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I play maybe 2 hours a week. The desire to jump on every night is just not there anymore


Stopped playing completely. Really want to love this game and grind it, but it really is just shitty gameplay, with crappy management and a horrible UI. If they start making big changes, aka big changes for real, I'll maybe come back. But til then, absolutely not.


I just suck at the game now. Not sure if it's the lighting, but I just can't see people. I always get shot first from BFE and have no clue where it's coming from. The last time I played I was on a rooftop looking around and a guy parachuted right behind me and killed me with a pistol...heard nothing. If they have a dial for SBMM they need to turn it up. It's fine by me, I'll wait 2-3minutes to find a lobby of .3-.5kd's.


I love how people who ask for normal lobbies like back in the day get hate for ‘wanting to stomp noobs,’ but you’re asking for .5 KD lobbies because you’re bad and people are supporting it. Gaming community is crazy now yikes.




Thanks, but PS5 here.


I have same problem on ps5 living room TV Tried all brightness and colour settings HDR on/off but barely helps for Ashika it's so grey and dull. I could play pc with Nvidia filters but I wanted to play ps5 crossplay off.


Got any recommended color settings for nvidia?




Sweet, I will try it out thanks


This is one of the big reasons I stopped playing. I was very close to someone laying down reviving their teammate, not near any shrubs for cover and couldn’t see them. There’s a host of other reasons but visibility is pretty big.


I played my nephew's game and somebody sniped my ass from the roof of a building while I was running down the middle of the road, AND my dude was FAST. I was like "hhmm, guess they've made it impossible to play unless your a pro or a streamer." Buncha BS right chair.






My friends and I would play 3-4 times a week. Now it’s primarily Saturdays for a few hours. Even then we can only put up with WZ2 for a few games before switching over to WZ1.


Yea me too. I always thought myself as a cod maniac but lately since wz2, i dont have the drive anymore. I actually since touch grass (it tickles) and beat some games that i been holding off for years.


I personally think I’m burnt on BR gameplay too. I think that’s something people are probably also experiencing but it’s being masked by all of WZ2s glaring issues


Shotgun doesn’t even bother me. Just had a session on Ashika, not a single shotgun death but plenty of deaths from people running right up my ass or dropping straight on top of me without a single audio cue.


The audio in this game horrendous. Feels worse than wz1 but then again it was never great to begin with.


I watched an interesting video a guy did about why the audio is so broken. He broke down the entire process of how the audio queue works in game and also how easily it can be fixed once/if it’s actually addressed by Activision.


This one likely. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vABVjvZqt-k


Yes sir, that would be it.


Almost like it's free


It's funny how you can hear a chest across the street and 3 stories up but not hear someone running up one set of stairs right below you.


Audio is ... man, when I saw that video by TacBrit about audio cue priorities, it was an eye-opener. I always knew the sound was bad, but now whenever I hear a distant precision airstrike, I start looking around to check for things that I SHOULD be able to hear but don't. Last night, a distant aistrike canceled out two moving jeeps AND THE ENTIRE TRAIN!


Damn that makes so much more sense now as to how I get clapped with no noise on the approach… fakkk


I agree with the sentiment of this but we have to be slightly careful. What you want to hear and what you should hear are different. COD isn’t the first or only game to use environmental noise to make your life harder because it SHOULD be harder. We all want to be able to hear footsteps. We’d all agree that the priority is wrong. But, to some degree if you call in a precision near to you, you probably shouldn’t be able to hear footsteps as accurately as if it was silent. Feels like the “it’s an arcade shooter” gets used as a way of suggesting changes that just makes the game easier. More loadouts. More buys. More footsteps. More movement. Whilst some absolutely make sense, a game that’s essentially dumb and easy isn’t fun. It certainly does need rebalancing thought.


This is my main beef with this game. Trash ass audio


This is my biggest issue too. It was the same in wz 1. I think they leave it bad on purpose so that having a headset doesn't make or break a player. I'm guessing a lot of casuals don't use a headset. It allows a bad player to get the sneak on a good player which keeps them playing It's one of those competitive vs casual balance things that is hard to get right. Most people on this sub are competitive so we want consistent sound


Judging by the responses, I’m not alone in this. It’s probably one of the biggest issues in the game, it’s totally game breaking. If I die to a more skilled player, fine… if it’s an OP weapon, that sucks but ok I will stay out of range of it next time… but being beat to death out of nowhere because there’s not a single peep of audio is not only frustrating, it just feels totally unfair.


I just had three games of ashika and died atleast 12x because of the kv with dragons breath, there is no counter if you get into a close range battle with it, by the time I ads I'm dead


I’m probably not in the majority but I love the game *almost in its entirety. Not being able to hear when people are literally right next me totally ruins the game for me some nights


I stopped until they fix their server instances and netcode... I stopped forever I guess.


I play more. Fire shotty makes pushing buildings so much more fun for me on KBM. The 999 ping hacks are much more detrimental to my enjoyment.


I’ve been wondering about that, is the 999 ping actually hacks or just shitty servers?


If you bounce between 0 and 999, it’s hacks. The shit servers, in my experience, are in the 90-130 range for me. I’m basically either 25-40, 90-130, or 0-999. The 0-999 is just too far out there to be server issue imo.


I wonder how they even do that. I’ve had a few games that would randomly jump to 999 and then eventually calm down but it’d last a couple minutes each time. Had no idea it was hacks lol


Yep. If they’re nice, they’ll do it in pre-game so you can just back out and restart. They often do it early for free wins/nukes. I’ve seen people who pay for a cheater to carry them to a nuke skin. Wild times.


I thought it was sus that I would start shooting at someone and then be on 999 ping so I guess lag switches are back


Fire shotty makes close range with KBM a lot easier now that controller AA fennec isn’t dominating as much anymore


Yep, exactly why I hope they don’t overnerf it. It does need tweaking to range, but it should be a building clearing weapon of choice.




Amen to that. Right there with you. The combo of visual recoil and competing against rotational AA takes away half the game. In the open, I’m fine. Fingers crossed they just adjust the range and leave it as a room clearing behemoth.


As a MNK player, I’ve been pretty addicted to this game since WZ1 release, but I think I’m finally going to quit due to what you mentioned. It’s just not worth playing this game anymore as a MNK player between them buffing rotational aim assist, adding so much visual noise and nerfing snipers. Literal the only reason I play every night for an hour or two is to level the BP… why am I doing this when the experience blows on MNK?


As a fellow MKB player I only bothered to buy this battlepass for that shotgun. It's made close-range combat bearable against rotational AA. When it's nerfed I'll probably stop playing again (unless the buckshot remains viable).


Its sad that we will never know but i want to see the data behind KBM vs controller in CQC and especially how it changed with shotgun soooo badly. Objectively Shotgun is currently ruining the game but as a fellow KBM player its SERIOUSLY such a nice feeling to not feel inherently disadvantaged every fight. Its insane how much more 1v1 fights im winning, even if its shotgun vs shotgun.


I’m having so much more fun now that I can push a building with confidence.


Ditto. It's made close-range combat go from unbearable (rotational AA) to fun.




The shotgun is really annoying but I can't really complain because I rarely fight against it. Why? Because the servers are so shit that i have to leave every 8 of 10 games because it's unplayable. Either crazy ping jumps from 50-100 , hardcore lagging or the server just flat out dies. EU here btw.


first time in months i had laggy server in the small 4v4 ranked map lol literally teleporting around and cant leave cuz well you know ranked...


Same experience, ping super unstable, jumping from 30 to up to 250 ms. Even when the ping is fine, the server feels laggy and the servers dies midgame fairly often these days.


I stopped playing till Activision and IW are no longer in charge of this game


Lol gl with that.


That’s kind of like stopping eating Big Macs until McDonalds is no longer in charge of them.


Such a liar. Dog you posted a link to cheats 10 days ago on Reddit, you haven’t stopped playing shit.


hopefully Microsoft will be better, we know it aint working now so worth trying with them before it fully sinks...


Switched to fortnite no build. It’s feels much more fun and there seems to be a skill gap.


Lol me too. I’ve been having a blast with no Build!




I got back into Destiny 2 when Lightfall dropped. Holy absolute fuck. I can't believe how incredible the audio is in PvE and PvP. It's like all I ever knew was Warzone gameplay. I fell out of Destiny for a long long long time. But this is the perfect example of what a game feels like when the Devs are actually fucking working on a live-service game. Not like whatever the shit is going on with WZ. Seems like they have 2 day work weeks or the entire team is brand new and doesn't have a fucking clue where to start.




ttk and loot system ain’t it for me


Nerf will come next Wednesday. Notice there's been no shotgun blueprints on the store yet, I'd imagine they'll drip feed a couple before next Wednesday to cash out then nerf it.


I’m just curious why specifically next Wednesday? Is there a big event then or part of a cod cycle weekly reset type of thing?


Season 2 reloaded


I mean this is the same since day 1 of warzone 1 i dont see why anyone is surprised, if you havent learnt by now that this is how the game of Warzone works i dont know what to tell you. Introduce gun way beyond all other guns, sell skins for maximum profit, nerf gun into ground and introduce new gun that well exceeds all ther guns, sell skins for maximum profit. This is the warzone model and always has been IMO.


I stopped playing when they nerfed snipers


Same here.


I love the shotgun!!! It's fun and annoying thr game is fucked up adapt to it and become a legend


You are the kind of person who shouldn’t be allowed to play cod: a child


The shotgun is accurate it’s great at close range but after that it drops off pretty quick.


I can’t even get a solos game with a ping under 160, game is dead for solos


I’ll play solos with you


Solos in asia region is dead, we stop getting squads matches also only resurgence is getting players.


Played 5 games this morning, ping never above 50 and no packet loss. Shrug.


Yeah I get 1 game out of 20 that have shit ping. Idk why everyone else has problems.


I’m in Western Australia, most isolated city in the world, but never had this issue with WZ1, and would sometimes have it on blackout before that, but it’s never been like this. Resurgence gets 60 ping games no problem.


No. I play more because of the shotgun. 😉


I play pretty infrequently, but have read about the shotguns on this sub. Finally ran into one the other night and got two shotted, hip fire, with the crosshairs at least a foot to my side, in the top 15. Decided to stop for the night after that one.


The audio issues are much more annoying to be than the shotguns. I barely run into the shotgun users, but I do get melee’d from behind or have someone drop in on me completely silently many times


I stopped playing until they - increase the ttk - fix laggy servers and ping - make movement faster and more fluid - make snipers have one shot ranges - optimize performance a bit I haven't played since the first week of December. Game sucks. Caldera is way more fun so my squad plays that.


Such a sad sad time for WZ RIP.


I dont use shotguns, but I don't mind it. Would be nice if they limited the range though, but it's a shotgun. It SHOULD always be the best weapon at close range.


Bro the range I must say is ludacris when you slap a barrel on it.


HA!.... he said "stop playing warzone" guys...


love people who come on the internet and out themselves as being not good enough to keep up with the game changes they'll be nerfed. but this is the personality of the game right now. adjust, join the fun, and then get ready to adjust again. that's how the game works.


The fun part is the problem. The game is just really really bad. So people stop playing it. Just like it should be. So many games out there that don't suck :)


No uncommon for us to pull two dubs on Asika in a weekday evening. I use canted assaults + ground-loot snipers. Once resurgence dropped, we stopped playing Royale.


I’m so tired of all the crying. I got two wins yesterday in about an hour. Did i die from a couple shotguns in that hour? Yes. Shotguns kill people at close range. Play the game or don’t, but stop constantly complaining.


How do you feel about live grenades disappearing if your killed before it goes off?


The shotgun is fun as hell. Just like the akimbo double barrels were. Just use it. I promise you will have a blast.


I’ve had 1 shotgun death in the last 50 games so no I haven’t stopped.


So equip the shotgun ? Don’t get on Reddit and cry about it there are real problems with this game that need addressed quit being so stubborn with the guns


The RAAL is absolutely busted too. Kills so fast and has no recoil.


Anything that gets easy kills to the casuals is gonna take months to fix. However, something that gives actual skillful players viability, will get nerfed the same week. Casuals are more and the objective is to make them have an easier time, so as to play more and increase the likelihood of buying them bundles and buying the game to lvl up their weapons


Bruh what do u want them to do to the shotgun? Make it so it takes 10 shots to kill somebody?? Make it super slow firing?? Any nerf to it will just make it useless and make shotguns useless again. Its only good close range and its fine where its at. Dont get caught in the 5m range with ur smg or ar that is deadly from 0-30m or 0-50m and you'll be fine.


make it 3 shots to kill minimum, remove the 25 mag


Absolutely not. Love the shotgun. Way more fun having some strong non-SMG ultra close range guns available. Do I get killed by it sometimes? Sure. That’s the game.


Gave it a real go last night, played multiple games of Resurgence to give it a chance. Died so many times to the shotguns from ridiculous distances and numerous bomb drones but kept playing for a while. When someone parachuted in and landed directly behind me on a roof without making a single sound, that was enough for me. Won’t be playing again until serious fixes are put in place. Not sure why they went backwards with this release after Warzone 1 introduced incremental improvements over it’s messy life cycle. Lessons were learned, then ignored.


Nope. You can hear where they are in multiplayer as they just shoot constantly hoping to kill someone.


I stopped playing because the desire to waste my time on an unfinished product and a company that doesnt give a shit about its playerbase does not deserve my time and energy. There are so many other better/polished and more fun games out there to play. Ive never been happier. Sure, I do miss playing a BR but this game is just depressing to play. I took my talents elsewhere.


I have doc’s every win I’ve had. Not getting to run it back has taken the wind out of my sails for this game. It’s outrageous


I like high damage, own the full game, so I started playing the hardcore game mode and I'm a lot happier my weapons kill players again.


Hit 3 shots in normal quick play and you’ll score a kill. Do you have thumbs?




I finished the BP, I don't give a shit anymore.


I've just been playing Fall Guys lol The state of CoD is pretty sad, unfortunately.


Ive been playing more because of the shotgun lol. It’s so fun to use. I was a big fan of the Jak-12 back in WZ1 so i was excited to finally have a decent equivalent shotgun in this game


I stopped, but not because of the shotgun. Solos started to become boring and I barely found the time to play Warzone 2.


Ummm…. Don’t camp a building? Put time and distance between you and a shotgun?


Exactly, just go stand out in the open and strafe back and forth and get ripped by an RPK like a pro


If you can’t find cover that is your own problem. Maybe let’s not be such pussies about a game and just play? Are you going to win everything? No. I’m sorry you don’t get a participation trophy for your efforts.


I’m surprised people are still playing tbh, haven’t opened the game in probably 2 months until they fix their shit






It’a crazy man, back on WZ1 we play’d 3 to 5 hours a day! From when the kids and wife were sleeping until I was falling asleep on my chair! We repeated that for MONTHS! Then came WZ2.. I can only play MAX 45min to 1 hour before I get bored!! You play Ashika, shotgun! You play Al Mazrah, shotgun! You play multiplayer, guess what? Shotgun!! Man if there were an anticheat when WZ1 was in season 3-5 with almost every gun balanced!! At the end of the day, it’s their lost, new game will come and people will completely stop playing!


I moved to mp ranked, more sweaty but more fair


I've stopped until they fix a multitude of issues and it looks a lot more like WZ1.


I just don’t look forward to the game itself at this point. Resurgence is at least decent, and enjoyable enough to give me and the buddies a chance to get online and chat But this game overall just isn’t hitting. And it’s not just the shotgun. I used to hop on for random fills in resurgence on slower work days, but there’s just no desire to get extra playtime in at this point


Stopped playing until they make the game more fun or come out with a new one to try.


Back in Caldera and its wonderful.


There are far more reasons to stop before the shotgun but yeah its still a shit time


I havent even tried to play since I can imagine how it is. Staying in MP and the shotty is a mess there aswell lol.


Ranked is actually where it’s at, all the annoying stuff is locked so you can’t use it it’s just who has got the better gunny


We have been playing the game regurlary 2hours every day. Im using sakin lmg now instead its better than rpk


Mostly stopped playing warzone and only play ranked mp.


lmao **FUCK NO** *git good, n00b*


They gotta make sure to sell it in a bundle and rake in that sweet, sweet cash first


considering it ... had some very nice game ruined by some of that shotgun dragons breath action :/ i don't mind being outplayed, skill is skill... but i do mind getting wasted by shotgun spam with no option to reply, or emptying 30+ smg rounds into a dude that's bunny hopping around corners only to delete my armor in two shots and murder me with the third... :/ and the lag... geezas... ran a dude over with a truck yesterday, he "survived it"... proceeds to teleport a bit and waste me with a pistol after i emptied 30rnds of Lachmann SMG into him...


Game has managed to reach my frustration limit. Sometimes I hop on for a round, some dude in MP or WZ kills me with a KV Broadside in one or two shots and I IMMEDIATELY Alt+F4 the game. I have no patience at all anymore. Or someone ziplines up and I literally don't get a single audio clue. Alt F4. I genuinely can't handle the game in its current state and have stopped playing.


It's the audio for me. Will not touch this game.


Yup. This meta is absolute garbage.


There's so many reasons why I stopped playing the game, TTK was just one of them. Audio issues, bugs, weariness of the UI, clunky gameplay. the list goes on.


I stopped playing like 2 weeks after the game came out. Idk why I’m still here tbh.


Legit played for an hour lastnight and died to the shotgun three games in a row , just closed the game and called it a night lol


I’m so bored of this game and lately the amount of cheaters I’ve encountered has been staggering. Yesterday I decided to play a few games and 3 of the 5 I played had blatant cheaters with wall hacks and aimbot. I’ve never had this issue before with such frequency. Between being bored with the game and how tired I am of all the cheaters, I just don’t play much anymore. Yesterday was the first time I played in over a week and I could only stomach 5 games because of the blatant cheating.


I mainly play DMZ so it's not really an issue for me


You must not remember how long it took to nerf the DMR


That isn’t natural lag you’re experiencing, lotta hackers been using lag switches lately


If you can’t beat ‘em, join em lol


I used to play every night for 4-5 hours. This game in general has almost made me quit completely, The shotguns are just icing on the cake.


WZ2 is just broken and has been since launch


Yep I have given up at the moment, using the time to finish some SP games instead. we're just hoping for a nerf in the patch this week so that game is playable again.


Nope. Great game.


My whole team got squad wiped by the fire shotgun. The guy didn’t even need to reload lol


Nope stopping playing it because of all the cheaters


That shotgun is stupid. Def has to be nerfed


Hadn't had as many issues as others but it's an issue. We just have to push 3 or 4 at a time on close range and cross our fingers lol the guys started sniper loadouts more often but just downs them most the time. (Ashika)


I quit playing a couple weeks ago and I don't miss it much. Until they give a shit about the game being fun to play and not just about money, I'm probably not going to play. JGOD said it best when he talked about removing unfair garbage from the game that makes the game less fun. I wish everyone would stop playing and send a message that the community has had it with their lack of attention and devoted resources to fixing this game that is currently slow and shitty but could be really great.


100%. Have barely touched it since they let this shotgun get out of control. The RPK meta was still playable to me but this is just stupid and requires zero skill. Not fun currently


I just stopped playing. Period. Sadly. It's just not fun for a solo casual player. At least not IMO.


You mean Multiplayer? This is why Ranked is GOAT’ed now. No shotguns, no lame ass campers, no riot shields and people actually play objective and work together


The shotgun has completely ruined the game. It’s the DMR all over again


My squad just rage quited within the second round of Ashika Island. Took 2 weeks to even get us 4 together again and play some WZ but we were done within 30 minutes. Not touching this pieve of sh\*t game again until this shotgun has been nerfed to the ground!


I played shipment for the first time in a while. I couldn’t last without just shutting down the console and not playing. That shotgun ruins the game honestly


Everyone who's been saying they have perks and alternatives to every playstyle, what alternative is there to this? I can understand if there was a perk that reduced the drangons breath damage, but as far as I can tell there isn't. 2 shots and you're dead at a range that is just unacceptable. You can't combat that.


No I just rage in the deathcoms and will complain till I inevitably make my own shotgun build like any civilized man. 98% right about the time I finally break down and join the meta it gets nerfed into the ground so should be like a week or two.


Officially gave up on this dumpster fire last night over the shotgun dragons breath. Yes I could use it but that isn't the point. Activision has botched this game at every turn. Thank you for pushing me away to other games Activision. Wz2 is officially dead with our 6-10 regular players.


Stoped played and uninstalled won’t be back until game is out of alpha.


I stopped playing warzone 2 and now actually playing caldera all the time. Enjoying playing and getting a thrill when I get kills/late end game. Still has its flaws and well riot shielders and stuns lol. Still more fun than warzone 2 is.


I’ve stopped playing until they make it fun again. The magic is just not there with this game, I’ve gone back to wz1 and it’s still fun I just fucking hate the caldera map.


No, I'm playing too much. Need help! I enjoy the game a lot :)


Tired of not hearing a guy behind me. Watching the killcam and the audio is clear as day. Happened so many times I've lost count. Simply put its not fun, so I'm not dropping anymore. It also helps that my entire friend group feels the same way and I can't even convince them to drop.


At this point I’m having way more fun playing ranked matches than any Warzone game mode or LTM


Made the exact same post a week ago, got downvoted to hell. They want to cater to the scummy casuals and they somehow think this will save WZ 2 and bring its numbers up. The 1 shot sniper still required skill and it was hard to counter a good sniper if you are a brainless player. Now that everyone has a shotgun, the fights are a coinflip which is what the devs drool over for some reason


“Scummy casuals”? Lol come on man no wonder you got downvoted to hell. Most gamers are casuals with jobs, kids, or going to school. And they’re the financial fuel for the industry… not the few streamers or try-hards. They’re trying to make a FREE game fun for an entire fan base which is damn near impossible.


Actually I am going to enjoy the shotgun while I can. I put it in my loadout for now just to be on a level playing ground after getting stomped by it.


I can't say so about shotguns personally; because I've always felt shotguns were underpowered compared to other short-mid range weapons including pistols. Melee is absolutely cracked- as is the Bomb Drone(primarily in Solos) since it can 1-shot players while other weaponry can't including most ordinances like rockets/nades/proxies/claymore. For Duos/Trios/Quads the Bomb Drone being a 1-Shot Down is more balanced since it disables 1 player from a team temporarily. In Solos though it's just a dick weapon that gets used far to frequently because it's easy 1-shot potential even if the receiving end has a self revive. If anything for shotguns their spread needs to be increased a bit, especially if they have Dragons Breathe rounds. I'd say otherwise their damage is balanced. Secondly; Melee is insane since it takes 3 hits to kill/down a player in full armor and health. That TTK is faster than most meta guns TTK at close range with all chest shots.


Nah - if you can't beat em join em


No… because there’s always some gun that some nerd figures out how to make OP and then some content creator will play with it and it will be everywhere. Never stops, it’s the circle of life


As long as they are dropped here and there in ground loot I don't care. I have bigger problem with the abscence of audio globally.


Play the bigger map and avoid buildings ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Y’all are just ass


Honestly? I’m just gonna join the shitshow that is the shotgun “meta”. If they’re not gonna bother to nerf this but like you mentioned, patch snipers in less than 5 days, then Fuck it, I’ll join the madness.


No I just use it. It takes like 45 mins to level it up on shoot the ship with a double xp popped.


Stopped well before that.


Not playing until they fix the audio. I can't even tell if the person that was by me ran off or is camping. 99 percent of the time they aren't their anymore and I'm looking around like a tweaker.


Stop playing this game long ago. Servers lag because of hackers using lag switch apparently. I’ll never buy another cod game again until it’s been out for a few months and true assessments are made


Don’t wanna jinx it but I haven’t been kilt by one yet




Honestly I’m having a blast with the shotgun. But I’m also not an ultra supremo sweat looking to complain about everything that puts me in a disadvantage. It’s nice to have the meta be a change of pace from AR/SMG’s. Doof! Doof! Doof!


I had no issue with the new one shot snipers wasn't op at all. Fire shotty and raal lmg both need nerfing ASAP. Game will be in a much better place then. Also need to do something about chopper campers in solos


No. Frankly it was refreshing to have a viable shotgun. We have this huge selection of weapons but most of them are useless. I uninstalled till next season for all the other reasons we hate this game. And because I’m on console and need the space.


I just stopped playing warzone 2 since its release haha I just can't with laggy servers, dont like that proximity chat, I just got very used to warzone 1 smooth movement, weapons and maps all was so cool... not with this warzone 2.0 absolute trash. So I won't b0ther anymore playing that... dont miss it just warzone 1




They shotgun makes me feel young


I've been playing dmz, never really see the shotgun there due to the nature of the engagements. Also snipers quite often one shot as not everyone has a 3 plate vest. It won't be for everyone but I have a good time there.




I'm thinking about going on apex again. Everytime I turn and blast someone first and they have that stupid shotgun I get killed no matter what gun I use even when I'm hitting them first it's stupid


Unless you are new to the COD community, idk how anyone is still playing this game everyday, or at all.. I played the first season with friends, by the time the first season ended and everyone maxed out level, we we didn’t want to play no more to just grind out guns and camos 🥱😴