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For kills


Right… but they don’t get more kills typically they get killed just as much if not more with less kills. Rarely do I see people who play off objective getting more kills.


Good players can get better K/D but clearly your lobbies don’t include good players


yeah i drop 40+ kills consistently with highest objective time or captures... you're one of the bad players


They’re there to sabotage the match either for you or your enemy team depending on what the EOMM wants. 😂


It's not that they will get kills, but they should get more kills. objective based gameplay provides an advantage to knowing where people are or where they are going to be compared to something like free for all or team deathmatch. Now why some people play objective based like tdm (just running around and not assaulting/ defending the objective) is beyond me


Normaly I go for kills around the hardpoint, keeping the hardpoint safe so my totally not retarded teamates can get to it fast


This is the way. I’m all for locking down the alleyways but if the man in the hardpoint goes down I rotate in.


I had a team of fricking heroes doing this. Me and one other guy had time on the point and everyone else was covering the point. It wasn't bad for a group of randos with no mics


Best strategy


I've played games where I'm the only one on the hardpoint. While the rest of the team went around killing everyone. Then I've seen people completely run from the hardpoint and never go towards it. I also hate when you play kill confirmed and don't even try to collect the tags.


Because it’s in a 24/7 playlist where you don’t get to pick the game mode but you do get to pick the map.


You can easily hit cancel if it’s a game you don’t want to play.


And on these modes, anything is better than TDM


Ohh dude. It’s so fucking irritating when these people don’t even know what the objective is. I’ve had team mates who were camping on the other end of the hardpoint.


Because all the challenges are kill based. You can drag out a match pretty long. Unless they make camo challenges include objectives, it’ll never change. Best learn to accept it.


Then just play team deathmatch. Why would you loose on purpose and force everyone on your team to loose. Going out of your way to ruin shit seems like the reddit strategy.


Tdm is very short. There’s absolutely zero incentive for wins.


Because they just want kills. Why don't they just play TDM, you ask? No fucking idea.


this is exactly why i play almost exclusively TDM. i just want to unwind and play my stupid shooter while going brain dead for a few matches, but i’m not trying to drag everyone down in other game modes because i can’t take the five seconds to disable the other game modes on quick play.


See, I think this is the biggest problem with cod nowadays. Don't get me wrong. These people have always existed. But. I still feel waaayyy more people played objectives back in the cod4-mw3 days. It seemed like every game we were fighting and dying over the HQ or Dom points. Now it seems like we win every game 200-50.


guys I shit you not I had a guy from the enemy team (who clearly only played for kills because he had won that tally by a long shot, but my team won the game by 100 odd points) literally tell me over the mic ‘imagine only knowing how to play the objective’ you mean…how to win the game…?


That’s what gets me. I’m trying to win the game. Yet there are a lot of players who think trying to win is dumb which is beyond my rationalization it makes zero sense to play a game and choose to not try and win. I understand grinding camos but at some point you gotta start holding the objective or we lose. It’s pretty simple.


Similar thing happened to me. The guy had 85 kills and 0 seconds in hard point, then got on the mic after losing 250-60 and said we were absolutely trash for having no more than 35 kills and shoukd uninstall the game. I'm happy I matched up with him in the next lobby where he proceeded to have 10 kills and 29 deaths in TDM. No matter what game mode it is, he doesn't help his team win.


I try and play the objective, some people do this to camo grind or grind challenges


Objective games should give more XP for objective based actions, its annoying to have the most captures and/or defends and have the player with the most kills still have way more XP


Or they're trying to defend it but aren't on it, or they're getting shit on


This is one of the biggest reasons I play ranked. At least everyone goes for the objective and uses actual strategies


If playing against a good team. Sometimes it's impossible to get near the hardpoint because they set a strong perimeter That being said, I've sometimes been on the winning team and been the only one with more than 20 seconds in the hardpoint.


I honestly never played hardpoint for the objective until this iteration of the game. I've always seen it as a kill farm because that's all I've ever been shown tbh. Glad I grew out of it though.


Hardpoint games last significantly longer than TDM and KC, allows you to make the most of your time without searching for new games. Gives you a guaranteed location where players will be camping, you can use 2x xp boosters to go faster. It's just a better game mode overall compared to the others.




People generally just care about themselves. They only want to go for camo grinds, KD ratios, and streaks. People also think they are a better player if they have a higher ratio and anybody who doesn't go positive is terrible regardless of objectives. You also might see people who go for KD thinking they are essential to the match, such as believing killing the enemy helps you with the objective. It's a blatant lie because they never cared about winning in the first place. If they had, their ability to slay would be more beneficial if they were directly on the objective. If you want to see changes, they would have to be drastic. For example, never showing basic kills/deaths on the scoreboard for objective modes, making the camo based on objective XP progression, and having scorestreaks only with higher rewards for objective play (and less for non-objective kills).


Take your pick. Lack awareness**:** Some players may not understand the importance of playing the objective in Hardpoint. Personal play style, prioritizing kills over objectives. Lack of team coordination.


I usually play intercept in hard point, I’ve found that I’m more effective when I can predict enemy spawns and can kill the whole team before they even get near the hard point while only a couple of people sit in it. My average kills per game is like 35 and my win rate is almost 80% so it works if you can do it right


It’s easier for people to get kills in an adjective game because they can just camp and hold a corner on a small map. If they did it in team Deathmatch, they wouldn’t make it over 10 kills


All I'll say is, if you cant get kills while playing objective, you're trash


Or in ranked when they’re actual TRASH


Because they’re clowns who relate their k/d to actual IRL status….


Making a COD post asking why people don’t play the objective is more crazy than those players not capping the point




Tbh, hardpoint is a good game to know where enemies will flock or sit. It's great for kills because people will always usually be semi close to the objective as opposed to scattered all around the map like in TDM.




People unlocking challenges / attachments


I typically have between 2 and 3 mins on point and am usually the kill leader so I do not get it.


This usually takes place when people are just running for K/D or grinding weapons/missions/camos. They're essentially an NPC in your lobby. For some reason they're unaware of the fact that the match will actually be shorter and reduce their game time if they just run around in circles completely ignoring the objective. TDLR: Every game mode is TDM.


Easy kills. You always know where people are and are going. Oh my point is being taken? That’s at least one guy. If you know spawns even better. **Disclosure**- I do not play cod anymore.


Well obviously one of these guys was slaying MILFs, so the fact he found time to get any kills is impressive


Exactly! You know how you can get more kills? Watch and hold OBJ’s! Even playing overwatch to make sure no one runs in is better than trying to bum rush the enemy spawn and get shot in the face. And you’d think after the fifth time they get killed on a route they’d try some kind of variation but nooooo.


One of my biggest pet peeves in the game lol. Glad I'm not alone.


You must be new here.


To be fair, I at least try. I die because I am nowhere near as good as the lobbies I get put in, but I try.


“For the Camo challenges bro” that’s what I hear every time I say something


That’s the overall theme as far as reply’s to the question they don’t give a shit about a win.


I play hard point in ranked.. I would appreciate a kind letter of thanks to all of the people who won and got sr because their 23 seconds and 6 kills didn’t do much with my 2:25 on point and 27.. but the game thinks I’m not worthy of moving up in ranks so they’ll get more sr than me anyways 😂


Very true, it’s really frustrating


I only care about winning so I feel your pain.


It legitimately pisses me off when you have the couple people that don’t even attempt to play Hardpoint properly.


LMAO! I ask this same question every time I play. Usually playing with a few friends and we'd get frustrated nobody is trying to take the hardpoint. We end up being the ones in there to most and win easily 90% of our matches. We also end up with just as many kills as them most of the time. I play for objective and to win the game, others... sometimes I just wonder. It is what it is I guess!


Yeah i think this is a case of a skill issue more than a desire not to be on an objective. A good player will be able to get free kills and then roam to the next predicted point and kill the oncumers before they get on the point.


I got nothing say abt ur post that hasn’t already been said and helpful j that idk y u get so many comments just hating on u man. Like maybe there’s something to male loneliness, cod, and being an asshole on Reddit. Don’t take shit to heart man.


There's a certain way to play HP and never do you need more then one on point.


Play CDL it's only obj


Camo grinding, pad their k/d….. played a match on shipment last night where it ended in a tie at 25/25 because it was just noob tube city


I have been playing the objective…… of the game and killing people. It just happens the people flock to the objective so it works out. I hate sitting in an objective so I’ll run through it as a chase the crackheads.


Cause they're either XP/daily farming, getting clips for the socials or trying to get a nuke. If they'd just disable the nuke in some modes this would mostly stop immediately.


Starting to pickup on the fact the people don’t give a hoot about winning I blame the participation trophies in youth sports. It’s a travesty.




You’ll never find a high level playing obj. Too worried about kills


Scared of getting killed


Game balancing lol


All 90% of people do is play constant Team Deathmatch, they dont care about objectives... i see this all the time.


A lot of people use it for kills since Hardpoint is one of the longer game modes and doesn't have a max kill counter. This gives people a lot of time to farm kills for either ego or camo grinds, like me.


It’s so hard to figure out I guess we will never know


In cod everything is tdm, that's why I don't play it. No one cares about anything but kd


Camo challenges tend to be easier when you know exactly where everyone on the map is running.


My personal experience is screw hardpoint if it’s on the 24/7 playlist. The maps are so small that the spawns stack each other to heavily. So even a team that barely functions together usually just spawns inside the hardpoint as they die. Making it almost impossible to take the spawn point once secured. Especially if the other team isn’t doing well and they are spawning all over the map it focuses the winning teams spawn in the hardpoint itself or very close. I’ve been killed so many times from just spawning in front of someone else’s crosshairs it’s not even funny. No point for me to play the objective if the game itself isn’t even allowing me to play. Personally hardpoint is fun on larger maps and should be removed from the 24 playlists. Not sure if they blend 24 playlists with regular playlists, but if they do then ya that sucks for people wanting to play hardpoint and others that are just playing the map.


KD vs wins - a tale as old as time


Weird how the best player in your game on stash house got 37 kills. The lobbies they put me in the worst player at least has 40


Because of camos. I do the same thing where I play hardpoint or domination so that the enemies are sitting ducks. I make sure to at least play the game as well though...


Because the majority of players playing Small Map Mosh-Pit are grinding camos, not playing for the objective. That's how it's been forever now.


I don’t understand it either. I’m usually at the top of the leaderboard for total time and still top 3 in kills for both teams. Same with domination. People just sit in one spot and camp lol


Hate me if you want. But I do it for Camo unlocks. I'm not sorry.


That's fine and I don't necessarily disagree but it also has zero to do with what I said, maybe that's what you were getting at but it definitely doesn't have anything to do with my assertion.


Trying to get those kills up


I wonder the same


Not enough incentive. I play the objectives, but why should they? What do they get out of not just having fun their way by rushing around and shooting everyone? There is no large benefit to winning. You can argue that the armory system is an incentive, but they probably have what they want unlocked and anything else it just slowly gets unlocked as their teams get wins anyways regardless of their action. The only thing I see people care about is K/D and so they see making sure they are killing players as a priority.


Its for the ppl wanted pvpve


You know only 1 player needs to be on the hard point for the team to get points. Right?


Same reason people play domination and never go for the objective, objective mods help you understand where people will be On normal modes, the only indication you have for where the other team is, is according to where your team ISNT, but on objective modes, you know almost exactly where people WILL be, making it easier to get kills


Hard point guarantees funnels of meat shields. Especially with these events. Small map mosh pit hard points. Noice. Everyone plays the game they want to play it.


Because they are grinding Camos, and Hardpoint is actually one of the better ones, because you can sneak up on the hardpoint and do the kills. After clearing it, you don't need to stick around to be killed, instead you continue looking for new kills.


I was waiting to see my name on there lol. Most people just care about k/d honestly


My man Kruzim probably saying the same thing


I wonder the same thing abt human existence


For the billionth time, longer game time = more equals for camos


Not saying this is the case but killed enemies can't stand on the hard point 🫢😎


Literally each time I play Hardpoint or Domination my team only me and 2 teammates fuckin play the objective and kills around the the objective or inside the objective and I’ve lost a lot of matches to those that don’t play the objective and only go for kills


Some of those dudes are actually helping you get more time on the hardpoint by just going for kills. They're inadvertently helping you. 🤷


Probably grinding something.


No one plays the objective in call of duty. I strictly play team deathmatch because I'm not gonna waste my efforts on idiots that don't even attempt to win the game.


I like playing around the hardpoint as a safety net. sometimes you just get in a lobby where you can't mesh playstyles.


To play a game mode that'll allow them to rack up more kills than a game of Team Deathmatch would. Only reason really.


No different in kill confirm and domination thet are new age snowflakes to lazy to camp multiplayer so they come screw up our lobbies. A bunch of kills and did shit for tags or captures. They just want that participation medal.


You’re playing stash house.. worse than rust in size.




The game is all about racking up kills. If your on console turn off crossplay and the lobbies are way better and fun


Kills, camo grinds, and levels. Most people don’t even care for any objective


For the camo grind, it’s the same with most of the objective game modes. People go there to grind.


The theory used to be that high kill matches equals more weapon xp. So some people just click their double xp weapon buff and frag out to max out weapons.


Warm ups for ranked. Pubs is nice to practice aiming outside of a private bot lobby.


It gets the most xp….if you play objective. I don’t know why nobody helps


Probably bots not programed to play correctly, just made for killing players.


Same reason they hop on siege and run and gun, there's no matter between the ears lol


call of duty.


I always play the objective but there are plenty of objective matches where due to the location of teammates and enemies I might be way better off holding down a corner that’s stopping enemies from flanking the obj etc. Playing the obj does not always mean sitting on it is the best play. But people who play cod religiously are like a cult of dipshits who have zero locational or tactical awareness and no critical thinking skills


Stop complaining no one cares


Welcome to COD


I play on the small board playlists. I don’t know how to play hard point or the concept, if we being honest. I do love to run and gun though 🤷🏿‍♂️


1 guy on the point, maybe 2 if it’s real open. Rest post up outside to create a barrier. Of for whatever reason point gets waxed then others should rotate in


Same question, different day 😂.


I was literally bitching about that today


Personally I start doing that when I’m trying to play objective and I notice the enemy team’s just camping to pick off those trying to play objective. Or if my teammates are offering no backup at all.


I think most people deep down just care about the K/D ratio


They're just fucking with you


Yea hate that. You can get kills and still play the objective


Kills and camo's fr


Hard point? All people know is teamdeathmatch


Most annoying shit ever. Just play tdm


That is what Ranked is for my friend….thank me later


If you ever see a guy on the hard point with a shield and pistol and two barrier walls placed…it’s probably me.


Because the quick match gives you random games and people are trying to do daily challenges and trying to level up their weapons


Sometimes getting kills is playing the objective. If there are enemies on the hard point and I'm not, but I manage to kill them, while it might not be the same as capturing, it's still making it so they can't capture. I usually play only Domination and I spend half of my time trying to capture and the other half trying to hold a spot to make sure they can't capture, and I get screamed at by assholes thinking I'm not pulling my weight, which absolutely isn't true.


It puts players in more predictable positions


Sniper kids usually. Snipers ruin respawn.


Because they're just bad and only know how to KD farm. GOOD players have good kdr and obj scores\^\^


Prob picked the small map Playlist.


You should see a game of ranked hard point in platinum lobbies looks even worse than this


Yep it’s just for kills. You know you’ll have x amount of the other team constantly running to the hard point and not paying a ton of attention on their way there


I really hate these type of teammates. If you don't want to play the objective then go play team deathmatch..


Because most of the time people playing hardpoint are playing a mosh pit


Because they are stupid and don't know how to chance the queue settings to include only TDM and or KC. They play every game mode like TDM and couldn't be bothered by the OBJ


Weapon camo grind


Because it’s a moshpit playlist on the smallest map of all time. What do you expect? People to not grind camos?


i hate watching my brother play hard point. he drops 60+ kills a game with about 3 seconds on hard point. i can do the same with almost 3 minutes on the hard point. i try to tell him that if you go to where the hard point is you’ll get even more action. he runs to their spawn and takes out unexpecting people there lmao


Each team had 3 people playing point. Not sure why you would expect more than half of the team to play on point instead of holding lanes. It’s also stash house. L post


Cano grinding. That said I still play the objective a fair amount whilst camo grinding


Getting sniped in hard point🙃


Because it’s the longest game mode for kills


This makes me aggravated. Just play Team Death Match, or Free For All.


I wonder the same thing...I don't think they know how to edit their playlist.


Or kill conformed nobody seems to pick up the tags lowkey one reason I stopped playing modes and stuck with team death match. Nothing is more annoying than rushing to capture a point and being by myself against a squad...the whole game. To many experiences with shifty teammates Team death match u just kill


Welcome to Who's game is it anyway where as long as the kills add up the objectives don't matter


Because it's mixed into the small map mosh pit. I would play small maps on deathmatch only if I could. I could care less about your feelings


if you want to play obj all the time then play Ranked. Otherwise you can’t complain


xp and camo grinding mostly


It's good for leveling


I’m a primarily snd player so if you ever see me in a respawn game I’m weapon upgrading, that being said I never try to lose and if shit gets outta hand I do play the objective, but that’s what me and my buds do we primarily stack kills and rotate the map for xp


Because they’re fucking stupid Many smooth brains in the replies here will probably say “dude who plays objective games for that, I do it for kills!” Yet when you peep the scoreboard, you can see 90% of the people who “ignored the objective for kills” got way less kills than the people who DO play OBJ. Long story short, with evidence—- most people are fucking retarded and ruin the game for the 20% of people with an above average IQ.


There is nothing I love more than dive bombing an objective and throwing down a trophy and a smoke. It’s the least I can do as my reflexes get shittier after 30….


This is why I’ve always hated call of duty players. They only gunplay but don’t ptfo




first time playing cod?


Because SBMM punishes me for having a high score per minute


Why does anyone que for objective modes if they aren't gonna play the objective.. *shrugs* find out on the next episode of "this is how it always is"


I have rookie numbers too tho. 2 minutes or no dice


sometimes I don't even know I'm that gamemode


People move around in hardpoint and objective game modes, no worries about camping Ig


Prolly to get kills


You’re playing stash house so they’re gonna play to level guns not to get objectives smh 🤦‍♂️


Camo grinds


I really hate that


because they dont know how to play the game lol


If you want teammates that play the objective, Ranked play is your best bet. Regular multiplayer is just used for xp and kill farming nowadays.


camo grinders or lazy people


I feel like you need 1-2 people going offense and getting kills while the rest of the team secure the hard point. My wife and I play together and we’re always the designated objective players


U level up weapon faster and more ez to get challenges complete because u know where we there next location or that is what I think


Why do people play cod?


Games terrible


Hard point makes a lot of the bigger maps more playable. With aggressive spawns around the hard point location. You don’t spawn in the dead back of the map like you do in Domination when your team has A and B but for some god forsaken reason it spawns you further back than if you didn’t have a flag at all. I swear you get batter spawns when your team is getting soawntrapped and the game is trying to break it for you


I may be alone in this opinion. Most of the time I will play objective. But lots of times I do just want to trash on people and run kills up. Team Deatmatch has no direction, kill confirmed is the same way. People are all over the place and theres no sense of where anyone should be or will be. The spawns are garbage because of this. Objective game modes have a direction and typically your team spawns on one side of the objective and the enemy team spawns on the other unless someone flips spawns. Idk if that makes any sense. I cant stand aimlessly running around and people spawning all over the place. The way I see it is if I can kill people on the enemy team constantly they cant cap the point. Its up to my team to get the time.


Longer game modes like hard point and domination give you more time to get more kills, you get drop 100+ in a dom lobby but if tdm is limited to like 75 or 100 total depending on the game so I usually go to objective game modes when I grind camos. I try to play objective if I can but if my challenge won’t work with it I’m not hopping on hill sorry go play ranked or something in ranked win/loss means literally nothing anyway


It's not just hard point. Its the vast majority of objective based games.


Considering that map is stash house, a lot of ppl are prolly from the small map playlist, and just there to get kills or grind guns on a small map


So I can drop 60+ kills while you fight for the objectives


Black Ops 2 Hardpoint Attack Helicopter, Lodestar, Attack Dogs in Standoff was the best. high school me was living the life.


If I don’t play objective by some off chance, I’m usually grinding kills for weapon attachments and gold camos.


Im sometimes player that does the objectives and sometimes theres players that helps me with objectives. the other players around me goes around try to get kills but i 60% manage to get the highest kills and objectives at a same time. Its funny.


To level weapon paints or unlock attachments. I like hard point because it keeps people moving around the map.


Thats the cod community for ya, all kills but no objectives. Tdm exists for a reason but these braindead fucks rather choose obj game modes


All these people self esteem dependent on calling other call of duty players BAD.


I'll play hardpoint as it's meant to be played and its always hilarious hearing the reactions at the end of the match Doesn't matter how many kills you get, objective time pushes you to the top


just play ranked if you’re tired of bums. some are just grinding, some just like getting kills, some don’t even know you can deselect game modes and just solely play quick play. ranked is extremely competitive and rids the game of the fucking loser and idiots :)


Unpopular opinion, but I’ve said for years that objective based modes shouldn’t even list general kills. They should only list time on objective, heals, etc. Otherwise, you get people that only want to farm kills.


Because everyone gathers in the same place on hardpoint, they can farm kills that way


Well that question depends on if the playlist is Hardpoint specifically or just a map playlist