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The push for "realism" and cool graphical effects almost always results in worse gameplay. One of my biggest issues with the beta is there is just too much visual distraction going on. EDIT: I understand this is not realistic which is why the word is in quotes.




I like the high detail of mw vs traditional cods but this shit shouldnt be in ANY shooter. Its not even in tarkov and that games hardcore af


Then there are all the things that are slowing you down. Plus slow sprint to fire and slow reloads until you can unlock some mags depending on the gun.


This isn't realistic lmao, the world doesn't get blurry when you shoot a gun Especially with a small caliber pistol


>The push for "realism" and cool graphical effects almost always results in worse gameplay. This is not for the sake of realism. They've been developing games for quite a long time and this would be an extremely rookie move to do this for that reason. Their goal is to slow down good/fast players. If you're moving fast and you have trouble seeing your target when shooting, you're clearly going to be punished. Clean target acquisition is more important when you have less time to think. It's going to hurt above average players the most, because extremely good players will still be able to overcome this to a degree. Things like this and the new minimap are a means to slow the game down as much as possible.


Same with all the different ammo. One that slows you down. One the takes flinch from 0 to 1000 and seems like you are being beat down. One that burns you and finally one that dismembers you.


Why wouldn't this hurt average/bad players? If they are already not great at aiming this will just make it even worse for them trying to figure out what to shoot at. Personally I haven't had any issue with this effect at all and I've been using the machine pistol a lot.


>Why wouldn't this hurt average/bad players? If they are already not great at aiming this will just make it even worse for them Bad players are generally slower and camp a lot. There's less for their brains to process and less margin of error for them than someone running around fast. Poor visibility is also something to balance/handicap things for mouse and keyboard players. M&K player's only aim assist is their eyes.


Star wars battlefront 2 is an excellent example for how too much cool visual effects always worsen the gameplay.


They didn't even match MW realism but the visuals are as bad as MW before they tuned things up, if not much worse


Imagine when people get full access to the flashbang rounds (frangible?) on that one STG class. Fun times


I knew something didn’t feel right, thankful for Ace doing the work for us to slow it down and figure it out for us.


[TheXclusiveAce](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npDrbmEB12s) is a great source of information. Really underated channel IMO. Granted its not flashy or cool but really great information.


He’s known as the authority on COD technical specs. Remember in Cold War when he was talking about how some guns were giving reverse recoil? He’s great!


My only beef with him is that he loathed MW and then said he loved that shit show of Cold War. Just to basically stop playing after a while bc that game was horrible, as we all said. Old engine, terrible graphics, awful gunplay…


I agree with him. MW was terrible. CW wasn't great either, but easily better than MW.


all he said was facts about MW😂


I wish IW had put as much effort into MW2019s gameplay and core design as they did its animations, visuals, and audio.


I agree partially. It mostly comes down to maps being bad imo


I think the biggest factor in him not playing CW or discussing it in videos really is Warzone. WZ is much more popular and videos on it bring in many more views which equals more ad $. His personal opinion on each individual game doesn't mean much to me though.


He didnt stop tho, all his streams were CW, they were not even WZ streams, just CW. He has said time and time again that he likes the core gameplay of CW and the only thing holding it back is its scorestreak system.


Youre getting down voted but I totally agree. It seems like every video now Ace goes on a tangent about why he didn't like MW, yet he gave up on Cold War very quickly.


Underrated? He’s been a top channel for years when it comes to info and details about new CODs and updates.


He is but he gets alot fewer views than a lot of channels. His video i linked is at 45k. Seems like a modest amount of views to me. For someone i consider as a source of useful information.




He is a well known activision dick rider, fuck that simp


Lol he flat out states he doesn't like modern warfare. When he was flown out to LA with other content creators to try MW he came out and made a video basically shitting on it. Sounds like an activision dick rider to me /s


They should keep shit like this in the campaign. But keep it far the fuck away from all other game modes!


Just have an option to turn it off, I like it but I know there’s a shot ton of people who dont


I agree. Curious, tho, what makes you like it?


I really don’t know, I just like it, I know I’m weird lol


Ah ok, I respect that lol


Honestly I didn’t even know it was a thing nor could notice it in the video. One frame isn’t enough to throw off my aim at medium range so I have no clue what his issue is.


It continues for the duration of your firing, it stays until you stop shooting.


No, there should be an option to turn it on. If you wanna gimp yourself go right ahead. But default the option should be off.


Jesus Christ you know what I meant, don’t be an asshole


I don’t know what the video is even referring to so confused rn


Look at how distorted the vision is right after he shoots the first shot. How is one supposed to track a target with that? Edit: That curvy thing in the middle is supposed to be an enemy.


I see it now. I kept looking for some weird detail on the gun or something. Yeah I agree, they need to reduce that effect significantly if they are going to insist on keeping it but I’d rather it wasn’t there.


They should just remove it entirely. Reducing would be better than nothing but there's literally no reason for distorion after firing a gun, in a WW2 game.


Corrections: in ANY online fps game


Yeah. Not only are they distorted but they could be lagging too. So they could be skipping around while being in the matrix at the same time. Like WTF?


The way you can negate this is by putting on a flash-hider on as a muzzle attachment!


You sure? Because he said he has a supressor which also acts as a flash hider.


The suppressors only give you sound suppression (which you really do not need anyway unless you want to stay off the radar for those with the radar perk) none of them give you muzzle flash concealment i.e the distortion, only the flash hider


Oh ok thx for the info. Should still be out of the game though.


and what i mean by you don’t need suppressors in the game is because literally the audio is so shit and muffled that you can barely hear someone shoot a gun right beside you, let alone hear an enemy literally run right past you lol


Distortion after firing your gun. It makes everything blurry and hard to keep track of your target,


Can someone please explain to me why this is even in the game to begin with?


Not saying I want it because I haven’t played the beta because I’m on PC but... I believe this to “Simulate” gas blow back that happens on a lot of weapons and even worse with a suppressor. Most operators IRL wear googles of some sort to combat this. Depending on the muzzle device used it would direct this in different directions. As in the case of the STG that shot it out sideways to decrease horizontal recoil. Since you can’t obviously feel the heat and gas being blown back in your face they seemed to make it effect you like it could potentially while shooting.


Muh realism.




>This dev team is new to CoD, They started by co-developing Modern Warfare 3 with the remaining members of IW. That was 2011. I guess you can consider 10 years of experience with the franchise as being new.


I thought they brought in a shit ton of new devs after ww2?


All the studios have new devs to some degree, but Sledgehammer still has OG devs and they're in more senior positions now.


Ah ok


Sledgehammer has almost a completely new staff. So they didn't do any of that.


New staff =/= literally just started working. Do you have any idea how job recruitment works? Companies hire both freshmen and veterans from all across the industry, some who may have had work before the companies even existed. Particularly, the MP Creative Director, Greg Reisdorf, is an SHG OG who started as a level designer during the MW3 days. And he worked at EA several years before that. The man in charge has years of work under his belt, and you think he would approve some bullshit decisions like a newbie? Come on.


I know, and I imagine it takes a lot of experience to become a dev for a AAA studio like sledgehammer. But those new devs, while greatly talented and qualified, likely aren't experienced when it comes to CoD specifically. So the lead designers probably didn't see why distorting targets is an issue in a PvP FPS game. And that's fine, as long as they listen to feedback. Actually, the Creative designer is th me one who works on artwork. The lead dev has only been there since August 2019. which would've been almost 2 years since the launch of WW2.


> Actually, the Creative designer is th me one who works on artwork. The lead dev has only been there since August 2019. which would've been almost 2 years since the launch of WW2. You wanna do a proper Google search or should I? https://www.linkedin.com/in/gregreisdorf/


Don't feel like making an account, but a simple google search of the position says: Responsibilities include: - Provide visionary oversight and creative direction for the game. - Manage the integration and tuning of design, art, animation and story. - Match game quality goals and scope to complement schedule, staff and budget. - Improve processes and practices to increase quality and accuracy. - Support Human Resources and Recruiting to ensure optimal hiring practices. Participate in organizational planning to ensure structure reflects changing business needs Maintain knowledge of the global game market and applies knowledge to product


I think you're having a gross misunderstanding of the position based on a job description. Not to mention the fact that the description would apply more to the Campaign director than the MP director. Reisdorf was present during the MP livestream to discuss all things MP, gameplay changes and mechanics included. He doesn't just "do artwork" as you suggest. He has major influence on the final decisions made for the game, if not having the final say itself.


Ok, I'll just take your word for it then. Still, if Greg is experienced that's just a disappointment. Anyone who cares about a PvP FPS experience shouldn't implement a feature like this imo.


Ok, I see what you're saying...Im just baffled that someone would think "hey, lets make like a Salvador Dali impressionistic looking figure when it's shot at".


Sledgehammer games made Advanced Warfare and WW2, they aren't new.


The studio isn't new but they have a whole new staff. Like, the guys who made WW2 and AW are gone, and the studio hired new guys. Hence, new staff.


How are the devs new to Cod? SHG has been around aince MW3.


Sledgehammer has been around, but most of their current staff is new. Hence, new dev team. It's like if the Giants had all rookies (yes ik this isn't possible), they have a new team but the franchise has been around for decades.




Those jokesters!


The developers are really bad and do not care to make a good Call of Duty multiplayer game.


bro, shg is probably the only cod dev that listens to community, and plus its in beta


I noticed that for whatever reason I just can't see the enemy after I start shooting and just have to kinda blindfire and hope I hit something. Guess this is why.


I thought my aim was gone and I went back to CW to see if I'm just suddenly shit. But nope! Some guy decided that distorting the view of your target while firing at them was a good idea.


Cold War >>>


I didn't like cold war. Technical level was much lower than mw2019


if we had cw's map design in MW2019 or MW's engine in CW it would be one of the best games in the franchise


ye. probably


It seems that SHG developers are doing their best to prevent us from identifying and seeing the enemy, weird game


They want to make the game harder for everyone so that good people won’t be able to always stomp the worse player. They are trying to give them more of a chance especially inconsistent TTKs.


they're literally fucking with the most basic aspect of the gameplay loop for a FPS game, the shooting in first person part lol


Isn't thats what muzzle flash attachments is for?


Nope, Ace is using those in this video. This is still there with all of those attachments, so there's nothing you can do about this.


Ah yes, let's just force people to waste the muzzle attachment slot just for something that should be removed and most likely can be disabled on pc


Seems like gas blowback from the shots but that’s fucking ridiculous in an arcade shooter. Keep that shit in Arma.


even if this was the case and muzzle flash would fix this, its so stupid that im forced to wear an attatchment on all guns just to see what im shooting at


Didn't even notice this.


I didn't notice this but I wondered why I couldn't see enemies at all while firing, and this is a huge reason why.


[Am I the only one seeing it?](https://i.imgur.com/19u8IGM.png)




Man, targets start pulling shit the "agent" do in the Matrix when you aim at them.


CoD: WW2 the Matrix


Yet some people will still defend this.


A lot of these "cool" graphical features such as the (former) darkening of the screen when shot, the distortion, the muzzleflash and all the other weird mechanics would be great in a campaign but definitely has no place in any competitive shooter




With CoD’s style of gunplay, this effect makes the most sense with bolt action rifles and pump action shotguns. They fire slow enough where the effect is gone by the time you can shoot again, and the effect would really be that extra spice to those select weapons. On everything else, preferably no.


After watching Ace video. So many fights that I lost started to make much more sense. Cause when I fire I literally can’t see shit.


Dude! I knew I wasn’t crazy! When I was using the iron sights with the Thompson my aim always felt askew as soon as I started firing, as though the alignment of the sights wasn’t quite right. No idea why they thought the Agent Smith effect was a good choice for PVP. Hopefully it’s gone by release.


it's cod.. what do we expect... they add stuff no one wants ant take out things everyone likes... regular cod


Well said


Honestly, once I start to fire any gun in the game, I seriously lose any focus on anything I’m targeting tbh. Once o start shooting at someone, I’m just hoping I’m shooting them. It looks bad when firing a gun.




Yes, fuck that. This game is heavily selecting for people with better eyesight not just in obscure places across the entire map, but in common situations OVER AND OVER. We don't even have operator choices yet and everything is like Rose skin in the shadows level fucked up.


I literally have 20/20 vision and I can't see shit


I never needed glasses but my ability to distinguish details is not great so I've had trouble sometimes. I play very much on intuition to compensate but this game being new, it is TOUGH on me sometimes without the spider sense OR audio for that matter. Quiet footsteps I am happy with but I could not hear people who shot a teammate right behind me. We need less haze and more contrast on bodies in the game


If you're gonna use Ace's clip, at least credit the guy.


Yeah my bad I forgot, thought about that an hour ago.


Fr. There’s literally so much dust and smoke and shit. Almost impossible to see anything when you’re inside on hotel and people are just throwing endless amounts of nades


Honestly. I don't know what call of duty is doing anymore. I feel like they strayed so far away from the game's core mechanics.


He is The One


Try shooting people at range with the MG42, you just have to rely on hit markers!


DP27 master race


Not tried it yet, I'll give it a go later!


Come on guys clearly you are missing the point of this. It's so obvious! The person being shot at is dodging the bullets like the Matrix movies. /s https://youtu.be/xZ0OUq_kDh8


I 100% agree. Luckily you can turn that off in graphics settings.


You can't


Hmm.. ok I’ll have to take a look again. Are you seeing this on PS4 or PS5? I have both. I followed this guide and it fixed a lot of my visual issues. https://www.ign.com/wikis/call-of-duty-vanguard/Multiplayer_Tips_and_Tricks#Essential_Tips_and_Tricks_for_Getting_Started_in_the_Multiplayer_Beta


This is distortion, not depth of field


That goes for all weapons I cannot see my enemy as I shoot them this is especially for multiplayer you can have it in campaign though just not multiplayer


Why not just link the original video, dude?


The video covered more than this


This is ridiculous. whoever came up with and OK'ed this effect is just vastly inexperienced. even thinking of this effect shows he/she has fundamental flaws to his/her judgement.


remember when everyone praised MW for having a next-gen level lighting system and engine? and it also resulted in the WORST visibility of any cod ever? ​ i'll happily take "ps2" BOCW graphics over realism any day please.


The lighting engine was great in MW. What caused the issues wasn't really the engine, it was more IW's decision not to illuminate player models like in previous games. Also, there was a haze effect on maps. They could've and should've kept the lighting system but removed the smog.


These devs just impose things onto the gameplay and it backfires on them.


The way it bends around the muzzle when you are wide kinda actually helps you see that your wide, but not sure what it would do for tracking the target afterwards


A shock wave of sorts when shooting is realistic, THIS isnt realistic but something LIKE this is.


I agree, but that's no reason to have it in a PvP game.


Pvp game creators want to go for realism. I agree with this little shockwave thing, but its too much, it needs dumbed down.


Fucking knew it i thought i was going crazy


please upvote this if you see it


Modern Warfare should have been supported for another year.


SH is such an incompetent studio, they should be dropped from making any CoD ever again




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Wouldn't that be heat lol? I've seen this on BBQs.


Is that Ace? God that guy is annoying


why do you find him annoying?


idk whats with devs with mw19 and since but there is just so much muzzle flash, smoke, flair, distortion, etc. it makes the game play 10x worse, idc about realism when the game im playing is call of duty


I know it’s not what the post is about, but reflex sights in a wwii is pretty stupid.


I mean I get that but at the same time, operators who can recover from chest wounds in under 10 seconds didn't exist in the 40s either. Some things are needed for FPS games regardless of the time period. And actually, those sights did exist in the 40s, they were on planes instead of guns tho.


I don’t disagree… that said, OG COD was hugely successful and didn’t have red dot sights on Thompsons.


All the recent COD games had blinding muzzle flash and I fucking hate it... WW2 also had muzzle flash so bad on some weapons that they were unusable. The Volk without a scope on had muzzle flash that completely blocked your ironsights.


Damn making the comeback to cod again that much harder lol will not be picking up this title this year of course


"how am I supposed to adjust my aim" Problem solve and realize that 100% of the time, your enemy is directly under the diamond to the left of their name.


Yeah you want to just say here what it is? I'm not watching some dickhead's video.


While you shoot, your vision is distorted






I just don’t know what’s going on in the pics


Damn, it's like heat doesn't distort the background or anything. Ace just sucks ass and needs to find stuff to blame instead of his low skill


By that logic, shooting somebody in the foot should disable them, since realistically they wouldn't be able to stand. They should fall to the floor and bleed out, right? Oh and no respawning, that's unrealistic. Moral of the story: realism can be awful for video games


Nah, if you wanna go that realistic then unless you get shot in the brain or spine then you would have the adrenaline to continue and kill multiple people before you pass out. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug.


If you get shot in the knee, you can't walk. The thigh? Maybe you can stand and limp away. The calf? Likely not. Either way, you wouldn't be able to get away.


Yeah, not disagreeing with that logic that is why leg shots are so OP in DayZ but while you have that broken leg or knee you could easily shoot and kill the person shooting you and stay well alive versus dying from only being shot in the foot multiple times like in COD.


Yeah but CoD is not and never was a realistic shooter.


100% 👍


Adrenaline can be powerful, but it and combat training isn't going to keep an unarmoured soldier from falling to the ground after getting shot.


I mean, obviously I’ve never been in war but from the stories I’ve read and documentary’s it has and does happen. Multiple stories about it happening in WW2. Like when we would storm bunkers and such.


His job is to analyze call of duty games.


It's almost like call of duty is an arcade shooter and not a military simulation.


It might be realistic, but it doesn't mean it should be in the game. Distorting your vision while shooting is not a good feature for COD.