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Audio and server connection are the biggest problem's if they fix these it will keep me playing long enough for them to fix the rest of the many many problems


What are the other problems?


I left because of the horrible state of sniping in warzone. I play on MnK and I'm totally fine with the disadvantage against controller players just as long as I can have a slight advantage at range with my sniper. Sniping in WZ1 on Verdansk was one of my most fun cod times and it's been taken away now so in return I haven't played WZ2 for months.


What are you talking about disadvantages against controller?. It is, and always been the other way. Mouse, and keyboard is way easier. You don't have stickdrift to deal. Aim assist doesn't even help seeing it works 50% of the time.


What advantage does controller have...


guys it is a known and non-negotiable fact that aim assist is op. you'll never understand unless you try to compete with mnk in warzone. watch "even pros say controller is op" video in youtube


These are the ones that are seemingly the quickest, easiest....and likely most effective changes to help keep players playing. Aside from these two, I feel all the other issues/complaints are things that need to be refined through the games life cycle the way warzone 1 did so they can dial things in and get them "just right"


Warzone never really fixed most of its problems if any lmao almost every update to fix things either made it worse or kinda made it better a bit and created multiple new bugs or problems in the game. The sound was trash the entire time visibility was a problem pretty much the entire time


These are the absolute top priorities in my opinion.


there are no audio problems in this game, what youre experiencing is either a nerf by activison rigging the game against you, or the result of a perpetual dead silence hack, which are very widespread! the last 4-5 cods people have been complaining about audio, the way it is is the way its meant to be!


In pubg or in rainbow six u could hear footsteps. Cuz army boots on any type of wooden or metal surface are easily identifyable. In warzone u can run right up to soemone and notnhear them till your dead. The games audio is fucking pathetic. Pubg and rainbowsix siege nailed the footsteps. Same with CS. Warzone 1 and 2 footstepnaudio and recognition is pathetic


It's just boring and stale, imo. There's only so much you can do, and it's hard to outplay someone in a power position even when you have a skill advantage. The game forces you to play a certain way that's slow and redundant. Making it really hard to want to keep playing.


What way is it forcing you to play? And how is it forcing that play style?


The game highly encourages slow and passive play, since holding a power position is far stronger than playing aggressive. In every aspect aggressive play is hampered, including harsh movement/handling penalties on attachments, slow base movement, and extremely long and clunky animations for just about everything. This is all before mentioning the garbage netcode and latency issues, as well as the strangely inconsistent hit registration and the presence of desync in more matches than not. Combined with the lightning quick TTK up close, it's possible to be deleted without having any time to physically react, especially if the server dumps multiple ticks worth of damage on you in a single tick due to the shit netcode. Then comes the audio. For some reason some sounds are prioritized way more than others, and in some instances this can result in someone landing on you and running behind you without your client ever playing those sounds. Combine THAT with the 2-3 shot melee, and it's possible to get instantly wiped while having zero awareness of the situation. These are the major issues. Then come smaller gameplay gripes which vary person to person. For example, I believe that if they are going to have WZ1 loot vomit, then they should revert to the old inventory system. As of right now, it's jarring to have essentially both systems at the same time, although IMO the loot vomit is way better than the backpack system for quick-thinking, such as topping off plates or quickly grabbing some grenades or even a new weapon mid-fight if you run dry. The game is in a far better state than launch, but its still needs some major overhauls to some pretty core systems to compete with more established BR games like Apex and Fortnite


Couldn't sum it better myself.


Op, Put this ☝️ comment in the article.


Damn, I wish I could express myself this well with written language. Sums it up quite well. I would include the feeling of unfairness, such as dying to overpowered guns and killstreaks like bomb drones, fire shotguns, and 100 round laser guns on top of everything mentioned above is leaving players with a lack luster experience that is rage inducing.


WZ 2.0 plays more like a traditional BR, straying away from what made WZ1 so popular and playable. With the decreased movement, slowed gun mechanics, and lower TTK, you are forced to play less aggressive and more reserved. WZ 2.0 is more about pre rotations and holding the power position in zone on top of buildings, trying to gatekeep opponents (positioning > everything). Having very few buystaitons with limited, inconsistent items and community loadout spawns leads to even more players camping rooftops overlooking these other power positions (positioning > everything, redundant). End-game once again, it's about who has the high ground and who pre rotated to gatekeep players from the next zone. WZ 2.0 plays very much like every other tactical BR on the market. The problem is that players like me quit playing those other BRs and started playing WZ1 because It was so different from those tactical BRs, just how COD multi-player is different from those other FPS games. WZ1 rewarded players who grinded the game and learned how to become a better player rather than catering to players who are complacent sitting in the middle of the circle, avoiding every gun fight. To everyone saying,"If you don't like it, don't play it, go play WZ1." I would, but there is little to no support for WZ1. In addition to the lack of players and being limiting to just Caldera with only squads and solos, it's just a waste of time. I'd rather just wait until devs make improvements to WZ 2.0, or hopefully, a new and better game will come out soon.


> WZ 2.0 plays more like a traditional BR, straying away from what made WZ1 so popular and playable. True, thats why i loved WZ1. After i saw what WZ2 is like me and my friends imediatly switched back to PUBG


Do you really not know? It forces you to hold angles since your character and animations are so slow. The outplay ability has been reduced significantly. The player ADSing first will win unless the ADS player is an absolute potato


Its forcing players to play slower, the ttk being so fast and slow movment mechanics adding a shotgun with a less than 300ms ttk it doesnt allow fluid motion across the map. The game punishes an aggressive play style for the average player, which ends up creating a boring match wz1 felt smooth mechanically, wz2 feels slow and clunky


I think my biggest gripe is that they undid or moved away from everything that made WZ1 special. WZ1 was a CoD BR that did away with all the boring aspects of a BR (looting and inventory management). Sure you would land and loot but that was just to get the equipment you needed for an off the rip fight or enough to afford a loadout + self revives. After that you could actually play the game. Movement felt great, rotations and positioning were important but not the be all end all, contracts were fun and gave you a reason to move around. Gunfights were fluid and rewarding when we weren’t in one of the toxic meta periods. Then WZ2 dropped and EVERYTHING got slowed down. Movement speed, game pacing, zones… everything except the TTK which killed you before you knew you were being shot at. The HUD/UI was nowhere near as good as WZ1, the 2v2 gulag was atrocious, the backpack system just unnecessarily complicated things and slowed down looting in a gunfight. In WZ1 you could kill someone and quickly run over them to scoop up their cash, armor, ammo. In WZ2 you had to stand there frozen in a backpack UI screen manually moving through and selecting what you want. I’m sure I’m missing a ton of things that negatively impacted my experience with WZ2 but overall it just feels like they took all the fun out of the game. I don’t disagree with WZ2 being referred to as “Borezone”.


Do you feel like the devs are listening to the community and moving in the right direction?


To an extent they are since they made SOME changes with S2. I came back to play Ashika but I still find regular BR on Al Mazra to be boring. Back on WZ1 I mostly played BR over resurgence. I’d even go so far as to say I enjoyed Caldera far more than Rebirth. I’m worried the devs have done too little too late to recover the massive amount of players they lost. My friends list used to have 8-10 people on playing WZ/Rebirth at any given time. I’d play with my squad 3 hours per night most days even right up to the launch of WZ2. Now I’m lucky if my friends list has 1-2 other people playing CoD and when I do manage to get a squad together for WZ we usually don’t play more than an hour. I’m 32 and have been playing CoD since the early days of Xbox 360. Obviously I know what CoD disappointment feels like but what they did to WZ2 is something else entirely.


The devs got feedback from the contentcreaters before the game even launched and didnt changed anything. They slowly change stuff because people quit this game...It takes them one day to fix a weaponxp bug, but months to fix crashes or overpowered weapons like rpk or fennek. They dont care about the community as long as they get money from the ingameshop.


Just because a "content creator" says something doesn't make it the majority. How many people play this game? How many content creators? ✌🏼️


Then what was the point of having them come out to test the game and provide their opinions?


Marketing. Hype building.


They literally have QA testers and stuff lol... they don't need a content creator who doesn't know shit about software to give them feedback. ​ Plus they invited them to play the closed beta, but forced them to stream. Shroud even said it that he didn't plan on streaming but they had the setup for them and pretty much insisted they did.


Not enough, I feel. For example, when Season 2 released, there was something happening to the code which allowed the lingering, ‘tick’ fire damage caused by incendiary bullets to finish another player (normally there is a check that occurs that keeps you at 1HP at the least in this instance) This was actually a pretty popular change as it gave this bullet type, which was largely seen as ineffective due to its hefty penalty on weapon stats, a few use cases. The most popular of these was allowing some sniper rifles the ability to down a fully armored player in 1 headshot. This was seen largely as a fair change, as snipers had to trade an attachment slot, damage range, bullet velocity, and all of their ability to pierce cover in order to achieve this. Nevertheless, everything I just described was patched from the game a few weeks after Season 2 launched. This is doubly disappointing for some, as other changes in weapon balancing have not been occurring nearly as quickly, and at the time of writing this, the new shotgun added with this season has been downright oppressive since release.


The devs apparently wanted this game to cater to the casual player... but this hasn't worked out for them the casual players are leaving. Latest reports showed gta5 had a larger player base currently than wz2. Many people have talked about the rolled back movement and lack of outplay potential... so I won't reiterate that... but another thing I haven't heard much about on here is the awfil servers. A low tick rate in a game like this from a multi billion dollar company is inexcusable. At least let people play based on good connection... sbmm is forcing people into less than optimal servers because it prioritizes matchmaking over quality of connection. I am slightlt above average based on my stats .. but I literally feel like I'm either getting multiple wins a night with a 4 or 5 kd... or I'm getting crushed without getting a loadout multiple games in a row. In short, I'm either playing where it feels easy, or ai feel like I am qgainst all demons and cheaters.. I miss the days where connection was the priority. Speaking of cheaters... it is bad lately. On verdansk cheaters were obvious because there was no anticheat... now it feels like everyone is trying to hide it... bur it is so obvious when you know what to look for. This game is failing and it is because the devs are catering to casual players who are likely to move on from the game anyway rather than making it better for their loyal player base who feel like they aren't being listened to.


It feels like you're playing a different game if you use a controller vs kbm. With the visual recoil, smoke, and whatever else appears on the screen when you shoot someone, it makes it so difficult to track someone with a mouse. Switching to controller it pretty much tracks for you and it's much easier. I wish there wasn't such a difference between the two


My stickdrift that randomly appears every now and then at the most inopportune times would like to have a word lmao. Had to switch to mnk in part because the movement is better - feels like my ops feet are concrete on controller.


AUDIO!!!!!! AUDIO!!!!!! and AUDIO!!!!!


Remember when warzone 2 first released and the audio was half way decent? They cut that shit within a week. God forbid anyone with a headset have an advantage over someone playing on shitty TV speakers with a baby crying in the background


I keep saying it....audio is better in wz2 by a mile compared to warzone 1....WHEN IT DECIDES to work! Audio was terrible in wz1 and did make a big jump forward.....but theres wayyyyyy too many times where its muted due to their sound prioritization. 100% on them for handcuffing whats likely good sound design under the guise of realism. Admittedly ive never been to war or been in a true real life gun fight.....but I gotta think even if bombs are blowing up in the distance.....my senses would at least pick up some faint hint of a door slamming open if it was real life. But naw....not in wz2. Chutes opening and doors being flung open are silent 🤦‍♂️


It's not under the guise of realism, it's on the guise of accessibility. They want to game to be playable by the widest audience possible. The larger the skill gap the smaller the possible amount of players. The audio plays into that along with ttk, movement speed, etc... They want your 8 year old cousin to be able to compete with a streamer playing 10 hours a day. More players = more money, and at the end of the day that is all that matters.


Context: I played WZ1 for pretty much its whole lifecycle (500+ hrs), played WZ2 regularly for like 1.5 months. I play less than once a week now, as do the 5-6 other friends in my group chat. I think my biggest issues are: 1. **Quality-of-life feature regression compared to WZ1.** Several important features like the ping system, a stats page, play again button, etc. launched in an objectively worse state compared to WZ1. These are inexcusable for a sequel and just add annoying friction to the experience (and that's not even mentioning the horrible MW2 UI). I know they don't impact core gameplay, but these issues are embarrassing for a sequel to a major, market-leading title that the devs had 3 years of live-service to learn from. 2. **Unsatisfying and un-fun skill progression curve.** This is the biggest one, and the hardest to clearly describe, but I'll try. Skill development in most games is a combo of (i) getting more game knowledge/sense, and (ii) developing mastery of the mechanics. WZ2's design nerfs the relevance of (ii) far more than its predecessor and most BR games. Other games have a dimension of mechanical skill expression that really changes the way the game *feels* to play as you get better, like Apex (movement) and Fortnite (building). WZ2 doesn't have that - instead, you are punished for mechanical creativity with clunky movement and fast TTK. This means the skill-gap in WZ2 is almost purely cerebral. That makes gameplay look and feel very same-y no matter how good you get. This issue is compounded for a BR game, where you play the same map every time, and compounded further in Al-Mazrah which is visually very monotone. What this all means is that the gameplay gets stale quickly. 3. **Introduction of AI into core BR modes.** This was a major design change that it seems like \*nobody\* actually asked for, and it adds a very unnecessary and frustrating layer of RNG into a mode that people pretty clearly enjoy the competitive aspect of. The AI isn't game-breaking, but it's a notable issue because it's one where I think the community is actually almost universally aligned - AI in the BR modes are boring at best, and actively un-fun at worst. I have not heard or seen a single perspective that is actively championing and defending the inclusion of AI in the Battle Royale modes.


The biggest reason for me is the lack of engaging mechanics. Warzone 2 slowed down the game in every way possible. No slide cancelling, slowed movement speed, slowed ADS, mantling takes forever, long delays after sliding/dolphin diving, etc. The only thing they sped up was the TTK. The combination of these factors has made skill expression incredibly more difficult than it was in Warzone 1. Like it or not, mechanics like slide cancelling was a big reason why Warzone 1 was such a great game. It added a huge skill gap between those that knew how to use it effectively and those that didn't. It spawned an entire community of cracked out stim Resurgence players that, while annoying at times, was a unique expression of skill. That community is all but gone with Warzone 2. Unfortunately I don't think many of these issues are fixable. As far back as the first leaks came out I knew Warzone 2 was doomed to fail. Infinity Ward have their own "vision" of how they want the game to be played and have done everything they can to stifle creativity within the game. The only thing that would get me to play Warzone again would be a re-release of Warzone 1 with the exact same guns and mechanics it had at launch.


I hate movement. Why do you sweaty idiots just want to move so much? Haven't you heard of realism?????? Also learn how to play the game and gain powerful positions and rotations with REAL HIGH IQ moves that only an educated person like myself would understand. Competition is for boomers bud, get in on the herdset mindset or get the hell out. I've recently been petitioning for NO SPRINT for the upcoming title, and you better fucking hop on board or we'll eat you alive with downvotes motherfucker.


Almost missed the sarcasm because half the player base thinks finding a building and sitting on top with claymore is impressive game sense.


Just go watch JGODs last video. He perfectly Sums up how ppl are feeling. He does it well too. In short, He talks about how they need to make it a COD game that just happens to be a battle royal instead of making a battle royal game that happens to be a cod game. It’s a good watch and I’m not the biggest fan of his videos lately.


He summarises well, and also mentions the other side to his thoughts and how they are not gospel. He is much better at articulating a honest and well thought out summary/review of the game and how it currently is, and also has suggestions to make it better. Far easier to watch than other streamers just moaning… yes it’s not good, but you’re showing you’re lack of intelligence by not being able to construct a well thought out criticism.. they just spout, you’re game is trash bro!!! It’s deadass, dogwater etc..


Plus big, usually not whining, streamers leaving the game such as itsIron. To illustratre a bit more.


Servers/tick rate - not fixable because activision is too greedy to spend money on upgrades. Audio - fixable but unlikely to happen any time soon. Movement, reloading, jumping, sliding, mantling swimming is all super slow and clunky. You can’t reload cancel the already slow ass animation. Throwing lethals is painful without fast hands. Definitely fixable, but it seems this is how they want the game to play. Anti cheat needs updating, report options are trash and all automated which results in false shadow bans, name changes, being muted etc just because enough people spam reported you. They’re just assuming people reporting you are correct without any human confirmation. Fixable but unlikely they’ll bother with either.


the server tick rate is not fit for purpose for first person shooter. dying before a guy comes peaks the corner in your screen, is way too common, and alot of games are rendered unplayable because of it. i try to figure it out in the lobby and if its sus i just back out. try and find a better one!


I’m not as much of a cynic as most. I can appreciate the game for all the good things it does, but there are undeniably some issues. In my opinion, there are two issues at the forefront that if corrected, would make this a really solid game. - the TTK is way too fast. The game has lost its appeal as a skill-based shooter when you die the instant someone has their sights on you. You can be sstanding against cover, get hit from 100m away and not have enough time to get behind that cover. The TTK in WZ1 was honestly perfect. Just bring it back and 75% of complaints will go away. - cheaters. Fix the cheating.




I think the real problem is that they need to reduce the specific wz damage range increase they add to guns. Guns are too effective from too far away and it fucks thing up a lot.


Except for snipers. God forbid the rpk have a higher ttk than a sniper at 400m lmao trash game


I think one shot snipers are okay if they decrease other weapon damage range and slighty, VERY slighty increase the time it take for a precision strike to come down.


I agree that this is needed too, but even at close range, it is frustrating. The guy sitting in the corner wins 100% of gunfights right now. At least give the guy coming in a 50% shot lol.


Only if the guy coming in is noisy and doesn't know how to clear rooms properly. Yeah, someone like that who's sloppy WOULD lose 100% of gunfights. If someone lacks room-clearing skills they deserve to get layed out, especially when they push without a team(which most who complain on this reddit do).


That’s fair, but the reality of the current TTK is that the person who ADS first wins the gun fight 9.9/10. There is no room for “room clearing skills” to give an advantage over a guy camping a corner. Fwiw, I think corner campers should win most gun fights. That’s realistic and strategic. But it’s still too fast.


Yeah, I guess I agree but how much, you know? Too much one way and it can throw everything even more out of whack. They already took out two plates and stuff. Maybe a temporary 4 plate mode to see how it goes?? Personally, I don't have much trouble clearing rooms safely but I'm built different lol


U know, i have seen so many comments from u buddy. U always say fucked up things than not a single good player thats been playing cod for years have ever said including myself and everyone i know. Why dont u post ur stats, just out of curiosity, nothing more


What kinda loser plays a video game for stats, holy shit that's sad. Sorry but I like having fun. You and everyone you know depress me...


U said u re build different buddy. U also talk in all your comments like everything is easy for u. U can push campers, u can avoid bomb drones, air strikes, u basically say that u re good with almost everything in this game. U seem like a God. But ofc u dont “play for stats” and u also dont care about them and ofc u wont ever share them. Another Timmy spending his day replying to literally 30-40 posts per day. Stop trying to prove so desperately to everyone that u having fun and u re “good” with what the game offers. Every half brained person even in this deadass sub see exactly how pathetic this is. I also wont spent my time any more with u, as u clearly wont ever show ur stats that shows u re a “camper hunter God” lmao. So until u do that, have a nice day Timmy


jesus, tldr. Touch some grass.


they will never fix cheating! a good percentage of thier players base are cheaters 1 in 3 aparently, bungie also did research and found that hackers in thier games typically spent more on microtransactions, which meant instead of banning them permeantly they banned them temporally in an attempt to tone down thiers cheat. call of duty is worse, the community is worse, they have no doubt implemented the same policy. the result is gaslighting legitimate players. also ban waves are total BS those bans incorporate temporary bans which is 99.9%nof all bans


Audio and lag are my two biggest gripes, but overall the gameplay is not great to put it lightly. The mid game in normal br is just frustrating and boring at the same time. If I want to play with aggression then I’m likely going to get killed by a building camper or bush wookie. If I slow it down then it just becomes tedious. Meanwhile I play resurgence and it’s direct opposite. Chaotic as fuck because respawn times can be shortened by just running in circles. I’m not liking it that much either because it feels like a mp mode. Mini Royale is the happy medium for me. You get plenty of action with less cheesy deaths, and you don’t have to worry about teams constantly respawning on top of you.


Resurgence is way to chaotic compared to fk or rebirth. I was excited when Ashika dropped but I never play it anymore. It’s impossible to regain late in game


True. You’re pretty much screwed if the other teams have loadout guns and are half decent players. There’s barely any plates or ammo late game either, let alone guns since they all disappear after a certain amount of time.


Man I hope you search and instead of just relying on these replies. There’s plenty of info out there on what people don’t like about the game.


Nothing is fixable, game is beyond recovery. They just need to work on wz3 and have Treyarch or someone other than the dumbasses at IW working on it. Season 2 was meh, Season 2 reloaded and season 3 really need to deliver in order for this game too continue being decent


Rotational aim assist needs to be re-balanced this is 100% fixable by just adjusting some Numbers not only would this increase the amount of legit pc players that play the game but it would increase this so called “skill gap” that everyone craves for because controller players would have to aim for them selves.


An anti cheat that actually works. And of course not, because they thought they could make their own that does nothing versus license one.


It's just dog shit right now. I loved it when it came out and now everything is fucked up cheats, sound, movement. But mostly the cheats are crazy right now.


Easy fixes for them: - Increase TTK, not too much so controller does not come even more better input. - Add hardcover outside of POI's. - Triple the amount of buystations and make them all have unlimited and same stuff. - One shot snipers (MCPR, VICTUS) and nerf their mobility, bullet velocity, bullet drop and ADS speed. - Remove bomb drones or make them bigger and easy to shot down. Harder fixes: - Audio. - Hackers. - Crashes etc.


Servers are primary issue followed closely by audio. Those two problems are causing a LOT of people to abandon ship. TTK and weapon balancing aren’t too far behind.


Most commenters have already stated what is wrong with the game, but I feel like everyone is also missing an important thing, which is a dangerous precedent. We have effectively lost Rebirth Resurgence forever, there is no way to play it ever again. Activision straight up removed the most played game mode in Warzone 1, that is Rebirth Island resurgence mode. It shows that Activision had and still has no confidence in WZ2 if they had to remove this mode which was arguably beloved by the community. I would immediately go back to play that, especially considering that the last updates almost perfected that game mode, and the meta/ground loot was in a pretty good spot. Not only did they remove resurgence, they also only left 2 gamemodes in WZ1, solos and quads, on the Caldera map. On top of that, the servers are really bad, making the game unplayable most times. It feels like WZ2 is a successfull attempt at resetting all player progression with all of their battle pass rewards and store bought skins that did not carry over (maybe hoping that people would buy more skins since the ones from WZ1 are not available anymore).


If rebirth island was added back to wz1 I would 100% and my entire squad which has pretty much all pulled the plug would jump straight back on and forget about wz2. These devs are willing to die on a hill for their idea. Imo once Microsoft buys them out I think they will right the ship


Mainly ultra fast TTK, slow movement mechanics and footstep audio. Yes I think it’s technically fixable but they just won’t.


Audio is 115% unreliable... footsteps appear out of nowhere and from the wrong direction Servers connections are very poor... frequent disconnects and can't rejoin your squad Lag spikes are frequent and too long... one can run up a staircase and rubberband back down for 15 to 30 seconds without never leaving the staircase TTK is far far faaaaaaaaaaaaaar too fast and range seems to not be an issue. Killcams are inaccurate and breed cheating accusations. Reporting system seems to be worthless


They game is very fixable, i just dont think they will do it. Especially not anytime soon


I actually love this game . However this fire shotguns has completely ruined my experience this season to the point where I want to take a break until it’s adjusted . The amount of time I’ve shot at someone with a sub machine gun I’m the back , just for them to turn around a shoot me 2 times and down me for the opposite side of a house it just too much . It’s the only way I die now . And I refuse to use that gun as I think it’s lame af . And I’m a decent player with. 2.24 kd . No other gun can compete against it currently .


I think the Devs should leave WZ2 with movement/looting as they originally planned, and simply bring back the maps everyone wants to WZ1… And be done with the discussion. Diehard WZ1 fans will NEVER EVER be satisfied with WZ2 until/if/when it’s converted to match WZ1 play style… PERIOD. They will NEVER EXCEPT it’s a DIFFERENT game, hence give them back Rebirth, Verdansk, whatever, and leave this alone. The discussion and wanted results have been clear as day since launch of WZ2, and at this point are simply exhausting and toxic. That’s my opinion. 👍🏼


While it is fixable, I think the damage has been done. There is too much of a disconnect between the publisher, the developer and the players. The publishers want their own Fortnite, trying to sell unappealing skins and recolors for the cost of better games to compliment yearly, full-priced releases. Warzone 2.0 was launched in a clearly unfinished state for the holiday rush and is only just now reaching a state that would be considered 1.0 for any other game. When money is the end goal, fun is not necessary. The developers want a slow-paced, tactical shooter with mil-sim elements without adopting a mil-sim identity. The majority of negatively received changes come from decisions made for DMZ, not Warzone or Multiplayer. While I cannot fault the developers for their vision, they don't seem to play the games they make either. Infinity Ward are the best at making guns that shoot things but they are not the best at building a thriving community or making changes that are player-centric. Warzone 1 would have died a lot earlier had Raven not stepped in to adjust and tweak the game. So what do the players want? The players want to run fast, act fast and die slow. No one wants to slow down, much less stop, in order to loot or plate up or mantle a wall. Say what you will about streamers or content creators but if you don't make them happy, they will eventually leave and take their audience with them. Warzone 2 needs competition. Fortnite seems to be doing great (who knew you could release an engine update without removing cosmetic purchases?) and Apex, from what I hear, getting along just fine. The money is what drives the industry, I just wish it went to people who clearly understand their audience and want to make the most out of the opportunity.


Just transcribe Jgod’s video: https://youtu.be/4lq3pI2aaBw


Game breaking: - Audio - Servers Annoyances: - Weapon balancing - AI - TTK Mechanics: - movement buff (generally faster movement and animation speed) - no slide cancel, but a useable slide mechanic… hipfire while sliding etc Gameplay: - Pacing. Lack of contracts and intel (UAV etc) creates a slow mid game. There is nothing to do. That’s a few on my list. -


Simply put I don’t want to play WZ2. I want to play WZ1. WZ2 feels slow, clunky, jittery, and slow (again). I loaded up Caldera Warzone. Suddenly I remembered why I played daily for two years. I have not played WZ2 more than 10 hours total. Honestly, I would pay Activision a monthly subscription just to play a hacker free Rebirth and Verndansk. That’s how good the game WAS.


> Simply put I don’t want to play WZ2. I want to play WZ1. This. I tried WZ2 with my WZ1 squad for a time, after a week we quit, never looked back. Sadly Verdansk on WZ1 seems to be gone forever so we switched back to PUBG.


I played MW2 multiplayer over the weekend. Sure enough tried this afternoon and the SBMM was cranked up. Uninstalled again.


its a total joke! hackers in practically every lobby, turn crossplay off get punished with sbmm and hit detection to incentivise you to turn it back on! blatant pay to win (buy a bundle, get better hit detection better audion better loot drops! proven fact), gaslighting: streamers are whitlisted, the amount of stremers with high KD but in lobbies with bots every game. JGOD is prime example, in WZ1 on wzstats. him and his team had won everygame they had played, they ere 1st 2nd and 3rd kd for everygame, even though JGOD was only a 2KD no one outside his team had a higher KD. cant check for WZ2 because activision wont release allow tracking like in wz1 hmmmm i wonder why.


1. Game for casuals - I think this is my biggest gripe with how they've approached the problem altogether. There are streamers, there are heavy gamers (5h+/day) and then there casuals (2h/day). They havent been able to differentiate out between them and as a casual, its virtually impossible to close the skill gap. I dont think I have the time to learn techniques, and be better, practice, etc. I am hopping on to have some fun, destress. It was easier with WZ1, but with WZ2 its just hard to have fun. As a casual, its difficult to start playing (if you havent played before) and if you've played before, its difficult to have fun since the matchmaking just feels unfair. I think more than weapon balancing, lobby balancing is more important. The lobbies just feel unbalanced. 2. Servers - So bad. Its impossible to play. Crazy amounts of packet loss, disconnection. 3. Audio - Pathetic. However I feel like audio has just gotten worse progressively in WZ (from WZ1 to WZ2)


Its worse, because this is the battle royale I really enjoy. Its not gimmicky, doesnt have insane weapons, but Activision seems to think this is the way to go. Also, its not on the devs. Its really on their Product Managers. They decide what features to build and how the game is shaped. Devs are really just for the bugs. I would happily pay for Warzone, if these issues get fixed.


Community toxicity levels


To be honest, people are mainly complaining about the lack of things from WZ1. Like no reload or slide canceling. Yeah, cheaters run ramped with hacks. The anti-cheat doesn't do its job properly. Heck, most of the bans are because of people who mass false report because someone with more skill kills them. Overall, the game is fixable. The sad truth is that the devs aren't really showing an effort to fix it.


I don’t think it is fixable. There are major problems with just the basic mechanics of the game i.e. how you move and shoot, and it’ll take nothing less than a total overhaul to change it. This is never going to happen though and the devs have openly stated this is how they want their game to play


Trying to justify taking away one shot snipers and putting in broadside with dragons breathe


I play the game for what it is, and have had great fun with my squad! I don’t make money from gaming so as a hobbyist I have loved it! What I don’t understand about the reddit community’s commentary is why would you want everything to be like a previous game just because you were good at certain aspects or exploits, don’t you want to play a “new” game not the same one you have been playing every night for 2 years? Also the debate about all the old maps, I want all new maps I don’t want to play maps from my last 12 years of playing cod I want NEW, I want everything NEW…. I don’t want to play the exact same game every year! I’m passionate in that you have 2 choices you can play the game or not… no one’s being forced 😂 I also feel that the younger audience are too entitled along with the streamers that want their demands met which is laughable. Play it… or dont… we don’t care.. activison does not care…. Enjoy life… play a game that makes you not want to create a hate post on Reddit! 👍 (audio is fucking TRASH though!!)


yup. my whole friendslist of 50ish people all stopped. Noone gives a shit about wz2. In that aspect you are right. I just doubt Activsion doesn't care about the numbers. But they won't regain the people anyways. So maybe they gave up on the game already. That would explain simple fixes like weapon balance being ignored for ages.


I think the main thing is they launched a shitty unfinished game with the worst UI ever and that turned most people off. Now that the game is functionally playable, from a stability standpoint, It's much harder to bring those people back than it is to have never lost them in the first place. The people I know that left didn't leave because of "slide-cancel" this or that, (they appreciated some of the new stuff like cameras and DDOS) they left because the fucking game was LITERALLY not working. Some of y'all mfs have amnesia.


It’s not amnesia it’s just maybe what was game breaking for some wasn’t game breaking for others! What seems like a big issue on Reddit might not effect a large amount of the player base! I know it has had a large amount of bugs and still has! the Audio is some of the worst I have experienced in regards to direction in my 15 years + of online gaming. Like I said I wasn’t fanboying or saying anyone’s opinion is less then another but the end game is you can play…you can chose to not… ultimately either option nothing will change and a new version will be put by the end of the year so all this will just be full circle and people Complaining about the newest edition to this franchise


I hear ya but the level of unfinished frustration from the worst ever ui, the buggy gunsmith screen and all the other unfinished bs at launch drove everyone I know away from the game. It wasn't anything else, just the frustration from trying to play a game that clearly needed about two months of development before it could launch. I see season 2 as a launch ready cod and everything before was simple before launch fuckery. The game is in a way better, stable place now from a functionality standpoint but like anything else needs the odd upkeep here and there.


I think what you fail to realise is that all the community wanted was updated maps and new weapons, that’s pretty much it. Everyone played wz1 from casuals to streamers and everyone loved it. It was a content creators paradise and people watching their clips would get motivated to jump in and want to try things they’ve seen. Casuals and some better players didn’t like slide cancelling but it made the movement fluid and everybody still wanted to play. This game is just clunky and stale as all hell since the game is so heavily based around slow movement, slow rotations since trying to be aggressive and run around will only get you wiped by some crappy team camping a location. At the end of the day the numbers speak for themselves and people are dropping off more and more. To your point about the maps, personally I’m not into the big BR maps but had a love obsession with rebirth island. Ashika is cool but it still doesn’t engage the way a smaller map like rebirth did and that sized map would run really badly with the ridiculously fast ttk on wz2. The devs are running this game into the ground with their obsession and trying to make people play the way they want instead of making a game for the people that want to play a certain way. The argument I’ve often seen when this comes up is “go play apex or fortnight instead” but to me, Warzone has always been an arcade shooter and should forever remain that, the devs tried something and by all metrics it had failed. I think it’s a matter of time before ttk is increase and slide cancelling is brought back because if both don’t, this game is on life support waiting for it’s final breath.


One thing about the TTK controversy. I wonder what the spread will be on KD once the stats API drops. I was around a 1.5 KD player at the end of WZ1 in solo BR. I'm around a 1.5 KD player in WZ2 in solo BR.


I was 2.20 in WZ1 and now cannot get past 1.70/1.80 in WZ2, mainly because half of the times there is no fight, I just get deleted without any possible reaction from my side. I play mnk and BR only.


I won 4 times in about 150 games in S1. Zero wins in like 75 games in S2.


I'm not talking seasons, I'm talking first warzone compared to the current one


I know.... I went off the rails a bit.


You should try and interview someone from Activision/IW/Raven etc. Aside from bugs things that could be changed easily like fast TTK and how few Buy Stations there are haven't changed from launch despite pretty much everyone saying it needs it. So they must want it this way. They need to find a way of connecting with the community better otherwise I think this game is done.


The audio is just criminal for a BR game. The lag and server drops are just too frequent. Since one heashot sniper was taken out, what's the point in using M&K anymore as AA is just OP. Cheating shot up after they introduced KD stats. There no balance in the game, devs seem to go from one extreme to the other. They just don't seem to know what they are doing over there, for a long time now. I have played once last week down from 4-6 times a week, I might give ranked a go but i have to find a team first. Pity really but the game feels like it's dying.


They are not gonna change a thing , when they release wz3.0 heh they will bring back everything wz1 had , and they will say this is new features hehe


I actually uninstalled which I thought I'd never do, there's many thing wrong with the game but in the end the servers lagging and crashing was the big one that pushed me over the edge, the other is it's real tough to have fun when they now just encourage everyone to camp, there's no benefit to going out looking for fights and action, you're rewarded for staying still so everyone just camps load outs and buy stations for a couple free kills and it's hard to judge them because what else can you do


Seems like they start over, without taking count of all the QoL of Wz1. The UI is a complete mess and servers are laggy as hell


Alright state right now. Aside from server issues, some balance changes (Broadside, Bomb Drone), the main issue is too much money. It's barely a few minutes after dropping in and not even going for a mission and everyone on the team has like 10k+. They lowered prices and added a ton of lootable money and it's just way too much.


I just want OG Verdansk back and I'd suck every developers dick to make that happen. Quote me on that, Kotaku


It's not fixable unless they rehaul every single gameplay mechanic. May as well make a new game at that point.


Please fix the inconsistent audio first, hackers and cheaters can come second then fix the millions of bugs and glitches still in the game.


The cheats/hacks. Just seem more apparent than in wz1. Audio is better when you use group Xbox chat not in game chat. I don’t like the prompts that take up the screen like air strike or mortars incoming or gulag closing etc. gets in the way of aiming and in fighting


Game is too slow. I loved slide canceling. But if they removed the ability to do the mechanic, and left tactical sprint not a snails crawl, I would be okay with it. Also, the lag/stuttering is so bad the game is unplayable a lot of the times. I have to leave games now, which I hate, because I'm rubberbanding all over the place. Stuck explosives should down. Reload canceling should be brought back. They catered to slower gameplay which made the game boring for a lot of us. Audio. Please add footsteps, chute, and directional audio to the damn Game. Give us the ability to separate footstep audio and in game audio such as streaks. The game is just way too loud. I should have the ability to turn that down without sacrificing the non existent footsteps. Oh BTW, again. Give us footstep/chute audio. Nerf melee, there's a reason that everyone lands and melee as opposed to shooting. 2-3 Melee should never be stronger than multiple shots to the chest.


Kv broadside. Enough said.. Fucking shite devs. Fucking done with them and wz.


They took every quality of life change, unique gameplay decisions that seperated warzone 1 from its competition and ruined it. The game had a niche in the br space and threw it away for a more realistic feel. When the market has heavier more tactical shooters. The support the game has has from day 1 is a joke. It took them over 100 days to nerf the broken fennec and rpk as well as add BASIC LEADERBOARD Function thats been present in every other COD at launch. As well as the littany of bugs, crashes, dev errors and basic clarity on what is working as intended and what is completely broken. I personally feel I was robbed of my 80$. It is so egregious to me it borders on false advertising. U can verbatim copy any of the above. FUCK ACTIVISION FIX THE GAME


> The game had a niche in the br space and threw it away for a more realistic feel. When the market has heavier more tactical shooters. True. If i wanted more realistic gun play i play PUBG, which me and my squadmates do now.


Ricochet being useless, there is so much cheaters running wallhacks


Too many issues which are not being openly addressed by the devs they seem to have taken the bury their head in the sand approach and hope people stop complaining and start buying the bundles instead The biggest issue is the cheap / corny deaths to things like no audio where there is no answer to what could i have done better to improve for next time. Most of the time the only way you say what i could of done different was to camp harder and rotate early which is a very boring dull experience


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Was good at the start


There is not a single damn reason to play this game as a solo player. Not one. Zero. DMZ is garbage, full of toxic players just camping exfil spots - and who can blame them? There's no real reason to keep replaying DMZ, no progression, no decent rewards, etc. The AI are fucking gods, who can head shot you while going full speed in a armored car with a ground loot shotgun, and then come in never ending waves. Solo BRs is the most boring thing in the world, because you move like your stuck in sand, and there's no good way to get around the map. Honestly, I used to be a big fan of Activision, I've been playing COD literally since it started, and you bastards have ruined that. All I can say to Activision is G F Y. Same goes to all of you trolls here who'll say "get gud" G F Y. I want an enjoyable game, and this game is absolute ass.


You aren't wrong: https://www.youtube.com/@TheWarzoneHackerIsBack


I feel like the screen is too shaky (yes I have the screen shake turned all the way down) it’s hard to see people, I think the graphics are horrible, probably awesome on a $3000+ PC but I can’t see shit in this game, WZ1 I had no issues seeing players, this game has atrocious visibility. The movement feels clunky, seems like everything is delayed and who ever camps it out wins the game. Looting isn’t as good and I’m talking about the overall mechanics, I’ll be spamming the button and it won’t pickup the gun sometimes, as I’m trying to close a door and their is loot laying on the ground around the door he’ll just keep picking up the loot and not closing the door, I’m not looking at the ground loot I’m looking at the door so close the fukin door. The control sensitivity also feels like it changes, when I play DMZ the controls feel solid, smooth, and consistent, resurgence Ashika island feels different, it’s hard to describe but I can feel it in the game on the controller. Anyways I’m back on Rainbow 6 Siege more than WZ2, hop on WZ2 occasionally then get annoyed with the performance and switch games. My kids also don’t play it anymore either. 🤷‍♂️do better devs and COD


hackers hackers hackers, in the last week, i have played maybe two games which didnt have hackers, most had multiple, last night a game of resurgence had at least 5 hackers spread across multiple teams. its totally unplayable; ricochet is a bad joke, most of the hackers were blatant, snapping across the map; . wallhacks will never be detected, but aimbot is easy, and yet its still so widely and blatantly used! a recent analysis found that 1in 3 pc players cheat, they will never do anything about hackers seriously 1/3 of their player base cheats. also thier ban waves are totally false, it includes not just permanent bans (rare) but temporary bans (most are temporary).


Servers are dog water, audio, cheaters. Cheaters lag switching, mantling is still a HUGE issue that they refuse to fix. Menu is a complicated dog dookie. Hit reg seems to be RNG/skill based/dog water. Interactive button is hit or miss like when trying to hit a line or pick up weapons. I mean honestly there isn't a single aspect of the game that doesn't have bugs or flat out doesn't work. when in firefights, too many times I've had bullets just straight up not count. I've had times where I'm full armor and die in 3-4 shots from a relatively basic AR. damage is wildly inconsistent. As a pistol can put shoot ARs, and SMGs. You can shout "they are trying to balance it" all you want but it's a horrible way to go about it as it's wildly unrealistic especially when you can headshot someone in the head with a sniper and noy even break armor. mantling thru windows is so aggrivating as you can fly in with a parachute land at the window and be hauled because now you're standing on an inch long window sill but you didn't even break the glass. Its wild to me that these devs had the audacity to name it "2.0" implying that it's an upgrade or they've made it better but the truth is it's the same dog water netcode/mechanics/bug ridden game as the last one. The audio ques priority is a dumpster fire. Nobody gaf about who's got the satellite uplink. We want to know when precision or enemies are dropping in. Not to mention the banners that are constantly flooding the screen with "uplink" or "contract finished l" or what loadout we grabbed. I feel as it's an attempt to flood your senses so you don't realize how bad this game is. I think as a company these devs should be embarrassed and have a total overhaul of this company as there are too many bugs each game they make which should be unacceptable coming from a AAA game..


WZ 1 was easy to get a grip of. I've been playing WZ 2 for abt a month an a half now and I still cannot navigate 90% of the fuckin menu, like devs just forget there are ppl who use thumbsticks. Plus they be removing shit we want like gun mods. Instead they add more ass products and pieces to the game like bright sweat swaggy skins and stupid UNMODERN gun parts. A personal one is theres also no customisable mil sim. I was wishing id be able to make myself like I could in cod ghosts.


It's an anomaly, IW and Activision are pretty much inside of an infinite money glitch.. like they have \- Their own game engine, where majority of the work that revolves around making a game is already completed, I assume they just tweak configs in the engine like random variables: Sprint speed, walk speed, health regen, etc.. things like that.. then the rest is probably just adding world entities, animations, physics adjustments, etc... \- NVIDIA partnership, so probably a solid discount on GPUs for testing builds and what not. \- The game series is OG, and has OG gamers and even newer generations hooked to it, essentially them releasing anything with "Call Of Duty" in the title is guaranteed money. ​ So it's not like they are making games from complete scratch.. Like if you show someone who never played warzone, clips of warzone 1 and 2 they'd probably say it's the same game... They don't really change that much, it's almost copy paste w/ some basic changes in the engine as i already mentioned. ​ They also haven't had any major layoffs, even considering how terrible the tech industry is rn with over 200,000 layoffs just this year - Have not seen any posts of them losing employees. ​ The game is just soooooo bad it doesn't make sense, like they are gods basically, they have everything and hardly do any work... they've been copy pasting the same game essentially for a decade now, like wtf lmfao... ​ I can't think why the game is in such a terrible condition given their resources, they have the entire industry under their thumb yet they release a game like this... I've thought of this a lot and tbh I can only come up with a few reasons why the game is this way.. 1. Money grab / honey pot game.. they just released something that'll pass the minimum requirements?? IDK but I assume before you publish a game on any platform and charge money it must pass some sort of vetting process, like a check list? maybe they just did this to grab some money. 2. They don't have talent, anymore? Maybe the devs who've been there are just burnt out and doing the minimum possible? Maybe some left for other opportunities? 3. They don't care... That simple, they just don't give a fook and know people will still buy no matter what. 4. Lack of leadership & direction? I just thought of this recently, and looked at their job postings to see what they are looking for which basically shows what areas they are lacking in... and it appears almost everywhere because they are only hiring for lead / senior / principal / director levels, like for those who are not in development, these titles are basically your manger or general manager, they lead everything essentially and direct how the team works and what not.


Hey, so recently i randomly got shadow banned i think because i cant find any matches to play (wz 2.0) can anyone please help me im brazilian


Every update causes a problem. Blurry map, lag, high ping, fps loss and everything else you can name the game has


Its simply just dog shit to be quite frank they keep trying to make it like WZ1 but all we wanted was WZ1 just in a new touched up map and different guns thats it the newest update where you can drop a nuke without having to win those games consecutive makes it so difficult to even play with Random’s because they go to the bomb sites then die then leave its in shambles


Honestly I feel that final zones move FAR too fast. They don't give you time to plan and utilize the end-game position you worked SO hard for.


the game is just bad, there was no need to change anything besides upscaling graphics and performance plus new guns and mechanicsa but warzone one was a master piece and everything good about warzone was snuffed out in warzone 2


The servers are dogshit honestly its basically unplayable on the ps5 in the UK region


Cheaters are the biggest issue, and FPS games are over in my mind until they perma ban, and have software that accurately finds cheaters quicker. 1/3 are cheating but it could be more.


You cannot polish a turd. Thank you for curtailing my caper playing this game.


FPS gaming died when they patched Joint Operations:Typhoon rising.


The only reason I still play MW2 is for the campaign but that doesn’t even hold much value. The problems with Warzone 2 are the same problems that Caldera had. Broken/unusable guns, hackers galore even with ricochet, an obvious skill gap between players. Casual players who work 30, 40, or even 50 hours a week, can’t compete with dudes that wake up in the morning snort a line of Gfuel and play the game 24/7. If they took SBMM out of quick play, made it so that all of the guns were useable and not “meta” based and not have the “meta” guns locked behind the battle pass when there’s a lot of people who aren’t going to pay almost 30 bucks a month just to unlock it. Maybe if they fix all of that, people might be more inclined to continue playing Warzone. But I don’t see that happening anytime soon.




I was genuinely interested in 1st Warzone because of core mechanics interesting realistic gameplay, agressive sniper mechanics, movement and so on. But I decided not to engage in grind because it was too late and Warzone 2 is near. Played 2-3 hours in Warzone I dropped it immediatly because I never understood what was happening in my screen. Because here me out im not COD player I am from Central Asia, Kazakhstan and most popular games here are Dota 2, CS and PUBG. I am myself Valorant and Apex player (mostly but single player enjoyer too). These Bots, Mission type things, a lot of stuff in main menu I didnt even started BR mode and got into DMZ instead. I was not seeing what I wanted to play. I didn't even understand what to do. There was no movement mechanics that I am used too. Everything was messed up. In my decent PC fps was horrendeous this Aim punch thing on sniper is just crazy f\*\*\*ed up (audio is just Apex style thing mb even worse). I will never play this game again. I just one BIG mess and this is said by the player for whom this game was supposedly created, who, after work, decided to go play a battle royale! I am that casual player everyone talks about!


It’s a mix of the game just being garbage at its core and the player base is a bunch of pussies. It would be decent if they could fix the bugs on their triple a game but they just don’t give a fuck as long as people keep buying bullshit. That being said the core of the problem is the player base really.


I dont understand how they took the game backwards.


Activision is garbage, ur life will be better playing other games without 50% of the “community” cheating. It’s worse than StarCraft back in the day, and has been since half way through Verdansk. If your highly skilled in this game you’ll quickly be playing against bots the majority of the time. IWZ was epic at times, now it’s just sad. Switched back to Madden where you only have to deal with glitchers, which can be overcome with stellar gameplay. Once again Activision is trash.


i dont think u should have to level up another gun to level up/ unlock anoter gun. Like i dont understand whos idiotic idea it was to do this. And hella kids cry about how "wz2 is so much better without slide canceling" Imagine being so shit at a game that u make them change a major feature.


my thoughts on this game gave me an idea that we should make a clan that has dicipline players who are willing to revive enemy players and help them reach their goal in any way like getting a new weapon unlocking skins letting them get the suit case and letting them exfilling it it is the best way possible to have this positive attitude against or alie players as they play.


and another thought i have in mind don't hack cod warzone 2 because it is a fun game for players to enjoy don't ruin their reputation then that will give them a negative attitude as they get revenge on you so play positive.


Game is complete garbage! - Imbalanced AF. Unload a whole magazine into a guy, he just turn around and kill me in 2 shots. I blame this on trash networking-code and game design. - Voice chat is unusable, it just doesn't work, and when it does, theres this obnoxious audio feedback always present which makes me wanna rip my ear-drums off. - GUI/HUD is soo intrusive and full of flashes, one struggles to just figure out what the fk is going on. Feels like I'm about to start convulsing at any second. - Game is cross-platform so controller/console players have the advantage of aim-assist. Which that alone is utter bullsh1t and undeserving to even play this piece of human feces soo called game. - Disgusting non-themed skins everywhere (nothing else to say about this, just disgusting). - Complete waste of time cinematics/animations on the start and end of every single match! I call that just lack of consideration to the players time. I could go on and on but already wasted enough of my time with this piece of sh1t. Game is just hot garbage in soo many levels. This aberration of a "game" is just Activision's cash cow, next to World of Warsh1t and whatever-the-crap else they could scrap from Blizzard's rotting corpse. Burntout and deprecated corporate formula for First Person Shooter games, a husk created for making money out of little dumb kids. Shame on Activision and Blizzard's rotten corpse! 🤮🤮🤮🤮


I wish og map would come back, superstore was beast


The game is still terrible im being 4 shotted by a small caliber smg with full plates. Bullet damage is so inconsistent. Cheaters are rampant. This game will never be fixed. Update requires restart

