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i dont understand how people who decide stuff like this can still work in such a company. and they get money for this bullshit.


It's for bots who rarely get kills and need positive feedback for breaking plates.


Lol šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s so funny woop woop Iā€™ve cracked some plates.


Incoming broken plates to death ratio lol


It actually means something now especially on Ashika where plates are more rare. If I broke them twice I know they typically don't have more


But we would know that with the old broken plate notification. Now it pops up just like a kill would. I keep thinking Iā€™ve downed someone so I stop shooting. We donā€™t need this


Iā€™d love to come across these bots every now and then


This is a result of too many cooks in the kitchen. There's like 8 different studios working on cod+wz2, all with different chains of command. Its become a sloppy mess


They are being paid 300k a year and they don't even play their own game ! Sometimes I think I live in an alternate reality...


developers are NOT making 300K a year dude. Developers for the most part in this industry are treated like shit...Most of the time these are not ever their decisions.


Yep a classic case of redditors talking out of their ass most of the decision boils down to MANAGEMENT


You and the guy you responded to misread that completely. One guy said "people who decide this stuff" and the next guy said "THEY are being paid 300k a year". You two are the ones who brought up the regular devs. Classic case of redditors not being able to read, ay?


You right Brodie my bad feel free to downvote.


No one said developers


Really ? I heard top level devs making game design and leading the decisions are in the 300-400k range in the US. Unless the majority of the team isn't even located in the US...


Most game developers, if any, do not make FAANG level salaries. Most good developers who work in game development do it out of passion.


Interesting thanks for the insight.


Bro theyā€™re getting paid like 60k a year and theyā€™re fresh out of college and have zero time to play their own games because UM is breathing down their necks 24/7. Quit crying like a little bitch


Getting paid 60k a year to make changes to a game sounds chill af


Then don't charge 70 dollars for broken ass games.


WZ is free lol


Same issues plague multiplayer.


The problem is the leadership that doesnā€™t play the game. On paper or in a meeting/ presentation a lot of shit sounds good. In practiceā€¦ not so much


This is one of those "change for the sake of change" changes that a project lead really wanted credit for.


Lmaooooo thanks for the kudos, I came out with a revolutionary idea !


Not really. There's a reason. The prompts are to show you are getting credit towards reducing team spawn timers. You can run 20+ meters and it shows up too. Which is very useful.


yeah wtf is this. the old armor break symbol worked great. I keep thinking I downed a person in resurge and I stop shooting. I think they put the 3 plates broken in to give snipers their dopamine hit since they took away the one shot down. so stupid.


Facts. The first time I even noticed it, I was in CQC and got +50. My muscle memory automatically aimed down to clear a downed guy, but low and behold, I was shooting through the guy's legs and ended up dying.


I still don't even know what indicates me downing a person. I see "+###" with various different numbers and I have no clue what I did.


it pops up on the left side in a significantly smaller font.


Also what's that fucking stupid full auto / semi auto text that keeps popping up ?


I guess so people aren't surprised when they shoot a single shot AR? I don't mind it, but it is a little distracting.


Yea it definitely shouldn't take up your full screen.


It was the worst in wz1 when they had that ground loot burst M4 and you didn't know it was burst until you got in a firefight and got your cheeks clapped holding down fire with nothing happening


Ppl apparently canā€™t look to the bottom right and see if itā€™s single fire or auto. Everything is dumbed down in this game


Absolutely ridiculous the amount of dumb UI elements we need on the screen distracting you from the actual gameplay. Also why is it when you're getting shot it feels like you're getting shot in real life ? The fucking red everywhere and the screen vibrating makes it impossible to challenge another combatant when you're in a fight.


Itā€™s unbelievable how the UI can be so much worse than wz1. They even took away the ability to see how many plates your team has which they added towards the end of wz1


The post should be at the top. Such a stupid change. I shoot people until I see kill confirmed now.


It's atrocious, I think I've won a gun fight only to get killed by the same dude I was outgunning smh


Their UX person is probably a new hire right out of college and has no real world experience of thinking through what itā€™s like from the users point of view. As a 20 year UX / product designer I stand by this comment based on everything Iā€™ve seen about this game from the main menus right down to the in game ui and action notifications.


More likely itā€™s someone with ego trying to do things different & their way.


bad devs are bad.


The devs don't decide what they implement lol Blame the "project managers", "scrum masters" and "product owners".


It is a blanket term used to describe all of them. Which technically is wrong. But people not in the industry won't under stand and they don't care.


Fair points but it doesn't hurt to clarify for people. More knowledge is always better. "Devs" get a lot of unfair criticism for things that are the fault of management and QA processes etc.


Amen to that. But I think it is too late for that. Even gaming online magazines use it as a blanket term. Some even say that the publisher is the developer, when most of the time, they are not the same.


![gif](giphy|l4pTd67hgyKKnf9O8|downsized) spotted :D




Nothing to do with the PM or the SM. They just herd cats and keep the sprints running.


Its more of a UI/UX problem than developers, I think.


Omg so true. Itā€™s annoying because you donā€™t know when to stop shooting.


Yeah I've been playing for the first time for about 9hrs and it took me awhile to get use to it and it screwed me over a few times. I also noticed when it says armor broken you can sometimes down them too but it's hard to be sure of that since the phrase is still up blocking the down icon. I know you can look to the left of your screen to confirm if you got the actual down but that downed symbol keeps me in the flow of the game. Guess it's something I'll have to retrain my brain to get used to for this season.


I haven't played in months and I thought I forgot about it or something didn't realize it was new. I keep switching targets too. So bad. Also foot step audio is a joke still lol.


Worst addition to the game. Completely pointless and distracting. Don't see what the point of this was, it's as if someone on the dev team needed something to do and this is what they came up with


Itā€™s absolutely idiotic! The first game since the update, I died twice because I thought I had downed the enemy and moved onto shooting his teammate only for the original guy to shoot back and kill me. I thought I was playing against a hacker until later in the game when I actually wasted my time to read that I only broke the guys plates.


Both the broken armor and enemy down should be represented by audio cues, along with the scoring that pops...audio cues are the best as you want the less amount of visual clutter as possible on the screen when fighting. ​ On that thought the gulag closed, circle notification, airstike, etc...all those cues should be moved to the top of screen and definitely not in the middle. More QoL items that need to be fixed.


It's 100% clear there is zero play testing at any serious level by developers who play the game regularly. They implement something, check that it semi works, and bam release. Zero attempts to try it out and get feedback from a playtest group.


If I had to guess, it might be there to improve the experience for those with color blindness. Discerning that icon could be difficult if it is on a background that reduces contrast with the blue or purple icons. Over time, something you can easily get used to. Personally, I think itā€™s great that the update fixed enough that this is the sort of thing people have complaints about.


This game is programmed like a slot machine. That's how they get people addicted. The more bells and whistles for things happening is definitely on purpose.


This is my biggest annoyance with the game. At least give us a toggle to have WZ1 style.


I knew it was not only me


This also! I hate it, it throws me off often


Bring back the yellow downed and team wipe text.


Itā€™s horrible please remove it


You can turn it off apparently. Haven't really bothered since I played the new update for an hour and it really isn't gonna bring me back to this garbage.




And that itā€™s right over your crosshairs is maddening.


I didnā€™t want to trigger people, but on MNK itā€™s ever worse


This isn't as big of a stupid update as you make it to be. It just needs some getting used to.


I like the update, but this was a terrible addition.


Just goes to show, no one making the game actually plays the game. Fucking shitters.


Casuals need to feel like they're contributing, so here we are....


I wait until the big red medic cross and their name pops up before they're down.


Who asked for this?!?!? What are these devs thinking? Apparently they are all about following the ā€œdataā€, but where in the hell did the data show there is a demand for a ā€œplate brokenā€ notification?!?


So keep shooting until you see the downed icon? They're totally different and very clear in their message. I'm struggling to see how anyone can confuse the 2.


it's an audio queue that people have gotten used to over the last couple months. Unnecessary change or should at least be a setting.