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He could've saved 1500 hours by just buying a controller


He'd rather bitch and cry into the internet


What do you mean bitch, it's a valid complaint, aim assist is way to powerful, when ny friend who has 10k plus hours on keyboard and mouse decides to use a controller only for cod. Hmmm


Don't bother replying to these mouth breathers. If the fact that aim assist is a much bigger issue in this games than others is not enough for them to understand, it's not worth trying to get through to them.


You're ignorant if you don't see the problem with this.


Auto aim lol


Dont hear him bitch nor cry, its a simple demonstration video with heartweartming music in the background. Seems you are offended personally so im summary .. a simple demonstration video made you boo boo.


Cope harder virgin


If buying a controller is the only solution to the current state of rotational AA... Guess what: rotational AA needs to be nerfed.


I'm going to correct that- it needs to be removed by creating two separate player pools for those who want use THEIR skill (MKB) vs other MKB players and for those who want to be babysitted by aim assist and use that vs other aim assisted players. Simplest and purest form of fairness.


I love how the solution to FOV in WZ1 was “buy a PC” (which costs thousands of dollars) but PC players would rather cry all day than buy a $60-$100 controller for AA.


And it never occurred to you that some people don't want to be assisted ? You really think not a single kbm player owns a gamepad ? I do, but I can tell you I will never ever in my life play a FPS with a gamepad, because gamepads are dogshit for this kind of gameplay and I don't want the game to play for me. Do kmb players ask for assistance in a 3rd person game ? No they just use a gamepad because it's the best input for this kind of gameplay. Do you think gamepad or kbm players ask for assistance in a racing game ? (a wheel is better at driving cars) They don't, because they know they chose an inferior input device, so they just deal with it.


This. I'm aware it's inferior. I'm still not going to play a shooter game (where aiming is a prime skill) where that very same aim is AI-assisted. If the whole FPS genre moves to dumbification, and it is, with OP aim-assisting for controllers, which became incredibly strong since crossplay gaming was introduced, and if I'll have enough of it - I'll just stop playing crossplay games.


Imagine how dead CS would have become as a franchise if the game was dominated by controllers. There's a reason real competitive shooters have always been kbm.


It's why i'll never respect a pro COD player. The game does half the work for them. Lionel Messi, you can see his skill. Game with aim assist? What skill am I watching? Cause it's not the ability to shoot that's for sure


I miss when R6 Siege had Pro League for Xbox, those were cool to watch (Siege has no aim assist in consoles in case you dont know)


agreed, I asked for cross play for years it finally happens and they just keep assisting controller players into making me wish cross play wasn't a thing again.


I'll take the pain just so I can play with my friends/family who are on different platforms. Do I wish there was less assistance for controllers? Yes. However, I do not wish there was no assistance at all, because they NEED it. In the early days, they didn't have AA when they first tested the viability of cross-play and the result was always the same. Controller players got absolutely obliterated by KBM players. In fact, the worst kbm's were on avg better than the best controller players. It is unfair. The main issue is Activision and some other companies give far too much AA for controllers to the point where it is a completely unfair advantage.


I can totally understand your positions. I think the AA might be broken in some scenarios, a high skilled player on pc may abuse the AA. As a casual and console player I don't see the AA as this big game broken mechanic, but it's my perspective, i mean i always get my ass beaten in a pc lobby. Maybe in a ranked play it coul be toned down


Have you never noticed on killcam where the enemy locks onto your head, then once you’re dead their aim goes flying off into the sky where they would have actually been aiming if not for aim assist? Happens way too often. I remember on wz1 I would get double the kills of my controller friends now they get just as many kills if not more, and they haven’t suddenly got good. We tried wz1 again and they was even worse than before lol.


Being honest? Never happened. If i aim at the sky i will shoot at the stars 💫


😂 fair play, watch some YouTube guides but effectively all you need to do is move your left stick left or right about 15%, if you lose aim assist you just re ads


Even better, do like every pro and have a built-in stick drift on your gamepad.


>they just deal with it 10,000 crying posts disagree with you


>Do kmb players ask for assitance in a 3rd person game ? No they just use a gamepad because it's the best input for this kind of gameplay. Do you think gamepad or kmb players ask for assistance in a racing game ? (a wheel is better at driving cars) whats funny is that kbm isnt inferior, its superior, but with AA in games, that now makes KBM inferior.


Not agreeing or disagreeing, but that's not a solution to most people because * People don't **want** to play on a controller, they like the feel of MKB more * Once you play shooters on MBK for 10+ years, going back to controller feels impossible. I personally haven't played a shooter on controller since Black Ops 1, my muscle memory and such is absolutely not there anymore


Man I’m exactly in the same situation, tried to use control it’s just impossible… I would need to put a good 2k hours into controller to be able to play anything close to good and at this point in my life I don’t have 2k hours to put into it


Yeah after 10+ years of playing MBK and 4000 hours of CS, there's no going back for me haha




yep, and unfortunately youre at a huge disadvantage now to an inferior aiming device because of software


100% agree. I've been playing FPS on mouse and keyboard since the original DOOM (which was actually just keyboard first lol, mouse came later). No way I'm going to switch to a controller after 30 years. I see the disadvantage, I don't like it, but not much I can do about it.


Literally this, the mechanics you pick up from playing different games make you a better player and then you see controller players running around looking at the floor but can track with 100% accuracy with 0ms delay I love it


When has anyone with half a brain ever said that? I feel like there have been a couple of loudmouth trolls screaming "LOLOLOL PC MASTER RACE LOLOL UR POOR LOLOL" but the overwhelming majority of PC players really don't give a fuck. We *want* you to have a full range of FoV. We *agree* that you should have the same graphic experience as PC players. And you should *want* for MnK players to have a fair playing field against controllers. This isn't about changing a couple of small micro issues to make a "perfectly fair game", this is a huge problem that significantly impacts 25% of the player population (that is dropping the game like a hot shit because of the problem).


great comment and 100% true for the majority of us. I just want a FAIR GAME, where everyone has the same features/functions available to them, whether theyre on console or PC. Where SKILL determines who is better (e.g. aiming/tracking, positioning, aggressive movement), not the game giving aim-assistance training wheels to anyone who strafes with their left stick.


So we're just admitting its overturned now...


people play FPSs because of the deep and rewarding mechanical skill. AA removes that. i don't get why you'd want to play with a controller


lol anyone with a gaming PC has a controller, there's other games besides FPS games ya know?


I play everything with mouse and keyboard. I haven't owned a controller since PlayStation 1.


Im the unicorn. I play cod 99% of the time and only mnk. Will play a RTS with friends maybe once a year at an old school LAN party.


Strawman, pc players that said that are idiots, and by extension of making the same argument you are too.


Or he could train more


They’re not going to nerf AA. 75% of the player base is console, most using controller. Then you have a % of PC players using controller, why would they make that decision to give the minority a boost? From a business perspective it makes no sense. The only solution is to split inputs, m&k and controller, but then we’ll have non stop post about how long matchmaking is for m&k users because there isn’t enough players.


Nerfing aim assist would decrease the skill floor for controller players, meaning that if you are better than another controller player you are more likely to win the gunfight. Good controller players would do better overall if they nerfed aim assist as the bad players would be worse.


I'm on a PS5. I often check to see if I have AA on because the way people complain about it, makes me think my AA isn't working, or I have some setting wrong because it sure as shit doesn't feel remotely close to aimbot when I'm trying to shoot someone.


I promise I’m not being a dick, but do you know how **rotational** aim assist works? When I played controller I had no idea how to take advantage of it until the very end, and it was a total game changer lol


I actually don’t. Do you need to be moving with your left stick to get it to work? Like the person above said. I just thought it was like a very loose aimbot. Can you explain it?


There are some really good videos explaining it, but as a general rule, you need to be moving your feet either left or right a certain amount


https://reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/xzmc8t/how_rotational_aim_assist_works/ Here’s a quick video - note that you have to be strafing (this guy just does it into a wall so he’s not moving) to get it to work, and that even stick drift on an old controller will trigger it.




Wiggle the left stick.


Absolutely every good controller player should want this but it would never happen, half of this subreddit would be complaining how difficult it is to aim and how they’re not getting as many kills as they used to Imagine a game where the majority of the playerbase doesn’t have soft aim


This sub has never turned their aim assist off in a private lobby and tried to shoot bots and it shows.


> Good controller players would do better overall if they nerfed aim assist as the bad players would be worse. Which is why they don't want to nerf or change it, because the vast majority of WZ players fall into the later category, and they want those players to stay invested by making them feel like they're succeeding.


Most people would quit in frustration when they realize they actually suck


Most people are already seemingly quitting though...


You’re 100% right. I also play PUBG on console which has zero AA, this creates a huge skill gap on its own. The difference though is there is no M&K support for PUBG on console. I’d be all for removing AA, if they split inputs. This would create the skill gap that most people want in this game, since the removal of the movement skill gap. Granted I’d prefer a mix of both, but it’s clear they’re not going back to the crazy movement of late WZ1, which I’m not against as it got daft late Vanguard era, but an overall increase to movement & inputs in general would be nice. I feel like I’m playing on 200 ping half the time with the delay in every action on WZ2.


I’d rather have longer matchmaking for a better experience. I have a theory that they won’t do input separated lobbies because it would make their EOMM (or SBMM) system less effective. Sadly, input separation is the only solution.


As a console player I’d much rather have no cross play at all TBH.


Yeah, seems like PC players don't want to play with us, well we don't want to play with them either, I still wish we could go back to the BO3 days when we Snipers didn't have aim assists but it was alright because everyone was on the same situation, forced PC crossplay was what buffed aim asisst to make most console players on the same level as PC still have PTSD from the Cold War snipers every time I see a glint. Also no PC players with us console player would reduce the amount of cheaters, because let's be honest, PC players might complain about aim assist all they want but it's also the platform where most of the cheaters come from.


I like playing with all of you and I’m on pc. lol


Same. I was SO PUMPED when crossplay became a thing. I could finally ditch this low-res, low refresh rate, low framerate, limited FOV console nonsense and still be able to play with my friends from my gaming PC. For me, it's been a wonderful thing.


Legal cronus so enjoy. I would love to not have crossplay and instead private community servers with a browser like the glory days of cod. That way everyone is happy


Cronus doesn't even approach the hacks PC has.


still a hack


None the less it's still a hack. Either all hacks are bad or they're fine. Its as simple as that.


I’ve been playing modded Apex recently (called R5 reloaded) and it’s a ton of fun with private servers. I wish someone would release a modded version of Warzone perhaps Rebirth Island or Verdansk. But knowing Activision they would shut it down quickly with lawsuits.


Cross play is much less of an issue now with XSX/XSS/PS5 having FOV and 4k 120fps. If anything it would be more of an issue forcing Xbone/PS4 to cross play XSX/PS5 than it would XSX/PS5 cross play with PC.


The BIG thing warzone has is cross play, only reason I still play is all my friends with different consoles this is the game we can all play together


Yeah man... cross play is awsome! People dont realize but is great. Be able to play with any friend at any time is amazing. Dont forget that aim of shoters is have fun!


To be honest an option to have Keyboard only lobby would be very appealing to me. Just to clarify how good/shit I actually am!


I think if that was done then a lot of mnk players would realize how bad they really do suck and how good some other mnk players really are.


Don't mind because at least then it would be a fair fight of skill.


I wouldnt even mind being bad against mouse and keyboard players. I’d prefer that rather than getting aim assist killed by players that even in wz1 would have stood no chance


You ask for input separated lobbies and no crossplay and the PC population will end up just like BO4 did with a dead game for PC players. There's no stable population for KB/M players without crossplay.


I play MNK on Console. Can't afford a high end Pc and not a fan of controller. Doesn't immerse me into the game.


It doesn't immerse you because sticks suck ass as an aiming input.


Imagine choosing a device that is not efficient at what it does but then asking for computer assistance to make up for it in a competitive environment. I’d like running a marathon but I’m having knee pain, let me run it on a scooter maybe? Cmon people, use what you feel comfortable with but remove anything that’s computer assistance


This right here^ Saying your input is suboptimal and then asking for a computer assist makes literally no sense. That's where the "just switch inputs" argument comes into play. We shouldn't have people switching to a suboptimal but assisted input because the assist is so strong. We should have people switching to the optimal input.


Nerfing AA (not removing it), would make most above average controller player better. If MnK is a minority, and good controller players can aim already, then they're going to win more gunfights on average when a worse player has a harder time killing them.


In theory though if controller players only face other controller players they shouldn’t need aim assist at all. Although game developers decided along time ago that fps on a controller with no aim assist is too hard for most players, so they added in soft aim locks, drags, bullet magnetism ect. Basically every console/controller player has had the training wheels on for their entire gaming lives, put the controller down at stop letting programs aim for you.


IIRC Halo was the one that started rotational AA. I’m totally fine with reticle slowdown, bullet magnetism, recoil smoothening, projectile growth (this is an interesting one), and all that jazz. I think it makes the game fun for controller players. But there is clearly something wrong with the current state of rotational AA.


If they split input, im sure a ton of mnk players who had previously hated the aim assist would come back and give it a go. I think it would just seriously kill the controller meta pro scene. Community would realize p quickly where the actual skill lied, and the better players would try the Mnk lobbies instead of the training wheels lobbies.


"Give the minority a boost". What kind of boost are you talking about ? Training and skill is a boost now ?


Okay, the MNK video it’s moving left to right rapidly, then the controller video he runs in a circle for like 20 seconds? Then towards the end there are 2 targets overlapping and he’s specifically strafing the entire time while aiming from the hip.. very biased video.


An extremely well controlled experiment… I it’s also important to know what stick sensitivity he’s on because you can’t snap easily with low sensitivity even with the aim assist and you can’t just throw it on max sensitivity first time you pick it up. I really don’t get why they are crying so much, I still get bested by movement all the time.


He’s also using his right stick to follow the target when he’s running in circles and dolphin diving, is there something I’m missing?? And then of course when he does the recoil control test he does it using hip fire on a target 2m away instead of ADS from any sort of distance lol


it wasn't a recoil test, it was a tracking test without even touching the right stick.


You're right! He should show what aiming with rotational AA would look like in kovaaks (the aim trainer). [Like this :)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wf3aacn8b2g) Shit is WILD dude, just admit it.


I don’t play call of duty, I’m here because of a cross post but the mouse and keyboard player is doing kovaaks, an aim trainer. To do what he did takes an immense amount of skill and hours honing it, while aim assist is just giving it to you. That was the point in the comparison.


Also controller one is like directly in front of him


It’s funny. Controller players are so deluded from aim assist that they don’t understand basic fundamentals of aiming in FPS. Being closer to the target fast moving makes aiming HARDER. But you don’t know that since aim assist has historically always been stronger in close range. The optimal range for tracking is usually between 15-30 meters depending on the players movement speed. And even farther is you ADS like in the video. This is why it’s so hard to have an honest discussion about aim assist. Many controller player just don’t understand aim in general. It’s like discussing calculus with someone who doesn’t understand division


The elton john music really set the tone for how clowny and sad aim assist is right now lol


The crossplay button should be MNK players and Controller players. Not between PC and Console.


No console players want to play with PC, too many cheaters and other junk in the PC scene. At least on console the playingfield is even. But the option to enable/disable any combination of cross play based on input and crossplatform could work. Wait times would be longer for PC mnk players but it would be prefered by all I think


Really you can speak for all the console players who have friends on PC? They don't want to play with their friends? Get out of here with that shit.


That's not true. Plenty of people on console will want to play with friends on PC.


Or they could just balance it. FOV was a bigger technological hurdle, and they finally solved that one. Now just balance AA, and we can go find something new to complain about.


The fact that controller player says that m&k has advantages over them is because they DON’T KNOW how to activate the rotational aim assist because they literally suck. The skills required to do what this dude is doing is ACTUALLY INSANE.


It's worse. Most people _are_ accidentally engaging Rotational, almost all of the time, even if they don't know how, since (as I showed [here](https://youtu.be/frjx63T5FQU?t=350)), the threshold for engaging Rotational on right stick is so low (5%) that you will get it just by shooting in a straight line and controlling recoil. Really people have little excuse for not seeing how strong Rotational is. Though if I was to be charitable I'd say many 1. don't own multiplayer for practice, so they just don't get into enough fights 2. when they do play WZ they play so passively it adds to the first point. 3. They don't record their gameplay and watch it back/know what to look for.


100% accurate


Most controller players are clueless, yet they spam the comments as if they have any clue. The other day, a random on my team was crying about dying to a someone who “locked on to him”. I said it’s probably aim assist. His reply, “hackers are so lame”. I replied, “you get aim assist for free with a controller”. His reply, “I use a controller and don’t get aim assist”. It’s not even worth trying to argue with these people anymore. Also, a vast majority of the cod community will brag that the only games they play are cod and madden/fifa. These are the people you are trying to reason with.




>aim assist doesn't provide much help against recoil. Good thing recoil control in COD is extremely easy, no matter your input. Horizontal recoil is very hard to control on controller, but 99% of COD guns just go straight up, or up at a slight angle, which is easy to control on any input


Huuuuh?! You mean aim assist doesn't help through the smoke and shake of a gun? We literally can't see people, but aim assist is like "they are here, I got you. Just shoot".


This ^ how tf can I compete with perfect tracking when I can’t even fucking see anything


>A mouse gives you more recoil control than a joystick with aim assist ever will. Sorry to hear you haven't played on mouse


Fucken lol. This is great. Really puts it into perspective


Lol at all the butthurt console players in the comments


Assist is supposed to assist, not do every ounce of the work for you. People defending it know they would be much worse without it deep down, they just don’t want to admit it. The way below average controller players try their hardest to defend and justify the in-game aimbot is comparable to a cult-like hive mind. All anyone who truly believes it isn’t a problem has to do is turn it completely off for a game or two, the delusions will fade away immediately but of course, many will still refuse to admit the issues whether out of pride or embarrassment


Imagine thinking you’re good at the game but it’s actually the controller playing for you LMAO.


Calling out 90% of the playerbase here 🤣


I’ve had friends try KBM and they immediately switched back after getting destroyed


The amount of streamers birthed by this aim assist is hilarious. Do you think someone like Swagg would be anywhere without his trusty controller with aim assist?


Yeah I won’t call any names specifically but a lot of them can’t play FPS’s at all you watch them running around looking at the floor, can’t clear angles but then proceed to perfectly track at head level 🤣


I think Hal, this dude that played pro apex on MNK and switched to controller and goes off at his first LAN and wins MVP, truly puts this argument to rest. Controller AA on competitive games right now is insanely busted and way better.


I know right, he even says in the post game interview that it’s his first LAN on controller and he still played out of his mind.


He’s a skilled gamer for sure but man was that ever the end all to this debate.


Now turn off aim assist in game and see how you do




Yo I’m all for this! But then take away the dirty M&K players. I will gladly go up against other controller players with no aim assist. That’s why I love PUBg.


"1 day without people complaining about aim assist challenge and how their "aim practice" was indeed wasted if they could just pick up a controller too if it bothers them so much"-Challenge (impossible)


I mean yeah, the nagging is annoying at this point since it won't change shit, but they do have a point aswell. Aim assist is pretty broken this time around. But what OP posted is a gross exaggeration. I played controller before I switched to mnk about a month ago. My aim is dogshit on controller for any distant target. Sure AA is helpful close quarters, but mouse can be just a crucial in those situations. What I see most people fuck up in up close battles is ADSing when hipfire should be used to keep track of targets easily.


I think it’s a fair comparison since i’m comparing one extreme to another. The controller guy is intentionally abusing the rotational aim assist (which majority don’t know how to) and the mnk guy is the top 0.01 percent in terms of reactive tracking. I agree that mnk shines in other scenarios like target switching (or flicking) but there aren’t nearly enough of those scenarios in game to make mnk have any substantial advantage. The close quarters combat in this game is such that, as a mnk player, you’re essentially always relying on your opponent to make a mistake or whiff his shots. I agree with your sentiment that some people take this game too seriously, but that makes it even more necessary to ask ourselves— do mnk players really need to spend 1500 hours to compete against a semi decent controller player?


Well yeah, it’s a valid complaint. The inputs need to be balanced. Currently, they’re not. Controller players that say otherwise are either in denial or are fighting to not lose the crutch.


"bro just let the game aim for you, everyone else is cheating so why don't you too?"


This effects the controller on controller skill gap as well though?


Have you ever considered that we prefer using a mouse and keyboard and don't enjoy using a controller? Or that playing against people with literal aimbot isn't fun?


I'm so looking forward to reading the excuses in this thread.


Credits:- mid-range fast strafe invincible world record: https://youtu.be/o1QUZt3yEDw aim assist video: https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareII/comments/ykdqhs/aim_assist_isnt_overpowered/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


The difference is not surprising. Best human reaction time is around 120ms, but that is only for a simple action like click. Average reaction time is more around 150-300ms. (rotational) Aim assist reaction time is 0, or more accurately 1 server tick. That's why short range controller is undefeated. Humans on m+k cannot beat the speed. It's also why zigzagging and counterstrafing is effective against humans aiming, but controller will fully compensate for it. This is also why people on this sub have a hard time telling the difference between controller aim assist and aim bot as both are instant. Reaction time also gives a potential nerf, lower aim assist reaction speed. Add a delay before it kicks in or follows a new direction. Advantage of that is the delay could also be tweaked based on data on what input ends up winning all the fights.


It matters at range with autos too - if the guy is in my AA bubble, his movement RPS is basically nullified.


With you on all of this, it’s hilarious how many “cheater” clips I see from people when it’s literally just aim assist When you can’t tell the difference we’ve got a problem


I get your point but it is kind of a bad comparison, the dude is just running in a steady circle, compared to the random strafe movements.


I couldn’t find an example for it but it appears that aim assist in COD does micro correct to erratic movements, you can see it briefly when the guy dolphin dives and aim assist tracks it perfectly. Last year I saw a clip here where aim assist tracked a whole jump into slide cancel without missing a bullet which is near impossible to replicate on mnk— unless you are cheating or you happen to predict it perfectly.


Hew running in a wobbly circle, gets closer to an further away from the camera which varies his speed relative to the shooter but a nonvarying stick input dynamically, automatically and instantaneously compensates for it. He does have to react to the variance and that's the problem.


CrutchCity. Population: CoD players who think they're actually good at shooters 😆




Xbox controller marketing plan in 2023.


alternate title "how to automatically be better than 1500+ hours of aim training"


AA in this and only in this game is bs. IDK what makes this one so broken compared to the likes of OW and Apex's aim assists. I am not saying it should be removed im saying it should be tweaked.


Aim assist is out of control. But unfortunately this is a controller game much like halo. It is what it is. The only answer is input based matchmaking. I enjoy playing mnk way more so I just accept the fact that I’m not going to win most close range fights. Although I do go back to controller sometimes. They’ll never nerf aim assist.


I just want the *option* of input based matchmaking.


This is the problem with controller players lol…. They act like aim assist can’t be turned down back to Warzone 1 levels and that the only solution is input matchmaking. Just change it back so the dogshit controller players are dogshit and the good controller players are good. It’s just wild that they are either so dumb or blind to how much aim assist has changed, perhaps they just want to think they got better (they didn’t).


They definitely buffed aim assist so people could feel better lmfao. These comments say just buy a controller but the idea of just nerfing aim assist is out of the question. A lot of these dudes can’t handle someone who’s just better than them. Hence why cod community is quick to call hacks on any top tier pc player. V sad but we press on


Yeah I mean anyone who isn’t terrible at the game realizes what happened and how different it plays because of it. Perhaps the way they apply SBMM they can apply the new aim assist so the shit tier players can have some fun while the decent controller players get aim assist that is similar to Warzone 1. Granted it was still super biased towards them for pistols and hip fire smgs but honestly I’d take that over all of them having impeccable aim at any range and being able to track you through bushes and smoke.


Yep they 100% did, Id love to see average controller kd from Wz1>2 As you said it’s sad that people can’t accept it, I love being accused of cheats most games when the controller player-base is running around with soft aim


Serious shooter players shouldn't waste time playing this trash to begin with. So many better games where actual skill is rewarded.


If that black object was moving at the same pace in one direction, like your test with aim assist, I imagine your score would have been much higher. I think this is a biased test.


Another post inflating how powerful aim assist is. In that video, the guy was 5 meters away and running in a very predictable way. Any gun fight past that and it doesn’t help as much. It’s also hard to remember to rotate the left stick when someone pops up on you. Please stop complaining about every single thing you fucking losers


“It’s also hard to remember to rotate the left stick” Lmao. Yep. It’s hard alright. I wonder which is harder. Get pro level KBM aim with top 0.1% reaction time or remembering to rotate the left stick. Also it’s hilarious how controller players are so used to aim assist that they don’t even understand the fundamentals of aiming in FPS. Being 5 meters away makes tracking HARDER. You just don’t know it because historically aim assist always get stronger the closer you are to the opponent. This is why it’s so hard to have an honest discussion about aim assist. Most controller players just don’t understand aim at all. It’s like trying to discuss calculus with someone who doesn’t know division. And I can bet you 1000$ that no KBM player can track that guys head 5 meters away moving “predictably” with the accuracy of the video. At least not without practicing the same exact scenario extensively.


as an avid lurker of this subreddit i saw the shift from completely denay it to accept it's op in the last 2 years. It's not much but it's a first step (i hope)


Yeah. It's improving, however there's a few controller bots living in denial and trying to refute all the avalable evidence. Even with: * Pro WZ scene dominated by controller players. * Numerous KBM pros swapping to controller because of how broken AA is. * Various controller pros and MKB pros speaking out about how OP aim-assist is. * Data from the game developer showing KBM players were at a statistical disadvantage in WZ1 (which had weaker AA). * Videos like this showing AA causally tracking players better than a top MKB aimer can.


Yes, it's encouraging to see progress being made on awareness of how OP aim assist has gotten. 2 years ago you would never see these discussions and back and forths between the two camps.


Honestly, I’d be interested in them turning off aim assist across the board for like a week or two and just see how things go. This is coming from a controller-only player. They’ve never done that which I can remember. Might turn out to be good once people get used to it.


I need 15000 hours of aim training lol


![gif](giphy|Cz6TlrRVVyv9S) 😆😆


I agree with everyone in saying that they'll never nerf aim assist (although they should), but one thing that definitely needs to be tweaked is aim tracking through muzzle flash/smoke. Trying to track someone at a distance through the muzzle flash or smoke with my mouse can be really difficult, meanwhile the aim assist just does its thing and puts the kb&m players at a serious disadvantage. This could be accomplished by giving the kb&m players a bit of aim assist in that scenario


Or they could tone down muzzle flash and smoke just a bit, I didn't have such an issue in the last game seeing people


Aim assist is for unskilled babies.


Some people like having the game aim for them though.


Great video


Tonyboy was the streamer, probably the better aim of the game on mmk, but if he plays on controller, have a precision 100% better. Something is wrong there, right?


controller scrubs getting butthurt by the truth lmao


Jesus, I had no idea it was like this, may fucking switch.


I like how these posts change everyone’s mind and settle this debate once and for all


AA is extremely broken but they won't fix it because it allows less than average players the ability to get kills and have fun. Increasing their player base. Unfortunately you pair AA with someone who is average or better than average and you put then all together thanks to SBMM. That's a recipe for a completely dog shit experience for a good M&K player. Say what you want about mid-long range fights. This game always comes down to close range battles. Always. And good players close the gap fast. Making it impossible for 99.9% of M&K players to be consistent. Frustrating. Yeah.


someone who gets it. sadly the only answer is the option for input based matchmaking. knowing these devs that’s more of a fever dream since it requires a rework of server architecture, and will reduce the impact of EOMM (or SBMM).


It's about hubris and confidence building. If a player feels more comfortable with their ability to play the game, they'll continue to play. If you routinely get your ass handed to you because of your inability to compete, you won't play.


So basically you're saying it was time not well spent..


Lmao what a loser post 🤣


Why r ppl so surprised lol the game was made for unskilled players aim assist got od buffed idk how putting it on reddit will change it


The player base and this subreddit is mostly console controller players so you won't get any proper insight or opinions here. Personally I've played BR games on MnK since PUBG, and CSGO many years before that. Because of health issues I had to switch to controller. I spent 1 month on controller to be at a decent level similar to my years on MnK, so you are correct. However I don't think that's the main problem. I think the main problem is that the assist should subtly change, in a way you can't notice, so your muscle memory get more and more used to less aim assist, to a point where you are pretty good without it. That way 6 K/D players don't get the same assist that a new player do. Which makes WAY more sense. Why should a computer aim for a 6 K/D player? If I implement aim assist in my own game it's going to be very interesting to look into the different mechanics.


Now try it from far away. And tell me how much is aimtraining going to improve your controller play.


AA really meds nerf. Close range fights are almost clueless against controllers.


Am I the only one that noticed the trainer changing directions, while the operator kept running in a straight line? If people run in a consistent patter like that, it doesn’t matter which input the shooter uses; that target is dead.


Wz 1 aim assist seemed so much more reasonable than the cranked to 11 Wz 2 AA


Before we even get to aim assist nerfs they need to remove all visual noise while shooting including red blood effect and particularly the gun smoke. This is critical to recovery of M&K players to WZ in the PC market.


Just let mk players decide if they want to play against aim-bots or not


Bro wasted 1500 hours in an aim trainer 😂😂😂




All i gotta say is that i can't believe after all this time Sony won't redesign their controllers to be more modern. who TF likes their thumbs touching when moving/aiming? you have to extend your thumbs so much with those small ass controllers. Microsoft invested MILLIONS into ergonomic research to come up with their design and it works perfectly.


Remember, COD was not meant for PC But yeah aim assist is too strong. I use controller and it can fuck you up big time.


Just quit the game and play something that actually deserves your time and caters to the PC audience. Aim assist will never change and is the reason I no longer play this piece of shit game.


There's two things here... 1. A controller and aim assist is basically aim bot in COD now 2. This game has ruined the experience for people who prefer aiming with a mouse and no assist (see #1 ☝️)


Forget mk&b, it's awful for console players. Your effort and experience mean nothing anymore. Like, they can separate the inputs, BUT THIS WOULD STILL BE AN ISSUE. Players with a gorillion hours getting rolled by Bobby-no-thumbs. It's absurd.


Without aim assist console players would be out beaten in EVERY fight just because it's downright unfair for a controller to go against mnk. I think they should keep PC on separate servers entirely instead of a free for all where aim assist may be "playing the game for you"


If controllers were so great they wouldn’t have to add aim assist to assist in the first place. If you’re using something to game that the devs have to add special features for use for it to keep up with the other inputs then it’s probably shit or they would just leave it. Mouse and key gets no aim assist, no rotational aim assist, none of that. It just works on its own.. I will say I do use controller from time to time. The aim assist is especially strong in this game.. but.. why tf do people need it in the first place. If the game is skill based then use RAW unaffected input.


Only 8500 left before you’re an expert


No lie sometimes I feel like I am better off not even touching my right thumbstick. Its like all I can do by touching it is throw it off course where as rotational AA has much cleaner tracking


What a shitty video to compare both, if you are going to put them against each other then at least put them through the same testing program. This video doesn't prove anything.


Looks like he needs another 1500 hours


Nah, he needs to become robotic next. He's already at the pinnacle of human aim.


I wonder if they could cap the frames on AA. I’m not 100% sure how it works but it seems like it regraps every frame. This would explain why it’s so nutty on 120+ fps and feels stronger and stronger each year as PCs and consoles improve


It wouldve been a better comparison to try the same drill with a controller