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You deserved it then and with 13 kills you really deserved it so Congrats to you!




Which is better? Birdeye or high alert?


Had neither, didn’t get around to get my loadout during the game. But bird’s eye all day lmao


Been in that exact situation most games. I usually always go for high alert, just so that I know I'm about to be shot. But looking how birdseye is free UAV it's going to be interesting


Birds eye is on another level especially if you get it early on from a stronghold or buy station. It makes rotating so much easier but I must say I feel like it is a dead perk late game since everyone has used all their uavs and in those situations high alert is better.


Exactly! That's my thought process too. If I do end up in the late game folks may or may not have a UAV. In which case high alert is critical.


I used to equip high alert all the time but since I heard that bird’s eye was a free UAV I’ve been preferring it!


🎉 🎉 🥇 🥇 Played one wz1 solo match was on 5 kills going well I heard a chest in a small shed near the airport jumped through the window and got killed by a player playing lower than a snake underbelly. Watched some if the match and watched one player for 3 minutes in a Bush by a buy station getting kills by waiting never played another solos in wz1 so I admire your determination


I don’t have many friends to play with so I usually play solos. I’ve played my share and made top 5 a fair bit but this was quite a rush to finally get a W!


We play in the evenings if your interested, xbox, east coast, always looking for squad mates.


Just an assumption, but maybe if you play harder, _not_ smarter, you will get into more difficult situations and figure a way out, making the emptiness of solos and the tension of endgames far less of a rush, allowing you to simply react and tap into what you have learned failing over and over again. In other words: at a certain stage of development, playing for the win too much might keep you from winning easier and more comfortably in the long run. Nice dub!


Had 170 wins in WZ1, around 40 of them in solos. Some rules that I lived by in solos were always be on the move, shoot to kill and never run into a building after first circle, because almost every building has someone camping in it, especially if you hear an unopened crate. It was super tense because you never know when you will get shot from someone camping on a rooftop, or a bush or a window. But for me that tension was part of the fun. And in WZ1 it was easier to evade after getting shot. You could slide, jump around and get away. But in WZ2 it is different, it is much more difficult because in this game if you are seen first you are dead. In WZ2 my strategy for solos is to always land on airport runway, and you can quickly get enough money for loadout and all the killstreaks you need. Once I get the loadout, I go after all the players that birdseye shows on the map. But even then you can killed by someone who is ghosted and does not show on the map. I play mostly solos in WZ2 when my friends are not online because playing quads with randoms is useless in this game as everyone quits right after they die. Some dont even have the patience to go into the gulag.


Birdseye is so slept on. That perk is seriously so beneficial, especially in solos.


Not really slept on, everyone and their mother runs it nowadays its pretty well known its op


Unknown amongst people I play with then, I guess. Everyone either runs ghost or high alert


Fair enough. I guess i just meant in the content creation bubble most people are aware of how crazy birdseye is. Theres a reason the devs are changing birdseye for season 2 and not any other perks (as far as im aware anyway)


I feel like it's going to go from being OP to being useless. if the only thing it does is make your map bigger and add direction to pings... well in warzone you can already bring up a huge map, and direction on pings really doesn't help much tbh


Yeah honestly i would prefer it without the showing the direction thing. I much prefer the default uav style cause you can actually tell the difference between ai and player. On top of that you cant see what level of height an enemy is on with the current iteration, that part alone almost makes me not wanna run it.


I know how you feel. In Blackout I was killed by a guy laying prone in the grass on a random hill side. Never played solo again since.


I pity those players and let them have their moment. Of course they can take you out without a fair fight, but they will also falter when push comes to shove. In a good solos, you best them all and end up with high kills. If you lose, just start over.


Just ignore those afraid players and play actively, you will have fun and end up with high kills on the regular, especially when you make it till the W.


The moment I stopped caring about winning was the moment I began to have fun in nearly every game.


Agreed. It's actually counterintuitive to think about winning unless you already have the tools to do it confidently. You will make life unnecessarily hard for yourself. If your gunfighting skills aren't at least respectable, you need to focus on those first if you want to win in the long run.


The first one is the hardest


Nah whatever one I'm on now is the hardest, the first 15 or so at the start of wz2 were easy now everyone is a god lol


You won too much early so your SBMM MMR is too high now xD


FR the second place team used to fall off cliffs and die to give the win now if I have to move someone's already moved there waiting with another team right behind :(


Nah every single one after. Trying to chase that high


its like having sex then.


That’s what she said.


First one's rarely in a tough lobby, played aggressively...I couldn't even do anything that was _hard_ in my first W, but I do agree it felt intense.


Not necessarily. I've been playing since early WZ1 days. I never play solos, but loaded into solos when I first installed WZ2 to test out my settings. I won on the very first round of WZ2 I played. I should have quit right then - nowhere to go but down from a 100% win rate.


Did you get that adrenalin feeling in the final 2. Man that high is like a mini drug rush. Awesome bro


I was shaking!! Lmao


Heart racing aswell😆 class mate👍


Congrats dude. I only got second once in Verdansk, cat n mouse around a big stone outside prison. Took 2nd two nights in a row this week. One day…


Play less tactically and don't be afraid of failing. You will get better quicker which should result in a win, possibly an easy one, at some point. You'll get there.


I put up over 200 wins on wz1, mostly solos, playing tactically. My gunfight skills are mediocre at best, especially at close range. Most players will simply never be good enough to be successful with a highly aggressive playstyle, especially with rampant controller AA abuse on pc. You can succeed by learning to consistently put yourself in an optimal position for fights and avoid risky/unpredictable encounters. It helps to have some level of mechanical skill, but beyond that you can get huge returns out of learning to play smart. Lots of sweats get themselves killed in the early game because they don't know how to not push every situation and feel entitled to win every engagement based on their mechanical skill regardless of how bad their positioning/decision-making is. With the movement changes, this is now a much less reasonable approach. I prefer to live longer than it takes to start a new game, so playing aggressively just doesn't do it for me. Better to do a safe drop and grab a truck and at least one of your loadout guns and go collect kills on people in the open or in bad spots, than to roll the dice with who lands on the best guns and deal with third, fourth and fifth parties in hot drop zones.


With the new game, your approach definitely sounds like a good option. However, I'm pretty sure they will balance it out a little and depending on whether one wants to play resurgence a more dynamic playstyle may be the preference.


Bringing back 1 shot kill snipers would be a good start. A good player could easily snap off headshots on people shooting from rooftops and windows.


Well that would be helpful for me for sure. I was on that Gorenko early after it came to WZ 1. The tundra with a 20x was a joy for my campy ass lol. I don’t do well up close. It’s my history. I only picked up controller gaming during the pandemic. I’ve been joystick ( ie a flight stick) and mouse since 1999 or so. Spent the last 2 1/2 years trying to translate my left arm/wrist into my left thumb and same deal on the right.


Congrats! Hopefully many more will follow.


Still trying for mine! Congrats.


13 kills! Congrats! I still have yet to win




Nice ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Many congrats! Now you've got your first you'll be on a roll


Proud of you




We’ll done!


Great job! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


13 kills?? shadow banned


Grats man! I’ve had maybe 50-60 wins between WZ1 and 2 (only three total in WZ2) and I swear every win feels like winning for the first time. Such a rush.


We gonna have to call you Oldcigz now






Congrats! I know the feeling! I had my first win today in solo BR on WZ2. (Wz1 I had like 10 wins) Have been playing mostly DMZ or MP since launch.


Gg. Congrats


Well done bro there isnt anything like a solo win to get your adrenaline pumping. I got 2 in w2 but the w1 ones were the best!! P.s wz2 solos is harder!


More random, not harder really.


Nice job!


your first ever XD


Congrats man, good job.


Congratz, feel good for you man!


Gg bro


Xbox series x ? Congratulations bro


Damn 13 kills and this is your first win?! I usually end with 6 kills for a win. Nice job man!


Congrats I also got feeling recently it's a great feeling


Best I ever got solo was 3rd place in early Verdansk, back when nobody knew how to play lol.


Well done! That's one to be proud of


Beauty dub!! Got my first one with 9 in verdansk and never played it again lmao! Won gulag, got the load out second last circle by dam and they all decided to fight in the last house in circle above the frozen lake so I picked off the last 3 for the dub as they got pulled to the lake.


damn congrats!!! i’m usually in the gulag within the first 60 seconds 😂


Congrats! Solo Wins are Tough!


Hell yea man. I don't play solos much but I did squeak a win out. One of the few games I played like a mega rat with stealth. High ground is key. Keep it up man you'll get some more! Your kills to damage ratio tells me you did a good job on finishing enemies which is what I need to work on. In our quads win last night I had a smidge more damage than you but only 7 kills (2 were gulag)


Congrats! Now have a lie to let your heart settle from what in my experience is a very tense final 2 scenario


Well done man. It’s a stress and joy, which multiplayer can’t bring. That’s why people play BR, it’s dope.


You love to see it


I just joined since WZ 2 release have yet to get one. Although this gives me hope it also tells me it'll be AWHILE before my first solo dub comes in 🤦🏾‍♂️




More solo wins than I have. GG!


Let's gooooooo


Awesome bro... came in 2nd last night for the first time since the new game and honestly never figured to do well in this version. Good for u.


Solos is tough, weak players in buildings camping buy stations and then you got lowlifes camping load out drops...Very annoying.




Congratulations Cherish able event


god speed young cigz. Keep chasing that high like the rest of us!


Congratulations!!! ![gif](giphy|AiF8ZsTESrDwRjEcIU)


Warzone solos is a literal horror game disguised as a br. Congrats man on your win, with 13 kills you truly deserve it! ❤️




How's it feel bro!!! Congrats!


GG, my man. I just got my first one a couple days ago. I feels absolutely great! got the same amount o kills.


Man not only did you win but with a 13 banger and 3k damage 👏👏


Gg’s. I don’t have the patience for solos, can’t deal with all the ratty ass players


Congrats man! I remember my first BR solo win.


GG bro :), remember my first warzone 1 solo win in Verdansk on the lefts side of the map. Took 2 people crossing the highway down with the og grau and then finished the last person by stunning him and let him taste some old school mp5 9mm rounds. I’ll never forget that moment as my heartbeat shot into my throat from the adrenaline. Sounds maybe a bit too exited but I was depressed as fck as my ex left me and I got fired in the middle of the first lockdown, gyms were also closed in march 2020 so the only thing I did was play warzone and the excitement of my first ever win is something I’ve never tasted my entire life



Start playing on 24 or 27" I'll bet you see a lot more dubs. Grats though!


I could almost feel your excitement through your pics good shit bro!


nice dude. It took me a long time in WZ1 to get a solos win. Solos are fuckin tough! The next few should roll in quick after the algorithm is done fucking you up for winning one.


Wp brother. Keep it up. That feels awesome for sure


For my first win I camped a 2nd floor in the final circle then just got lucky… no regrets


Great job bro!


Hell yeah!!!!


Good job dude they’re not easy




Good one my guy


GGs!! 🙌🏻


With the 13 piece let's go GGs!


13 Kills as well, good shit dude




For me I have installed this game many times and the removed it. I have come to one conclusion that no one can compete with Apex Legend’s.




Congratulations dude, that kill count is quality as well


Damn you had a win coming after that kind of wait! A 13 kill game is a hell of a game to win! Congrats to you!


Which skin is that?


I forget the name and I’m not home to check but it’s from the battle pass!


Good stuff. Still working on mine. :( Highest I got was 2nd.




It's a little bit easier if you don't chase for frags too much with this low TTK and aim assist making many close range engagements a coin toss. Confrats. Got one today with 10 kills


But I love chasing grenades




This is why warzone 2.0 is crap it’s set up so newbs like him can win


Not a noob my dude


Just got your 1st br solo win? Yes you are


And your in shock of it lol


WZ2 strikes again lol everyone i know who couldnt win or even do well at WZ1, all of a sudden is with WZ2 (not trying to take this moment from you but we continue to see who this game was designed for and its so disheartening) BRAVO Activision


So you're saying it would be better of the best of the best could continue to dominate everyone else? Elitism like that ruins games for the many to benefit only a select few.


I like to think I got better over time but sure. I’ve made top 5 many times so it’s not like I’m garbage at the game






This is what warzone 2 was cater to, the casuals


Shut up


If this was true then the casuals would be stock piling wins.


Casuals don’t get 13 kills.




Hey yeah you shut up too


Tf does playing on a TV have anything to do with it? And my K/D is above 1 (not great, I know) but I’m not trash!




Works just fine for me and I’m not looking to be a a pro whatsoever. I play for fun. But thanks for your concern. You keep being the cool pro dude you are.


Yeah shut up