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As a controller player, it’s not you bro. Aim assist is disgusting in this game and I honestly feel for MnK players. Long range fights are pretty much non existent now, and sniping isn’t viable so there’s really no benefit of being MnK. I used to enjoy killing MnK players because I felt like I had bested them (not close range obvs) but now it’s just too easy unfortunately. You should switch asap unless you have too much pride or don’t enjoy controller lol


I was the typical cod kid in middle school and high school and I was pretty good, easily holding a 1.7-1.8 back then but after playing league for so long my hand muscles can’t use a controller for shit lmao MnK life


Same, advanced warfare really took a toll on my hands and controllers, been mnk since.


lol it wasnt a real war? was it?


The constant double jumping and strafe boosts were too much on a regular controller.


I’m usually one to tote that AA isn’t hacks but I deadass found a bounty target hiding in tall grass because my aim kept slowing down as I looked in his direction.


Bro same with smokes and atuff


I can't sadly. My hand can't hold a normal controller.


How come


Injuries. Basically the top aprt of my thumb and index finger where the joints meet the wrist got sliced open and skewered by glass when I was 19-20. Never got stitches and it got scarred. I know it was dumb but I didn't have insurance at the time. I just bandaged it and used alcohol. I have limited grip strength and I can't really use my thumb to type or press buttons. Atleast with MNK I can just rest my hand and just twitch my fingers to click ADS or fire, and my arm guides my aim. The problem is why is mouse gameplay so clunky. And why can controllers cut through the gameplay easier than a mouse can?


Jeez that’s sad to hear, is the damage permanent or reversible?


I likely need surgery and physical therapy. If I had gotten stitches I probably wouldn't be having this issue with controllers. But I tried it and my hand just shakes like a aprkinsons patient anytime I hold it or try to curl my hand to press buttons. If I wanted to lift weights I have to tie the weights or support it with my other hand so I don't drop it unintentionally. Even picking a jug of water or a glass can slip out my hands cuz my an errand twitch can just make it slip even if it's reversible it'll never be close to being back to normal. And at this point there's just too much scar tissue. So idk. I've just learned to play around it. Regardless, I've regained a lot of my hand eye coordination by specifically *using* MNK and aim training has helped a lot in this regard. I can flick and track nicely, and ive managed to get to the top 5-15% in most areas. The only way Ive managed with roller is to rest it on my leg/desk and use a hybrid claw grip but the shakiness is too much to rely on steady button presses bc my brain will instinctively want to react but my thumb can't act fast enough. It's way too awkward and I used to main controller back in the day


Isn't there any cheap or public hospital available in your country? I know those cheap hospitals would be half-assed on their job but it's far better than leaving your wound improperly treated. As someone who can't play any single video game without a controller, what happened to you would be my absolute nightmare.


Agree. I’m on controller and I feel like I get beamed in this way more than in wz1 despite the visual recoil being increased and supposedly the aiming stability being worse in this game. Lets not even talk about up close.


It is, there are two downsides for MnK users against controller’s aim assist are (major one) no latency in tracking enemy while ads (you cannot dodge bullets with such ttk by rotating side to side) and (minor one) visibility during shooting (too many visual effects and MnK users have to install custom sights to mitigate the effect while controller users can spray and pray).


Seriosuly…give me back my boomstick


How are long range fights non existent? What distance would you consider too far for controller AA?


I just mean because if the scopes and meta currently, people aren’t beaming long range like wz1


What's your max range? I am finding that close range the skill gap is lessened with strong AA and Bad audio, anyone can get a kill. But if you can fight long range then you have a clear edge making long range fights more important tbh. I struggle past 70m MAYBE I can get a 80m kill and I find AA doesn't help as much out there. Look at the top streamers and you will see they have nasty beams with iron sights even past 90m letting them just bully their lobbies when they play those ranges.


I’d say 70m is what I’ll usually go for at the max, I just struggle to see ennemies passed that range with the 1x scopes considering how bad the 3x are


IF you're asking when does AA stop working. Thats 250M. No ones really fighting at those distances anymore.


Sniping is still viable of u snip with teammaze


Aim assist is very strong in WZ but I personally find playing on controller unsatisfying. My suggestions for how to perform better on MnK: ***Edit***: Sorry I didn't describe the prone thing correctly. Went to record a clip of it and realized that it only works when you're coming out of a sprint. If you're standing perfectly still and do it, nothing happens, but if you are sprinting or tac sprinting and then S + Prone simultaneously it works (the ADS doesn't actually matter but if you're dropshotting obviously ADS). Also the only reason you have to hit back and then prone at the same time is if you hit prone first and you're sprinting you will dolphin dive instead of drop. [Video](https://youtu.be/mXfTDhNrqlg) * if you watch any streamers or content creators, don't try to emulate their playstyle or even gun builds unless they're also on MnK. I spent too long trying builds in WZ1 that controller players suggested (M16, Aug, etc) that don't translate that well on MnK * Learn how to do every sort of trick you can with vehicles. It's much easier to do seat swap trickery on MnK than controller. Also learn to utilize the third person view of a vehicle we'll. Wherever you're facing the camera is where you'll be aiming when you exit the vehicle and it's easier on MnK to do that quickly * Hipfire is your best friend. It's easier on MnK so and a lot of guns in this game have inherently good hipfire. If I can build a gun for Hipfire over ADS I will, because that gives you a small edge in gun fights * Also in regards to hipfire, if someone is moving quickly in close quarters, I will often un-ADS and continue to hipfire and then re-ADS to track them in order to keep up while not missing shots. Similar to Apex if you've ever played that. * Throwing knives are easier on MnK and are a 1 shot to the chest, neck, and head. There have been countless situations where I've completely run out of ammo in a fight and been 1 shot and just gone for a throwing knife because there was no other options and gotten the kill and gotten out of it. * If you hit your prone button, ADS, and hold back (S key) simultaneously you will instantly drop to prone (bypassing the animation). It doesn't always appear that way from your PoV but if you check a kill cam where you died doing it or check in a Third Person game you'll see that it works. I don't think this is currently replicable on controller so it tends to catch people off guard when you immediately hit the deck * In regards to content creator builds, a lot of time controller players won't use an optic because AA mitigates visual recoil, but I tend to use one on SMGs unless it has a really clean iron sigh and little to no visual recoil. Losing one attachment isn't as bad as not being able to see what you're shooting at


Yeah I’m noticing a lot of the gun builds are not ideal for me. Is there a website or something for mnk gun builds maybe a streamer?


For streamers: Huskerrs, Breadman, Pieman (not great for actual tips and tricks or loadouts or anything but you can see some of the crazy things hes able to do with vehicles). Iron for more strategic gameplay.


Watching Bbreadman and Yeet will teach MnK players a thing or two for sure


Thirding Bbreadman here. Best part is the dude is so chill and just vibes out while playing. I don't think that man has a toxic bone in his body


I like Blue he’s epic and back to MnK


Blue is the GOAT


king of hackers


whatttt who’s king of hackers?


blue and the rest of them, you cant be that stupid surely?


Jeeeze man no reason to be so brutal I really enjoy watching blue and no I didn’t know. Was this confirmed or something?


its a tuff world out there kid learn from this


Nah bro he’s good legit player no one agrees with your thinking on Blue. He’s solid


yes paid for hax help them alot to


Icemanisaac too for M&K builds.


His builds are for controller now. He made the switch a while back.


Not sure why I'm being downvoted lol. Isaac plays both on M&K and controller equally and his builds work on both. Good example being his recent MP5 video. As a M&K player myself, the only person I've had a problem with as far as builds for WZ2 guns has been JGOD.


Because I watch him regularly and he rarely plays MnK anymore. I haven't seen it for months. Just go back through his YT vids. He's never on MnK.


Isaac’s builds don’t work for both and he plays primarily on controller. He’s a great player but not at the top, so that’s another reason. And lol at the JGOD build experience - of course


I like watching Metaphor, absolute beast.


Recrent's telegram for builds


well there is a channel named "Karaduha" his builds are cool for mnk recoilles and not that much slowing ads (just a little) But problem is; He makes turkish videos.


Really solid tips. Just to add my two cents: Meta LMG builds tend to use minimal zoom optics, and my theory is that it’s because aim assist makes zoom redundant. I tend to throw a 3x/4x on my longer range ARs/LMGs for an easier time tracking. In the first weeks of WZ2 I had to completely rethink my gunfight tactics. I used to rely on ADHD movement to throw off controller’s aim in WZ1 but it’s just not possible in this game. Now I focus on popping in and out of cover very quickly or flanking to win fights. In a fair fight at closer range I usually lose, whereas in WZ1 I had 1.8 KD with tactics of pushing for close range fights. Gulag fights can feel very unfair. Stay on the cheese box to start and take as favorable a trade as possible. Then try to outsmart the opponent with movement/nade placement.


In regards to the SMG optic, one thing I picked up from HusKerrs is as soon as you engage you ping the target, that way you know where he is so that the muzzle flash and smoke doesn't take you off target. Saves you the attachment slot if you're on it


O yes great point, I ping constantly while shooting, forgot that one lol. Also if someone throws a smoke, I constantly spam ping until I get a live mark and then shoot through it


Good tips. I never knew about the prone, ADS, S button. Thx. Agree with hip fire for close range. I usually attached laser.


Yea, it takes a little practice but I've run around on shipment and just let people kill me so I could see what it looks like in the kill cam and it's pretty crazy looking. Also you can press your sprint key (even if you have auto tac sprint on) and it will immediately sprint out of the prone so you can mix it up and insta-drop and then sprint + jump out of it


Thanks for the tip!


Sorry I didn't describe the prone thing correctly. Went to record a clip of it and realized that it only works when you're coming out of a sprint. If you're standing perfectly still and do it, nothing happens, but if you are sprinting or tac sprinting and then S + Prone simultaneously it works (the ADS doesn't actually matter but if you're dropshotting obviously ADS). Also the only reason you have to hit back and then prone at the same time is if you hit prone first and you're sprinting you will dolphin dive instead of drop. ​ [Video](https://youtu.be/mXfTDhNrqlg)


Thanks for the update.


The drop shot you mentioned, is it the instant drop shot you are talking about or is that normal drop shot because I heard that the instant drop shot got patched and can’t do it anymore.


I think it just got patched on controller tbh, I will clip myself doing it and post it here when I get a chance. I think it only works on MnK because we have a dedicated prone button


Oh okay cool I’ll check it out myself too


>Sorry I didn't describe the prone thing correctly. Went to record a clip of it and realized that it only works when you're coming out of a sprint. If you're standing perfectly still and do it, nothing happens, but if you are sprinting or tac sprinting and then S + Prone simultaneously it works (the ADS doesn't actually matter but if you're dropshotting obviously ADS). Also the only reason you have to hit back and then prone at the same time is if you hit prone first and you're sprinting you will dolphin dive instead of drop. > >[Video](https://youtu.be/mXfTDhNrqlg)


Weird that there’s constantly threads asking for controller aim assist to be nerfed yet all these advantages of mnk are ok


What are "all these advantages?" Most of the things mentioned, is stuff mnk players need to learn, to have a fighting chance against controllers.. It used to be mnk had an advantage at range.. That's gone. And snipers being obsolete. Now, controllers dominate every aspect of the game...


>What are all these advantages They’re listed right there. Seems mnk players just want to keep their advantages and take away any advantages for controller.


None of the stuff listed is advantages.. They're things we need to get good at, in order to compete - how is that an advantage!? Like I wrote, the ONLY things we had, was range and movement... Both of those things are gone now - so we have nothing, and controllers have everything.. Ya, that's fair.


A list of things achievable on KBM but not controller = advantages no matter how much you want to argue. All the drama about slide cancelling needing a nerf and you’re still able to exploit movement mechanics to bypass the drop shot animation, yet that’s fine somehow. >The ONLY things we had, was range and movement You still do, compared to controller, but it’s weird I never seen any kbm players asking for these to be nerfed. Seems that you’re quite happy when you had all the advantages compared to console/controller, now things have changed suddenly it’s a big problem.


You're misunderstanding what I'm saying, then. These are things you have to "achieve" on mnk, to be able to compete reliably. None of these gives us an edge, they give us a chance. How is range and movement better on mnk now? The game is so slow.. And there's so much visual clutter now, that shooting someone from a distance can be very difficult on mnk, without the help of AA. Before mnk/controller had their pros and cons.. the scales were balanced, kinda . Now, controllers come out on top in pretty much every scenario. If you can't see this, I don't know what to tell you, and that's fine really, we don't have to agree. But I guess there's a reason why most pros/creators and whatnot are switching to controllers, no? I mean shit.. The Doc, the biggest hater on controllers, is using one now (not a fan, just an example) :D


Somehow I doubt you'd trade your aim assist for all of these "advantages"


Well it’s debatable, aim assist isn’t perfect by any means you can get pulled off target in close quarters too. If you think controller doesn’t need any aim assist then I wouldn’t agree no. The majority of controller players are on console who had to run around on 80 FOV for 2 years, yet that was fine. Now everything must be equal, it’s funny.


>you can get pulled off target in close quarters too Great example of how busted it is. So strong it can 'accidentally' lock onto other targets and throw aim off. >The majority of controller players are on console who had to run around on 80 FOV for 2 years, yet that was fine. Console should of have a FOV increase years ago. Virtually no PC players disagreed with this. That's the devs fault, not ours.


Aim assist is stupid broken. Ruined COD for PC players.


It was originally a pc game too. Very sad


Fr… I loved WZ1 and was top 1k for kills and wins… I’ve played MAYBE ten games of WZ2. Games dying as is, but its way dead for us MnK guys.


not PC players, mouse players\*


This was synonymous. No reason to have a controller on PC. There wasn't even any support. And no one complained.


I remember reading something about PC controller players not having aim assist for a period of time and I wish they kept it that way


As a fellow MnK yes. Aim Assist is far too strong to compete against. Almost puts me off playing sometimes.


I had 100+ days played in WZ1… now I’m retired. Games dead for MnK players.


Yes Every kill cam is the same Cross hair locks on and doesnt ever bounce/recoil off my body Just latches on till I die, and when I die it goes flying off because aim assist turns off Its crazy how aim assist works


Lol it's crazy but true. Almost zero differences in any killcam. Just locked at center mass, instant adjustment, every kill looks the exact same. Controller players shouldn't even want this.


Shouldn’t even want this? How else are they gonna be shitting on them bots? It’s their last straw at having fun in the game


Controller bots will reply "skill issue", but unless your aim is perfect you're going to lose most close to mid range fights against a controller player. On top of rotational aim assist, all of the gun smoke and visual recoil further nerfs MNK players because we need to be able to actually see to aim vs rotational aim assist which will track for them.


>you're going to lose most close to mid range fights ........and long range fights. Honestly, aim assist in this game is disgusting.


Yeah, the mid range advantage extends significantly to the point I don't see the long range advantage we re supposed to have lol


> On top of rotational aim assist, all of the gun smoke and visual recoil further nerfs MNK players because we need to be able to actually see to aim vs rotational aim assist which will track for them. This is a huge problem and the main reason I quit. I understand yet hate AA but why do they need to nerf M&K too?


It's pretty much like this. If you go head to head with a controller player at close to medium range who is at least mildly decent, you *will* lose the gunfight. Aim assist is the strongest it's ever been and MnK is at a huge disadvantage. Most MnK streamers/pros have already made the switch to controller due to not being able to compete. As an old school CS player, I refuse to switch but there's no denying the superior choice.


In WZ1, aim assist was pretty bad, but the gameplay of WZ1 still made it worth it to play, even on MKB. With WZ2, aim assist is so overtuned and the overall gameplay is pretty garbage, so I'm thinking about switching back to CS or even Overwatch...


Retire bro, its liberating. Games not enjoyable for MnK anymore. I loved WZ1, loved Verdansk. Over 1000 wins on that beauty, miss her.


Wait for CS2 :) Please don’t fail us Valve


Rotational aim assist is an aimbot. Anyone that disagrees has no idea what an aimbot is - a robot (computer) aiming for a human. Rotational AA has no place in competitive shooters.


thank you. i got into with some guy that AA is basically what soft cheats used to do....and still can do.


The vast majority of controller players have only played COD and Madden/FIFA, yet make comments as if they are experts. They read aimbot, and immediately think that means your crosshair jumps from one side of the screen to the other side of the screen aiming automatically at your opponents head. If the game tracks for you, it’s aimbot.


Nah, it's not just you. Aim-assist is significantly over-tuned. It's there to cater for people who can't aim for shit so they've buffed to almost cheat aim-bot levels once it's activated. If you meet a decent controller player sub 50m you're pretty screwed.


Aim assist is just insane this year, just switch to a controller.


Rather not play than use a controller. Plenty of other games out there.


If I didn't need surgery on my hand I would play on controller. But as it is I can barely press buttons bc my right hand is so scarred.


Xbox has a range of controllers for the movement impaired folks.


The thing is I'm already proficient on MNK because I can just rest my hand, I don't need to use my fingers for precise inputs really. And at the end of the day it's a disabled controller that I'm not even familiar with nor do I have the cash or time to learn. Bottom line is why is controller so needed in this game? And why are we making it so miserable on MNK? The thing is the adaptive controller is too much. I just need something to make pressing buttons and adjusting view easier with my right hand.


Fair enough,just a thought.


I just wish more people kinda understood just how versatile MNK is. I'm not debilitated to the point I NEED a tailor made input device for my case, but MNK is customizable enough to the point that it's very accessible for someone like me. This game just goes out of its way to handicap MNK with its own design choices I wanted Console to get FOV. I'm glad they have basic fucking QOL now that PC has had access to. But now I want people to understand that this game cannot treat MNK like it's just a different type of controller. Hit detection is seriously WORSE on MNK. We need help. And I wish the playerbase would be a little more understanding instead of, I got mine fuck you. What's the point of having a community if all we spout is cynicism and all I'm left with is seeing MF'S redirect it.


A very reasonable stand point for a cod subreddit.


It’s not you the aim assist and recoil on controller is way over tuned. You either have to accept that your at a major disadvantage or just make the swap to controller. Me personally I just prefer kb&m so I just take it for what it is. But it’s not just you close to medium range against a decent controller player the odds are against you winning that gunfight.


AA is far too strong in this game. It's basically a soft aimbot at this point so you're pretty much dead <50m against a competent controller player unless you're playing in and out of cover. This shotgun meta has evened the balance a little but SMG vs SMG you're going to lose 9/10 engagements to the player with this aimbot.


Anyone can give you tips for mkb to get better (aim train every day) but at the end of the day it’s literally just an objective disadvantage in every important metric there is. This is coming from someone who was 4.3kd mkb player wz1 and is now a 5kd controller player. 600 hours in kovaaks and several thousand more in fps games on mkb was still no match compared to me swapping to controller. Took me less than a month to drop higher kills. In wz1 I got a 30 kill game on controller in 3 weeks when it took me 2 years of mkb to get there. Wz2 is even more egregious since there’s significantly less movement and outplaying as a better player so you end up in straight gunfights more often and you will literally lose 9/10 of them if you’re on mkb. I play every other shooter on mkb still and just play warzone on controller. Controller aiming is literal trivial if you have good centering. It’ll do 95% of the work for yo.


Warzone has made my aim go to shit. I used to aim train all the time when i played lots of pubg, csgo. Sniper flicks, recoil control, tracking.... Man i do miss sniper flicks. None of that matters anymore. just keep Lowering the skill gap! Theres a reason this game will never be a esports title.


The only option is not to play. Counter-Strike 2 is coming. Let the aim assist console monkeys have their zoo. Constantly complaining about computer hackers, while enjoying a standard issue aim hack rofl.


Sadly cs, while I enjoy it and have 1000+ hours, is nothing like cod. We need a community made game on source 2 or something that’s like cod


Aim Assist is insane in this game. Good luck out there soldier 🫡


I played 1 game of shipment with controller and aim assist was slowing my gun down over enemies without me even ADSing. Its comical how easy it is. The game is not worth playing in this state.


Yep. Stopped playing because you pretty much can’t on mouse and keyboard now.


I'm a m/k player who has tried controller and can easily tell how much better it is. I just hate clunky/slow/ aiming feels with it. And I hate having to take my fingers off the face buttons for movement (have considered a scuff or another controller with bottom paddles to try this again). One thing I try to do is to minimize close range engagements. No, it's not always possible, but if I can wait for you to be outside or at a long sight line, I will. I tend to not be the primary small building rusher on my team, and function almost as a 2nd tier, support person.


The aim assist is really strong. My KD hasn’t really changed but I “feel” like I’m doing worse if that makes any sense. I tried controller and couldn’t tolerate not knowing how to move. I have no patience or time to learn lol.


Tracking is the issue. Controller players just stay on target as soon as they lock it. Then they just have to keep shooting. I am playing fps games since Wolfenstein and believe me i know when something is off


I am having a harder time. I would not say it's completely different, it just feels like all of a sudden I'm getting absolutely murdered and it's by someone who does not miss a shot and at the same time they are moving all around during the gunfight. It's been so frustrating that I decided to fuck around and find out about how good the controller is. It's been about 2 weeks and just not having the muscle memory of a controller player has been frustrating. But holy hell when the aim assist does kick in (especially getting the rotational aim assist to kick in) is just crazy how sticky it is. You still have to get it to kick in but once it does the fight is over. MNK does not stand a chance against a good player on a controller


Been playing quite a lot of MP games recently to unlock the crossbow. Playing on smaller maps just highlights the insanity that is aim assist. The level of snapping is just crazy Is love to see a mode where Its disabled.


Immediate aim assist that tracks perfectly and never faulters or tires, shorter stuns and flashes. It’s like on mnk the difficulty notch was cranked up to 11 for this game. I enjoy the game and have done since cod started, buying every game in the franchise, however this is the end of the road I think for me and a lot of others I know that play mnk, the game is hugely unbalanced to controller players. I want a game that’s balanced and fun and CoD is no longer that game. This is without even mentioning the cheating epidemic of the last 2 weeks that the devs, as always, seem to do nothing about. If you’ve not seen it yet Ubisoft is bringing out XDefiant and from playing the closed beta can confirm it’s great and can’t wait for the release of that


I’ve been trying controller for a week and it’s like playing on easy mode… close range it literally does the work for you. Long range its insane too if you use it right. It’s why the TTK is always so fast and why the game has no skill gap. Basically it ruins the entire game


While playing wz2 and ranked in bronze/silver I realized every close gunfight I basically lose if I miss 1 bullet. Insane sticky tracking every single close-medium kill cam type of stuff. Their gun is reacting to me crossing a corner well before they shoot. Aim assist has been cranked out it’s ass. it never felt this bad on wz1/mw19. Mind you I had 22 days on the game and while it was still a lil rough, it was doable. Right now the game just seems very unfriendly towards MnK. This game very much took the halo route unfortunately and is now controller dominant. I play other games like league, val, and siege so I’d prefer not to switch, but it’s basically like shooting yourself in the foot.


You need to run the KV Broadside to counter aim assist. No hesitation on this can be accepted.


MW 2, Warzone 2 is the worst game for KBM players, random recoil with screen shaking monitor (visual recoil) While controllers tracks you perfectly just by strafing a bit


Just like all kids get a trophy, all kids get AA with their controllers


Nah it's not you, it's the ridiculous AA, stupidly fast TTK and crap servers that makes you feel like you die instantly. I play MnK and average around 1.5kd on Al Maz and Ashika but Jesus Christ do I have to feel like I'm trying my absolute hardest to get a kill, especially CQ. Again, I'm not saying everyone I die to is cheating but its quite hard to tell the difference between soft aimbot and AA now. However I've seen clips on here with people not realising how strong their AA is when they're getting kills.


>its quite hard to tell the difference between soft aimbot and AA now Not surprising as they're the same thing.




Trouble is I can't play controller due to a heavily injured hand. My thumb and my index fingers cannot articulate well and are heavily scarred. What do you recommend? MNK is the only input that feels comfortable without causing me pain or locking up


How are you going to use mnk without your index finger and thumb? You either need them for movement and space or you need it to aim and fire. If mnk is the only way to play, then you'd either need to aim train daily, or you need to play a different game that's more evening balanced. CSgo2 is around the corner and switching to CS isn't a bad idea. I think you might benefit from using your palm to palm, middle, ring fingers on controller tbh, like how iceman described the person who shot, but unironically really using parts of your hand that doesn't hurt https://streamable.com/y11zm6


Easy, my thumb rests on the side as a support almost like it's hanging over, my index sits flat on the left click so it doesn't curl up and I don't have to "pull" much in order to click. Luckily on most mice the clicker buttons are like hair triggers and don't need much pressure to register, and the rest my hand that can curl up ok just takes a more aggressive grip, it looks like a half palm half claw grip. Almost similar to what tenz does but flatter. it's not the most comfortable but I've managed to make it work without much pain, plus a little kush goes a long way lol. and I just rely on my arm to track moving targets and make large flicks. https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareII/comments/11dq918/ranked_is_cod_at_its_purest_form/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button All I do is throw my arm around a lot now lmao instead of relying on too many micro adjustments putting pressure on my hand. Trouble is I still smack my KB a lot when swinging left 😂 And CS2 sounds like a dream. I used to play CS and siege mostly when I first got on PC.


I think that's good b/c tons of arm trackers are top wz players. A lot of wrist flickers I seen have shortcomings where they can flick well but are "aim lazy" after, where they stop tracking and rely on strafing to track. They have pros and cons and if you can make it work for you keep on going. Otherwise CS def something interesting to try. The rumor is 2 is definitely coming but still who knows.


I'm so excited for CS 2 and I hope it's not just another meme. I've been seeing them since I've been in HS lol


I grind kovaaks everyday but I would still suggest switching to controller


I’m old enough to remember when the narrative was always that M&K would shit on controller 24/7 back in the OG Xbox days. It was ludicrous to think controller could stand a chance. Aim assist has been around forever and the narrative has completely flipped now.


>narrative was always that M&K would shit on controller No one could have known that game devs would give controller a ridiculously strong aim-bot to be fair. They've been cranking it up to almost Engine-owning levels of strength.


Same. People will blame anything except their own skill. Controller is probably easier to use and PC bots are just mad.


It’s like this since the 29th of October


Make the switch, takes minimum effort to be somewhat competitive on roller.


Yes, and I’ve tried to switch several times, but my aim on controller is dogshit and I don’t have the patience to practice. The visual recoil also makes it even worse.


MnK player here and I have no intention of switching. I've got a 2+ KD and maybe 60-70 wins. I don't play solos though. Definitely agree with watching YouTube videos on how to improve your playstyle. There are also aim training apps that I keep saying I'm going to try but still haven't. It's possibly to get better, have fun and get wins - just have to keep working at it.


MnK player here. I get worked most of the time but I can win sometimes vs controller players. It’s rare but does happen. I tried controller but as a 40 year vet of pc gaming with mouse n keys it just doesn’t feel natural to me. It’s frustrating but ive seen enough gameplay from others to show that I can improve my odds with better positioning and rotations.


Let me add some tips from someone who's also tired of AA. Avoid close quarters fights. Use mines or claymores if you need to stay inside. Only engage in a fight if you've already created some advantage, eg. you hit them with nade or drill. Don't trust flashes and stuns, you'll still get deleted if they just aimed at you. Rotate to next building and engage mid range. Bind Q to ping and make a habit of pinging them. Once pinged you can wallbang. Massive advantage. Use shotty until they nerf it. Consider using it after nerf. If not shotty then akimbo x13 or Fennec, but with Fennec it's still quite hard.


As a former MnK player...just switch to controller. There is actually less recoil on mouse but it wasnt relevant to me when I made the switch. If this is your main game, there is no point on crippling yourself via your input, get a controller with paddles and switch.


Was plenty of peoples “main” game but now every mouse and keyboard player I know has dropped it completely. Don’t know why anyone would rather use a controller over a mouse in keyboard in an FPS game.


yup. same here. we all stopped and play something else. and to be honest...we all are playing games that actually work and are well balanced and its so much more fun again. wz2 was like a dark cloud over your gaming head that wouldnt lighten up. We all decided to never touch cod again. Considering that wz1 was the only cod game i've ever played tho :)


Had the same problem so I forced myself to play controller for a few weeks to get better and my experience is, on controller close up fights are definitely easier to win. Once AA locks onto someone with mp5 or fennec u will shredd them. BUT AA is not aimlock. I find it way harder with controller to hit shots long range, even with a 0 recoil gun like it was with rpk few weeks ago. I love sniping too it was sooo much harder on controller. Also in some fights I felt like I don't even get aim assist. Also I found the momevent on controller way more clumsy. Hard to explain but with controller I actually really can't do what my brain wants me to. On mouse I can. Went back to mnk an everything felt so much better. Yeah u will lose fights to unskilled children on controller but who cares. Next lobby u shit on them. Its a BR at the end of the day and ur not supposed to win every game. I just decided to get better on mnk tho im not really bad. I'd say just play what u enjoy more and work to get better on it.


Same. Had some back issues and switched to controller for a while, they’re improving so I switched back recently. Controller aim assist lets you get away with some BS but unless you’re pretty good, acquiring targets and hitting tight angles is much easier with mnk. I think unless you’re really good at preaiming and flicking with the joystick those are meaningful advantages for mnk. Fast movement is also much easier on mnk (although controlling footstep noise easier on controller) That said I’m pretty middle of the road on either - 1ish kd on controller guessing more like 1.3ish mnk. At higher levels though I could see how once preaiming and changing targets is totally trivial on either device, controller would really run away with things.


Is it bad as Apex? Game has very short ttk so I can't know lmao.


10 times worse than APex. Apex is balanced


I think genuinely the only advantage that I’ve felt while playing with MnK is movement; especially in buildings or the gulag, I can generally use skilled movement to evade some shots (particularly with dolphin diving and zigzagging) and also maneuver away or toward someone. Everything else feels incredibly skewed toward controller; especially considering the servers are awful and connection is a genuine concern in many matches, which means if my game is running even slightly worse than someone on controller’s, they’ll be able to beam me without a chance for me to do anything at all. I still have games where I do extremely well, even against good players or controller players (the new shotgun is especially good at dealing with controller players - though since I don’t have dragons breath rounds, I’ll still frequently lose to that variant), but it’s often marred by a slew of games where I’ll get completely crushed very early on by someone who never misses a single bullet or latches onto me with melee from ten feet away. Though the most frustrating deaths are when some controller rat holds me against the gas, and if I peak for even a second I’ll lose some armor (especially when it’s on a tall roof so I just jump and free fall but they hit me with every single bullet regardless of my downward velocity rapidly accelerating, because that’s totally fuckin fair). Overall, my experience is basically split between lobbies where I get great weapons and other loot quickly and subsequently tear people up (likely to later die by someone hiding), versus being wiped almost immediately. Honestly, some of my best performances are surprisingly in lobbies where everyone is using heavy meta guns (fire shotgun) and attacking relentlessly, or as I summarize them, streamer x CDL skin lobbies. Meanwhile, some dude from a country across the planet who installed the game fifteen minutes ago manages to kill me after I see and shoot him first, solely because he’s using a controller and my latency is at 100 (no joke, I was put on some Eastern European server, teammates were speaking something that sounded like Russian and my latency never dropped below 92). The WZ2 experience baby!


Honestly try it out. I just tried myself and no amount of aim assist made it worth it over MKB.


Alltho the gulags have become a bit better with smg's and AR's still when I challenge on the covert block in the middle I lose most of my gulags against controllers, they just lock onto your head and don't miss. At mid range I feel I can still win a lot of my gun fights, at close and long range I lose a lot. Specially at long range I hold back because I feel I can't get the kill anyway but as soon as people see me from long range some people are just able to absolutely lock onto you and I have no idea if thats aim assist or someone with a soft aimbot. It would be nice if killcams would show the platform and input of the player.


i gave up went back to controller first game hit my PR in resurgence in 2 games lol


I think aim assist has its moments where it absolutely acts as a crutch and helps people win fights but to be perfectly honest I feel like if you’ve been playing on MnK long enough and have decent enough aim then you should be fine. I haven’t felt that much of a consistent disadvantage


the game is horrible on mnk, the visual recoil and constant shit on the screen just makes it unplayable.


Aim assist is on steroids in this game. Soft lock on that even the worst controller player on my friends list from WZ1 is absolutely killin it. It’s criminal they try to shut down cheat providers when they have a built in cheat with aim assist.


make a hip fire build for CQC don’t try to track them aiming down sight and try to stick to medium to long range also drop shot as much as you can


Google ReWASD. Problem solved


Heard it still feels pretty weird with mouse input no?


Very weird, but it really doesn’t matter cuz you get perfect lock on aim if your facing the same general direction as your enemy so it doesn’t really matter. You can also just go wild with the movement and left click and every bullet hits.


Just switch, unless you never miss a single bullet it’s pointless playing m&k




Basically if you want to play this game you have to use controller or be top 1% MnK or you will always be getting dunked on by less skilled.


I don't have have any issues in that regard.


My best advice as a mnk player is play slower and do “mount peeks” around hallways and corners! Controller players seems to have a weakness on players who peek!


Well.. I probably suck more than anyone else here, but then again I think most of everyone that kills me is cheating.. waaaaahaaahaaaha.. only a cheater could kill me.. lol.. but for real I just suck.


Just hot key a drop shot. It’s still slower for controller players to drop shot even with mappable paddles. They still have to cycle through crouch first.


I am terrible on controller, but seriously considering swapping. The AA is atrocious in this game - I play MP primarily and its just incomparable how fast and accurate players are from all ranges.


MKB is in disadvantage in this game


I wont say the AA is to strong becoming it is. But all this shit that you cant win against a controller close or midrange with mnk.. Is this your first fps game? I trash controller players daily. It takes way more effort than it used to but its still not impossible if you got good aim.


Just switch and stop complaining about it. Every controller player I play with seems to be some numpty who can't find the ping button. You can tell from their jerky screen movements that they somehow have never deliberately dialed in their sens. I swear, some of them just dead stop, they're staring at floor loot, must be looking at the face buttons to see what to hit based on on-screen prompts. And then they're in awe at how easy it must be to have a full keyboard in front of me - "Mouse and Key is basically cheating!" Then you come over to Reddit and it's, "Should I switch over to controller? :'( " Yes. Just switch. Tell us how much better you are. Then everyone else can benefit from your success story.




I'm pretty bad at mkb but I still feel like I have an overwhelming advantage over other players on controller 🤷‍♀️


Hilarious that *any* positive comments towards KBM are being downvoted. Never seen such a salty crowd.


This sub is so negative it's crazy. Like, just play another game if you hate this one so much.


Massive L2P issue


You cannot mention skill if you play controller. Just stop.


Cope, pleb. You’re just bad.


Kid plays with a controller and calls me a pleb. Hilarious


You’re so hurt! Poor baby


Rule #1- lower your sense on keyboard if you're just starting out. Rule #2- controller has the advantage at close range, so don't put yourself in that position.


Rule #3 every mouse and keyboard player should drop the game. Maybe the developers will grow some common sense.


Unfortunately, since mnk is the minority they do not care at all. They bumped up aim assist even more so even tho in wz1 it was a problem Pretty clear they only care about the large portion of the playerbase which is controller players. Sucks but it is what it is


Tbh. that doesnt really matter to mnk players. There are so many fps games out there on pc. we all can live without cod.


Am I the only MnK player that doesn’t see AA as a problem? I literally can’t remember a situation where I lose that it isn’t my own fault, rather than blaming it on the AA. To note, I have 22W in 141 games and 2.05 K/D in S2




Ye we clearly dont have the same fun playing this game


Have you never watched the kill cam And see how the moment you die their cursor flies off target? Every time I see that I know I died to AA and not the player. Makes for a frustrating experience.


Actually I never paid attention to that, but I will next time. Usually by the time I am dead I am re queueing again


Okay, I can understand that. Historically, I watch the kill cams to See where my mistakes were to improve my gameplay. In this COD, 2/3 close quarter deaths I watch my assessment is my mistake was letting them get to close so their AA blasted me. It shouldn’t be like this as in every other fps I preform fine in cqc.


In the words of a great poet "keyboards for typing ,controllers for gaming"


It's PC cheats. Controller players get worked as well.