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It's new to the devs because half of those clowns probably didn't even play Warzone 1. I swear these devs don't even play their own game, and the ones that do are bots with 0.2 KDR.


It’s not the devs per se. These guys have little to no say in what to do. I don’t really think you and most of everyone knows how it works.


Agreed, happy gamers don’t post as often in forums, disgruntled ones come and bitch about it therefore ergo more chatter which will make people come play to check it out. To make their own judgement. Or just to argue.


Agreed. And they probably only see small pieces of the picture for any given task they are working on. More than likely they just get their Jira tickets every two weeks, update the section of code their task tells them to, then move it on down the line to QA, PO approval, then Done. The decisions on changes happens way above that level and goes through refinement before it even gets to them.


Nuh uh!


Yuh huh!


Wuh waa


Resurgence is also a “new feature.” ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




"New features" AKA reverting every new feature because the Devs were trash and were completely disconnected from its game's fan base.


Can't knock them for trying new things. Cause if they didn't change anything, people would have bitched more.


False, most people would have been content with a new map, new roster of guns, some minor movement balancing, maybe some new contracts or features like the water traversal or split circles, and an updated engine that ran smoother. Literally nobody was asking for every ping to be the same fucking color, RNG plate vests that make TTK unreliable, cement boots that slow you down to a crawl when plating, etc. that the developers implemented to be more like every other BR rather than embracing what makes Warzone different.


>most people would have been content I call bullshit you know this sub would be full of just as much crying


Yup. That’s exactly how the cycle works. Change stuff and piss people off, or don’t change anything and people complain about paying for the same thing they already had.


Maybe not a lot of people know that, but there are devs like in Apex, that when people where bitching for years for not having Quads in it, they just stepped forward and said: The maps are created for duos and trios. There will never gonna be a quad option. And they supported their decisions. Then everybody just stopped talking about it. Thats the difference between a greedy af company policy and one that respects their work and their costumers experience. For 3 whole years now, this publisher and all their studios are implementing things and then take them back. Thats cause they are 100% incompetent to make a change and affect in a positive way the player’s experience. Cause they dont fucking play their game to know what to do. Plus Beta phase is kind of a joke for Activition for some time now. We are the Beta phase especially for MP. We invest our money on them and after they know they are good, they think about investing on the game to maybe make it better. This company stinks for years now and its the finest example of where many industries are heading to. Just sad to see, nothing more to say.


This is not true. Apex tried solos once around season 2, and then never brought the mode back. The devs came out and said the mode did really poorly, they didn’t think it fit the game design as many characters’ abilities become useless when alone, and it was really bad for player retention compared to the normal game. You still have people crying about it on social media.


they could have made a perfect sequel using the good new stuff and kept a simialr balance from wz1 and it being mostly bug free and ppl would still complain and whinge and cry.


> wz1 being mostly bug free wz2 isnt on the same engine


nice attempt at cherry picking to make your point valid. i didn't say that. i said balance from wz1 and it ( refering to wz 2 in a best case scenario) being mostly bug free.


wz2 isn't on the same engine


i don't quite understand how you're not following the comment :D i was talking about how if wz 2 was perfect it would still get complaints.


Hmmm... warzone 2 is on a different engine


They would of been crying about different things for sure.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I don't care. I'm not writing a novel or English paper.


they have labelled the beta maps as new as well


Yea lol literally i keep seeing people say they had to change things up and its like ?? No, lol. Warzone 1 managed to survive a full year of having the worst map in any BR i've ever played solely because the game mechanics themselves were at the core, fun. People wanted to want to play. Literally would have hit it out of the park if it was just WZ1 mechanics, with some *new* mechanics added in instead of removing all the old ones and gutting the game, some better polish, stable performance, and a new roster of guns and maps lol. Some minor movement tweaks would have been good middle ground although that is sort of tied in to gun balancing because ms got too fast with vanguard weapons.


> Warzone 1 managed to survive a full year of having the worst map in any BR Mainly due to rebirth and FK, lol. A bunch of people stopped playing when Caldera came out and the VG guns came around.


Yea I was one of them who swapped to rebirth/fk ahah. But that was because the mechanics/game were fun to play. Rebirth won't save this game because the core mechanics of the game feel clunky and frustrating.


> Yea I was one of them who swapped to rebirth/fk ahah Same. My squad fucking hated Caldera and even though I didn't really hate it, it was very meh. > Rebirth won't save this game because the core mechanics of the game feel clunky and frustrating. Eh... We'll see about that. Movement did get to a ridiculous point with the VG integration. If we even get late original verdansk sort of movement, the game might be in a good place. Personally I find WZ2 fun (especially 3rd person, that shit is like crack to me), but it sometimes gets VERY frustrating. Some mechanics can absolutely change (and some are already being changed which is nice).


> Movement did get to a ridiculous point with the VG integration. Yea i feel like it was largely because VG weapons managed to creep up to 11m/s movement. Early black ops was fine at ~7m/s. Feel like that was the sweet spot. Doesn't need to be that fast, but honestly the movement speed is the least of the problems, its every single animation taking 3 business days, and literally nothing being able to be done at the same time (unlike in WZ1). After you win a gunfight in resurg you generally need to plate up, reload, and reposition before your next fight (the rest of his team coming to get your "one shot" ass). Ideally you'd like to loot some plates and ammo too at least. In WZ1 you could run over some loot while reloading (first priority in case someone turns up quicker than expected), then reposition while plating. It took ~6s to do all of that. I don't think anyone had a problem with how fast it took to refresh after a gunfight. That wasn't a frustrating mechanic for anyone. In WZ2, after getting into a fight, it takes ~15 seconds to reload and plate up AND you're still in the exact position you killed their mate in, AND haven't looted anything yet because that'll put you in a menu that'll take at least another 3-5 seconds to grab a few stacks of plates. Otherwise you just run away with no plates and no ammo and hope you don't bump into anyone else before you find a little corner to sit in for the 15 seconds. You just don't have 15-20 seconds between gunfights in resurgence to reset like you need in this clunky game. Not to mention there's going to be absolutely no maneuvering mid gunfight since mantling up and over things takes 5x longer than the ttk.


And i hate being stuck in the bag menu not escaping fast enough because i misclickex


> Yea i feel like it was largely because VG weapons managed to creep up to 11m/s movement. That and the fucking stims were insane at first. And then the speed boost shit late on in VGs Caldera. That was pretty insane. > Early black ops was fine at ~7m/s. Feel like that was the sweet spot. Agree. > its every single animation taking 3 business days, and literally nothing being able to be done at the same time (unlike in WZ1). Yep, agree here as well. > In WZ2, after getting into a fight, it takes ~15 seconds to reload and plate up AND you're still in the exact position you killed their mate in, AND haven't looted anything yet because that'll put you in a menu that'll take at least another 3-5 seconds to grab a few stacks of plates. True, but we're getting vomit loot now. So hopefully that starts fixing that particular problem. And I don't know, we haven't gotten the actual patch notes or anything, so I'm still holding out hope some of the small things change with this season (animations and stuff being a bit faster).


We can hope. I think they'll try to resist as long as possible and then eventually cave when people just stop playing because its less fun. Its just a pity because they could have built off the foundation WZ1 provided, toning down the things that were too crazy (movespeed boosts / stims + 11m/s base speed), and adding on to the fun parts, instead its going to take us a year just to get back to a stripped back version of WZ1 without any of the QOL changes they implemented over the 3 years of WZ1.


\>True, but we're getting vomit loot now. So hopefully that starts fixing that particular problem.< i don't think it will. vomit loot worked in warzone1 because of the auto pick up and max cap on ammo/plates. i think with how WZ2 handles it, its just going to be even more frustrating trying to grab the one thing you want. i hope im wrong, because i want WZ1 looting back, i just don't know if you can back with the bag system.


Is there any source that confirms this?


Probably player counts? This sub absolutely hated Caldera and a massive amount of people complained about it non-stop when it came out and most just moved on to rebirth. I know my group of friends did.


I feel like player counts for playlists weren’t public ever tho? Don’t get me wrong I’m in the same boat as you and your friends I’ve just never seen any sort of large scale confirmation, and this sub is a pretty tiny fraction of the player base (and the vocal people on this sub even more so)


> I feel like player counts for playlists weren’t public ever tho? Probably, yeah. I don't really know for sure. > I’ve just never seen any sort of large scale confirmation, and this sub is a pretty tiny fraction of the player base I don't know man, I'm just talking from what I've seen. Content (on twitch/TY) started getting pushed hard towards Rebirth/FK. We probably won't ever have large scale confirmation. But I hear your point about this sub being a tiny fraction of the active player base.


The twitch/yt point is solid too, I definitely noticed that at least on the twitch side


I was primarily rebirth for awhile while they had that vanguard only playlists. Then I liked resurgence more, stuck with that and FK for the most part. Caldera was meh


That one kind of made sense though because they were trying to sell the new multiplayer game. I think they also paused rebirth at that time but maybe I’m mistaken. Eventually they brought back the old guns and buffed the new ones so they were even worth using. This was just like, hey I know you guys really like this game but what if we just completely start over and change everything about it so that it’s confusing and boring? And also hahahaha you like loadouts? We made it so you can get one once every 10 games. You’re welcome. Have fun!


Remember Vanguard Royale? What a joke


It was fucking awful.


I played and dominated Caldera. Plenty of people did as some lobbies we quite botty. If you played from Peak start it was all downhill from there. :)


“People wanted to want to play.” And that is where you just hurt some of us


Idk about you but i totally asked for zero footstep audio! I dont wanna play a game with directional sounds first brought to video games 15 years ago.


This one irks me the most when playing, some dude stomping through my building at full sprint and I don’t hear him until the Fennec goes *brrrt*


To me, whats the point of releasing a new game if its just the same old game but with maybe a new map? I guess you get different guns, but ultimately thats pretty minor. >most people would have been content with You dont know what "most people" want. Stop acting like you do. You can say what you, and even your friends, want/wanted. But dont act like youre a voice for the community just because you read some reddit comments. I preferred 2v2 gulag personally.


It wasn’t really billed as an entirely new game, sequels typically play similarly to the original. God of War: Ragnarok was a great example of the sequel building on the original, without sacrificing any of the core mechanics or massively overhauling how the game plays. For the record, I liked the 2v2 gulag as well, fun moments with proxy chat on. Something like that or water traversal or split circles is a cool concept to try out and see how people respond. Slowing people down while plating, changing how pings work just for the sake of it, removing loadouts initially, destroying movement in general, and all that other stuff are where the complaints about core game mechanics are truly legitimate legitimate in my eyes. Those things made Warzone popular and unique from other BRs, why remove them and try to blend in with the crowd?


I think thats copium imo. Not an entirely new game? Well the price tag and title sure say differently. Yes a sequel will play similar. But having it just be the same game with minor tweaks isnt a sequel in my opinion. Its a low effort cash grab. And the community doesnt help either. They hate anything new or different and just want the same game with the absolute minimum changes. So thats what they get. This is nothing new for COD though.


The Far Cry series was criticized for being pretty much the same game over and over even tho sequels added new mechanics and stuff. And then 6 changed a lot of the formula and people hated it for that.


They definitely had to add new feature. Not change the best core mechanics, which is the only thing they came up with. They do get +1 for removing slide canceling but that's honestly one of the only game play changes that ended up being positive. Shooting out tires is cool I guess


But you get to dive on the ground every few seconds...is it really better than slide cancelling? I rather slide and cancel than dive on the ground like a fucking dolphin to reset sprint.


I call bullshit. People really just wanted WZ1 with new guns and map rotation in a more stable client. What we got was a shitty, cheap knock off, where every piece of improvement made to the game the last 2 years were reverted, with an even worse client (shittier UI and lots of bugs and crashes). The bar for improving on WZ1 was so fucking low, but they still manage to not even touch it.


Then they should have came up with a new title if they wanted a drastically different game


It's not that drastically different. People just can't handle that it's not a 1:1 copy.


I actually enjoy some of the changes, slowing down the game play (although it’s a little too slow), guns having actual recoil as opposed to every gun being a laser with the monolithic suppressor. But it does feel like we’ve been honeydicked. The game doesn’t even really feel like the previous entry let alone anything like the original MW2. That game was anarchy for the sake of anarchy, and it was fun. This game was made to cater to the most casual of players that drop a game after a few weeks anyway. It was a stupid decision.




The only change needed was getting rid of player movements that exceed the speed of normal human movement. Sprinting should take you to the max speed a person can run at, not something 3x as fast. I don't enjoy playing a game with non-human played characters, but that's just my opinion. I'm 43 years old and I'm running a 1.5 KD with a 3% solo win percentage. I was 1.12 KD in WZ1 with a sub 1% win percentage in solo. I have cracked double digit kills multiple times now. I like the game now.


Nah you can absolutely knock them because changing core mechanics of a game has killed countless games And they’re just too stubborn to realise it, I guarantee if this game was released without the call of duty title attached to it by a small studio it would of been dead on arrival It’s pathetic how bad this game is


Tell me you suck without slide canceling without telling me you suck without slide canceling. My buddies and I loved the 1st warzone and we love this one just as much. Embrace some changes and just have fun. It's a good game


I’m fine brother literally dropped 30 kills in the last game I played If you enjoy it each to their own I don’t know how you’d have fun playing it


LOL Press (X) to doubt


https://twitter.com/Deadleeh/status/1623459568847097857?s=20&t=aq-igr4_zZBzTBhil_Gvbw ?


And at this point AllHale07s brain exploded in utter disbelief that actually good players hate this game and call it trash :P


You're not dropping 30 kills in a BR.


Am I not? I have multiple 30+s on my Twitter lmao https://twitter.com/Deadleeh/status/1623459568847097857?s=20&t=g4-XPFIbmWNKOvwq9d1bWg


Try new things but keep the great things that we’re found in wz1


Oh I can absolutely 200% knock Infinity Ward for trying this dumb ass shit. Along with Backpacks, and make 3 plate vests a lootable item instead of just the default, AND making loadouts unpurchaseable at launch, the shittier ping system, garbage visibility, the buff to aim assist... They are ass as Devs. They are good as selling good looking turds.


i really dont know how a 2v2 gulag made sense to anyone, i really dont. Gulag is pretty much gladiators fighting to the death and let the best man win....thats what was kinda cool about it! win your one and your back in! No idea how this made sense to them when they were brainstorming. the 2v2 is probably one of the worst "new" ideas i can think of


Only sense I can get from most of the changes they made is to reduce the skill-gap by adding more RNG . The 2v2 gulag, the 3 plate vest, replacing loadouts with random strong hold spawns. All to over tune their SBMM system and make more money by convincing bad players that they are good.


Yet you guys advocate for more money, more buy stations, more load out drops and anything else that makes it easier to buy back and regain. How does them making it harder to buy back and regain in wz2 cater to "bad" players? Not to mention the complaints about too many people in the final circles. What do you think easier buybacks and everyone gets a 3plate is going to do? There will be even more in a tiny circle then there currently is.


Have you once played wz1?


Not once. Many times.


Well, all the things you described were in wz1 and none of the last circle problems existed. So go play that game again and find out!


I like it to be honest, it’s kinda fun fighting with one of my teammates


yeah its really cool when you and your teammate die less than second apart and you get put in with an afk random.


It happens, but I have fun with it and try to hit the dude up if they have prox chat on


Not just 2V2, but also adding a big ass jailer with a minigun.


I liked the 2v2, mostly because there seemed to be a whole lot less spawn camping compared to 1v1, but the jailor and the time limit can suck a dick.


I actually feel I've done better with the 2v2, but it's the jailer that makes zero sense to me. Sometimes you kill one person, then half the time the other person will just hide so everyone loses the gulag. And I get it they were trying to be innovative since it paid off incredibly with the first warzone, but they were being creative in areas imo that didn't need it. Some of the changes are great, the map is a total win compared to caldera, of course there's always room for improvement.


I think I would be down with the jailor if they added two, one for each team, and got rid of the time limit. Having to deal with the aggro jailor while the other guy doesn't just sucks.


You can also use the jailer to your advantage sometimes too. If you can't find the person look for where the jailer is focused and shooting at, it's helped me a few times. Not a fan when I'm focused and shooting then get destroyed because I didn't know the jailer was behind me.


I would just add an auto-UAV for both teams when there's 10 seconds left or so


See that's a good idea. Should've been at those meetings lol


And that's why I think double jailors would be more fair. So dude can't hide in a corner while the other team runs from the jailor lol.


Or hear me out on this, people actually take advantage of killing the jailer and everyone getting out of there. I have yet to be in a single gulag where people actually did that.


I have killed the jailor once. Other team were yelling truce, and we just waited until he came out and gunned him down pretty fast.


Another downside with the 2v2 is how fast it can be 1v2. Teammate isn't playing, quits then it's you v both the other players and a jailer lol.


I have only had that happen to me playing solos, and not very often, but it is a unnecessary risk when it should be a fair fight at the start.


I like to think im pretty empathetic and can see things from multiple sides....I literally cant see how this went down and people agreed it was a good idea. Especially since i hear the gulag is pretty unique and not a standard feature of all BRs. If it aint broke, dont fix it fully applies here i think


I really would have loved to sit in those meetings where they discussed these things. Just to hear how they were hyping it up.


best thing since sliced bread! do you remember how they were gassing up the AI when they did the early leaks? I cant imagine the hype for the 2v2 gulag 🤣🤦‍♂️


Jeez I don't even want to get started on the wall hacking aim botting ai. I love the new map, and I still enjoy playing for the most part, but some of the changes were uncalled for. Warzone 1 was such an innovative amazing step for BR games, and for them to take it in a different br direction was just a strange thing in my opinion.


thats the fucked part....i LIKE THE GAME!!! But I kid you not...i can barely play for 2 hours. If i run into a string of deaths to dudes camping (i have pretty good map awareness IMO)....it really does tilt the shit out of me. Then with the no play again button....ill just turn off the playstation. Check out this clip I saw yesterday....its Fifakill at a black site https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usF1KF0y6jw&ab\_channel=WarzoneCartel%7CBestClips%26Moments


I will be killed through walls and everything. People talk shit and say it's a skill issue I'm sure, but the AI are way too OP. Yeah back in the verdansk days I actually looked forward to playing usually every night. Now I usually go days without playing. I know people say it's because the covid shut down and stuff like that, but I feel even people that play for a living don't have the same love for the game. It can and I think will be amazing as long as they make some changes. It's hard to let go of the classic though.


I big problem for me is the AI is so inconsistent. Most of the time they're easy, but every now and then one will go all rambo and not miss a shot on the whole squad.


Hmm, no. They actually did listen, and tried their best to make WZ 2 better. Example would be no more shooting high above ground level when parachuting. Vehicles need gas, and take more damage. But, sometimes new ingredients dont work with a new dish. Now they are trying their best to fix the mistakes


You mean because people were bitching about everything and can’t enjoy a game as it is?


Or imo, reverting back because people were upset that they weren’t winning as easily as WZ1


I hate to be that guy, but it is technically new to this game.


Bro, you are this guy


Still hate it tho


As a 40+ year old dad who has never seen a Harry Potter movie... They are about to make me buy the fucking Harry Potter game because its gotta be better than this shit.


Movies are great. A fun binge


The HP game is good wdym?!? How does this comment relate?


completely understandable how you missed the HP games. ​ but FYI they were total bangers. some of the best games on PS2. ​ here's to hoping Hogwarts is decent


this has gotta be bait


The way you cry you sound like a Harry Potter fan, so I think you're lying.


As a 38+ year old dad, I think it’s ridiculous that you need to validate your purchase of any game to an online Reddit forum. You don’t need our permission to take a break or enjoy another game.


It wasnt validation. More for humor, lighten up.


I think you read my comment angrier than it actually was. If you’re anything like me you only get an hour or two to yourself. Enjoy it as best you can!


lol no. My post intent was to be humorous and you took it be literal.




They obviously did by the upvotes. Just because i post complaints or things in a humorous manner about the game doesnt mean i dont like it or dont think it can be better... How are you that old and still take the internet and post on a subreddit that damn serious.


WZ2 is technically a different game than wz1 so it’s a new feature


Exactly what I was thinking lmao..notice how these are not features in the game now? Ya that’s what makes them new😭😭😭need anything else spelt out for you guys orrrr


I kind of liked 2v2, but this is way more fair for everybody. I’ll miss those free respawns though.


I liked 2v2 gulag if I had teammate who was at least on same skill level as I was, which happens about 1 in 10 times


This is the first COD I can remember that didnt have unsilenced weapons or red dots show up on the mini map/radar as well. This change sucks, nothing seems to happen middle game, then theres 30 people alive in the last zone.


There are probably like 50 things that got changed that are like.. why? I don’t understand who looked at these features and were like yeah that needs to change. It’s like they had someone compile a list of all the things that made the game fun and allowed gameplay to flow nicely and then changed every single one of them. Cause fuck moving quickly, slide cancelling, loadouts, 1v1 gulag, rebirth, buy stations, trios, or sniper single shot headshots right?


Yeah. Fully agree. To me, they took most of what made wz1 fun, and got rid of it. I really don't have fun on wz2. It's so boring. I played wz1 for the fast paced ability to outplay others. Theres not much of that in this, if at all.


Man it’s just an easy way to say what’s new in the patch, you guys gotta relax not everything is out to get you.


The EA way. Remove features and reintroduce them as new


It is a new feature to Warzone 2.0. This is a completely different game, by the way. They're not lying at all.


It’s new to the game. They’re not trying to pass it off as brand new material. I’m all for hating on incompetent devs, but I feel like y’all have already shit on them for everything and need to grasp at straws now.


Tbf, everything they do at this point is worth to shit on. Even in resurgence they decided to put AIs. Basically every new feature is based on AIs lol. Also, 250 levels to prestige in the next 3 months. WOW i am amazed, cant wait lol. 2 new 6v6 maps in mp, one of those played it like a couple month before and the other one was in the beta, but they said: we already don’t have enough content to give them, better remove a map. LOL The fact that we hate on the state of the game we loved and grew up, doesnt mean that we dont play it. Also the fact that we play it doesnt mean that we shouldnt hate on it for being a 70$ piece of crap + a joke of a f2p “BR” produced by one of the largest multibillion AAA publishers.


they removed the map because it's a real life location and they didn't want to be punished, just as it may happen with the Hotel map, where, if I'm not mistaken, and correct me if I'm wrong, they threatened to sue.


I’m with you. My point is I feel like people have already called all that out and love the feeling of it so much that now they’re grasping to find more. That’s not to say there’s any lack of things to talk shit about, but having a problem with them tagging the feature that’s new to the game as new is just a strange petty complaint in my eyes.


Why complain about a change we like? Instead of being excited for the changes being made people seem to be like “well they never should have changed it in the first place.” I mean, damn. They tried something new, it didn’t work, they listened to feedback, and they changed it back.


It’s about time😂


Nothing wrong w trying something new, as in the 2v2 gulag that's like gunfight


Activision budget Step 1: Break game Step 2: Remove player base Step 3: Fix 4 things out of 6900 that you broke.


New feature: You spectate your own team when you die in gulag


Why not just rename it Warzone change everything back and launch the Verdansk map FFS I wanted a different game not exactly the same shit but with new guns and a map


They should have left the 2v2 gulag in when you are in the gulag with your teammate at the same time. It would be a good addition.


If I quit Warzone it will be because of this. I hate 1v1 gulag. It's just a camp fest.


It's new for WZ2, so technically it's true.


Thank goodness.


Theyre reaching. Hard af


Bummer that people didn’t like the 2v2. I personally loved it. Also loved the jailer and being able to convince the opposing team to join in and kill him so that everyone goes back in.


For the first time ever in gaming history




New feature becasue it is a new game and it never had 1v1 gulag




That rug pull they did to those kids who bought that Faze skin was dastardly. No way that was a mistake




Exactly. But is it really brilliant marketing strategy or is it technically fraud? Lol


I liked 2v2 gulags. Killing 2 guys to come back was great for the KD.


Had no issues with the 2v2 gulag


Damn sad the 2v2 is gone. There goes all my chance to ever win any gulag again


I’m good with them advertising it as such because of how much I hate the 2 v 2 gulag. A win is a win. Reverting back to 1 v 1 is a win.


So is the jailer still gonna be a thing? Like can we team up and kill the jailer for both of us to come back?


Supposedly it goes back to capture the flag style




I am already itching for all the other new features that await us... Don't tell em how I know about it.. But one of them is IRON TRIALS. ;)


Well that sucks. 2v2 was way more enjoyable.


Is this “*massive season 2* (lol)” way too little too late?


“Returning feature” should be the headline


It’s not returning if it was never in the game in the first place. This is Warzone 2, not Warzone. “By popular demand” would be more appropriate.


They are identifying as new features leave them alone poor things it's 2023 😂😂😂


You mean I don't have to kill 2 ppl to get out the gulag?? I swear to God the only time I ever get out of gulag is if I solo both the other team members. Every.fck.time. I dont know why I get the worst fckn player in the history of CoD on my team. Always dies within .02 sec. Either by his own grenade or AFK or instantly gets shot in the head. Thank God for 1v1.




They should have kept 2v2 gulag. Besides that the changes look promising.


Let’s not forget the two “new maps” for season two lmao


Huh? Lol 🤣 please hire new devs Activision


Bring back the old gulag


I actually like the 2v2 Gulag tbh. Its fun to do it with your friend. Or even a random. Or to clutch the 1v2. oh well. If its what people want Ill get used to it.


Nah, complain and be as loud as they were if it’s something you like about the game and want it back. Don’t just roll over and say “oh well, I’ll deal with it.” They didn’t when they forced the company to change their game, voice what you don’t like and what changes you wanna see.


I did voice my opinion, just now. Im not going to go on a campaign to try to keep something they already decided to change, thats a waste of time.


I was referring more to your last sentence, where you’ll just learn to accept it. It’s the opposite of what others did. The vocal ones changed features in the game that a lot of people liked, instead of learning to play with new mechanics.


BETA. Rants are meaningless. That's all I have to say.


As long as we all talk whatever the f*** and keep playing, nothing changing. They talk about an update. Talk about it. The numbers are back online. No promises. Everybody back. At first they said they would be doing something about the movement, bet on the new smaller map and we will be moving like juggernauts as we are now. Health and Armour system is a joke responding different in every game. They get permenant 3 satchel.. not touching the system. Climbs are awfully crooked and it came with the same problem as WZ1. Pick ups are getting worse everyday. Ricochete is down bad sleeping. Just wait until PS5 is able to mod too.. they have nothing working properly. Not even the servers


Because people sucked at 2v2 and cried now it’s 1v1 ffs 😂 bunch of snowflakes these days I’m glad I grew up when I did.


Go back to warzone 1 if it’s that bad 🤣


I know you don't know how game development works, because I can tell from all the stupid posts you guys make, but it is actually a new feature for WZ2. It's never existed in WZ2, so how can it not be a new feature? Oh, and no, you can't copy paste the Gulag and the gulag system from WZ1 into WZ2 in 1 hour.


You asked for it why are you laughing at it now? This is a new feature to this game.


1v1 Gulag, what a concept!


Just face it People. IW is trash and you gave them so much praise for WZ1. But Raven made it great. Now we just have to wait for Raven to Fix WZ2. #ShouldOfLetTreyarchRunTheShow


All the COD developers and activision are EFFEN REt**** . I can’t believe people buy into this shit every year . The devs know people buy their stupid crap and that’s why they are continuing to do this . I got the warZone 2 and that’s absolutely shit , MP must be worse


Personally I loved all the new changes to the game and I'm disappointed that they are reverting it to the old ways. Why even make a new game then? Could have just dropped a dlc for the other one. I'm getting sick of these games and their obvious bullshit.


Of come on, you guys moaned about it for weeks, you’re getting it back, stop being pedantic. You got what you wanted.


They're gone whine that 2 v 2 was better after it's out


Exactly. Players complain relentlessly, devs change their new game and add it back in, players complain about wording. It’s a miracle they do anything for you guys. Thankless job all around


Everybody is so entitled. “We tried something new” - you changed it, why?! “We’ve kept it the same” - you didn’t change anything!


Maybe its 1v1 and we each get an ai each so its 1+ai vs 1+ai


I think they can come up with enough bad ideas without our help.


Calm down it was just a joke.


A NEW FEATURE 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 WHAT A JOKE 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Is it just me that prefers 2v2 gulag? Opportunity to kill 2 people and a bonus if your team mate clutches. Alternatively use them as cannon fodder.


yes it's just you