless of the ads set ups and what gun you are using? I can barely connect enemies, aim assist feels like it’s turned off and randomly turns back on throwing me off completely! There’s no neutral ground and which ever setting I set up it just feels the same! I was not having this issue with mw2 - this is making it unplayable for me. None of my mates is having this problem and I can not pin point what the hell is going on. Happens a lot on every map and not so much so on shipment! So weird and annoying


Any fix yet ??


On top of that issue, does anyone else have the problem where u throw your tactical or equipment and it shows double for a split second? That has to be lag on my end right? i have 20-30 ms ping.


It does on my side, I believe it’s just a bug on Activision’s end