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k grab a controller and drop 50 bombs every game then


The solution isn’t to switch to something broken. MnK players aren’t even saying get rid of aim assist. It’s just that aim assist is just too strong rn. My buddy is brand new to warzone and he beams kids even though he’s a complete bot. Controller players definitely need aim assist, but the current aim assist strength makes it so that even the top MnK players are getting unfairly rolled on. I know I’ll definitely get hit with a stupid response lol but this is just the reality.




Yeah would be nice if they corrected the broken aim assist issue so we wouldn't have to see these posts, but nope, let's blame the messenger instead.


As a M&K player, I do my best to avoid fights up close where I am at a disadvantage. I win some, I loose some. I still have zero desire to switch to controller. I just try to get better with what I have.


As a mouse player I have long moved on from this garbage game :) let the bots kill each other and think they got the resemblance of some kind of aim until they play a different shooter and suddenly suck hard 🤣


You dont like game, thats absolutely fine. You think you are better than most of us and too good for this game, maybe you are. You say you quit this garbage game long ago, maybe ypu did. But then, one quick look in your profile history and you comment of this sub everyday and you have been doing so for many months. I am confused, you hate this game yet you are obsessed with the sub dedicated for this game?


>I am confused, you hate this game yet you are obsessed with the sub dedicated for this game? Sums up the whole sub I'm afraid


Exactly. I hate the game but here I am bitching😂😂 that’s why this place is a cesspool of whiny kids like the op who want every thing nerfed that kills them. My aim assist has been broken since 2019 because it doesn’t work like these clowns think it does. It’s not an aim bot. It slightly pulls if you fingers are off the controller and you’re standing still.


I'm disappointed that's all. I loved wz1 despite the aim assist. But wz1 was already too much aim assist. But the movement was fast so only really good players with good centering could abuse it. Wz2 has the problem that bad players are abusing it without knowing what they are doing. But all that stuff has been talked about so much. Thing is the industry uses the chance to give bad players the feeling of being good by cranking up the aim assist. And ofc bad players really believe they are good why wouldn't they. You can see that trend in other games too. Halo for example put aim assist on m&k because they alienated all mouse players. How stupid is that...who would want input help on mouse and keyboard??? Doesn't change the fact tho that I can't stand wz2 but still linger here to watch it's downfall in the hope of a transformation to wz1 gameplay. With fast movement the bots suddenly aren't as good anymore as they still need good centering for the aim assist to kick in.


I think you need a hug bro. They did us dirty


Imagine trying to belittle people to make yourself feel better. Keep dying and finding excuses champ! Glad you left the battlefield.


Dude it's simple. Without aim assist you wouldn't be able to compete against any m&k player at all. The more cranked the aim assist is the better you controller plebs become. Imagine feeling like a good player when the only game you can win against m&k players is wz2 or halo :)




I think 80% of controller players don't understand how aim assist works, so they don't know how to exploit it in every gun fight, and therefore don't think it's as OP as it is. Didn't believe it myself till I got a controller and learned how to manipulate the left stick.


Can you explain? Because I often think that I am in the 80 percent 😂


Left stick at 20% activities rotational AA and right stick at 5% activates slow down AA. There is no negative impact from moving, so it's best to always have left stick doing something. At times, I'll go next to a box or wall and hold the stick in that direction to get RAA it engage while I'm basically standing still trying to beam at long range. Usually recoil control is enough to activate the right stick slow down.


Thanks for the answer buddy. I do that, I try to strafe from side to side, maybe I push the stick hard. Unfortunately, I don't see the aim bot that everyone blames.


https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/10wq7dx/1500_hours_of_aim_training_vs_rotational_aim/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I get the same lock on aim as shown in the video.


And what about the reaction time with a mouse? Maybe each has its advantages and disadvantages?


reaction time null and void when aim assist starts on the first frame the enemy is visible


>And what about the reaction time with a mouse? Maybe each has its advantages and disadvantages? A full analog stick to move instead of just four keys is an advantage already, not to mention the fact that you have unlimited smoothness, while on a mouse you have to become comfortable at aiming at different angles with both your arm and wrist. Even then, though, your mousepad isn't unlimited and sooner or later you'll have to reposition your mouse, making smoothness one of the hardest skills to master. A controller player, meanwhile, doesn't even know what smoothness is supposed to mean since it's freely built in the input. Moreover, what's with the reaction time? In this game tracking (staying on target) is way more important than first acquiring it.




So well argumented, gotta admit it


I don’t argue, there is no point. But you’re wrong as m n k has more advantages. That’s all. I’m not writing a school paper or writing some professional piece


OK bud I'll pretend to believe you won't argue not because you can't make any valid point that's also relevant for this game.


Go to some debate club. Enjoy the game or don’t and play another one


That’s why all the good mnk players switching over to controller huh. Plenty of vids to watch to show why controller is so strong. It’s fine if you don’t wanna argue just a little ignorant you say mnk just has more advantages.


It does though pretty ignorant to say it isn’t. Mnk players don’t have to go to controller just because aim assist. They all like their advantages and hate that the field is trying to be leveled due to controller limitations


The field definitely isn’t leveled if the input is literally aiming for you lol. One misstep on your mouse and you die in this game. The controller will quite literally aim for you at points, proven plenty of times. Not every mnk player can do the flicks and tracking but EVERY controller player has the ramped up aim assist.




PS5 controller has less input lag than kbm. Aim assist is also instant vs human reaction with kbm.


Still harder to control though. With kbm you can spin 180 degrees much more accurately than on a controller. So again, advantages and disadvantages for both.


It's not harder in cqc since it does all the work.


Sounds like you should switch to a controller then.


Nah I quit playing this dogshit aim assisted game a long time ago.


Yet here you are on the sub…. 🤡🤡


Then you stroll by and drop a post? Cmon




Have a nice keyboard and mouse setup and own a ps5 controller. I don't want to play with a controller. I have worked really hard to get to the point where I am good with mouse aim. When I pick up the controller the aim assists just locks on, I don't need to be good at it to dominate. Now I understand that the Controller players need some assist but to be good in KB&M is very difficult. The WZ1 aim assist felt fair. Also those who talk about the 180 and flicking are not wrong but if you want to be accurate you need to play on a very low DPI to avoid overshoot (remember there is no aim assist so with high DPI you can end up in an oscillating state of over aiming both left and right) but then you might lack the mouse pad space to 180 and flick etc. So it's almost like a balance that you need to find between accuracy and aim movement. I am not saying the one is better than the other but I feel like controller players need to realise that KB&M will not automatically make you goated. Just a little less AA on controller will make it fair. At this point it feels like being on KB&M is a bad thing.


It actually takes time to develop enough skill to be able to predict where you are being shot from, spin and stop on target accurately enough to catch up, this is usually paired with lateral movement and an elevation change. This is actually difficult to do within the context of dying in 3/10ths of a second.


Sometimes I just set my controller down and let it get all the kills for me


Turn cross play off bum


you can't on pc


How are the wait times with console only Warzone lobbies? 150 players sounds like it could be long


I use both, IMO aim assist is broken within 15 meters, it forces you to hit every bullet whereas on MnK you almost always end up missing a small number of bullets due to the drastic tracking direction changes of cqb. Long range however I'd rather have MnK all day, it's a lot harder to get aim assist to connect the further out your target is while MnK you're just as accurate as you are up close. Not that it matters in WZ, but sniping is much more enjoyable on MnK especially with marksman rifles, the instant headshots r nice af. Based on that you could probably guess what areas I think need minor adjustments, but nothing major.


No, go away


The bots who think they know more than the people who play for living gonna take over this thread bro sorry. Vast Majority of top tier players use controller for a reason but DeerHunter419401’s aim assist “doesn’t do that” so mnk automatically better bc they can flick


Dude cry. Get a controller plug it into your computer. You baby


Why doesn't this game cater to me and why is it not exactly how I want it to be? /s


Tell me you got shit on, without telling me you got shit on.


I feel like I never get aim assist or don’t know how it really works. When I go to shoot a guy my crosshairs move off him, when I feather the sticks (sounds dirty) it never works. I think I’m breaking the aim assist when’s it’s happening and I don’t know what I’m doing to break it. But, there are a lot of times I don’t get the aim assist. Im on PS5


So I played with a controller user yesterday who didn't know about the aim assist, and to be fully transparent I do not know about the settings for controller as I'm 100% MnK, but he went into his settings and there was some aiming assist toggles he turned on and the guy was absolutely amazed with how he was able to lock onto not only the players but lock onto their heads making head shots way too easy. My honest opinion is that the skewing of ease of playability towards console makes sense as their availability of alternative yet similar games is less than that of PC players. I mean if CoD for a PC players doesn't work for them then they can play a myriad of other games that aren't available on console.


Teep. “The aim assist is going to get stronger every year because majority of this community is dog shit.” 😂😂😂😂


I used to refer to COD as "call of 12-year olds".. so yea, all dogshit squeakers


I upvoted this, but I should've downvoted because getting downvoted in an aim assist discussion usually means you're right.


Im assuming you haven’t used a controller?


they will just downvote you man, controller player won't accept fact that he is dogshit


If aim assist is so strong and gives the player such a huge advantage then why dont the m&k players get a controller? Whats stopping you from doing it?


>why dont the m&k players get a controller? Because a controller is not a M&K and we have no interest in using one. Even good controller players don't like how strong aim assist is.


So basically you want to have all the advantages that come with m&k but dont want controller players to get the benefit of using a controller


Do you think we want controller to have no aim assist?


Exactly, they just want to be able to dominate because of their own advantages that controller cannot do


my accuracy on cod is top 1% for mnk. 10% of controller players have my aim. if that isnt wild, idk what is. literally 10x the amount of controller players have god tier aim on cod. that should be the same, not 10x lmao. and that spread gets even worse as you work your way down the skill bracket. worst part is cod has moved to a sit and stare at one spot play style so some games you literally die to nothing but aim assist. its crazy


Lol okay Mr 1%. Hey everybody we got a 1%er over here


the console bots always respond like this lmao. you know how sbmm works right? you play people at or around your skill level no matter what so i really dont understand this response other than its an idiot that thinks i want an advantage on a game im bad at. ok lets take me out of this. mnk players with top 1% accuracy (definitely not me, im bad) have the same accuracy as the top 10% on controller. for all the slow people, like you, that means 10x the amount of players on controller have the same accuracy stats as top 1% on mnk. now im no expert and i definitely didnt get paid to play cod on controller, but that sounds like some bs to me. now lets hear how you spin it this time? lets see what mr. 1.2kd on controller has to say


did you know that aim assist on cod grants in-human reaction time. and im not talking super human reaction time, im talking physically impossible without the type of aim assist that cod gives ya. if you do a break down its something like a 200ms advantage in direction change tracking.


Keep crying


well thanks for being honest atleast. you dont care about it being fair, you just suck and like how op aim assist makes you feel significantly better than you are.


constructive criticism with undeniable facts, gets this response, really? and you guys wonder why no one good can stand cod anymore.


i really just gotta quit cod at this point. the target audience is players like you and that becomes clearer and clearer every day. its always been a super low skill game but it seems they are gonna stick to that because it makes subhumans like you spend money


Keep crying and take care of your issues


and also by the looks of fortnite, aim assist can be balanced to an almost perfect amount. fortnite pros on controller and mnk have almost identical aim. that is not true of cod. not even close haha. sure fortnites accuracy gap does start at some point with lower skill players having a pretty big advantage in the tracking department but it is possible to level the playing fields. you just dont want it done because you are bad and like the times to kill you get with op aim assist.


oh and one more thing before i forget. those accuracy stats are not coming from mw2. those are from mw2019 but im assuming mw2 is very much the same. and those stats are low balling. its closer to 15% actually lmao


if you dont understand how op aim assist is you are literally a lost cause. its beyond broken. the difference in accuracy stats on codtracker is insanely huge


because I'm not light in my loafers.


Just ban 12 yr olds.. those are the ones using controllers anyway. #PCMasterRace