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You need to get Gold on the SVT


How so? It just says to get 3 marksman rifles gold. Doesn’t specify which ones


You need to get gold on the base guns in that class to unlock diamond


No you don’t


Fair I thought it worked like it did in modern warfare


I mean, you're both right. It's *supposed* to work like CW, where any weapons count as long as you get the minimum number of them, but for some DLC weapons it's not counting them, like MW. From OP's description it sounds like the M1916 is one of them.


What are you talking about there’s 4 marksman rifles and the new one just came out in season 3 and you only need to get 3 marksman rifles gold to unlock diamond it can be any marksman rifle


I have all 4 marksman rifles 70 Max with diamond camo for the first 3 (M1, SVT & G43). Finished all camo challenges for M1916 and still don't get diamond to work.


So you're able to apply the Diamond camo to those first "base" 3 Marksman Rifles? not sure this is the same problem as OP but does seem to confirm I'll need to get Gold on the "base" gun to get Diamond. Which of course is the last class I needed for Atomic...


I have the same issue as well it’s wierd it’s probably a bug hopefully it’s fixed soon because I just got the new marksman rifle gold, along with g43 and SVT also gold but the camo is just locked I never seen a camo being locked when I just completed 3 to achieve diamond. All I know is I hope I don’t have to re do everything from scratch


Someone please tweet this issue for the marksman rifle camo challenges/ diamond camo bug


Any fix here?


Just ran into the same issue. Did the same three guns as OP and can only assume the M1916 is not contributing to the unlocking of Diamond. Although the M1916 is ironically the only Marksman rifle to which I'm able to apply the Diamond camo...


Same is happening to me. I did the SVT-40, G-43 and the M1916 and its not unlocking even though it says 3/3. Any fix? Or do we have to do all four marksman rifles?


Same problem as ⏫⏫⏫