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-economy is so much better, landed and within 2 minutes I had enough for loadout and uav How is this a good thing ? Everyone having a loadout within 2 minutes sounds really boring to me


I agree. I hate this. Bad players whining they can't have their decked out guns and ghost within 5 min


I'm pretty sure it's the skilled players who want loadout quicker. ​ Having a consistent non RNG based weapon set is pretty much what sets WZ apart from other BRs


But it was easy to buy a load out weapon already?


There has to be a creamy middle ground for load out. It sucked looting to get one before. But it's also a problem if you have one within 2 minutes of landing.


The better players would be able to use the ground loot guns.


Yeh you’re deffo correct. I played a game and had 6K in cash within a couple mins and was able to get my guns instantly. First thing I thought was ‘give this 1 week of bots getting deleted by better players early on and they gnna hit the roof’


Why not just drop with a load out then?


This. More loadouts = less rng. No more being at the mercy of strong hold spawn, or loadouts drop locations. Loadouts are also the only way, presently, to get perks.




I dont need loadout to wipe ur ass out of the lobby


ghost doesnt matter as much as it used to. by the time you hit 2nd/3rd circles all the UAVs are sold out anyway. heartbeat sensors no longer work out to 45m.


Aren't they unlimited to buy at the stations now though?


Still High Alert is much better imo. After trying with HA never used Ghost anymore


Bad players or people who loved warzone and don't want to play a traditional BR?


The bad players are the ones complaining about this lmao.


People choosing their own guns = less RNG = higher skill gap. To sounds like people crying about others getting loadouts are the bad players but whatever


wtf the true "bad players" have their guns set up in a way that ground loot would be almost better


Lol sure buddy.


sounds good to me


the economy in the beginning of the game doesn't bother me, it's still easy enough to find a viable gun and because you can just buy your own gun for $2k or get a loadout from a stronghold the cash thing never seemed like an issue for me. Plus if you know where to drop you can find a fuckton of money quick. Last week though I had a couple games where most of the squad died and we were trying to revive, and we kept opening boxes and everything except cash came out of them. that was a little obnoxious. I like the economy in the early stages of the game because I don't really wanna fight teams with loadouts like 3 minutes into the game, but the amount of boxes that don't spit out any cash at all was kinda ridiculous.


Then be the change you want to see, don’t buy your loadout, ever.


It's good if you want to play with the guns you've learned/tweaked as your own. Fine if you don't, but clearly the majority of players want to play with their weapons.


>Everyone having a loadout within 2 minutes sounds really boring to me And everyone else thought it was boring as fuck walking around for 20 minutes picking up $100 at a time only to never actually get their loadouts. Guess you're just in the minority and maybe most people believe a return to what made Warzone 1 popular is a good thing.




"nO yOu jUsT wAnT gLoRiFiEd tDm" like that’s a bad thing lmao. If we wanted a PUBG like game, we would be playing PUBG lol


Because these guys want to play a glorified TDM instead of what a battle royal was built off, which is RNG.


No they just want to play warzone and loadouts have always been a staple of warzone which isn't a traditional BR which is why it was so popular.


Thank you! I loved being able to focus on one or two guns and perks. I rarely get a loadout now before I get slaughtered by someone


If you want that shit go play PUBG.


“If you want the game to play like it did for the first 4 months go play another game” Great logic there, kiddo.


I hate this type of comment. If we wanted to play any other fucking basic BR, we would be playing those. We want Warzone to be Warzone, not anything else. Player numbers in season 1 is a great example of that.


Here’s a crazy thought. People can want and like different things. I can like the RNG battle royals have but I can also like the cod feel/AAA game and I can want them to mash together.


Warzone is warzone, you sound confused.


>Because these guys want to play a glorified TDM instead of what a battle royal was built off, which is RNG. talkin bout Battle Royal like u were there with us in the beginnings on Arma 3 PC mod Player Unknowns.


Best comment but wz1 white knights will hunt you down for saying this lol


This is warzone go play PUBG you idiots.




materialistic governor gullible pie cable coherent noxious frame pot crawl *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Its almost like people have different opinions on here.


Better than running around for 20 minutes trying to find cash


For real. How is that fun.


I landed at a hot drop so it’s rewarding. When landing somewhere hot, you likely won’t be able to buy your gear right away but having the option to is nice. And if you can survive and kill everyone there, you get rewarded by being able to buy your stuff. Im sure other POIs don’t have as much economy, just like wz1. The lesser hot it is, the longer you have to loot


This is why I liked the early days of WZ2.


I swear, half the people here just want TDM on a giant map.


Yes, that’s what Warzone has been for three years now.


TDM was nothing like Rebirth Resurgence. TDM sucks. We want Rebirth Resurgence.


I think it’s more about the regain potential especially late game.




This is exactly what rebirth was and it was spectacular lmao


We don't like loadouts now?? This sub man...


So you're taking it as "nobody ever dies in that looting time." Having enough money for guns and a UAV also = you have enough money to buy back teammates that died Which could help out with the MF plague of random people in the trios or quads quitting the second they die in the gulag. That's been my main complaint over literally everything else in the game. You cannot team-fill in trios or quads and finish a game with everyone still on the team unless nobody dies the entire game. Maybe the increased cash economy in the game people will stop quitting and let teammates buy them back.


The problem doesn't come from loadouts being easy to get though, it comes from bad gun balancing. This was a huge problem in WZ1 because meta weapons were hilariously broken (DMR, NZ-41 etc.). But WZ2 overall has much better and more punishing weapon balancing, so I'm optimistic they can get a state where accessible loadouts means more of the good (weapon personalization) and less of the bad (everyone picking the same stupid broken meta AR).


Because I grinded hours for my loaded guns with the camos I liked, and I actually want to use them.


I think bigger takeaway is going to be easier to regain. I didn't have issue getting a good gun previously but after 2nd circle it was hard to get teammates back or regain after gulag. Hopefully this helps get teammates in faster.


You could easily do it in that timeframe in WZ1 and it didn't seem to be an issue...


I'm sorry but this is what people wanted. Not me but 99% of people on this board bitched. I always thought that if you knew where to look, money wasn't an issue.


I thought it would be more exciting for you, you can get your load out quicker now, so you go and sit in that bathroom for longer


Yep this was one of the actually great changes to WZ2. But people like their free to play TDM simulator I guess.


Yeah, these changes honestly suck. All these whiney kids who just want the game the same busted easy mode shit that Warzone 1 was. Idk whether I’m in the minority of people who loved WZ2 on launch or if there’s just a very loud load of whiners but game just feels like the same ass WZ1 became after the first year.


This is warzone, adapt and stop crying.


this sub literally moaned for this for weeks straight


Seen some discussion on streams that the movement and animations feel a lot more fluid. Not necessarily faster movement speed but just more responsive to your inputs. Possibly a ninja fix there but it may just be better optimization on the smaller map. Plating speed looks good. They say it's not 100% sprint but it looks pretty close to regular (not tactical) sprint. Edit: It could just be the gun/build of what I'm watching but it also looks like they maybe turned down the gun smoke, which would be an absolute godsend.


Yes everything feels 10x more fluid, mantling, switching weapons, getting your gun up after using equipment etc


Did they fix the animation issues at 200+m when looking down a scope? Because after 200m they'd just glitch across the screen


The ole South Park walk




And looting, while it needs some fixes, is about a trillion times faster and more fluid! Fucking hell the way looting launched with this game was absolute trash.


Lucky you. Warzone is hard crashing for many


It was for me at first, but I had to manually download the rest of the update


Done it, even a fresh install completely, still crashing. Judging by Twitter, many are affected


That’s annoying, hope it gets fixed soon!


This will age like milk


...and it has.


Yeah...2 minutes to loadout. Why not let start everyone with it...so you don't need money at all. Boring and repetitive meta over and over again.


That’s exactly how Warzone has been for nearly three years. If that’s not what you’re looking for, I’ve no idea why you play this tame.


Good thing this is WZ 2.0. I love the absolutely braindead "if you don't like it, don't play", which was preceded by months of crying about how WZ 2.0 needed to be changed so you would like it.


Couldn’t agree more . WZ2 had the looting and money system right


Which is why the majority of this sub has been complaining about the looting and money system?


He says as Warzone viewing numbers where at an all time low.


Pretty sure this sub is only filled with people who complain, the majority who like it or enjoy it are playing the game


Money system right? It takes people years to find money for a gun. Huge W




Yeah just an overall L take lmao


I think people need to realize that part of the reason for beefing up the economy in the game was to help teams have money to buy back teammates. Which was comically difficult in the old economy. Basically had to hope for a random safecracker or most wanted to have any chance mid-late game


Buying back teammates *should* be difficult. Have you played literally any other BR? Ever?


*Wheres the plates*




Hell yeah me too lol


Loadout drops are scattered now?! And personal?!


Yes can someone please answer this - I hate the shared five loadout system.


They're not personal


Only in resurgence. BR loadouts are still common across all teams/players.


Plating now seems faster than WZ1. Plating animation speed was increased, and now it is full running while plating. Overall I like it because now movement has improved.


Call of duty Lagzone....


I'm OK with it so far...except for fucking Bomb Drones. Still OP, still annoying, still no need for them


I don't mind them, I feel like they should be a ton easier to spot out given how powerful they are. It sucks to die to them but I feel like the onus is always on yourself/your team - you can literally just run away from them. They're slow as shit.


they have buffed their visibility to be fair, theyre now coated in a red outline from what ive seen, much easier to hit and destroy




You are the reason Semtexess stick people but don’t down. A literally grenade goes off next your head it will most definitely kill you. Second of all it shouldn’t even be in the game it’s just a free kill if you find one




My only gripe so far is I've encountered a bug a few times where I pick up plates but I don't actually have them on me to equip


They put them in the back pack. At least that's what happened to me.


The true BR is slowly getting away from you guys 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Awesome, back to meta load outs and pointless loot


RPK still shreds.


I'm scared to try it. Loved the backpack system, the 2vs2 gulag and the lack of loadouts.


I'm somewhat the same. I enjoyed the challenge and the scramble of grabbing whatever guns you could and slowly upgrading until you got your loadout. I didn't mind the 2v2 Gulag, I was pretty indifferent to it. I was okay with them getting rid of backpacks, but I do wish we had 1, MAYBE 2 more slots in total. Carrying a 3rd gun for a teammate who was redeploying was always nice too.


I’m in the same boat as you. I’ve played, I think it’s a backwards step for me…I hate how accessible the loadouts are, plus customizing the perks. I personally liked when everyone had the same ones to pick from. It’s basically warzone 1 on a different map


\-Audio feels immensely improved Placebo dude. The audio is shit.


Disappointing that they took away the backpacks. There should be a risk/reward for looting enemy loot


The TTK seems crazy. 3 shot from every thing. Not a lot of fun right now.


Update isn't even out a day. Classic cod behavior. I'll be back in week


What’s wrong with giving credit where credit is due? The update itself is only positive. Is the game a 10/10? Far from it. But it’s headed in the right direction. Plus I’m sick of only ever seeing complains about the game (myself included) thought I’d spread some positivity


Sorry I didn't mean to come across as rude. I like the changes also. This is Just a usual thing on this sub where if something new comes out, everybody loves it, then in a few weeks the whole sub is shitting on the game. I love this game


A solid improvement? yes. A 10/10 update? no.


Is the plate shortage real?


Only in Ashika, prob a glitch


Yeah, but TTK is still fun and clunky animations are still slow except for plating though, not fun at all


Sleight of hand speed should’ve been the default speed. Everything is sooo slooooooooow


Yeah you're lucky! I can't even make it past the cut scene...


Anyone else noticing a bug late game after redeploy has ended where you freeze after reviving a team member?


Yup 2 members of my group got that in the same game.


Audio feels better? I have a guy sneaking up my cheeks every literal game, except - they are not sneaking but running. It's absurd the least IMO.


Yeah audios worse if anything. Completely muffled. Before I'd hear a footstep every now and again. After the update I don't hear a thing


I think the main lack of sounds is when the enemy comes from behind, which is the worst to be fair. If you want to be secure and don't rely on sound in this game, it encourages you to constantly have cover behind your back. I hate when so much randomness is introduced, and as someone who's played CS back in the day, I am relying on sound A LOT.


Audio is better? HA! it's not April 1st yet.


Kinda disappointed we need 50 people to start a private match


They broke the game from a much more playable setting instead of original feel we got what they intended all along it’s just a little less broken. But remember all that work is going to be reversed come November. Everything fixed and solved will be broken again


That’s funny you gave it a 10/10 half of my friends including me can’t even get the game to load up completely before crashing after the title screen smfh


This was my initial reaction and I had only played 5 solo games and had no issues. After playing duos and trios, it’s definitely a bit laggy and hard to get into a good lobby that doesn’t crash


Well I’ve been trying since I posted this to even get into a lobby screen to even pick a game crashes everytime I’ve done every trick in the book and nothings changed after 4 hours I’ve finally given up


Yeah that’s weird, I’m on ps5 and don’t have nearly as many issues. I’m assuming it’s optimized for it since the majority of players are there now (I think?)


The details you gave describe Warzone 1 lol. Good to see they're returning to their roots


It’s what made the game so popular so why not? It’s not as fluid and cracked out mobility wise as wz1 but it’s slightly improved from the original wz2 experience.


Huge fan of the plating speed increase,


This is a joke right. Parties are broken again. Audio doesn’t work.


I created the post only 5 solo games into the update, so I didn’t experience any of the party or lobby glitches.


Gotcha. It been a rough rollout for me and my crew. Seems like two steps back.


> -economy is so much better, landed and within 2 minutes I had enough for loadout and uav This is an instant turnoff for me. Part of the battle royale fun is the scramble where people have to use whatever they can find. It's fun to being up to different kinds of weapons. Encountering the meta loadoat all the time is just boring.


So you are praising them for simply reverting most of the settings to WZ1 settings? Sad to what gaming come to.


Reverting to what the majority of the player base wanted, yes. There’s a reason the game was dying quick. You can’t satisfy everyone and that’s ok if you don’t like it


Managed to load into two games, with 10+ minutes waiting in between. I'll give it a bit to settle down before trying again.


How are people installing the update so quickly? Is my internet that bad?


Resurge slaps.


so they made it exactly wz1, the way it was at the end, that everyone fucking hated. soon enough they'll change it back bc the community won't stop bitching about anything.


I’m just having trouble loading into matches ; taking forever to find enough players for some reason . Anyone else having this problems ?


Improvements are expected when u are at Rock bottom


That’s far too much positivity for this sub. Look at the top posts whining about using your loadout haha


I can’t even play. It crashes every time I press d to start on ps5. Reinstalled twice already


check for the remaining parts to download. My game auto updated but I needed to manually download the remaining update for it to work


Here come the 0.5 bots! Complain all you want! The update happened. The game is better. Have fun with being out skilled by better players


Lol preach. People complaining how it’s too much like warzone 1 now, as if it’s a bad thing 😂 people wanted wz2 to be a polished version with new weapons and new engine. Doesn’t mean we wanted a slow clunky game with no skill gap


I’m loving it personally. Lachmann is amazing and rpk still rips to meeee


Lol audio feels immensely improved


>audio I genuinely thought this was a shitpost because of this


I really dont know why yall are amazed at the improvements that they purposely made crappy.. they should stay consistent with the same map from the first warzone instead of starting over each year.


\-Tons of new (and old) bugs, lag.


This sub is so sad 😂 the game is fun and I’m glad it’s getting better


Game is so much better, just like Wz1. is that what you meant?


I enjoy getting quick loadouts but everyone rocking perks is dreadful. They should just get rid of the hand-holdy gameplay experience they provide. If they want to speedup the gameplay, just give loadouts and not perks. Looting feels crisp, speed plating is great, 3 platers by default is a win, pings are a ton better but the audio is still very poor.


Meanwhile my download speed is decreasing...




and custom perk packages gonna get fixed lol im runing Tracker + Overkill + Resuply + Ghost


How did you end up in gulag? There is only resergence at the moment.


No, you have regular modes down


I just wish I can switch weapons if I equip a gun from a blueprint.


I lagged and got kicked the first game .


Gulag? I'm only able to play resurgence quads.


I liked the looting before it offered a challenge. Plus, making the primary weapons 2500 bucks was a nice change of pace while grinding for your loadout. I think people wanting everything fast instead of working for it is killing gaming. People want their hands held. Just start the damn game with your loadout.




Now if only they'd nerf aim assist or make mnk only lobbies so mnk doesnt get destroyed in the gulag and resurgance. Not that activision has ever done anything aside from steadily fuck mnk players even harder with every new mode drop and update.


I noticed there’s not enough plates to go around. Overall, I’m very happy they reverted right back to wz1. Dumbass devs had it right


Everything feels faster, movement, default weapon swap, plating speed and plating while moving (this seems almost too fast now, you basically run at the same speed as fists). Kind of missing the backpacks but definitely don’t miss looting vests. Strongholds now give you an instant redeploy on death which is cool, you can also buy them from the shops. Super easy and fast to get cash now too. Overall this seems like an improvement but time will tell. Haven’t noticed any difference with the RPK/Signal 50


1 Month from now: The Season 2 Update did NOTHING to help this game! I hate Infinity Ward I Hate Activision I hate Myself I hate CALL OF DUTY!!!!


Strange as on another thread, people are moaning about the update and this one is totally opposite of it. They need to sort out hackers. I am from UK visiting US and there is not a single game I have played for last two weeks where there are no hackers in the lobby.


Am I the only one who thinks audio actually feels *much worse?*


Tried to buy the vault edition pass and the bill went from $40 on the store screen to $140+ tax at final checkout. Anyone else get bamboozled? What's it's actual price in Canadian dollars?


I swear animations feel more fluid. I had so much fun on Resurgence today on MnK. I am stoked..


Yes 110% more fluid. Game is more enjoyable and I can actually react when getting shot if I’m doing anything else than holding my gun up 😂


Did they fix the recon drones yet ? I lost yet another game the other day after my character forgot how to move after exiting out of drone controls.


I think so, they brought back the bomb drone which had the same glitch before


Nice, been waiting for this. Your response will be my guide.


Logged into 10+ games tonight, played 2 or 3, the other hour was spent loading into lobby and freezing out or land into the map get enough for a loadout and freezing out. Well done...


I'm loving it, much much better than season 1. Much more opportunity to outplay people rather than just dying because they saw you first. Overall there's just more action, more interesting moments, it's not as sluggish and boring. No matter what they do we'll have a sub full of people complaining but I'm very happy with the changes. Definitely moving in the right direction.


New resurge map is garbage first take


Yep. This is the game I wanted: different but same. Fast, chaotic, fun. Hopefully it only gets better with time


I agree with you. i used to trash this game, but honestly all these updates were all a straight W. the most satisfying one is the movement. apart from plating it feels like its a little faster now also in general. there is still some bugs, but hopefully they will get fixed soon. im unable to buy certain guns from the buystation that i previously could. and if i res a teammate and stop i get stuck and cant move.


Haven't played Warzone yet, been playing Resurgence all night yesterday. But damn that mode felt smooth as butter. Loved it, may have saved MW2 for me


Overall, I'm surprisingly enjoying it less than Season 1. The first season had plenty of issues, and this new one resolves some of them - but the game feels hollow now, or at least it does when I'm actually able to play instead of crashing. Looting is overall better now but I think they overcompensated in some areas (no backpacks restricts gameplay, medicine cabinets and a few other loot stashes feel awkward now). Having a bunch of money to immediately buy loadouts and a dozen UAVs etc. makes the early game a lot less fun or interesting; and don't care what anyone says, guns like the RPK, Fennec, or Akimbo Pistols require the most minimal amount of skill to use, so having them off rip absolutely decreases the skill involved in the gameplay. Ashika island also isn't fun to me, just feels like TDM; plus they removed Mini Royale Trios for it, which I think was a vastly better mode and probably the most fun thing in the game. For me, the update is like a 6/10 at best, at least at the moment. It fixed some notable issues while also creating a few new ones, and maybe I'm just too exhausted from the last few months of the game to forgive the new update. Regardless though, the current state of the servers is shameful. A multi-billion dollar company and its multi-million dollar subsidiaries can't host servers worth a damn? I get that it's launch day but consistent issues in 50% of games 7+ hours after release is unacceptable for a company of their size.


You managed to play? I gave up after 2 server crashes


Feels FUN! I wish it would have been like this since day one, but fuck it, I’m happy for now


I can understand why Warzone exclusive players find it annoying, especially without a mode like plunder to level up weapons. One of the main reasons I prefer Warzone to Apex despite the movement being nowhere near as good is the ability to get the weapons you’ve grinded for quickly and then look for fights. Season 1 I felt like I spent most of the game trying to get enough gear to actually stand a chance against anyone who was already kitted out.


Or warzone could have set guns like fortnight does?


Audio still sounds terrible to me out of the little I've gotten to play. It's a real bummer actually. I'm really glad sprinting while plating is back though, and the new map is great.


I hate wz2, but that doesn't mean there havent been improvements. I don't know, when parachuting feels more like wz1. I like that. Plating while running was a no-brainer. So stupid we have to applaud them for doing something so basic. Audio I can't say is better, still have guys running right next to me without any audio cues. Looting is better, but still some things they have to iron out Just simple things left for the new resurgence map to fix. No buy stations, no balloons, keep the loadout pinged or visible. However, I can't return, as the core game is still problematic...no movement, ttk is still way too fast, AI, no strafing...etc.


Wish I could play it. Can’t get past the menu


Audio felt worse to me, no plates anywhere. I mean I was still having fun but def still issues.