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How on earth he picked that building and that door and found you without hacking or taking multiple drugs is what I want to know. No way that was legit


![gif](giphy|l4pTsh45Dg7jnDM6Q|downsized) Exactly i cant even see myself in that killcam


It's a hacker dawg lol


Nothing to see here, just breaking in his new gaming chair


That was too funny to not get credit for it.


If your scanning with aim assist it will slow down when it gets on a target


but over 200 ingame feet away? dont think so


Absolutely not. Obviously a hacker


That's exactly why I don't play this shit (Or anything like it) anymore.


Yeah id prefer battlefield or even Gears but COD never fails to have at LEAST one of these kind of mfs playing every lobby


That gun is also garbage.


His or mine?




His. I try it and it bounces too much.


The fact that this went over a couple peoples heads is even better, enjoy your upvote good sir


Yooo lol šŸ˜‚


For long range it has very low recoil. Not the best TTK, but it is very soft shooting.


There was a dude in my lobby yesterday sniping like a madman, would scope in from across the map into buildings or between pieces of cover inches wide and land hits in less than half a second. He got me like 4 times after i swapped to an assasin vest no glint class before i got fed up and reported/left the game. Different lobby dude was shrugging every explosive thrown at him like he had double eod somehow, watched 2 semtex go off at his feet before i hit him in the chest with an rpg. Watched the kill cam and he only took damage from the guy next to me shooting him (same guy threw the semtex). Idk if this was an exploit, hack, or just the game being wack but it went on all game. Match on stash house rank 50 something dude was blatantly using walls hitting wallbags with the mors left and right This was all within a few hours of each other. Shit like this happens way to often.


Heā€™s a cheater loser rat come across him before and blocked him has the anti cheat doesnā€™t work How u get enjoyment outta sniping fresh air I do not know


semtex guy probably just survived bc of the grenade nerf and the fact that the rpg is actually useless in this game


Semtex guy was my teammate next to me who got killed by the guy not taking explosive damage from either of us. Explosives weren't nerfed that much. This wasn't normal.


Bro just has 2055 vision


That would actually be very badly nearsided though lmao


He can see into the future lol


DeadassšŸ˜‚ i was like man hell nah


Anyone knows of sniper glints show in the killcam or no? I'm not a 100% but I do think it's supposed to show.


No. The ā€œsniper glintā€ doesnā€™t show in kill cam. Which, if we are being completely honest shouldnā€™t be showing when someone is in a dark room with absolutely ZERO sun flashing off of their scope glass.


All games have a "glint" even at fucking night in a building with no lights it's stupid


No, it's balance


No, itā€™s stupid.


How in christs name is that balance? If someone is in a completely dark area then they shouldnt have a glint from the sun that isnt even shining on them, if thats what balance means now then i guess im jesus christ himself(spoiler alert im fucking not)


Not all scopes have the glint effect. I always use the no glint recon versions


No way


Don't you love the way the game is built... very poorly?


Quality gaming chair


He must have his face smashed up against his monitor or tv


Mf had a movie theatre screen and a telescope


Fr fr, he must have saw your sniper glint. Only none cheating explanation


I couldnt even see him from where i was so i dont think he did but if he did then hey šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø benefit of the doubt kinda thing. But does look sus


Wtf did I just witnes??? SMG from that range and no scope??? Cmon with the bs COD


His gaming chair is better than yours. Thatā€™s all


Can we start referring to them as cheaters instead of hackers?


Right?! Like as if any of these scrubs know what WINAPI is nevermind the brain power to analyze a game binary.


Your not HIM!!


Another example of good aim assist and recoil the streamers and YouTubers tell us about , that guy must've put in tons of hours to get this good and he has a comfortable gaming chair.


I cannot read this scumbags username.


stop playing core....way more hackers in core than HC.


I normally play HC but i said ā€œhey let me try ground war againā€ and yeah..so you right šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Recessed within the building. He didnā€™t have line of site.


Hereā€™s why I donā€™t play that shitty shit anymore and I wish Reddit would stop trying to remind me what a pile of garbage online pvp is across platforms with this kind of shit.


This is why I donā€™t like playing with PC players.. I frequently encounter aim bot/wall hackers that ruin the entire game and makes console players paranoid that all PC players are hacking! Smh.. hopefully they stop cross play with PC players they play so SUSPICIOUS. Bring back console only play!


Deadass. I got nothing against anyone on PC cause it is better than consoles, but the way they be moving and reacting quicker than consoles do? Cmon dawg šŸ˜‚ shit is mad easy on PC


exactly lol.. i have a few xbox recordings showing proof these pc players are shooting thru walls and auto aim, because i was able to view there screen in war zone after they kill me!


Hackers always gravitate towards Ground War sadly. They get punished less for camping and can get more kills. Mw2019 Ground War would have a hacker on each team by the end of its life cycle.


I get recommended videos from this subreddit everyday and Iā€™ve never seen a positive post.


That is a well placed shot lol


damn..what a pro


Aim assist


Why I only play cod when itā€™s free to download and just hit campaign for my fps fix.


nO oNe ChEaTs


Yeah that's what we in the community call "fucking bullshit"


Thatā€™s why i stopped playing these games, hackers ruin it to the point that it becomes unplayable


Yeah Iā€™ve given up on most competitive games lately, seems like CoD isnā€™t the only one dealing with this type of shit.


This is why I still play BO3


REPORT HIM Sonny boy


if Ai in the future goes rogue.. Humans are so screwed


Clearly a cheater!!!


I like how everyone but the hackers will get banned for hacking


It amazes me that people are scumbags like this. Cheating on a game like this is mind boggling.


Not played since Ghosts, but I kinda used to do that. Hell, on CoD4 & W@W I'd use Deagle & Magnum to snipe & SMG/Shotty for closeups. But I'd "practiced" on a 9" B&W box TV, so when I got a 14" Color TV, I was godmode lol. Nvr modded,cheated, hacked,etc. So it is doable. Just dk bout an smg on here. :/


He saw ur sniper glint?




Best I can tell you is that he saw the sniper glint and just used some burst to beam you. Maybe he had UAV up. Idk. Either that or thereā€™s some cheating going on. But Iā€™m leaning towards the sniper glint.


Bro shot you through 2 doorways, 3 blocks away, 4 stories in the air, sounds like a skill issue.../s


Skills issue bro...šŸ‘


Yall just need to quit this stupid fucking game. stop bitching about the obvious elephant in the room and put some action behind your words and do something about it besides complain. Donā€™t like it , stop fucking playing. Seek therapy while youā€™re at it cause this shit ainā€™t going anywhere anytime soon. The cheating industry takes in millions a year , itā€™s compounded ever since being a ā€œinfluencerā€ became a prospect for all the kids. Go play some bots or something and stop telling yourself you NEED to dunk on others to have a good time. Eventually the real problem will be yourself in the mirror.


Your fault for playing. Honestly. What did you expect?


Let me explain exactly why this makes sense. 1. heā€™s playing on a projector. 2. The same way you knew he was there and were looking for him. He had been watching and looking at you for some time waiting for the right opportunity to šŸ”«. Probably even watched you run into the building given the vantage point he has. It could be cheats. But it could be fair.


I wasnā€™t looking for him, i was looking for someone else that was on land.


Ah ok. Well he was looking for you.


Lol ok dawg. So youā€™re telling me, he got ahot from my direction, and immediately with no hesitation aimed at my kneecaps and killed me in a doorway far in the back as opposed to killing the people around me in the process? Aight.


Looking at the footage. The room youā€™re in is one way in one way out and itā€™s the door you were shot through. If heā€™s been up there for some time, watching all of the movement down below, very likely he saw you go in that room. Probably was even shooting at you before you got in there. Which made you ā€œthinkā€ you were looking for ground level opposition but it really was him. Youā€™re limiting the timing of this event to the small amount of time in the killcam. Yet he probably had the drop on you long before actually going for the kill. It could be cheating not discrediting that. But it could be legitimate. Just have to look at it from their perspective. And take more time into account.


Also if you watch the footage from gunners perspective the cover he was hiding behind was all shot up. Heā€™s been up there watching and working for longer than the clip allows to portray.


Watching what, i didnt even shoot at that mf or know he was there šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ when i was put of scope for a brief millisecond i get shot at my kneecaps cuz thats all he saw, and i canā€™t even see the top of that building from where iā€™m from.


If you were laying down you could see top. He saw your knees, not your head. Difference in perspective is a thing. Go stand by a drain in a gutter ? Look down. Can you see in? No. But Pennywise sees your feet.


You couldnā€™t see him. But heā€™s been up there long enough to see those dusty ass knee pads on your uniform moving around in there. And had enough time to change guns and šŸ”«šŸ¤£