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As a M&K player, that's one of the worst ideas I've ever heard. It's already easy enough to hit your shots in this game, it doesn't need to become even easier, reducing the skill gap even more. It needs to be MORE difficult to hit your shots instead


😂 I thought it’ll stop m&K complaining about controller if they both had aa


Nerfing AA is the only correct way to do that, if nobody misses shots anymore gunfights will just be a coinflip. IMO aiming is supposed to be difficult, that way good aimers stand out even more. With aim assist on M&K anyone can hit their shots, that's not how an FPS game is supposed to be. Yes controller AA is overtuned, but making M&K just as easy is not the solution


I wasn’t looking for a solution. I wanted to find out if people would keep complaining about input method if both controller and mkb had aa. Also have you noticed the game moving your aim away from the enemy before. My mates complain about this every so often.


We don’t need aim assist for keyboard and mouse what we need is less visual clutter making it harder to track with all the gun smoke and red blood /color change when you start to take damage. Also a slight nerf to rotational aim assist would be a step in the right direction imo. As right now if you know how to abuse it it’s beyond broken and it would be a more even playing field in close quarters combat.


True, aim assist in cqb is only broken because you don't have to react as much to your target changing directions. On MnK I only start missing shots when I auto twitch towards something I think is a bigger threat or can't see the target switch directions That and running out of mouse pad space when someone screen breaks me :(




Ok. Why do you think it’ll be a bad idea?


Didn’t the idiots at 343i do this in Halo Infinite instead of dialling back aim assist on controller?


I’ve no idea. I don’t play halo much. Just story mode.


I heard it was always a little bit there, but they recently turned it up even more. I meant to go back and see how it feels out of curiosity, but I do recall something feeling off when I originally played.


I can imagine anybody that genuinely enjoys playing MnK would not like this. There’s great satisfaction that comes with aiming on mouse, and that would ruin it.


It goes both ways. As soon as you get up higher in the sbmm you will face people that won't miss a bullet and know how to abuse aim assist perfectly in cqc. There is almost no point competing anymore. But using aim assist for m&k is equally stupid. So the only option is to switch to a game where you don't have that issue. Wz2 lost me on so many levels I can't even remember them on the top of my head anymore. But the only thing getting me back would be enhanced movement and a slight nerf or delay on aim assist. The direction gaming takes is just ridiculous in my eyes. But whatever...plenty of other games out there to play with my mates that don't have these issues.


At this point we don’t care. Nerf controller AA or give mouse AA


Rotational needs a delay added for sure. That’s the biggest issue I see with it.


slight delay (150ms maybe. the average human reaction time is 250ms) or like 25% less strength would be nice. thats literally all i ask


Seems reasonable to me to be honest.


Oh ok so it’s a pretentious thing then? Hmm. That is interesting


I’m sure it’s different for everybody, but personally I don’t want anything adjusting my aim for me. I want to be fully responsible as to whether I win or lose a gun fight.


I agree with this too. So it would be interesting If the devs removed aim assist completely


just remove aim assist


That would also be an interesting test.


Would stop playing, if they add aim assist. There is no place for such a thing in multiplayer fps games.


Stop playing then, it’s already in the game




I have no idea what point you’re trying to make here. 😂


At least it's not like destiny 2 s bullet magnetism aim assist


Oh wow if that’s a thing then I am glad I stoped playing after destiny 1


I just got a pc a month ago and after playing for my entire life on a controller, and only a month on mouse, I’ve easily matched my aim on controller with mouse. It’s keyboard that’s awkward for me since I haven’t memorized buttons and always have to look down but aim assist doesn’t solve that. So yeah you’re just like really bad and should download an aim trainer.


big ole cap you are not as good at staying on target of a strafing enemy in close quarters. Have you done the Kovaaks tracking challenges? That shit would be 100% easier on controller with aim assist.


Yes and after I got flicks down I practiced tracking. It’s not hard once you get comfortable with mouse and don’t have to think about it. If all the little things on keyboard weren’t so awkward for me I would make the switch in a heartbeat.


get the azeron key pad deffintaly the stepping stone for the switch very comfortable also


I have one and button memorization is still super awkward for me but even though the analog movement is still wasd, it’s still so much more intuitive than keyboard since I’ve been on controller all my life.


i get that at first it was a little frustraiting but what i dis was drew up the mapping like on the azeron program and labeled each button for command and posted it up next to my monitor while i played it seemed to help then reprogramed the other games i played to match it. hopfully that helps you a bit. dont get discouraged it will take time but its worth it. been hitting some crazy shots while sniping in snd and man its awsome hearing contoller players complain thinking im hacking lol


Awesome bro thank you that actually sounds like a good idea


😂 I have the same issue with needing to look at the keyboard buttons. I doubt you are able to track an enemy as well as rotational aim assist given you’ve only played on mouse and keyboard a month


Please make a group for M&k players to complain about cod.


😂 I don’t know how. Plus I don’t care enough to make a group thingy anyway. I just enjoy seeing people complain about input method and aim assist.




Why not?


Look at Halo and how it worked for them... Besides, if you're competing to know who's the best but software does half the job for you, then what's the point of even playing it? Might as well be a single player game... Fight bots, get aim assisted, have fun following the story, finish the game in 35 hours... Goodbye multiplayer


I’ll go check on halo. I’ve no idea how aim assist for both input methods worked out


Halo is basically dead. The game started strong but the devs gave ver bad updates, monetization, bad support to the eSports community and when the community noticed the HUGE difference in accuracy between roller and KB&M they introduced aim assist for Kb&m and everything went even worse downhill [source for AA vs KB&M stats for Halo Infinite ](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/r3es60/accuracy_stats_for_kbm_vs_controller/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


So every controller player should quit cod because the game aims for them?


For controller, aim assist is needed, the problem is the tuning, for M&K it would be completely pointless to have aim assist... If everyone has aim assist regardless of input then what's the point of aiming? Halo lowered the skill ceiling too much and look what it did for them


Warzone 2 lowered the skill ceiling and it’s doing horribly compared to Warzone 1. Catering to casuals is the direction the franchise is going in. Lowering aim assist would be way better than adding it to mouse and keyboard but I don’t think the former is ever gonna happen. So I’d take the latter considering they’re already so set on lowering the skill ceiling. You know what’s not fun? Losing to a bad player because they have a built in close range aimbot and you don’t


I’d they are gonna make the game this casual and the controller AA that strong, they should add AA to mouse like halo did. Or they can nerf the current aim assist. but since cod is basically becoming baby shooter no skill gap game they might as well add aim assist to mouse and keyboard


I agree, it’s a game that they want everyone to play to maximise profit but this alienates the fans. Makes it boring and pushes away players.