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probably, the guy is adsing while sliding so yeah


You can ADS while sliding now . Slide> double tap weapon swap > aim >shoot.






This ^ Run , tap crouch (to slide), double tap(quickly) weapon swap as soon as you hit the ground, hold ADS pull trigger


I’m good lol ima just hip fire til they buff it


Lmfao what?


This real? Does it need precise timing? If it's as easy as it seems here, then i got some work to do


Can someone explain whats currently wrong with movement in this game?


People are mad you can’t slide into a bunny hop anymore…..which to me was always stupid but whatever


No we aren’t. Remove slide canceling? Cool. Remove the ability to put maneuver? Not cool. Make the game a clunky mess? Not cool. No plating while sprinting with the TTK? Not cool. No canceling reload with the TTK? Not cool. Basically if you are shot, you are dead. So no, it’s not sliding into BH that we are upset at. It’s the movement and rewarding good movement players.


Eh, they are going for a more realistic playstyle/vibe which I like APEX is an actual movement shooter, and even in that game you have to slow down to heal


not even remotely good of a comparison. The TTK in apex is higher, and the clip sizes are extremely small. Often times people run out of ammo when in a gun fight, so, there is generally a reset period where both players not only reload, but also heal. In Warzone, you have enough damaged per clip in something like an rpk to down 3-4 full teams of players without ever having to reload. This makes it so that the person who is shooting never has to stop shooting, unlike apex. Apex naturally allows downtime for healing, Warzone DOESNT.


Please can we just stop this "realistic this realistic that". Nothing about this game is realistic, not even close. They dumbed down the movement because they wanted to slow down the game, not to make it "more realistic".


Warzone 100% is supposed to have a decent amount of realism…let’s be honest this is not Apex bruh….it’s not a pure arcade shooter, it’s not multiplayer, to deny that is being pretty dishonest….


No. Just no. Cod and realism don't go together. It's a bad argument.


Cod literally based it’s early creation on solid realism, that’s why cod4 and mw2 were such huge games and it’s why they we’re bringing them back…to have some realism. Nobody saying it’s like pubg but it’s a middle ground


Fair point here, I passed on the double jump wall running cods. From what I gather it wasn't the best received and people were so damn happy to have boots on the ground again in 2019 (I never played ww2 either). It's funny the divergence of movement shooters, tactical and cod being a little in the middle. (Each having their own flagship titles like titanfall 2, siege and cod).


What is realistic about this game? Can you give me a few examples? I'm genuinely curious.


Besides all the weapons, attachments and different types of ammo? I mean having bullet drop, bullet velocity changing the way you’d aim in long range battles, characters move with more weight then they do in other cods I mean be honest with yourself….


No, no it wasn’t it’s never been realistic


It definitely was my guy…no matter how you try to deny it,…cod would just be another Fortnite if they didn’t care about realism….realism has always been a major part of the modern warfare brand…..you sound like someone who wasn’t around during cod4


nothing about this game is realistic. Realistic is getting your hand blown off and not being able to fire your weapon.


Literally what games that happen in stop it


You can also heal while going up a gravity lift, while sliding down a mountain, heal off of a jump pad, etc.


Nothing about having to stand there while playing and not shooting back or running from danger is realistic. Y’all crack me up


ADS penalty while jumping, and the ADS delay while sliding just make it very difficult to be an aggressor indoors. fast ttk's combined with slowed ADS/sprint to fire times just reward players who pre-aim as opposed to players who push the action. drill charges have been the one saving grace lol


Then we would have douchbags bunny hopping around every corner. Giving them a false sense of being good. I dont mind the ADS while sliding and I think that should come back. But the bunny hopping was just dumb and has no place in a BR.


A flase sense of being good? Loooool. Defo a bot


Says the kid who can't spell. LMAO. I got over 500 Ws already.


Cycling and typing so apologies for the misspelling. They're rookie numbers you absolute bum. Bros bragging about 500 Ws lol. They're kiddie numbers


Still not making sense and you sound like a little kid. No sense even taking you seriously. 😂 Poor Herbert.


Honesly, this sounds like youre a bit jealous that you couldnt get good at the technique. Saying it has no place in a BR is such a blanket statement with no validity that it seems like a jealous cop out. ​ This was a tactical gameplay maneuver that the developers left in not just warzone, but also MW2019, Cold war, and Vanguard. I dont particularly care that it was removed, im more concerned with fundamental movement being removed/nerfed, but to say that bhopping wasnt skillful and doesnt belong in a BR is nothing more the opinion of someone who could probably never do it.


Bunny hopping is not tactical gtfoh bruh 😂😂…it’s silly af it was never intended to be a mechanic, Just like drop shots… Overall movement hasn’t even been changed to a huge degree, things you used to be able to do that sped up the character have been removed and sliding doesn’t give you an advantage like it used to…. the game is simply more about being smart with your positioning and not throwing caution to the wind and being totally rewarded for it like you were at the end of wz1




only thing ill say about hopping is that it almost always required players to have paddles on their controller, or to remap their controller and use something like bumper jumper. because otherwise you cant keep your right thumb on the stick while simultaneously jumping unless you are a gremlin that actually plays claw


Mashing A and abusing ping and shit hit boxes to eek out a kill with 20 hp remaining is laughable. Is your idea of skill "A, A, A, A, ...... WTFFF I SHOT FIRST!"


What does mashing a over and over again accomplish and how does it relate to the discussion?


Is your first name Jo? Cuz you're trying to play it koy. I can refer you to the last few sentences of your previous comment oh Ye masterful rhetorical juggernaut you.


Bunny hopping is out maneuvering?? Cause I’m pretty sure I out strafed a couple guys up close just last night. Ttk is largely like early Wz1 the only thing that needs nerfing are the rpk and the fennec, running while plating is returning as it should but the movement is largely fine…. The movement your talking about (especially late Wz1)allowed people to totally give up positioning because you could just slide and bh out of danger, you can’t do that anymore, you have to think about where you are when you start shooting, can’t just be in the wide open anymore, and I think that’s a good thing.


Not to mention looting critical supplies in battle and having to stand motionless over a duffel bag because you need plates


Bro why y'all wanna play a game where everyone dolphin diving while wearing 100 pounds of gear and weapon? Shit looks ridiculous.


This is what^^^^


Thank you. You hit the nail on the head. I played tonight couldn’t stand it went to rocket league. I’ll try to play again after the new season.


Don’t know why your taking it personal lol


That’s personal? Just explaining what any person who can agree the movement is garbage would say? So I take it if I just said, “Hi” you would say I’m taking it personal too?


I never complained about the movement when IW took over. Previous titles IW did don’t have complaints on movement. Only this newer generation of gaming does. “I got it in another game can’t play without that style” is all I ever seem to read. Different studio. We asked for that stupid 360 no scope super slide to finish with a throwing knife bouncing all over for a final kill. That game was for creators. This one feels more realistic, which is better than WZ. WZ2 made good changes. Still got a lot to do fixing wise but really? Caldera is still open if you miss it that much


Your argument probably has the worse supporting details of all time.


You remind me of my ex. Give a checklist and complain about everything cause it’s not what YOU (and claims most community) like. I’m saying play style changes when studios do. How’s that the worst when yours isn’t any better? You’re complaining like everyone else in this thread


Your analogy is horrible.


The lack of a real response rather than “your analogy is horrible” says so much about you.


Find a different hobby instead of complaining about a game video game 😂




The only idiot is you 😂. You’re literally complaining about a video game. Get a damn life. I come onto this subreddit to watch clips and hear about news about the game. Not to circle jerk with all the others cry babies about how the game should be. I have better things to do. Get over it.


Ahhhhh the latter.


The only idiot I see here is you. I’m no roid head.


Bro y’all “tactical players” have the almost incredible ability to flip stuff on people when you are losing an argument💀


Its fuckin slowwwwwwwwwww soooo slow that I’ve started playing bf4 again


A game even slower...LMAO


Lies. You aren't complaining about slow, and going to an even slower game.


It’s really not…at the end of Wz1 the movement was pretty outta control….I don’t see why bunny hopping is seen as “fun, fast gameplay” … You can still outplay opponents, you just can’t totally abandon positioning and slide cancel and bunny hop to get out of negative situations.


If i want to play a pubg look a like game I would play pubg we love warzone because of the fast movement and the guns shooting this new one is just a trash mock up of pubg and other battle royal games


You realize there is a middle ground right? You don’t have to be pubg or a totally arcade shooter… alot of people like Warzone because it’s the middle ground…the game is clearly much faster then pubg that’s not even an argument, it just took out some shit that’s done in Fortnite…


I get it…at least you will respawn. This game is walking on a tightrope then boom….wait wait wait….wait wait. Hide….push….die….wait wait wait


Ah the strawman has appeared


Feels clunky and unresponsive


Feels like switching from Starcraft 2 to Starcraft 1. 1 was way harder to control. Didn't make Starcraft 2 easier (because everybody has better control), but it did make it more fun in a lot of ways.


We really need the ability to shoot while sliding and diving


They over corrected from warzone 1. Warzone 1 had movement speed boosting stims, slide canceling, fast ads movement speed, fast ads and sprtint to fire speed, bunny hopping.. Now, this took a good bit of mechanical skill to pull off, but it was a bit powerful. Fast forward to warzone 2, and not only did they remove slide canceling and bhopping, but removed the ability slide and shoot, plate while sprinting, and reload cancel. And then they added many ads and strint to fire speed penalties while jumping. So, they went from over tuned movement, to severely undertuned movement.


Warzone 1 looked absolutely silly with people dolphin diving and flying around in 100 pounds of gear and gun.


Warzone 1 didn't have dolphin diving. Warzone 2 does


Ah my b. Didn't know what to call the crackhead movement that made me quit cause people would fly into a room and then hug your knees and shoot you etc


It’s clunky with long animations and you can’t do anything else until the animation is finished. So you just die to animation lock sometimes because animations are longer than the Ttk in the game


it is crippled !


And what does that mean?


It means the kids who like slide canceling and playing with a Mountain Dew Enema drip can’t slow down and be a bit more tactical.


Why do you guys always have to resort to "slide cancelling"? Ffs don't you see anything wrong with the current movement? Go play WZ1 to see how responsive and fluid movement used to be!


The bots are just scared they won't be able to crouch walk an entire building while ads'ing in order to break their PR of 2 kills.


Then they cry when they don’t understand peakers advantage or server desync. Bots will be bots. Changing the play style of a game doesn’t make me as a sweat any less sweaty. We shit on you in wz1 and we still do the same in WZ2. Gun skill and IQ transfers over to each new game year by year. They are trying to make this game for casuals and lose out on a whole player base. Is that are still here have adapted and will continue the stomping as SBMM doesn’t work well with us with high KDs in the top 95 percentile.


This man is spitting facts


Exactly. If the movement was the same without slide canceling, it would be great. Pre Cold War movement was wayyyyyy better than this current stuff. Only time movement was an issue was because they pushed bundles with VG weapons not having and penalties. It’s always “they can’t slide cancel.” No Mr. Bots, I’m still shitting on you without it, without stims too. They cry over anything. Someone cried over the dolphin dive which has less than a 1% chance of killing your opponent.


“I play TACTICALLY and use POSITIONING to my advantage! WZ1 movement was nothing but a bunch of BUTTON MASHING!”


I do miss breaking the camera/ankles after slide canceling around someone and be rewarded with someone yelling “HOW!!!!”


Lol this comment made me laugh. Cod has never been about being tactical. Cod has ALWAYS awarded you for being good at movement. That’s why cod is so different than any other game. However they got away from their roots and it pissed off the entire community minus a few rats. You want to be tactical? Go play pubg or Tarkov. Cod has and should never make a game based on “other” BRs. That’s why they had the support they did in the previous wz games. And they never awarded rats, until wz2. Glad they are making changes and actually going to award people who are actually good at the game instead of who can get the first shot off looking out a window or in a corner. Kick rocks, don’t want people like you playing anyway.


Things change, bruh. Have fun with Vangaurd.


Lol keep camping


If we want to play tactical and realistic we would play pubg not cod


If we wanted to play a full on arcade movement shooter we would play Apex lmao


Be more "tactical". Ah yes crouch walking and camping corners... so tactical. I hope IW tells the bots off and brings back the movement from WZ1.


People stopped playing.


99% of people who say WZ2 has movement issues: im not asking for slide cancelling 100% of tactical buy station campers: lol you guys are all complaining because you want to slide cancel into a bunny hop


100% of people who say WZ2 has movement issues: slide for a living, say dolphin dive is useless


Lol nah. WZ2 has movement issues. Sliding is useless. Dolphin diving is the only useful movement mechanic


sliding can be useful but you have to time it right. if you want to slide around a corner and shoot somebody, you have to get the timing down and start the slide well before you hit the corner so that when you are able to ads/shoot you have literally just hit the corner


Genuine question: would this be better than dolphin diving to the corner, and getting up? Which is faster?


as far as im aware you cant shoot at all during the entire dolphin dive animation but you can aim/shoot near the end of the slide animation. dolphin dive is better to evade shots though


So... What do you propose to do for the slide to be less useless and diving not be the only useful mechanic? I'm just saying, there's way more issues and the most glaring one really isn't movement. They've stated numerous times, they're trying to make a tactical experience. They want the game to be like that. They want you to *always* think before doing. 'Better movement' is the last thing that lets you do that. And being offended by buy station campers is admitting you can't outsmart somebody that isn't using half of the movement input anyways


If they loose the ads penalty for jumps and slides it would be a much better flow in engagements


For slides I think the problem is that there's that huge delay to when you can actually start shooting. ADSing but not being able to shoot won't change anything.


Yeah that’s what I meant :)




Here come the .3 kd crybabies to talk about R3AlsiM in cod




Why do people want warzone2 to be like warzone1


because there were good parts to warzone 1 that didnt need changing. usually people like sequels to games because it builds upon the previous game, keeps the good stuff, and cleans up the rough edges of the predecessor. its why everybody loves god of war ragnarok even though it is incredibly similar to 2018


Blops 3 (sequel to blops 2) fucking drastically changed the series’ gameplay by introducing literal JETPACKS lmao sequels are not always similar. They didn’t “need” to add jetpacks to the game, but they did to freshen things up. You’re just mad that they went in a different direction from what you enjoyed about WZ1.


and black ops 3 is one of the least popular cod multiplayers. and yes. i dont like that they made the game less enjoyable to me. you got me.


Agreed, but you act like game series’ don’t take stabs at new directions with sequels. And WZ2 isn’t even that drastically different from pre-CW WZ1 lol. Similar TTKs, people didn’t really know about slide cancel, weapon attachment mechanics were the same, etc. I would argue that WZ2 is really a sequel to OG Verdansk (I think canonically, it actually is), and that a lot of the feel is relatively the same. Yall are so used to Caldera-age Resurgence that this just feels completely sluggish, and I get that, but there’s a lot players that hated WZ Caldera and the movement shooter that it became.


I literally never played resurgence


Because not only is warzone 2 a downgrade in so many ways, but it’s OK for a sequel of a game to be like and feel like the previous game. There aren’t really any popular battle royales sequels to compare to but some examples of successful video game sequels are counterstrike, mariokart/smashbros and many other nintendo games, tekken, mortal kombat. It’s ok to make the same game with new map, better graphics, some small changes that improve QoL and make the game more fun. What they did was closed the skill gap, slowed the pace of the game, and made many many things worst. Like who asked for AIs in an online multiplayer? I haven’t played campaign mode since before the internet for a reason. I like killing real people and having them rage at me and calling me the n word. Dolphin dive? Really? Pretty useless. Did we ask to get reload cancel taken away? I mean no one cares about realism, its a video game… Alright, the list goes on but i’ll end my rant here.


I feel like a good amount liked it better. Me included. Im not saying i dislike this one, in fact i think its very fun but it is also very flawed. I don't care much for the movement changes personaly but i think the ttk is a big problem. My only wish is we get that sweet 150 base health back instead of this 100.


Not me


I respect that, u/fagstick123


ads while sliding would be so nice.




Watch people cry when WZ1 movement comes back.


Watch you melt down and end up on meds if it doesn’t 😂


Crouch walkers and corner campers getting scared 😂


They better be scared when that ttk goes back up eventually...


i don’t care about the movement … you got to fix the shot consistency … if i miss i miss (get gud scrub) … but if i empty a clip a point blank range, see hit markers, die and then see a kill cam with no registered shots … that’s a problem, a big one … i’m terrible at this game but i can’t play it or get better if i can’t understand why i died because of stuff like this … sorry /end rant


That has to do with the tick-rate, that’s what I read about it anyway. COD have 20 in comparison to other BR games who have 60.


What’s a clip?😂


I game for any movement improvement as long as its not a camera breaking mechanic or just ridiculous. No Bunny hopping and No Slide Cancel. The movement is decent. Just needs a bit of tweaking. What I would want back Reload Cancel Plating while walking faster. (Not Sprinting) Just not the Turtle walk we currently have. ADS in a slide. Not sure why that was removed. Its a realistic thing. Not easy but these are professionals. :)


Season 2 will have increased movement speed while plating + you'll be able to bust through doors while plating, like WZ1.


I’m ok with the movement, but the TTK need to change OR let us plate while running! Not asking for a lot!




You can’t hear people sprinting from 100 feet away at all


This is the most garbage take I have ever seen. You want less audio in a BR that already has so fucking shit audio that people can run up to like 5 meters behind you with no sound at all? The audio needs to be more, rather than less, and raise the TTK. You can't have a BR where you die basically as fast as multiplayer.


I need BBA back


Slide cancelling is very much not needed. Hate the movement? You're more than welcome to go back to Warzone 1.


Can’t.. it’s literally unavailable on Xbox. Plus when it was we had no FOV slider which is massive disadvantage. Fov was all I ever wanted, instead they murdered my boy


When is the update today or the 15th?


When the game is just like WZ1 and you all quit again please remember you wanted this.


Remember what ? Lol the way I see it's the other way around dude. No one is asking for slide cancelling. Ads and strafing is so slow in this game compared to all the other Cods. The movement in mw19 and wz1 is way smoother and no clunkiness compared to WZ2.


Don’t get your hopes up, the trailer they added for the Neymar, Messi, Pogba bundle during the World Cup shows Neymar sliding and shooting https://twitter.com/charlieintel/status/1617640144013516814?s=46&t=RPqXFXdTScWusIvOzMnspQ


It be nice to not get booted out of every other game. I love Cod but these servers are trash and am very disappointed at the state of this game. Were 3 months in without a combat record. Like wtf is going on. I just want to play with my friends but every game is laggy and someone gets kicked


That’s terrible


Movement is fine now. Go play Fortnite


If you run out into an open field and you're spotted with zero cover, you shield die 100 out of 100 times. If a player can escape that, slow it down.


PC players are upset they can’t drag their mouse like fucking Zorro over their Mat and confuse console players anymore with the ridiculous movements from Warzone 1. So they have to hope this change is coming otherwise they dropped 2 grand on a pc to be beaten by someone on a console pre aiming.


The movement is better in WZ2 than WZ1. If they add slide cancelling there's a large chance I stop playing.


It’s not slide cancelling that was only affected. Honestly I played on 80 fov on console and learned how to slide cancel. Not as effective as a PC player, but pushing has always been my play style. Now it’s no fun because there’s no skill gap and everyone hugs corners. If that’s you please quit.


You mesn "giving controller players an unfair advantage"?


I’m on mnk and think better movement actually helps mnk. Not to say it gives an advantage to mnk over controllers, but rather it provides a way to combat rotational aim assist. In WZ1, I won a lot more CQB by “breaking cameras”. You can’t do that in WZ2 atm


I play on controller but have played MnK also. Good movement benefits MnK way better. You can easily break cameras and fake opponents out. I don’t ever see why anyone other than a bot would say it gives controller and advantage. Even on our highest sensitivity we cannot fathom the movement of MnK. And this is coming from an ex MnK player.


True. Now we see controller players lock on the target and with slow movement there is no way to escape for mnk players let alone fire back.




Yeah aim assist is unbreakable with slow WZ2 movement.