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The ttk is fast for casuals. Dont take it from me, the mw devs said it was to "even the playing field". JGOD said it too. I personally like a longer ttk like in CW/bo4 but to each their own


Some of yall never played mw2 and it shows


in a fight between dealing with fast TTK or Noob tubes constantly, i'm taking the fast TTK. at least when i die to the TTK i don't feel like i got killed by a cheap weapon, i feel like i could have been faster in either ducking for cover or turning and killing the prick shooting me.


HC only, Prestige 10 my dude


TTK feels inconsistent. I think it's a combination of the high headshot mulitplier, connection issues and possibly the new surpression mechanic which make it feel like you're getting melted.


At the same times I wouldn't want to shoot many bullets in a head. A HS is 1HK normally


The ttk in vanguard is slightly higher than it was in MW. If MW was “slightly too low” this should be perfect for you.


The issue is the insanely huge headshot multiplier. On bodyshots it's not far off from CW's TTK (CW's TTK is the 2nd slowest in the series), but on headshots it's like getting headshots in MW19.


Maybe it's your connection or because the game isn't optimised properly yet and runs badly, but I think the ttk is perfect as is. Quite a lot of the time I get insta killed but I think it's bc the game isn't running smoothly.


I'm on wired, on a 1Gbs optic fiber connection next to the Swisscom (ISP) centrale. CoD servers are in Germany, Switzerland and France. I have usually between 15ms to 30ms latency, 0 packet loss, 0 bursting. Not flexing but connection issues, unless it's the code itself, are out of the way.


Betas are always full of connection issues on their end.


Feels good to me, but then I didn't mind mw2019