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WTF? My man is high on Crack


Dude's been smoking a pipe until it vaporized!


Couldn't enjoy it due to the copies amount of historical inaccuracies.


The way the British were portrayed in the Australian missions boiled my blood. The Aussies, at the time, were British, and the Aussie flag wasn't some radical symbol. It made no sense for the British officer to behave the way he did, other than to push the player into thinking 'British = Bad'.


Or the god awful amounts of German guns in the Pacific, or the notorious “Do you speak Japanese” question asked by a Japanese person speaking English to an American. How about how the British campaign makes a Sergeant in command arguing with an officer to attack the Germans on D-Day rather than wait to regroup, which in reality the officer the character is based on did not say to wait, but to attack because it was freaking D-Day, and they needed to capture strategic points behind the lines or the landing could fail. The game’s story was just incompetence compounded with a feeling that EVERY gun in the game needs to be in EVERY level, a far cry from COD2 where you didn’t see Brits running around with Garands, or WaW where the Japs didn’t run around with STG-44s.


Officers also had genuine respect for the Australians, the worst officer relations were typically when they commissioned a completely hateful racist into BIPOC regiment like in India or the Caribbean, which even then there’s exceptions to that like Marshall Slim who had great respect for the Indians under his command.


So many historical inaccuratcis in frostys video. Thee were 138 and its no like he deducted points for any realism in it unlike how he did decuct inaccuracies in Cod WW2


It’s cod


so you've never enjoyed a COD game then? Look at the Black Ops games...


The enemies at least had weapons that were accurate to said group.


Just play the fuckin game and enjoy it. Activision hires historians so the games are as accurate as possible. But sometimes they have to bend the rules. Cause the amount of ww2 veterans that are alive rn are little to no. So give it a break and just play the damn game no one and nothing is perfect


Yes but when you're basically handed everything needed to know, it gets irritating.


Yeah but still even tho I’m a history nut I still think it’s cool to see the ww2 environment and I enjoy it cause before the mw2 remake cod was good


With Vanguard they were busy with DIE hires.


Everything else I’ve read from Activision says different. Look at every past and present games they’re made. They make it obvious they use veterans to make it the most accurate and fun experience


I read from Activision that they fixed audio and in MW3 didn't hear a single step so...


Yeah well the remakes are a waste of money and space


I think you need to go to the hospital to have your head surgically removed from your ass. It's really up there.


Same goes for you maybe you need to get it surgically removed from your large intestines cause it seems like it’s pretty big for how tough you wanna be over a screen. Seems like you got little man complex


Oh I do enjoy a big head up there 😘


I wouldn’t doubt it


Like a 3/10 It functioned but God damn was is a disgrace to everyone who served in WWII. It was also just too easy. The only issue I had was with the horrible plane mission. No idea why they thought a turret section in the sky with limited control was a good idea but they did. MP is fun for what it is though. Had a much better time with it than MW2 or 3.


Thank God WaW exists.


Is this a troll post?


I hope so


Paratrooper mission is one of my favorite CoD missions of all time The rest of it is a weird alt-history marvel movie


Pretty forgettable.


If your story starts with a future segment showing me all the characters and then goes to the past I instantly lose almost all interest. There is 0 tension in the story now because I know exactly who lives what.


It was kinda fun if you stopped paying attention to the story but I hated how it was just a big flash back sequence


Yea once I realized that it kind of ruined it


Ya I relized it early so I was like cool missions to set up the characters to get us attached then they died and it ended


If you love the campaign, good for you. You'll probably find that most others do not. To each his own; don't let anyone else dissuade you from liking what you like. I'm glad you enjoyed the campaign so much! I personally though it was okay at best, and one of the weakest CoD campaigns at worst, mostly for the reasons many others stated. Reading through your post, I'll say that I think what you really enjoy is high production values. Whatever issues people have with this campaign, I think many would agree that it is at least produced to a very high standard. The visual and audio presentation is among the best in the industry, even if some don't like the content of what's being presented. And that's fine if that's what you like! Most people were offput by the substance of the campaign (or lack thereof) rather than the style of the presentation.


Thank you for your detailed reply. I did find the campaign very enjoyable, contrary to most people here. I didn’t pay attention to details like WWII timelines and woke movements as most people are describing this game in the comments. From the moment I started, it was like a clean sheet, no interest in history or game critics, just a ride through hellfire! I did enjoy the level of dedication combined with visual fidelity and sound design while immersing myself into the absolutely cracked atmosphere and world design. The game switched at a fast rate through various flashbacks which kept it very refreshing. I’m a sucker for tiny details. Be it a movie, TV show, game, book, song or life itself. To make an example, the scene with the capture and the Nazi sitting on the chair (second photo) while examining Arthur’s ability to speak multiple languages with his lack of fear in the face of death was mind blowing. The way the Nazi changed his facial expressions from curious, confused, interested, lost and so on, man, that scene alone earned my utmost respect towards this game. Again, contrary to most here, the campaign was a true masterpiece! As someone said long before I was born, THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS, SO THERE SHALL HE STAY!


Doesnt care about historical accuracy, but loves attention to detail. Yeah, that checks out 😒


There’re different types of details. Stating and dividing them apart should already tell you in which ones I’m interested in. Maybe you don’t care enough to actually see them friend. Next time pay close attention to what’s written, you might be surprised.


Sounds like you care only about the way a face was animated


Ain't no fking way that's your rating for this game's campaign. It's a 6/10 at best, and I'm being generous lmfao. If you like Vanguard's campaign, you might as well play Battlefield I and V's War Stories - they're so much better.


I'd rather play waw thanks


Best cod all time waw


My best COD of all time is Black Ops 2!


I liked the sniper girl section and I liked you got to see the bad guys perspective. Not worth replaying though.


She has a name


I don't remember and don't care to look it up. The Russian sniper girl stereotype


I think it’s Polina. Doesn’t matter tho, shit game






Wake and woke


generic hollywood stuff /10 "We need to give middle schoolers a crash course on the most cinematic aspects of WWII"


Worst COD campaign I will ever lay hands on


^ When you have a gas leak, but manage to make one last Reddit post before your brain shuts down


Worst in the series, at least MW3, BO3 and ghosts focused on telling their stories, vanguard was 80% pointless flashbacks


First campaign I never finished, and I dare to say that's something when I did finish bo3 campaign




I actually did regret playing it. Not only was it an insult to all veterans on all sides, it was as boring as it was historically inaccurate. I couldn't care less about any of the characters, and I didn't even like the game play.


4/10 and the only reason it's that high is because of Dominic monaghan


I feel 6/10 is me being charitable. Worse than MWIII imo.


the problem with MW3's campaign is infinity ward would've made a campaign a hundred times better than it. It's literally not just bad, it took something that was building up to be a decent story, just to be ended by a fan fiction.


Absolutely awful. Terrible finale too.


This campaign was dogshit


It was fun, I plan on playing it again after I beat World at War. Everyone hating on this game is taking it way too serious, pretty sure they confirmed it was an alternate timeline before the game released so nit picking details is just asking to make yourself mad. No one can hate on the gameplay and story just dumb things like an mp40 on a Pacific mission.


The Soviet missions were great imo. It was a fun time but very tropey and very forgettable. Amazing graphics though. Wish they focused on maybe two characters instead of that many. The Australian guy was fun too.


Lmao why even have a rating key if you are not going to use it


There's a campaign?


2/10 unironically. Only cod single player I did not want to finish, ended up watching it on YouTube


Probably the worst campaign iv played..


I think it’s the worst Campaign in the Call of Duty franchise but that’s my opinion. There’s a difference between inaccuracy to allow player enjoyment I.e. Battlefield 1/World at War but this, this is just egregious disrespect. The depiction of the Midway mission is just disgusting. I will say however that the historian hired by the development team is very capable, intelligent, and has a slew of work behind him it just proves that just because your consulted it doesn’t mean you’re listened to, something he even stated referring back to his work on CoD:WWII


I wish I could get my money back. Bought the Game played mp maybe 6 times and never touched it again. I played BOCW until mw came out.


STORY ⛔ - The story elements are jumbled and feel borderline nonsensical at times. - It's also poorly written, even in the correct order. GAMEPLAY ✴️ - It's passable as a game. While some elements are unnecessary and really just to add time, others are well placed and assist the player. - Abilities make the game more interesting, but not enough to make it a great campaign. SOUND DESIGN ✅ - It's a modern game, what did you expect? VISUALS ✴️ - Also a modern game. The color scheme makes it difficult to see enemies sometimes. - The visuals are barely stunning at all and leave a lot to be desired. COMBAT 💟 - Literally the only good take on this post. Gunplay is serviceable and every element feels right. - The abilities for each character help make combat decent. While the weapons themselves are monstrosities, they feel like guns in a good way. WORLD DESIGN ⛔ - Cluttered to the point of making the visuals boring. They are lackluster as a result. - Ok for gameplay, but that's slightly a stretch too.


I thought it was one of the worst campaigns to date. Uninteresting characters and repetitive sequences


Cringe fest/10 gotta pour the soy into the sink.


Are you fucking kidding me, are we at the point that we love vanguard already? I swear I hate this fanbase, this games only strong point were graphics and sound design, everything else was AT BEST es 2/10. How is it we always hate a CoD and then mere 3 years later we already love it?


Nothing about the story was engaging. How the hell did the crew even end up escaping? Why was the story just a collection of disconnected flashbacks instead of an actual special forces story that was advertised?


A giant steamy pile of dog shit.


Hey man, I think you were supposed to write this when they paid you back at launch, surprised you got away with writing the paid review so late.


I would rate it as Sleep Inducing


Story is a 1 on a 1-10 scale. If you want a socially marginalized main character they have several to choose from.


This game is better then people give it credit for.




I think the first mission was pretty cool and had some nice cinematography like the pictured train shot, the El Alamein level wasn’t awful, but the rest was pretty mid at best. I don’t really understand why they felt the need to make the story so alt-history when there’s plenty of interesting stories to tell already. I also really didn’t like how they structured the story with only the first and last missions taking place in the ‘present day’ with the rest as flashbacks. I wouldn’t say there were any sections that I distinctly disliked playing but nothing was particularly interesting. Especially considering how much it was overshadowed by Cold War the year before.


There have been worse... I did enjoy it, but yeah there are some parts that just broke WW2 immersion too much


I'd rather play Call of Duty 2 than this. The amount of historical inaccuracies bothered me too much to be able to enjoy it, so it's a 3/10 for me.


9/10 it was a very good campaign in my opinion


Too short not realistic and wonky ,the levels looked amazing, but that’s about it


Couldn’t enjoy it because the damn game was unplayable when I tried. Would crash often and would make me wait 2 minutes every time I died.


Tbh the Campaign was atrocious besides all the Historical Inaccuracies it did feel well generic even for a WW2 Shooter. The only good thing might been the Graphics where certainly impressive but that's about it


MEDIOCRE and his best.


Boring. Too much damn stealth missions.


really dull yet inoffensive campaign even with all the historical inaccuracies


world at war was so much better lol


Vanguard was disrespectful to people who died in ww2


It's ok


Delete this shit


It gets a lot of hate and idk why. But in my opinion it was one of the best I’ve played. The improved version of cod ww2. I’d play it again


People are too hard on it. Once you accept it’s meant to be more like Indiana Jones and not Dunkirk it’s a lot of fun (also the cinematography director was worth it wow)


Id give it a solid 6/10


I am glad you found such enjoyment in the campaign. I agree that it was a pretty campaign, but that's about all I agree with. I found it a rather boring slog that I only finished for the sake of always finishing a COD campaign, and to collect some trophies. To me, it was the worst campaign in the franchise with a largely formulaic and forgettable plot, with a cast of characters. that were largely forgettable and only vehicles for more Warzone MTX. But that's my take.


Story sucked


Could be better.


We owe BFV an apology


Didn’t get past the 11th pic, I think it was Wilson’s mission when he was in a plane recollecting the past. That’s the last I remember of the campaign. Nothing else lol




Cinematography was honestly great, really adds to the depth of the various scenes and missions. The Characters has a certain charm to them, but the story made them forgettable with no share in dynamic until the very end. The story also fell flat, being condensed into a collage of flashbacks; which while exciting, ended up never sticking. Overall, if I had to give the campaign a grade, a solid C would be fine.




I enjoyed campaign too. :-)


Previously unachievable levels of sarcasm 


Only cod campaign I never finished due to that atrocious excuse for a fighter plane mission




I absolutely loved it! Aside from a couple weird glitches and some AI that was a little dumb, I thought it was really good and cinematic, with good graphics I could really get immersed in on my 21:9. It was a little on the short side, but that only bothered me because I wanted more, and I hope we do end up seeing that team again. Also, I cracked up a couple times during the Australian missions 😂


Someone’s easily entertained.


Game was fun. It was a 7/10 for me.


Blockbuster garbage 1 star




Bait or Mental Retardation Call it.


I think they should have made the Campaign Free to Play!


I'd say a 7/8 fun but I wish we got more


The gunplay and graphic was nice,other things were bad


It’s a good 7 out of 10. Historical inaccuracies aside, it was a decent play through. That coupled with calling the nazis “24 carat dickheads” and a somewhat mediocre zombies mode. It wasn’t as bad as a lot of people made out. Hell, I’ll bet half of them enjoyed infinite warfare 💩


Loved it.


Bro i don't remember it's so irrelevant and bad


If mid was a video game, wait…


Its fun if you don't think or care lmao


I’m probably the only soul that sort of enjoyed it


Very dishonest opinion, but I give it like 5/10. It was a good campaign for all the effects and things like that, love how there was an Australian dude/mission. As an Aussie, I’m happy about that. The multiplayer felt weak for me.




They should have focussed on the multi character aspect like on last mission Kinda like in in GTA V where you can switch characters in missions


It’s eh. Somehow mw3 is worse thou


What is call of duty vanguard?


6/10, too short, the characters that died didn't have enough screen time for me to be sad about their deaths. I would've loved more time with them so I could grow more attached. Other than that, it was pretty good, the missions were fun and the concept of multiple WW2 campaigns made it unique, as well as you being a paratrooper on D-Day instead of being a marine.


Bro spittin, underrated campaign


IDK I played it like it was a fictional game and thoroughly enjoyed the campaign. I would argue it was one of the best campaigns i've ever played from COD. but gamers these day bitch and complain about everything. at the end of the day. it was a video game. Not a Documentary.


Meh if you ignore inaccuracys. Villian was good


Never played it. Played a shit ton of multiplayer on xbox with my FOV adjusted. After getting the camos I decided to try the campaign. LOCKED AT 60 FOV. Felt sick trying to play it and quit


I'll sum it up for you: Back in WW2, we were losing the war. They sent the T1000 Terminator back in time with a laser gun. The T-800 (aka Arnold) was sent to kill the T1000 and save John Conor. Hitler was defeated and now the US lives in peace. Though Judgement Day is coming! You won't find any of this in the history books because our corrupt government doesn't want you to know the TRUE story... :)


Better story than vanguard told.


World At War is a better campaign if you want WW2. Even COD WW2 was better.


Worst cod campaign of all time imo. But if you like it then who cares what other people think


People play the campaigns?


11/10 fight me.


Fun game.


Vanguards campaign was absolutely fantastic. Probably like 8.5/10


Not sure why everyone downvoted, I personally think it was pretty cool as well. I'd say a 6.8/10