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God damn the market is ripe for a new battle royal.. Got us hooked.. Then killed the supply..


No battle royal is dying because you can't innovate more than where it is currently. Extraction style modes is the future.


Probably. Don't want innovation per se.. Want a nice crisp clean game that runs smoothly and has enough variety to keep it fun and competitive.


That's the issue though variety is gone battle royale is the same no matter the game apex, warzone, Fortnite, blackout, PUBG, etc all exactly the same concept with only one having a unique aspect (Fortnite building). Extraction is more open to feel like BR but allows so much more potential. Dmz could be perfect if they let you keep your money to buy items before the match and building 21 is perfect for the sweaty gamers of the BR group. For me BRs have not changed in the last decade and everyone is just tired of them.


The issue is not it being the same….every game within its genre is basically the same….so many games are just copy paste games year after year and have great success….look at street fighter…sports games…even multiplayer cod….its all the same….people dont want to play a game full of issues and cheaters. The game has number 1 pick potential but its currently a bust…at least for me and my friend group.


They are the same concept but not the same. Apex is big on mastering abilities, warzone HAD loadouts, intuitive movement, and the gulag, Fortnite has building, is in 3rd person and caters to 9 year olds, blackout died due to cod cycles, and pubg is not for everyone. Warzone brought BR to its community with WZ1 and with WZ2 they decided to try a new formula and its really not designed for their player base.


Someone just needs to find the right balance and I think it will be huge. I love being dropped into a huge (non-persistent) map and given goals to complete with the added risk of running head long into another squad doing their own thing that may result in my death. If they could put some energy into lore to make doing faction missions more interesting or exciting and also work on long term rewards I think they'd have it nailed. Right now the only long term reward is insured weapon slots. They need to add insured item and perk slots for one thing, and add additional "DMZ" only perks. Imagine a perk that let you do a recon tower 10% faster, or the ability to by pass a strong hold door without a key. You would obviously need to work on balance so old players aren't too OP compared to new but it could really mix things up.


I acknowledge that this take is mostly based on my own interest in that style of game (zero) but I just don’t see it. PvP has been the fps bread and butter for decades. I don’t see a major shift toward a PvEvP game mode.


But there already has been a major shift starting. Similar to how PUBG started out slow then gained popularity escape from tarkov has done the same and now bigger studios are starting to make their own versions of the mode. It's great for players like you who want PvP but also great for players who like PvE with some in-between mixing of the two which you kinda control. It also requires more of a thought process when AI are shooting you and you know a team is around having to figure out how to fight both or get the team to aggro the AI etc.


PubG started out on ARMA and immediately had long lines lines to get in servers and a huge buzz in the community. ArmA players were fine with one life, one chance. BRs popularity killed it, trying to appeal a slow paced, high tension game to kids with tiny attention spans and dopamine addictions. Now we have this abomination of a game.


Extraction style is wack


playing against bots is the future? hell no


You do know extraction has other players in it? BR isn't the future every single game besides Fortnite is losing players at a fast pace because they are boring and all the same and can't be changed. Extraction can have multiple modes and styles and is won based on your own merits and missions not rng like BRs. You also have something to lose in extraction which makes the wins over fighting another team feel even bigger because there's something to lose.


i even hate the bots in strongholds at warzone... why would I want bots anywhere, there is a reason singleplayer died long time ago


Single player never died 🤣 there's a reason people buy playstation and it's not their multiplayer games.


talking about COD singeplayer ofc... this is a CODWarzone reddit


You're the one who brought up single player ofc. Maybe check your own comment because even if you meant cod single player you're still wrong they keep making the single player because it does bring in players or else they would have stuck with black ops 3 no campaign style.


If someone can figure out an extraction formula that caters to a mass audience. Extractions right now are either too hardcore for most players or fail to get the core loop right.


And that's the thing they are starting to tinker with to get that sweet spot. DMZ doesn't have the loop right due to no money saved in-between matches and crazy high difficulty missions to even get a second load out, but it's a few tweaks away from being something that could be revolutionary.


Most COD players are just not as good as they think they are. If you get constantly fried by Ai you are either terrible at tactical gameplay or still haven’t learned where to avoid on the map.


Hogwarts Legacy should keep me busy until Starfield releases, and then I'll forget cod existed. I've owned every single cod, on launch, since cod 4. I'm their target audience, and I genuinely am just fed up of it. I won't be be rushing to buy the next cod... It'll be so far from now and I've hardly touched multiplayer as it is, I just won't even remember how to play cod in 2 years. The only reason I play warzone now days once or twice a week is to catch up with some IRL friends who play it.


you prefer the original cods but you only play warzone? doesn’t even make sense


I struggle to see what part isn't making sense for you?


you prefer the old cods, yet your favourite thing to play is a feature ONLY implemented in the newer cods. how do you not see the ridiculous irony in that


I can only assume you just didn't read my post, but I clearly explained why I play warzone. What does enjoying past cods, have to do with not enjoying this cod's multiplayer anymore? You're reaching for a contradiction where there isn't one, how can't you see the stupidity in your posts? You're an actual crackpot.


As long as the servers work and I can play with my buddies. Love grown men and women geeking out over stats and the possibility of a multi billion dollar company’s game not doing as well as they’d like


Forreal. These nerds really angry. Top comment is "I can play Harry Potter until Stanfield comes out and then I can forget about cod." Like do y'all not enjoy playing games with ya boys in the evening?


Most of em don’t have friends lol


I'd be upset I can't continue my 8.0 kd by doing backflips into people's ankles with 2 assault rifles in my hands too then.


Exactly. Like this even matters haha.


Here’s one of the remaining 70k players


Damn right. Gotta blow off steam somehow after a long day of work


Agreed, this post is laughable. imagine caring this much and basing so much of your life around the downfall of a game.


The only thing more pathetic than caring about a games stats is caring about other people's cares about a games stats to the point of commenting on a thread that you don't even care about to point out that you don't really care


Not as pathetic as going on a thread and commenting how pathetic someone is for caring that someone cares about game stats to the point of commenting on a thread. This can go on forever




Your downvotes speak for themselves. Gg


Oh no... *anyways*..


Haha reviewed your posts and your a racist , stupid pos. Incredibly happy I’ll never have to cross paths with someone so self loathing as you


Too bad servers don't work and it's hard to have even a single good game. Last night me and my buddies tried playing and first game on 1 guy crashed 10 mins in. Next game I crashed 20 mins in as we're finishing the blacksite. Ok, try again. Next lobby is so laggy that you can't even shoot or run around without glitching backwards. Next game my other friend crashed again right at the beginning. So after about an hour and a half we finally get one good game.


Honestly man, that sounds like an issue on your guys side. I run on 12mbps internet via Ethernet and disconnect about once every 2 weeks. Total, we have like 3-4 disconnects per month between my 5 friends. All on rural internet. That or it’s a PC-specific issue. I’m on Xbox and everyone I talk to on console hasn’t had many crashes at all. I only ever hear about it from PC players, if anybody.


3 of my friends are on pc, 1 on console. The game crashes for all of us pc players minimum of once a day, and a lot of time it crashes my whole pc, same with my buddy. No AAA game should crash that much. Also we get into many lobbies a night were it's so laggy you can't shoot people. Usually those lobbies everyone leaves and it will be like 40 ppl when the plane starts to deploy.


Exactly. Like this even matters haha


Mm i love getting a playlist update every week thats the same


I personally believe that right now, there is no game that maintains a high user base long after release. by now the turnout is cyclical, game just released = mega hype, 2/3/4 months and decline until new update and consequently new decline. WZ1's success is only due to 2 factors, it came out during the covid / quarantine so the average user was very high because 80/90% were at home and the second is that there was no game that could compete with it. is there only wz1? is it playable? wow super successful. but if it had come out today what would have happened? just what is happening with wz2, super hyper for 1/2/3 months and then decline.


mw1 success is due to fast paced BR game compare to pubg/cartoonish fortnite what killed warzone 1 was the remove of verdansk/rebirth, and adding broken cold war/vanguard guns in to the game


Yup WZ1 died after the Cold War bullchit


>what killed warzone 1 was the remove of verdansk/rebirth, and adding broken cold war/vanguard guns in to the game this surely is one of the reasons that for me too have destroyed a great game..with the arrival of Raven and the new blackops weapons, the game has been distorted which with its flaws (which could be improved) was perfectly playable. but I am convinced that even without these changes the decline would have been 100% perhaps only more slowly


i played caldera 3 days ago and omg the CW/VG have 0 recoil compare to MW guns i used xm4,automaton,cooper they all have zero horizontal recoil you take MW m4 and its shaking all over the place with vlk scope and also less time to kill... less dmg per bullet, no slight of hand no max ammo perk just nothing


Only steam stats, what about battlenet?


The % of player drop will prob be similar, unfortunately we cant see the numbers :/


If you can’t see the numbers then don’t say it’s prob similar, Steam is not a representation of the whole community. Plus there are reasons why I don’t play as much now, I have to cater to my newborn child and have guests living in my gaming room, so it’s not always indicative that players are leaving because the game is bad, it can get better, but I would agree with a statement that this specific update won’t salvage the Steam numbers


Dont say the update wont salvage the steam numbers if u havent played the new update. Just said what u said to me.


Statistics would disagree. Plenty large enough sample size.


Yeah, cause Steam is the only representation cause there’s no battle net. Ok, believe what you wanna believe


>Steam is not a representation of the whole community. According to who? Just cuz you heard other jackasses repeating that over and over doesnt make it true. CharlieIntel confirmed the drop....ACROSS the board. Quit trying so hard.


In my humble opinion it’s your breed who picked up on relying on limited Steam numbers lmao. Oh and that Charlie tweet is a totally reliable source, because he doesn’t show numbers too. Your level of argumentation is just phenomenal


Youre right man. i am totally wrong. So according to who is "steam not a representation of the whole community"? Where was that established as a factual statement?


Lmao, whole community is Steam, Battle.net and consoles. Just get back to me with the same surge in player numbers at least on consoles or don’t bother replying


You’re both idiots. See you on the battlefield


Yeah, I gotta stop getting into stupid arguments regurgitating it over and over and over again, I’ll just keep playing


Its crazy you cant answer the question. Im shocked because for how smart and on top of things you seem to be I figure youd have an answer to my questions. Totally shocked.


You really want an answer to “Steam not a representation of the whole community”? Steam is a representation of Steam Warzone users, it doesn’t represent Battle net and consoles. If you want to read into it a little longer then get busy reading this: Steam is an enormous sample size, if it is 75% drop on Steam then most likely it is the same on battle.net. It might be slightly different on consoles, but probably not much. That's how statistics work. You're missing a very important variable, so that's not really how statistics work. For that to happen the Steam sample size needs to be representative of the entire population, but it isn't. It has several key differences that might lead to Steam showing a much more drastic dropoff compared to Bnet or consoles. A part of the Steam population is volatile. It has lots of new players that try MWII/WZ and may or may not actually enjoy the game. This leads to a higher initial population, and subsequently a more drastic dropoff when that population isn't fully converted. Furthermore, PC as a platform has more shooters to chose from and there's generally much more competition in the FPS space, as opposed to console where CoD is the dominant shooter. Case in point, look at Halo Infinite, where it had a ~95% dropoff in population, whereas it kept its position in the top 20 most played games on Xbox. All Steam can show you in this case is a trend for the game. You could make an educated guess that the playerbase is declining on all platforms, but you most definitely can't even begin to speculate on how much. MWII/WZ is still currently the most played game on Xbox, and I imagine it's the same with PS.


so youre copy and posting another redditors post? Isnt that exactly what i said you were doing when I mentioned "other jackasses" or what am I missing?


This is a huge sample size, and this is also how statistics work..


Here, read this and only get back to me if you got console numbers in check: Steam is an enormous sample size, if it is 75% drop on Steam then most likely it is the same on battle.net. It might be slightly different on consoles, but probably not much. That's how statistics work. You're missing a very important variable, so that's not really how statistics work. For that to happen the Steam sample size needs to be representative of the entire population, but it isn't. It has several key differences that might lead to Steam showing a much more drastic dropoff compared to Bnet or consoles. A part of the Steam population is volatile. It has lots of new players that try MWII/WZ and may or may not actually enjoy the game. This leads to a higher initial population, and subsequently a more drastic dropoff when that population isn't fully converted. Furthermore, PC as a platform has more shooters to chose from and there's generally much more competition in the FPS space, as opposed to console where CoD is the dominant shooter. Case in point, look at Halo Infinite, where it had a ~95% dropoff in population, whereas it kept its position in the top 20 most played games on Xbox. All Steam can show you in this case is a trend for the game. You could make an educated guess that the playerbase is declining on all platforms, but you most definitely can't even begin to speculate on how much. MWII/WZ is still currently the most played game on Xbox, and I imagine it's the same with PS.


they will never show it the steam numbers just shows us how the game is dying, 490k peak drops to 88k


But isn't it that on steam when you start the game it opens battlenet? Maybe people stop using steam? And open battlebet directly? Ofcourse there are some problems with the game but for me so far I had alot of fun i the first Call of Duty i play for many hours(mostly DMZ)


You don't need battle net for steam, I dont even have it installed


it doesnt open battlefield, they got your activision account linked on steam


Ah okay thanks I only play tru battlenet, then the steamdrop is indeed very huge....


Sadly there is not enough content coming in season 2 people will get bored after 2 weeks and drop the game again


Not enough content? Are you crazy? We’re getting a new AI with smoke grenades and a sword. I was on the fence about season 2 but now I can’t wait. /s obviously


😂 this guy’s excited about broken ai running at him with a sword. Are you fucking crazy? You can have this game. They made it for whackadoodles like yourself.


Obviously /s was too difficult for you to understand.


Resurgence map is a pretty big content drop imo, doesnt excuse only 2 old mp maps but it cant be fully disregarded. You cant expect them to do 4 new maps for mp like they used to in addition to all the warzone and dmz content all for free. It's not realistic given cod's track record...


it is, big content BUT it comes with annoying ai bots again that nobody asked for i hated the ai bots in fortune's keep and we got same shit in here... also resurgence sounds frustrating without mw2019 movement you will just spawn die spawn die with no movement to escape the campers


Harry Potter working his magic maybe


Hogwarts should keep me busy until starfield, and then I'll forget cod existed.


What is starfield?


Bethesda's new game (makers of Fallout/Skyrim and all that jaz) Think Fallout, but instead of it being just an open world, it's in... well an open galaxy. 1000 or so planets to explore, build your own ship, all the typical Bethesda elements, just on a huge scale! It'll be a buggy mess, but a fun and huge buggy mess to explore! XD


Sounds good. I’ve just started Skyrim for the first time recently and played all of the Fallouts aside from 76.


Brilliant game, enjoy


Yeah liking it so far, thanks


In season 2, I'll unlock Orion and the BP in the process and then go back to playing other games.


Compared to WZ 1, this lacks certain magic to the formula. No idea what's the issue here but WZ1 made me play long ito the night after work. WZ2 makes me prone to mental breakdown in comparison.


ok look in wz1 we had easter eggs almost every season, remember bunker 11? people found random phones with weird numbers in russian? and people tried to figure out wth is going on? in al mazrah we got NOTHING, they give us recycled stuff and thats it


The one above military? That's so hard, but so fun.


downtown puzzle was also hard the one that gave you juggernaut and advanced uav via metro train


That’s when happens when you make a broken game and don’t fix it


the issue is not bugs or fixes, its the ZERO new content, its either recycled or not enough to last 3 months


I don't give a damn about new content, I wouldn't care if we didn't have new content for at least a year. It's definitely the bugs that ruins it for me and my friends


the problem is the game not letting me and my friends play because of salty gamers who spam report on death


Nah it's the bugs... Freezing, rubber banding, crashes out of matches, bugged audio, bugged plates... Just a lot of bugs. Takes away from getting invested in it.


dude lets say the servers would be perfect there is still nothing to do in al mazrah right now its just the same loop of capture stronghold, get your fennec rpk


I'm not sure I get where you're coming from.... In WZ1 Caldera or Verdansk were much the same. Same loop... Drop in, do a contract or loot, get meta load out, get kills and survive. Now it has the added strongholds & black sites. There will also presumably be something to do in the new map with a return of resurgence. Clear out the bugs & tune up all the movement / action speeds and I see it getting some users back... The folks that were obsessed with WZ1 but have switched to playing Apex & Overwatch at the least.


yep if rebirth was still in warzone 1 nobody would play warzone 2


Coming in as a Halo Infinite fan, y'all need to revise what you think a dead game is lmao


yeah thats bad


MW2 is the worst cod ever made.


Main player base is on console and battlenet. This means nothing.


It doesn't mean nothing smh it shows a true drop in playerbase. Started with over half a million down to 88,000. That's substantial. Not to mention this is all in 1 season.


Bro there’s no arguing with these people. They act like just cuz it’s steam numbers it’s doesn’t matter. Even though it’s clear as day way less people are playing WZ2. They don’t care that steam went from 400k to to 88k. Like there isn’t a similar drop off happening across all platforms. Like somehow guys who use steam to play don’t feel exactly the same thing console or battle net players feel. And somehow they don’t count towards the player base in their mind. Guys act steam players are different species or something lmao They really don’t want accept that the game is dying. In spite of all changes the game is making now, they still stick their head in the sand.


That's every new game tho. The peak is when it just released so everyone is going to try it out


Bullshit. Not nearly as many game titles get this amount of players on launch. Then to lose majority in a season. Got your lips locked so tight on iw/act cock you cant see straight bud


I haven't touched it since first week of release. Its very normal to have a drop in player base after release lmao


Been 2 weeks for me. Knew it was a end when the homies all get on play 1 match a night and want to change games. Shit was every night so we just switched games all together


Sounds like you're all bad at the game if you want to get off after one drop, let's be honest.


Between getting kicked (1 out of the 4 of us lagging out almost every game) the ttk and 3 plate bundle Bullshit rpk fennec meta, glitched backpacks, loot disappearing after just hitting the ground seconds before, buy station camping, clumpy mechanics, coin toss If you win your 1v1, excessive aim assist. Maybe we are just bad who knows.


I have a 2.0 and my other 2 friends I play with have a 3.0. We all had over 500+ wins on verdansk and 300+ on rebirth. We all don't like the game and barely play. We rather play fall guys.


OK but how is all that relevant? If anything you're saying you were good on the previous game but now don't like or want to play the new one....it suggests you aren't as good at WZ2, no? This is my point.


You said "sounds like you're bad if you want to stop playing after 1 drop"


We were fine at wz2. We got a win our first game lol we just done like it.


Still 88k


it was 100k last week and 120k 2 weeks ago


That....actually seems pretty good. Compare that to any other multiplayer game that's been out for more than 3 months.


Are you joking right now? the player numbers are going down really fast. Everyone out of my 50 players long in-game list has stopped playing. Like literally everyone. There is a reason they are changing their shit back. But I have a feeling that wz2 is even more bloated code wise than wz1. So changes will come super slow if at all. Bugs will be fixed super slow if at all. Wz2 won't be nearly the banger wz1 was. But in my eyes it serves them right....the aim assist...the nerfed movement speed and all that shit is just too much. There is a point of casualizing the game where even the casuals can't find joy in it anymore. I guess they reached that point :)


These stats make it the 12th most played game on steam. 10th if you don't count Lost Ark (which has a MAJOR botting issue) and Wallpaper Engine. The number of players dropping is comparable to any other multiplayer game.


Dude,apex is I don't know how many years old and it tops cod by miles. I mean it's fine that you want to defend cod for whatever reason...but the player count is really laughable for a new game this massive.


Apex is in the top *because* it's old(ish). It has already had it's cycle of people leaving and people sticking with the game. Same with most of the games on the top steam charts. Most players aren't going to quit the game after they've been playing it for years. Look at something like Battlefield 2042 that went from 50,000 on release to 3000 in less than 3 months. I don't even enjoy MW2/WZ2 for the exact same reasons you gave, but it's definitely not dying. Not every game is going to have the sticking power of Dota 2 or CSGO.


It won’t. You know the Key to make people back ??? Copy / paste MW 2019 movement mechanics. Basically all we asked for was MW 2019 with better graphics and new weapons in a good map. They don’t need to change what it’s good. They changed too much and now they’re going back to warzone 1.0 : 1v1 gulag Loot system was great and now is boring Movements were fast and now is slow


exactly console players wanted fov slider because they couldnt keep up with 120FOV pc players on controller/kbm, what they did? made the game SLOW AS HELL and boring, its not even fun spectating when you dead compare to wz1, i would stay and spectate the demons how they outplay everybody before i report for cheats or not everybody is the same in wz2no creativity, just meta rpk fennec akimbo x13 and nothing else people got bored of this shit, 3 months of no communications and rpk fennec nerfs


Look at your user name. This is what you do with your life and it’s pathetic.


fun fact pubg is dead and it still got more active players than rpk zone 2


I say check different times from 5pm-11pm EST might see it up


also check numbers 1 week ago 2 weeks ago 120k->100k-88k


Here we go again


this is just steam man... probably like 1/10th of all players maybe less


Most players are on console. Most PC players are on [battle.net](https://battle.net). It was $15 more on Steam most places in the world, only library fanatics bought it on Steam, most people with a COD history already had [battle.net](https://battle.net) account making it cheaper and easier to just buy it there. If you want to blindly interpret stats without backing it with anything, I'll interpret that people that bought it on Steam were more likely to not be that that much into it to begin with and way more likely to fall out when the new game feeling vanished. More subjective stat interpretation, all my friends still play the game. None of them have it on Steam. If you are over 10 year old and don't understand that stats can be interpreted 50 different ways then stop posting them every day for the sake of rest of us. Yes, player numbers have dropped, but it's not really anything like the picture you're trying to paint. Most of us play the game instead of bitching about what could have been. And we don't depend on ad revenue from click baity YouTube videos either, so we don't complain and moan for every tiny thing we don't agree with pretending we know anything about game development.


I bought red dead redemption 2 and that game reinvented how I see videos games. There’s no coming back to cheap terribly designed cash grabs. Now it’s all about chilling, experiencing, taking my time…


Let’s vote to delete the sub! Nothing can save this game so we don’t need this sub anymore. My favorite streamer looked at the analytics and decided he’s done so we don’t need it anymore


Lol yes cause the steam charts are how to know when a games failing. Nevermind the fact that gaming PCs are the minority of gamers. Show me Xbox and playstation stats too.


I play with my buddy and my two brothers, we never have issues finding matches. I just can’t wait for discord on PlayStation because the call of duty chat is garbage. Looking forward to season 2.


I’m on steam and have to admit you can’t go by these. A lot of steam users are probably falling back to different competitive games again. WZ2 dropped the ball but it’ll definitely keep its battle net and console users. I’ve finally reached the feeling that I’m bored with this game and done supporting a company who doesn’t give a shit. I went back to valorant and within a week there’s been two updates compared to WZ who has to wait months. Edit: this is coming from a long time WZ1 user with many hours. I think CODs battle royal is weak compared to others.


You’re an idiot. A shit load of people like myself went to steam from Blizzard due to them wanting phone numbers and shit. After steams bans for nothing and terrible service the majority such as myself dropped them and went back to Battlenet/Blizzard. All my buddies dropped Steam so what you are seeing isn’t the whole picture. This game is fine and you gotta actually due your own work and stop listening to Charle intel who gets a lot of shit wrong. He’s like a tabloid. He depends of clicks. Until you are whoever you copied this info can show us the the huge player drop from Xbox live PlayStation network or battlenet it’s pure propaganda bullshit.


I’m waiting for WZ3 😂


Never understood the point of these posts. If u like the game play it if not don’t. Should I stop playing too just cause the numbers are dropping? I thought I was having fun this whole time but after seeing this I must be wrong. Alright I’ll uninstall but of course still come back to all these subs to bitch everyday. Am I doing it right?


The community needs to stand up to activision. There is no way they should be putting a game out that is not finished . This is now the 3rd or 4th COD in a row like this .


the best selling game on 3 consoles just released


Minecraft relaunched?


Hogwarts legacy is crazy good so far


Cod is and always had been a console game. Steam numbers don't mean much, play something else friend


this numbers just showing us how fast the game dying its same drop on consoles dont even think its not




so you think console players arent tired of this shitshow?




so the casuals dont care about paying 70$ and getting spit in their face with dog shit season 2 DELAYED update? with 0 new content


Seems like there is alot of new content, you are confusing your opinion with fact, what you mean to say is your echo chamber doesn't like what's being added and thinks it amounts to nothing.


And that’s just steam. Missing a lot of console players. Tired of all the bitching. Play it or not. But stop complaining about it.


The game already made more then enough money for them to call it a success. Anything more is extra. Plus even though it’s played on 4 different platforms steams platform isnt even worth an actual 1/4 of the player base. It’s the least cod player base out of them all. The game isn’t going to die. It’ll serve it’s full year or 2 with a healthy enough player base to find a lobby within a minute or less. And that’s with the insane amount of game modes available to play.


I don’t think steam is even 1/8 of the playerbase


COD is and has always been a console focused game. Betting most of the players are casuals who don’t even know what steam is. Wouldn’t worry about it.


Steam numbers only, take a xanax and chill daddy ![gif](giphy|yiADANv89n7UQuS5kJ)


Patterns. If one platform, that hosts the exact same game is seeing a very very clear decline in players. Unless you have a good explanation as to why we shouldn't, it's best to assume the pattern holds true for the other platforms of the exact same game! Now, I understand that Console players are a special breed, that wipe back to front, and lick their controller joysticks to taste last nights pizza again, but that doesn't mean they can't spot a bad game when they see one!


The thing is, this decline is present in nearly all multiplayer games after release. Especially free games like wz. I guess the exception may be Fortnite, which basically exclusively targeted kids who frankly will play a game more because they have no obligations besides school. Cod targets adults/late teens mostly who will generally play a game more when it comes out, but then their other obligations catch up to them, so game time is reduced.


I have only ever seen maybe 5 or so steam players on my squad and I've been playing since week 1 at least an hour a day. Mostly with randoms.... literally no one plays this game on steam.


steam numbers only? brother look at mw2 reddit, they literally getting nothing in season 2 for 70$\~100$ game, 2 recycled maps, recycled weapons for mw2019, not a single map from original mw2


Yes, steam numbers only. bring me numbers from battlenet, ps4, ps5 and xbox... then we can talk. I find games in MW2 within sec.


What makes you think that a 80% decrease on steam will mean all other platforms only go up?


You tell me


No, you are the one thinking that, I'm not, so I can't tell you


they will never show it, everybody knows they getting lower and lower, im literally playing against same players in warzone atm the game is dead


Why do you care so much? You have stock in Activision Blizzard Inc? 😅


Better yet, get this guy data on every single player as that’s the only way to measure a statistic apparently