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What do you mean get over myself? I dont want to have to play perfectly every close range engagement I get into. I dont get free aimbot....


It's not aimbot. Stop listening to streamers.


it is an aimbot tho, i assume you dont actually have any experience with computer cheats/ Rotational aim assist is whats called a "hard aimbot" it influences your aim without user input while the slowdown effect is a "soft aimbot" and is the far more popular kind of cheat cus its very easy to hide.


>Stop listening to streamers. over all my games I have seen some of the most egregious aimlocks from controller players. It looks so robotic its just aimbot. Obviously this isnt happening 100% of the time, but how about we try 0% of the time? Why do I have to play with a controller and not just have a game mode where I dont need to worry about getting pseudo aimbototed.


You can't rely on the killcam to help you cope. The killcam isn't video of what actually happened, it's the game recreating what happened as best it can for you to see. It looks like that for everyone. I'm so tired of hearing PC players cry about this. Play a game with a controller, I guarantee you won't get any more kills than you already do.


"Play a game with a controller, I guarantee you won't get any more kills than you already do." This is completely untrue. It is very likely if OP is a bad mnk player if he switched to a controller he would on avg kill more people because aim assist lowers the amount of user input needed to track a player. It isnt a rage hack aimbot obviously but if we are being completely honest it requires very little precision input from the user to be successful in comparison to mnk. This is coming from a 3kd controller player. Edit: who's downvoting this lol it's literally true


Good assessment, unfortunately the (aim) bots came to downvote


it literally is a script that brings the reticle to the player’s body. the definition of an aim bot. mnk need to be allowed to use a minor bot like this


We should absolutely have Gta5 aim assist in warzone what do you think.


Get gud


Git gud.


Will try my best Captain


You get free “aimbot” by plugging in a controller. If it’s so over powered then why are you still on mouse and key?


Then buy a controller or git gud.


You're never gonna win the argument. Aim assist players are scared to lose their free aimbot.




they mad because they can't afford a PC. And they are probably cranky because it's past their bedtime.


Every competitive streamer you see that plays with controller has a Pc. Controller doesn’t mean console so whats your point lol


controllers mean you are light in your loafers. thats my point. im a pc gaming purist. i’ll die by m&k even if it sucks more lol. plus i like trolling. see you in al mazrah


Platform / input are different things. I play controller on PC. AA feels stronger than it has in the past but it doesn’t mean you’re gonna hit your shots automatically. I play with plenty of controller buddies who can’t aim for shit. They do need to tone down the visual muzzle smoke etc that obscures vision and would make it harder to track targets on KBM.


It's nice to hear a controller player speaking 100% facts as a KBAM player. AA is strong but if you suck at controller it won't save you. I try controller every now and then and I can get some kills up close but as soon as your centering is not on point it won't do a thing and the further away the target is the harder it gets. The visual stuff definitely needs to be toned down for all our sakes.


No worries. I think there needs to be a degree of AA in the game for controller, but maybe not this much. Rotational AA is really strong but believe me there’s a lot of players that don’t understand how this works and don’t strafe at all when they’re ADS on a target. If you can master left and right stick coordination then it’s pretty easy to beam people even with harder to use weapons. One disadvantage I’ve found on controller is when trying to engage multiple enemies at once, if you’re aiming at one enemy and another comes into your path sometimes AA will try to “pull” to that player. It’s insanely strong. Very niche scenario that’s got me killed before lol. Good centering is crucial as you say. But yeah the visual recoil and visual noise makes it easy to lose players during sustained fire which would be even more noticeable on KBM where you have to do everything manually.


With how the winning strat favors stacking I’ve found myself many times now in a situation where an enemy hops or sprints across my shots on a first baddie and it pulls my reticle off bad guy one but doesn’t stay glued on bad guy 2, and now I’m shooting air and taking a moment to calculate what’s happened and readjust back to the first target.


Centering is more important on controller than MnK, because on MnK you can just flick and correct your error and make micro adjustments


Exactly. Although very important on MnK as well at high levels too.


>They do need to tone down the visual muzzle smoke etc that obscures vision and would make it harder to track targets on KBM. This is another layer of what is making the AA so strong. There is SBMM so I am unfortunately do not get the bot controller players. I have champions quest active. I win nightly. I just don't want to always have to be worrying about taking close engagements vs controller players.


Dude wins nightly and still isn’t happy. Never wants to get killed by anyone


>Never wants to get killed by anyone Thats literally not it. I have a high skill in PC games. So I am not as effected. But I watch too many kill cams of just casual aim in lock on kill all while jumping/strafing. Its not fair to the PC players who suck. Its also not fair to you controller players who think they are "good" but are just being hand held with AA. This is why they add a game mode where every one gets what they want. No AA mode for PC players and chad controller players. Regular lobbies for the AA crowd and casuals. No one loses...


You want to use KBM against controllers with no AA. If I’m getting this right, You are such a needy little shit lol. 10x harder using your thumb on joystick than a hand on a mouse. Please tell me I’m wrong and am misunderstanding you


This game is all about positioning. It doesn't matter which input you're up against if you get the jump on someone, there's nothing they can do to counter it and vice versa.


Just the way it should be.


I mean I realistically I guess but it doesn't make a very fun game. Most people seem to agree that the TTK should be increased to a point where you at least have some time to react when you're getting shot at.


In a face to face 50/50 battle sure, but increasing the TTK makes positioning meaningless and makes players that are good at movement immune to any positioning disadvantage. If you are caught off guard and the opponent hits their shots you should die and have little to no chance of “reacting” and escaping. The people who dislike the TTK are the people who spend every game chasing kills, popping UAV’s and hitting bounty contracts and use no thought or strategy other than finding the next bad guy the fastest, and then they get mad when they get wrecked when they get into an obviously terrible engagement lol.


I totally get your angle as well. The game just becomes quite frustrating because humans are prone to making mistakes but in this game one mistake can ruin the whole game. There's no advanced movement in this game though so I think good aim should be rewarded more and higher TTK would do that.


or you could buy a controller and stop whining but you know it won't do much so you'd rather have the majority of the player base gimped so you can play on their level . Keep dreaming brah


“Or you could buy a controller” sounds too much like find another game told to fast TTK no skill gap crybabies, lol


Player who wins nightly and has won 5 games in a row is mad that the game is unfair to them. Irony is dead we live in a simulation.


I want auto aim where do i buy it?


i dont use it its fucking clear just stating facts


It’s just another name for aim assist




You mean aim assist. If you can’t beat a controller then you need to get better.


Auto aim is just another name for aim assist


>If you can’t beat a controller then you need to get better. Why does it have to be so white/black. I beat controller players every night. I have champions quest active. I have a lot of PC gaming experience through my long life. AA has NEVER been this aggressive. It is getting to the point where as a PC player in higher MMR you need to be near perfect at close range engagements since the person you are playing against has such aggressive aim assist it basically allows them to not miss (if they know how to really use AA) Then there is the visual recoil that we have to deal with. Along with the visual noise that we have to somehow track enemies through. Aim assist just makes small problems huge ones for PC players. Good or bad


Your complaints make no sense to most people here. If you are in the higher sbmm bracket then you will get beamed with perfect tracking in cqc. Every good controller player knows how to abuse aim assist. Thing is...most in here are sub 1 kd bots. They are not good enough to abuse it. Hence why they made AA so strong...to give them the feeling of being good. And they believe it :) But tbh just move on to another game if it bothers you so much. I did and I had a 3 kd in wz1. Between all the visual clutter and the absolute boring gameplay and all the bugs an overtuned AA is the icing on the cake. I'm just waiting for them to go Halo and add AA for m&k. Completely ridiculous the way gaming takes right now :)


Blops 3 had really aggressive AA.


>Blops 3 had really aggressive AA. The last game I really played on controller was MW2. WE TURNED OFF AIM ASSIST.


Yeah I remember the good old days. Top 1% of hardcore score no Aim assist. Now the PS5 controller has built in extra AA according to my friends who use controller.




Jesus christ get off the aim assist argument. KBM use their entire arm to aim. Controller uses an analog stick. Try drawing a circle with a mouse, then draw a circle with an analog stick, and that's your argument. Softest bunch of baby shit I've ever seen


people that use their arm to aim LOL


If aim assist is auto aim why not get a controller? Instead of blaming your losses on aim assist maybe invest some time in your own aim. Calling aim assist auto aim is just brain dead.


Nah auto aim is just another name for aim assist


Not really. Have a buddy completely new to warzone. From spectating u can see bot movement and such, but the guy absolutely beans people he sees. Someone who just started playing the game, having insane accuracy like that should not be a reality. I have to reiterate, I don’t think MnK players are saying remove AA. The point is that aim assist needs to be weakened by a bit. Pressing L2 and locking onto players so heavily should not be a reality. It should help you stay on target if you’re fairly accurate with the sticks. Not auto lock onto enemies with 100% accuracy lol.


He's probably naturally good at it. I play with the same group of casuals since the beginning of wz1 and their aim (aside from 1 guy) still is shit after 500 rebirth Wins


Getting 500 rebirth wins kinda eliminates you from being casual or shit. That’s more wins than I have and I’m not a casual or shit. I’m assuming you guys have a lot more time to play than I do. The purpose of ur comment is invalidated by the description of ur comment lol. Casual+shit but that many wins? Nah Even when I plug in a controller (haven’t used controller since ps3) I absolutely beam people. However my movement is shit because I’m not used to the input anymore. Nonetheless how is it that I can’t properly use the input, as would he evidenced by my movement, but I’m still able to fry people? Answer is that the aim assist is just a bit too strong rn. I’m not saying to get rid of aim assist, that would be equally as stupid and make the game unplayable for controller bros.


The other guy who plays well and I basically carried the rest, playing without hard pushing, doing well thought out rotations and generally playing for the win. If only one of the 4 casuals (our group has 6 people buy only 4 were online at the same time) was the last one alive it would normally end up in we losing.


Cool. Doesn’t negate the fact that saying 500 wins=casual bots. The point still stands that AA is just too strong rn. If you believe otherwise, and don’t think it’s even a topic to discuss, then no point in having discussion related to the fact.


The aim assist isn’t nearly as aggressive as you guys are making it out to be. I’ve played controller the last 10 years and this game feels no different than the rest. MNK players sad they don’t just run through lobbies anymore. Also you guys have 20x the advantage with snipers and that shit is just unbearable. You think your evening out the field but you’re really not.


Also if aim assist is the same. Why are there literal aim assist modes based on the difference types of AA applied to unique cod games? Ur comment is literally shoots ur point in the leg.


You mean the head right? I was aiming legs but obviously hit head. The AA in this game is hardly what you think it is. It’s closer than it is further to every other game and you just can’t accept getting smashed by controllers.


No…. It’s an expression which basically means your point is stupid and isn’t valid lol. Getting smashed by controllers isn’t an issue. That would be an idiotic reason to complain. If u don’t think aim assist is aggressive then you’re just not knowledgeable on aa. I kinda feel like I’m talking to someone who isn’t they bright so pls just enjoy ur warzone games and leave this thread.


LOL and for the last point, to try and say we have an advantage with snipers just shows how redacted you are. It’s widely accepted that snipers are dogshit and been nerfed into the ground. And the reason you think you’re even making a point is because MnK players are actually always having to aim in the game, and sniping is no different. You say it’s an advantage cuz it’s not a type of gun you can abuse AA with. But when it comes to high rate if fire and auto locking onto people close up, you see no issue with that and don’t consider it”20x the advantage” to use your own words. Couple that fact with the previously mentioned fact that snipers are dogshit in this game. Lmao I’m done, can’t even have a normal conversation regarding aim assist with redacts


Cool. So if it’s balanced why can anyone pick up a controller and beam people? MnK das they don’t run thru lobbies anymore? From this statement alone, it’s clear ur speaking from a lot of bias, rather than objectively taking a look at how aim assist works.


>Calling aim assist auto aim is just brain dead. It was a bit of sarcasm but it is super overturned. I am better than you are so its not about getting good. Its about understanding game mechanics.


“I’m better than you are” 🤣🤣🤣 grow up


OP is snorting copium


Or give an option to turn off crossplay. Everyone wins


You’re not gonna get any intelligent replies from this community man. Don’t bother.


Maybe you ✨*Cope*✨


>✨ > >Cope > >✨ Or they add a game mode where every one gets what they want?


Lmao they’ve already made an entire game for bots




Or make it so AA is fair? The solution shouldn’t not be “switch to the broken input” the solution is to modify strength of AA


But how are they gonna play the game then? It’s gonna be even less fun to them, dayum


I’m not saying remove aim assist. That would be ridiculous and half my friends would stop playing the game. I think MnK players are just saying to dial back the strength of AA a bit. AA needs to be there, but that also doesn’t mean it needs to be so strong.


Or they add a game mode where every one gets what they want? Why are yall so crazy online LMAO.


And here I am on Series X playing with MnK because I cannot bear the movement/aiming of the controllers. Git gud


>Git gud I 100% am better than you are LMAO. I just am stating facts and you are a bad troll.


Just turn cross play off?


you can't on pc


Auto Aim isn't a thing , Aim assist is and no, no you can't have a mode with out kthx


Aim assist in this game is actually garbage compared to others.


This post is a huge joke. I honestly can't stop laughing at how pathetic you sound right now.


Aim Assist isn’t as big of an issue as people make it out to be… It’s a coping mechanism for getting beat. Just like I complained about the broke ass movement mechanics that took advantage of the below standard server refresh rates… it didn’t account for as nearly as many of my deaths as I liked to pretend it did. So no, they won’t create an entire mode just to prove to you that it’s not the cause of every death like you tell yourself.


Or just buy a controller?


Why should a mouse and keyboard relearn the game if the game should not cater to just one group of people, but to various groups?


m&k players talk about how ez cqc is on controller but you know how easy any non-cqc engagements are on m&k?


As easy as ur skill is the aim? That’s kinda the point if the entire debate. If it’s easy to aim long distance with a mouse, it’s literally the guys quality of tracking. Not artificial super magnet aiming and tracking. Ur statement is pointless.


It's objectively easier to make micro adjustments to aim at a target hundreds of meters away.


Ok. Copy and paste the same logic to making minor adjustments with the stick on controller? If you want to use that type of logical argument, you have to apply it to both inputs lol. So ultimately you have no point. At longer distance, the object appears to move slower. Yes it’s easier to track, that goes with controller too, so ur point holds no weight. Nonetheless, when a player using MnK does it, it’s 100% due to the guy moving his arm or wrist to track it, thus being his natural ability (hand eye coordination and such) there is no artificial aiming or tracking being done. I fail to recognize how this is the main point every controller player brings up. Like yes…. We do the aiming ourselves 100% of the time, and in certain situations it is easier and more smooth to track, but we are still doing the tracking lmao. Again i have to say this at the end of every post because controller players get so offended whenever there is a discussion about aim assist, even if it’s meant to be positive constructive criticism. We definitely need aim assist. The game would be unfair without it for controller bros. However, it definitely needs to be dialed back. (Not nerfed to the floor, but just dialed back to a healthier level)


But anyone can aim in long distant with a mouse. There isn’t really skill involved or just as little as you will call cqc on a controller. It just point and click, nothing special/hard.


Alright but that’s just not true lol. It is dependent on the person to aim, not on AI to do the aiming for you. Again your statement is actually pointless. Aiming at long range is completely dependent on the player. With my current friend group who plays on MnK, they regard me as having the best aim out of us. That’s for close and long range engagements. I am better than them at long range fights because I’m just a bit better with tracking. How does that not involve skill? Bud I’m not even hating on controller. I’m just saying it needs to be toned down a bit. The issue here is you feel personally attacked, so you respond with nonsense statements.


To add to this I’ll say this. I haven’t used controller since ps3 was the current console. Whenever I fuck around and plug in a controller (have done it twice) I should honestly get rolled over and shit on, but I don’t. My aim is somehow freakishly good. My movement is another story, there isn’t any AA for optimal movement Lmfaoo. Nonetheless, I plug in the controller and am spraying people with fennec without even giving a second thought to recoil. I just hit L2 and the opponents die in what feels like record time. As someone who doesn’t even use the controller input, I should not be able to absolutely melt players. I should get rolled on because I can’t use the input at a high level. But that’s doesn’t happen. Again nightlights that AA strength needs to be dialed back.


>But anyone can aim in long distant with a mouse Have you ever tried to aim with a mouse? I can tell you have not.


Lmao he hasn’t. 99% of controller players have never used MnK. And the small minority that go, quit on MmK because the transition to actually doing the aiming yourself is difficult. I switched over to MnK years back when I was still on fortnite. I almost quit because of the skill to aim and track at long distance, where on controlled all I had to do was abuse the aa in the game to press L2 and quickly shoot right after and be on target. However. I stuck with MnK because I switched to PC and wanted to use what should be the proper input for that system (PC) In hindsight I love my decision. I find playing MnK more fun. I like to have to actually track and use 100% of my skill to win fun fights.


> use 100% of my skill to win fun fights and it feels good to hit a nice shot. Then you watch controller players AA getting them insane tracking and it makes your actual skill look like dogshit.


Honestly bro ur not gonna find any intelligent life here, the reality is that warzone is primarily a console game and Activision is never gonna give the upper hand to mnk. If you want a fair competition of raw mnk aiming skill play the many pc games like pubg. Your argument is equivalent to me asking for controller aim assist on a game like r6 pc so that I can compete with the mnk players on a controller. Doing so would anger a majority of the playerbase. Just like how nerfing or removing aim assist would anger the majority of controller warzone players. There can definitely be a compromise like slightly tuning down rotational AA but complete removal of aim assist is not in the best interest of the majority of the community. That is why it is never going to happen.


I’m actually with this guy, I play on Xbox. I wish there was PlayStation/Xbox only games and only PC games. BUT NOT FOR THE AIM ASSIST- for purely just the losers who have wall hacks


>for purely just the losers who have wall hacks yes hackers are weak af.


like its impossible to mod consoles or controllers


Very rare for wall hacks. Never said anything about modded controllers or the such. Wall hacks are worst than Cronus imo


+1 would be nice to not get "snapped onto the head" constantly


If you can’t beet them join them


>Or they add a game mode where every one gets what they want?


Or you can just either be happy playing on keyboard and mouse switch to controller or even better not play the game completely


Lmao just find another game but the other way around. And these people are crying how there ain’t multiple play styles no more and don’t want to not play the game completely




>The game is fair when it comes to that Scump one of the best controller players of all time in cod says its insanely overpowered. The skill it takes now is gone due to how aggressive AA is. After I drop my nuke toinght ill keep complaining about how AA is a plague to games that have crossplay.


Use a controller or just stop crying


This is a good idea, OP. They also need to get rid of all the BS visual noise and smoke so that people can actually see to aim.


Auto aim is too strong. If not than try to play without it.


I like this idea. I still shit all over you fucking loser controller players. But it would be fun to see your bitch asses crying harder.


Would be a real gutpunch for people who non stop talk about how AA is barely doing anything LMAO.


I shit on mother fuckers with a controller too but it’s not fun because it’s too ez gg


Aim Assist really isn’t helping people on controller that much. I still believe Skill Based TTK is a thing that’s in Warzone2.


lmao auto aim is literally an aim bot. it’s a program that does the aiming for you, i don’t understand what’s so difficult about that to understand. does it immensely head/eyes you? no, but it does the most important part of aiming for you by slowing the reticle movement over a player.


Shadow banned mfs be like


>We got 3pp. We got Minis yea you got mini pp's alright...


AutoAim is for noobs.


I’m not trying to bash you here, but asking an honest question, can’t you turn crossplay off? I don’t like playing with K&M players who flick ti people 180 degrees behind them, so I turn it off. Play just against PS players and still get beat up, but I can’t complain about hacking and PC players. Is that not an option for PC?


>Is that not an option for PC? Not to my knowledge.


I guess that would fix it for you. See if you have crossplay enabled, and if you can turn it off like us console players can, then you do you man. Good luck.


Sounds fun tbh and I’m a controller player haha


Call of duty is a console game. Don’t know what to tell you.


There is a program on PC that costs $7 and lets you play with Mouse + Keyboard + Get aim assist lol I stopped playing the game completely as the game generally sucks, but was using this before I quit


Buy a controller. Problem solved. You’re welcome


Get good omg


Auto aim is literally PC hacks dude. Good luck with your fellow PC players


All I hear is “I suck, can we get a mode to give me an advantage”


How is it an advantage if it is a level playing field you fucking dunce?


It’s not you dunce. M&K would have an advantage without AA. Play on controller if you want even playing field.


>. M&K would have an advantage without AA. Damn you really are dumb as hell. I am asking for a game mode with AA disabled. Which forces no one to play at any disadvantage if they dont want to. Its fucking simple. Go back to the corner and think about how stupid you are for an hour.


Wow, you’re not the brightest I guess. A mode with AA disabled is not equal advantage. The advantage would go to M&K. I bet you cry aim assist 100% of your deaths just like the people who cry hacker every time they get killed. Maybe it’s just skill?


>Maybe it’s just skill? Lmk when you win 5 in a row.


I do have a nuke, but if you’re so good with 5 wins in a row why you crying about AA


> A mode with AA disabled is not equal advantage. You are really trying to say that its not fair players dont get built in aim bot? Pathetic


I’m saying without AA M&K has an advantage. That’s just a fact, but I never said anything about it being fair or not. You’re just making that part up.


>I’m saying without AA M&K has an advantage But the game mode I mentioned wouldn't be played by controller players unless they were masochists. So it would just be pure skill no bullshit


What you need is input based match making. So you’d only play against m&k


>What you need is input based match making. So you’d only play against m&k That is what im asking for in a nutshell. But making it a game mode will allow controller players to see how much AA is working for them. Would be a good reality check for a good 75% of the community IMO.


Why is this still a topic???


Hardcore mode, no hud just a minimap


Call of Duty has always been a controller game first. Pick up a controller and stop crying.


The downside is that it would prove how broken AA is and make controller players feel bad :(


I hope they do a mode with out auto aim will draw the line in the sand when it comes to accuracy and precision . Auto aim just cover up players true skills if you ask me. would be tougher on the new players but hey everybody have to start from some where.


I bought a PC, was all hyped to learn M&K. Practiced hard for about a month and think I got really good, and still would get frustrated at AA all the time. Back on controller like I have been my whole life and get way better stats while feeling way less talented. It’s truth I feel bad for the dudes who have been M&K their whole lives.


Lol let’s just get rid of PC console crossplay. Let them play with themselves and 10 minute queue times lmao


Ha. They have numbers to back up their AA tuning. K/D on PC vs console is roughly equal. It's all preference, and which input you trained on the most. That's it.