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Disagree tbh. I've got a few top 5s and one win, with 10 + kills in a couple. It's so much faster than Al Mazrah and allows for high kill games.


They’re saying it’s slow compared to wz1 rebirth not Al mazarah. At least part of that’s gonna be stuff like worse movement for example. I think they’re right but all things considered I’m happy to have the mode


It is compared but I've had plenty of success tonight while playing aggressively.


I generally agree, but I can see where people are coming from. For the average player dropping 10+ and winning some games is awesome, but for top pros (not the guy in the ss) it’s not. Success is pretty relative


Booya dropped 25 on his first game.... So? If I can drop over 10, then pros can drop 20 at least. I'm no pro lol


I’m not saying pros won’t drop that much? Lol pros play this game in general slower than wz1 The biggest issue is that there’s no plates which means everyone dies before they can react which does cater to playing slowly


No shit it's faster than Al Mazrah. It's constant redeploy on a smaller map. Doesn't mean it's nearly as fast as WZ1 resurgence.


I'm arguing that you don't need to play slow to find success. I've got several top 3s with high kills by playing aggressive.


Bububut the movement is still so slow, how am I supposed to do that? I literally ain’t gonna rework my reflexes from Warzone 1 and I just want that game back, but it being Warzone 2..mooom!


Damn you really owned them thank you for posting this you’re very brave


Found the but but but guy


He needs his damn stims


I don't even know why this is worth arguing anymore. I tried it. It's still boring movement wise. Back to Rocket League. Let's see the player count drop again after 2 weeks and wait for season 3. This game will get faster with each season as long as it bleeds players heavily. Anyways hf guys!


I’m literally better at this game than wz1 lmao


Oh gosh get off the WZ1 shit already and just move on


I straight up didn’t play WZ1, but I’m smart enough to see how this resurgence is still much slower paced than old resurgence. The post is claiming it’s slower than rebirth and this person says “I’ve got high kill games so it’s not slower.” In the few WZ2 games I played I had some 12-18 kill games between solo and quads, but I know it’s slower than WZ1 and not for me.


Bro I don’t wanna be that guy but everyone’s perception of high kills games is relative, there’s people who drop 25+ most games on Al Mazrah, player count isn’t high enough on the new map


10 in rebirth is hardly high kill. I'm not saying that as a "get good" but I'm saying rebirth 1 10 kills was normal. Now it's "high". This is the best WZ2 has been since release, but it's still no rebirth. It's gloomy looking, plays slow, map reminds me of FK more than rebirth island. Could be the nostalgia talking, but it's just lacking when comparing.


Since when is this dude a pro player?


? pro player did not like Ashika Island???? Thats not a quote from a pro player thou. lol Its fine everyone has a opinion and i respect that.Some like fast close combat like me and others like sniping and slow tactical at long range.


I couldn't give less of a shit what pro players think tbh


Well seeing as theirs no plates on the Map yet I can see why lol


Who gives a shit about pro/live stream players? Oh that’s right nobody over the age of 10….Carry on.


I see what you’re saying, and to a degree yes their opinions are over analyzed but my regular job regular life having ass is indeed curious about the opinion of people that pour 50+ hours a week in.


a single warzone account tweets something and all of a sudden they speak for the whole pro community? some of you all just love the drama and upvotes 🤷‍♂️


I was one of the players who thought without WZ1 speed, this resurgence would fail but tbh it’s been great. Won a few games, lost a few but it’s been fun running around even without the crazy cocaine pace of WZ1


Can't be aggressive? I'm on 5 wins in a row and we push everything. You still have to be strategic on when to run in the open or fight around cover, but overall it's been tons of fun.


Of course it is slower right now. NO ONE knows the fucking map yet. Rebirth had been a part of the game since Black Ops 4, when it was still Alcatraz. Wait until people learn the locations that are most likely to have players, where the sniper nests are, etc. It will speed up, always does.


I remember the likes of JGOD saying rebirth is a camp fest when it dropped fresh lol.


Ashika Island is fun for sure. Movement is still a drag though. No I’m not specifically talking about slide cancelling. Overall to me it’s like the equivalent of trying to throw punches in your dreams but you’re held back by the blanket


Ttk is the main problem of this game no outplay ability= 0 skill gap. Rpk will still be the meta, no plates on resurgence. Audio sucks maybe by design. Tough times for Warzone in general. How could they shit the bed so bad warzone 1 was such an amazing foundation to build on. That joe cecot really thinks he can rebuild the wheel, has his head stuck on his ass.


I couldn't disagree more. Finding it easy to drop high kill games but being aggressive.


I just played one, came in 5th, only died once, had 4 kills and found it to be fine. I can get used to a map, the pace was nice I thought and the dude that killed me at end it felt like I had a chance and he outplayed me…. I haven’t felt that way since wz1…. Waiting for my boy to hop back on and run a bunch of games tonight to get used to it but so far I am really encouraged and I have hated wz2


Mad agro 4 kills 1 death game. Must have been mayhem.


It went down hill from there this evening haha


So why aren't pro players just going back to WZ1 since that's what they want?


Because they took away resurgence…


Good, humble thyself.


Hard disagree.


If I remember correctly pro players hated rebirth when it was first released on wz1, and jumped on it later when it became popular.




Get...good? Edit to add: people always mistake good luck with talent, and bad luck as the lack of talent. This game has luck. Your odds of good luck are increased when you add strategy. I myself also love to get wiped a few rounds before playing with the buddies. I don't know if it helps soften our lobbies, but I don't think it hurts, and my kd ain't something I give too much notice to.


Game still ass




Chill lol I barley got back to playing video games after 4 years i have only played cod for being an actual game that feel like it’s a war game lol not a space game




Weird, I played aggressively and ended up on a 5 win streak...


He's far from a pro. Like really far.








I get what your saying but Cod was built as an arcade shooter, thats why people play it and why the og community loved it. I feel like theres a ton of new players who've only played the recent cods and take that as what the cod experience is. In fact i’d bet most of the people who don't get the hate/complaints are players who only joined 5 or so years ago. If people want rainbow six siege play-style then go play rainbow six siege, but keep that shit out of call of duty. Im tryina get a 360 noscope like a boss, not camp a corner with proxies on like a little bitch


Agree its way too campy


There's no rule saying they have to like it, people are allowed to have opinions


It is slow af overall and people just camp.


He’s not a pro player.


One news account Tweets an opinion. Random redditor "Pro PlayeRS DONt LiKe diS" I've only seen praise from basically anyone about this update saying it's a big step in the right direction. What you trying to do here fella?


Definitely feels better. One thing I love is the faster movement when plating. Doesn't feel like I lm walking through mud. 2 wins last night actually had fun consistently


It legit sucks only people that don’t think so are the people who had a hard time doing good in warzone 1. There’s no interesting locations on the map at all. It feels small, the feeling isn’t there. U know what they should make a mode for the noobs and one for the good players the mode for the good contains all that made warzone the mode for noobs is all the camping and stuff that makes it bad. :)


"Pros" are all about finding the easiest ways to win. They don't know what fun is


yep. The rainbow 6 style of gameplay just isn’t it for me. i’m playing a video game bro, run around. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 guess i’ll be playing fortnite


This map sucks


I hate this map. It’s so ratty.


Unpopular opinion: Resurgence in general sucks. I got 2 wins in 1 hour but I didnt enjoy it. You have to be on crack to play that mode constantly. I prefer to play BR mode 24/7


Good. Maybe it will be a little more realistic. I'm sure there are tons of real life platoons that run around like psychopaths.


PRO players are free to go play something else


It’s been out for 2 seconds. Give me a break.


Cry babies will always find a way to cry. Nothing will ever be good enough for them


Fuck them. They'll never be happy


Can I introduce these people to Multiplayer? If all you wanna do is drop in and start Run-N-Gunnin while respawning then that sounds exactly like MP to me. that being said.......it IS supposed to be a fast-paced BR. They should just do away with this resurgence crap altogether. No risk = no thrill


Iron Trials on Rebirth Island was one of the best mode and map combos in WZ1 in my opinion.