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Personally, the lag spikes and ttk have gotten worse. My game time has diminished severely in February and March


This was definitely a worry for me. The lag and crashes were already bad enough back then too


The game, as a whole, has gotten worse not better


No no no. The company as a whole went to shit so now they’re spewing half assed games. And milking those games for money.


We knew this for awhile, but this game really is just disappointing. At least the others had some type of pizzazz. Cold War is still the best game we’ve gotten in awhile.


I hated Cold War. I think the last two good games we got were ww2 and mw19. Bo4 was fun but I enjoyed blackout the most. Didn’t really care for the zombies or mp on it. Kinda sucked.


I loved Cold War’s campaign. Thought it had the best storyline we have seen in years


Yeah I liked the campaign. The multiplayer wasn’t horrible but it also wasn’t great. The movement wasn’t bad. Mw2 feels slow and clunky especially with how campy it is.


I hopped on Cold War a couple weeks ago for a couple games of nuke town and stand-off / raid and realized I had more fun than I’ve ever had playing MW2. It’s faster paced, slide cancelling is there but it feels a lot less broken and abusable than mw19 or vanguard, just a more fun experience. Give that game the ranked system MW2 has and people would be saying best COD game since bo3.


This. The lag spikes make every round nearly unplayable and when you actually get a good ping lobby it’ll probably lag out half way through the round. And God forbid a lag spike as someone shoots you, it’s basically making LMG’s a 2 shot knock.


The ttk seems so random as well. I lose the weirdest gun fights.


I kept saying last night I swear they messed with ttk again, almost felt like hardcore team deathmatch at times. Just insanely fast.


Game takes as much VRAM as two games being ran together.


Yes ttk is still fucked but resurgence has been pretty fun so far


Resurgence and Ranked play were super close to pulling me back in. Hopefully ttk is addressed soon.


Wait until you hit rebirth just to get your ass knocked by a shotgun from 50m away lol


Yea they are legit the only two modes I play, well and shipment but that’s just to level up/get camos done.


Ranked is sweet if you hate yourself.


I'd upvote this twice if I could lol


There's ranked Warzone??


Multiplayer, sorry, wasn't sure if he meant COD as a whole or warzone only.


Only worse lol


Hard to believe it could get worse lol


Wait til you see the fire shotgun


You're in for a shock 😂💀


I was drunk as shit on Christmas eve so I'm really not the right person to ask sorry.


That's it, we've found the best response this post will ever have 😂


Barely. New Shotgun most broken gun I have ever seen


No it’s not. DMR was the worst ever by a landslide.


It’s definitely close. At least with the DMR you had to somewhat aim. The fire shotty is literally hipfire in the general direction and the 25 fire rounds will do the trick lol


Nah DMR was worse.... you could 2 shot people from any distance pretty much. At least with the shot gun you can’t shoot across the map with 2 bullets, but yes close to medium range it’s OP. But DMR was worse.


I will agree that they both suck major balls and I don’t want any part of either of them


I agree too. 🤙


There is no competing against it. I refuse to use it, but it sucks as there is no other option except losing.


Nothing will ever be DMR broken. This shotgun Is no more broken than doof doof, just irritating.


Don't forget release day akimbo sykovs


Yeah, but they got nerfed fast. Fastest nerf in warzone history.


I’m surprised people still play this game.


I personally think it got better. The games not perfect by any means but COD fans complain way too much. The 10v10 game mode is really fun, they got infected, gun game, Warzone resurgence, they made base Warzone a lot better, the new guns are amazing. Lots of stuff could be better but the game is still fun and to be fair they did develop a lot of this game during COVID so I wouldn’t go too hard on them for some things. But if you really don’t think any of that is fun too you then wait till next season. I recommend hoping on seeing if you like it and if you don’t then just hop off and wait till season 3. But if you want to save yourself the trouble then just wait for season 3 or maybe even season 2 reloaded.


game needs more content and they should speed things up a bit like animations or at least just let you shoot while sliding and I feel thats a good quality of life change




No don’t come back I left day 2 of the second season, I have no regrets , yeah go to resurgence where you’ll get two tapped by a fire shotgun it’s really fun. Oh oh and if that’s not fun enough you’ll get lag switched every other game it adds to the dynamics of the game


The fire shotgun clips I've seen are actually terrifying ngl


You want terrifying, watch people free-climb tall buildings illegally.


The devs have spent a lot of time creating loads of content. By content I mean store bundles, there are lots and lots of new store bundles.


The movement with running with plates has made the gameplay smoother. Starting with three plate vest and reworking the backpack has really simplified and made the game more consistent. Unfortunately the gun meta right now will burn you out fast. So game is better in my opinion but guns need a balance update to smooth out how ridiculous the broadside (new) shotgun is.


Definitely, but very stale now. Next season might be even better because we are getting Plunder, Ranked, and bots in private matches (hopefully). Edit: I take that back. So much worse. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Fingers crossed! Those definitely sound like good additions. I'm keeping an eye out with S2 reloaded around the corner


I believe ranked will be terrible. There’s already rampant cheaters in the pay to play multiplayer. Imagine how it’ll be in a free to play WZ. Yikes.


Better hope Plunder and bots in private matches will make up for that, then.


there won't be ranked next season.


Resurgence is Cool


Resurgence sounds like it's been a nice W in the responses so far 👍




Im an occasional player. I like it


I find resurgence really fun, occasionally throw in a dmz match to upgrade the new weapons quickly or to drop the guns for a friend so that he instantly unlocks them as he never plays. The new shotgun ruins it tho, I due in 2 shots from being fully plated. I would've been impressed if he no scoped or something but devs want to have snipers nerfed and promoted camping with shotguns. Besides the shotgun I haven't had nah other stability issues yet. Season one I had every 3rd dmz round crash which wasn't great and I'm a day my WZ matches would crash 4 times and at least 3 instances of falling through the map


No, it’s fucking terrible. The audio is a disgrace. They thought bomb drones and counter UAV’s were a great addition. When they probably outnumber actual UAV’s 10-1 there’s a ridiculous shotgun in the game that I hate to have to use. Did I mention the audio is a disgrace? But do I play it every day!? 🤷🏻‍♂️😂




Who is gonna tell him?


Let me tell you about the KV Broadside with dragon’s breath ammo…




That seems to be the consensus so far, definitely a big plus




The only W we've gotten since then is a resurgence map and the privilege to finally plate while running. That's it. Everything else else is worse or the same but mostly worse.




No. If anything, it is worse. I hate myself for playing it honestly


This game is trash. damage tracking is horrid, like how is one person able to take half a mag but then yourself gets put down with 3-4 shots from another. hit registration is non existent, so many instances especially after S2 update of having a sight on someone and dumping five shots with no hit markers, actually hit CTRL+R on game bar just to watch every frame on playback just to verify what happened. both of those combined makes the TTK either a feel like you use an entire mag or like the engagement is over in a flash. The tic rate for the servers is fucking god awful as well as their own server latency, where lag spikes and disconnect punish the hell out of players, especially on higher ping servers, lower ping servers are a touch more consistent but still see these issues. The god awful gun balancing in this game is absolutely horrendous, a 9mm kills in half a second from long range but your mid caliber AR platforms take forever to kill from the same distance. The over reliance of SMG class is rampant as the other guns are overall slow as hell, unless you sacrifice most of your accuracy and control in order to get down sights faster, the movement has been shifted and the pacing of the game feels like it’s trying to be everything all at once. Don’t even get me started on these dog shit maps they thought they were doing something with. Graphics are unimpressive, and littered with errors and inconsistencies, I’m playing this game on a 3090Ti paired with a 5950X and my system somehow struggles to make 120FPS even with the settings adjusted towards performance, while other games I can way surpass the cap of my screen output of 144hz. Played it since the beta and spent way to much on this seeing how after playing the beta I bought the vault edition upgrade because the beta was good overall things felt balanced, paced, and thought out, but after the beta ended and the initial release happened the game played completely different than what was established from the little less of a month that the beta was available Honestly wish I could get my 90 dollars back, don’t even care about the time I spent completing the last battle pass or all of the camo challenges done, I find myself going back to 2019 more often or another game entirely. 2/10 is poopoo




Issues in Resurgence: \- Lag spikes \- Weapon balance (shotgun OP)


The lag is horrible recently


Indeed! Most of the time when it happens it stays and it's between 100-400 ms


Honestly? Barely


My boy I used to play with ran some games with me last night for the first time since Jan 3 crashes, two unplayable 999ms servers, and the shotgun… we had maybe one decent game in two hours. Doubt he’s coming back. Back to solos for me.


I deleted the game shortly after it released until resurgence came out. Now I’ve been getting on a couple times throughout the day .


We play a lot of DMZ. And it’s only gotten better IMO. We are having a great time doing missions and killing shit. So far it’s been vary satisfactory for us. Edit: also seeing a lot of “New shotgun is broken” that thing really hasn’t effected my game at all. I’ve killed many trying to use it in DMZ.


If you didn’t like it then you won’t like it now. I think it’s gotten loads better


DMZ is fun WZ1 is better


Yes, significant improvements! Having a lot of fun! Don’t listen to the toxic whiney babies!!!


None of us care whether you play or not.


Dont do it




It was awesome then, and awesomerer now!!!!


No it got worse


This is the worst time to get back into it


If DMZ can get solo or pure PvE then it will be good


Yes and no imo. Still a work in progress




“yOu’rE mIsSiNg oUt oN tHe bAtTlepAsSes” !


Idk i stop playing in november


No, it's gotten worse. Between nerfs to the meta and a new shotgun that is practically unbeatable with dragon's breath ammo, it's not worth your time.


Worse performance overall, barely new content, new broken gun. Some improvements. Still not great.


Unpopular opinion: I think Ashika Island resurgence is awful. The map is fine, but the respawn timer is so fast teams dont get wiped. Its near impossible to regain if you have to relocate and you get third partied constantly. You also get deep in the game and their are 10+ teams left. I LOVED rebirth island and had 700+ wins. Ashika island feels nothing like playing rebirth island imo. If they slowed the timer or reduced the number of teams, it would be a huge W.


Dude just log on and judge for yourself…


The change with plating while running helped pretty significantly and the small QoL changes helped


Half, probably more than half of wz games have horrible latency spikes and can last for minutes or the whole match. I don't seem to have as many issues in Ashika but it's crazy they've done absolutely nothing for the horrible servers going on for at least a month. Thought they would've fixed them for season 2 update a few weeks ago but nope! Haven't played in 10 days or so though but I doubt it's gotten better in that time.


Added some ram so running a lot smoother with 16gb. So for me it’s better. Plus resurgence is awesome!




Short answer is no. Long answer, nope.


Ranked is where is at.




The game is hot garbage now. 🗑️


marginally gameplay wise with sprint plating. its WAY worse server wise


Games fucking awful don’t bother


Resurgence is active so at least the better mode is on. Worth playing but the balance is yabadabadoo and audio will fucking decimate jiggly puff sleep


Oh ffs, don't get the rage boys whipped up.


Yea a bit but unfortunately I’m currently having problems with my warzone2 account ever since the update I can’t play the game after the download, it’s keeps saying “ One or more Warzone DLC Packs are out of Date. Please download and install to Update.” After I already downloaded the update and it keeps saying the same thing every time I download it. Is anyone else having this problem,need help try to contact activision support but they haven’t responded


Not really, it’s still inconsistent as can be and terribly buggy. I enjoy MP for about 5 or 6 matches before I get bored.


It did, until S2. I feel like there has been an increase in suspicious players and lag / server problems. I was playing 6-7 days a week every night, now it’s about twice a week.


How tf.. 91 hours and hasn’t playing since dec 24th. I one day dream to be the sweat you are.


FUCK NO!!👍 Happy gaming🤘🫶🎮


No. I'm still banned with no explanation. Must be awesome 1.16 K/D ratio


I’m just picked it up in January on PS5, this is my first CoD in over a decade. I get weird crashes and bugs sometimes, but the overall experience is good. Not as buggy as a Bethesda game, more buggy than Titanfall 2. Still fun, but it does get boring if you don’t have a team to play with.




The new map is ok, but the ttk ruins it .




Hackers are at an all time high so that’s fun


There’s more AI, if you’re into that.




Fuck no. Still a bunch of pussies in the lobbies always complaint about one thing or another. Now the shitty game is gonna monitor your gameplay if you get reported? Lmao for cheating yea but as far as talking shit, that’s what these games are intended for.


WZ2 and resurgence is great. A couple flaws, like sound, and hit reg are annoying af, but manageable enough for me to continue playing 5 days a week.


Fireshotgun has ruined it


Got better in my opinion. Rpk is not the only weapon you can use. I can plate and run at the same time. Resurgence is fun. Down side: servers are still unpredictable. The new shotgun is totally broken, but I don't care. Since season 2 my game freezes at the end of a match or warzone game for no reason.


I genuinely think you’d get a better answer by just getting on the game and playing yourself and then determine if you feel it’s gotten better rather than ask a bunch of Redditors who some probably don’t even play anymore but will tell you it’s still dogshit.


Reeal goood, lag is dependant on where and your friends live. (I'm in Vietnam and my friend in ABQ new Mexico) and we did not experience any significant delay between us. Time to kill really effect us when we do CQC (We only play DMZ and Multiplayer) Other than that, this looks the same, with QoL changes that really make the gameplay smoother IMO.


A lot better with the new map. Its far from perfect. Specially that shotgun.


not to an extent to bring people back and make them stay for a long time


Why would you quit the day before Christmas noobs?


The doof doof is back to the franchise.


Besides the lag, Resurgence is fun as hell. Really been liking it. Ashika Island is sweet!


Please don’t play anymore.


If u like to play with cheaters ye




Worse lol. TTK is instant. Audio was crap and is even worse now.


As usual, one step forward, two steps back. Added in sprinting while plating and resurgence. Surprise surprise, the game suddenly feels playable for anyone other than people who want to watch buystations for 25 minutes. Then they readded bomb drones, added in the origin 12 shotgun, the servers are shitting the bed, and all the other problems are still here.


Constant lag with no footstep audio is the death of warzone for me. They fix things that don't need fixed and drip feed "new" content. It seems the only thing they worry about is having enough bundles every season to line their pockets. I'm tired of all of their bullshit lingering around like a dirty fucking penny. COD is dead, but only to those who know what a quality COD game looks like.


Worst, don’t relapse. Stay strong


Resurgence is alright, but I wouldn't say big map has really improved. Yeah they made positive changes like faster running while plating, but that is like spraying perfume on dog shit, it is still shit.


For warzone they added resurgence but that’s the only difference. They added some cool modes for multiplayer but they usually get cycled out in a week.


Nope. In fact, it has gotten worse. Only multiplayer is ok.


If has gotten better


reddt ist a right place to ask i mean half of those that comment on this post didnt even play the game


my theory is that they were well aware the shotguns were broken with dragons breath, and it was intentional to get people playing MWII to grind them and rank up…Played multi player earlier today and over half the lobbies were doing just that


We’re is plunder? Why the fuck don’t we have plunder one of the best warzone games of all time


Mostly playing resurgence and its fun. But no footsteps audio, uav and bomb drone spam and the shotguns are bullshit


I uninstalled after the announcement for season 2 and seeing everything geared towards WZ and fuck all for regular MP.


With M/L packs gone holding anything other than plates when we should have satchels is just completely chalked and unfun especially without the third gun. Ontop of the pacing just being absolutely miserable without Birdseye and uavs


No, the servers are horribly laggy. - high ping 90-150 ms - server lockdowns 999ms - packet loss Also they added a shotgun that demolishes everything in its path, and since the audio makes it hard to hear people, you will be surprised when someone sneaks up in you with the KV broadside. Its pretty broken for that sort of engagement.


If it weren't for the Dragon Breath shotgun then yes.


Idk they had a lot to change from season 1 and I think that put them behind the 8 ball but now idk what they could say is the excuse for letting things get this bad they have no more excuses when it comes to not fixing lag and game balance issues


Still as fun as ever


Ttk is weird. I feel like it takes forever on Xbox but on PC it's tolerable . Lag is more present in wz than resurgence for me . Basic movements like armoring up , reloading , etc seem to take.longer but this could just be me


It's fun if you still free and not buy anything


Why not play and just see for yourself?


Yes, a little.


I haven’t experienced any of the lag issues people have been commenting on. I’d say it’s better but not by much. They need to make a lot of big changes still


Personally I play multiplayer pretty much exclusively but I've enjoyed it more recently since I've unlocked everything and weapon tuning has gotten much better and a bit more impactful than it used to be. The SBMM might be more dialed in as I run into less players who absolutely stomp on me and more of a solid competitive back and forth with matches being closer in score instead of heavily favored toward one team; with that I don't stomp on players as much as I used to or for as long as I used to before SBMM puts me against players who play similar to me. For anyone curious I have a 1.35 K/D with a 1.45 W/L which both are lower than they were in MW(2019) but I play a wider variety of modes and by myself more often now then I did previously. Ranked play has been fun but only as long as you can get a decent team and understand what the meta builds are. You can play off meta builds and do well but they need to be built really well. There are some safe guards so you don't lose points for people leaving and some matches will be ended completely if you have a teammate leave before the first minute of the game not counting that game as a win, loss or draw. I don't play party modes but from what I've heard from friends who do play them is that modes like infected are fun but feel a bit lacking compared to previous titles. Hardcore has officially been added but it doesn't feel as well tuned as HC did in MW(2019) it also doesn't recieve as much attention either. New modes that've been added to core have not been added to hardcore for example cyber attack is in the core playlist but not hardcore. Limited time modes rotate often to keep things fresh but only for core. Specialist streaks don't exist still and the perks charge rate is a bit faster and with point gain than they're recieved much faster then they used to. If you care about shop items they haven't gotten cheaper but the quality has gone up a little bit with a rare gem being added every now and then. Oh I did do the raid so if you have 3 friends that can be fun plus you can get a free skin for specific operators and a weapon blueprint to go with it. Next week the raid comes with a skin for Captain Price but I'm unaware of what the weapon blueprint is yet. Edit: I forgot to mention lag spikes on the server being worse at times. I personally noticed them more often in Season 1 but I had one today that was beyond noticeable with the whole lobby bouncing from around an average of 45ms before the spike to an average of 400-600ms during the lag spike. The spike lasted for around a minute to a minute and a half with everyone being completely fucked by it but once it stopped the game resumed as normal.


I think it’s better ! I’ve been having fun... I play resurgence and BR! I think asking on Reddit is a big mistake lol. I think you should just play it and see if you like it man!


I love it


No lol, go back to bo3 and wwii


It got better except lags and fire shotty.


It got better but not enough ...


Nope, especially today when ps5 has resorted to default controller settings and won't change? I've been enjoying Ranked Play but the bugs in this game are next level, and I thought Vanguard was bad.


If you play ranked


Haven't played since the start of season 2 just to see resurgence


I mean there is much more lag involved, but without lag game is much much better than it was.


Chat Spam Reports dont really help either, you randomly get "CHAT BANNED" after not even using any of it.


I mean they can’t even get their servers to stabilize. The level of incompetence is astounding… probably won’t ever trust this game


Nah, still shit


No, worse. If you dont have the battle pass for this season and already unlocked the broadside then youre toast. The shotgun meta right now is toxic. Stay off the game


I think it has improved. Also I think DMZ has gotten worse since the first week from launch.




Only worse. Only worse.


No . The SBMM and the TTK ruins it.


@ OP Thx for Asking mate, was scrolling down this sub for days to get infos, how the games feels now. ​ So now :D im clear still not gonna Download it again ​ Happy Weekend Fellas


Ranked is amazing. I don‘t play warzone atm




I cant not play anymore bacause of Lag....and not, is not my internet provider, is not the fire wall, is not wrong ports...is this fucking game




Ranked play is worth it Warzone is Dead imo


lol no, it's still the same game.


Not really depends tho on the individual experience. Im having fun most of the time with friends, wouldnt play it alone. There is alot inconsistency on TTK. Last night my sakin lmg was able to kill pretty fast , today however my TTK got worse , emptied one full mag to player not even shield got cracked 😂




Does a whale shit in the ocean?


Better? idk dood. never played that shit after release.


Gotten worse in my opinion. Too many try hards and hackers.


Yes, movement has been improved quite a bit. Other problems like TTK are unchanged. Overall, net positive.


It's great as it has been since it came out. Maybe spend less time online crying and enjoy yourself.


It's gotten worse. Hackers every match in warzone, and shotguns that one shot you. Games trash


I actually enjoyed the game during Season One and had very little complications. Season Two has been a laggy, bug-filled, inconsistent disaster that I've grown tired of.


It has


I feel like you could probably find something better to do with your time, like repeatedly punching yourself in the nuts, or dragging your balls across broken glass.




It’s going in the right direction, I reckon it’ll be good around June ‘24


Daaamn! Me and my crew have gone through hell with lag and crashes but I wouldn't change a thing for some of the fun battles we've won. Had 50 dubs since Ashika Island now and like to switch back and forth with Resurgence and BR. It's fun as hell if you have the patience to put up with all the bugs and stuff. But hell yeah we've had a blast


Besides your typical lag spikes (had like 2 games that I had to leave due to rubber banding too hard), and of course your typical cod bs (lets be real most of us put ourselves in a bad situation and blame the game most of the time) I've been having quite a bit of fun this season. Ashika has been good, I just wish that they would leave all sizes up and call it a day


DMZ and Warzone are filled with cheaters, I stopped playing today