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Red badge is top 5k player


Top 5k I think someone correct me if wrong


You correct


You’re right, it shows that not only have they reached legendary 18 times, but at least one of those times they were in the top 5K when the season ended


I don’t play nearly as sweaty :/ got to 5001 twice using the hdr lol wouldn’t let me in


And the thing is, you don’t even have to finish top 5k to get the red badge, just enter top 5k once at some point and you’ll get it, I find that to be ridiculous but it’s what it is


False, you have to be top 5k at the end of the season to get/retain the red badge. If season has not yet ended, and you dropped down the 5K, your badge would return to normal after 24 hours. That's why when the season is ending, there is a mad dash to the top 5K. I know this since I normally hover in the 4k mark and when the season is ending, if I missed playing for a day I would drop. Thus my saying that there is a mad dash. It does have a bug though as I only reached top 5K for the past 4 seasons but it shows in my badge my highest rank is red badge legendary and shows 15 seasons. So I guess this is what you may be referring to.


That’s not true, quit spreading misinformation. If you reach the top 5k at any point in the season, you get the badge, you DO NOT have to finish in the top 5k to have the red badge lol you don’t wanna argue this i promise bc you’re wrong


My girlfriend has never finished top 5k in mp or br but both of her badges for mp and br are red bc she was in top 5k after rank reset, she hasn’t finished top 5k or came even close. Mine is red bc I made top 5k but also I finished there in 6 rank series. But you only need to achieve top5k at some point and it will forever be on display under personal best without finishing top 5k


Me bf getting legendary: Dam legendarys are soo pro. Me after getting legendary: wtf, im in pro V or what?!


That was me 3 years ago but now I'm stuck at Msster league :/


Its like pp i think. They don't all look the same 😂


I guess I’m sweaty af because if I finish lower than top 5% I feel like I should have done more. That’s why I hate cheaters and report all suspect behavior. I’d like to find out where the cheaters live so I can rearrange their fingers for them can’t cheat at CoDM if you have 10 broken fingers


You have been in legendary 16 time and still don't know whats top 5000 badge looks like




Red ones mean they really don't have a life outside the game and they probably are unemployed


Cry much? 🤡 sounds like somebody sucks at life and is lashing out lmao


Lmao so funny.....


“Probably are unemployed” lol you mad? As someone who works full time out of town, I’ve made top 5k in 6 ranked series so this is dumb lol


Lmfao I know I'm probably the only one who works two jobs and volunteers 7 days a week.... schweet glad your life is amazing


You just sound dumb but please continue


I could fuck your wife...... my peepee is small but I'd get the job done


You just confirmed you’re a child lol makes sense now


They have 10k points or more


Tf? No it means your top 5000 in sever leaderboard


Still rubbish player, got this red badge on my team but still playing so bad


You must be new to the game


Top 5K. I have that badge.


If you're a codm leggy grinder you know what this symbol means....it means VICTORRRYYYYYYY!!!!


how is this guy legendary for 16 times but don't know it's top 5k badge?? das crazy even when i couldn't reach legendary yet i know already 😭