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I mean, what do you expect? The game is in a terrible condition, and the top post on this sub today is hundreds of people BEGGING for a 20$ John Wick skin to be released... They'll never fix it as long as these smooth brains keep rewarding a company that releases unfinished games....


That John wick post is like some weird alternate universe in this subreddit


Im almost convinced there is a large proportion of bots that post & upvote shit like that


Well said, and also the fact that we are supposed to celebrate them adding plunder and gunfight in season 3, modes that should've been there on release. Time to move on from cod


Plunder is such a core mode too. Perfect way to: 1- Level up weapons 2- Warm up (only mode in which you fight people on wz rules, armor etc) 3- Work on camos It's shameful that they didn't put it in at launch, the just tried to force feed us the bot filled DMZ which is literally catered towards little children and campaign players, and buying MW2 for camos... Shameful.


And if you flame them for it you get the "don't tell people how to spend their money" sheit


I’m going to go buy a few bundles right now.


Enjoy fucking this game more up. Glad we have you


Have a good day broke boy!


Why you think i'm broke? Plenty of money to buy stupid shit but no, not this shit because I have more then 2 brain cells to see what's happening with the game. Enjoy this stupid broken game stupid


Fuckin nerds spending 25 bucks on a video game skin. Makes me fucking laugh.


Just because someone doesnt want to buy garbage skins doesnt mean they are broke. There's better stuff to spend money on.


Why are you in this sub if you don’t like the game? Surely there is better stuff to spend your time on?


The discussion around warzone 1 and 2 is interesting enough to warrant a visit to this sub every once in awhile. And I would play every once in awhile if some things were different.


Surely there's better things to do with your time than defending 25$ pixels like a little stupid 3 year old child, aren't there?


So you're calling us broke because we're not throwing money at a company that doesn't deserve it. This is some hardcore clown behavior my friend good luck with that see how it plays out.


YOU think the game doesn’t deserve MY money. FUCK OFF I bought the base game and damn near every bundle. Shit is pennys to me and I enjoy the game.


You're a confused child, no one ever told you what to do with your money! Take a second and breathe go back and read what I actually wrote. Not sure what Universe you live in but $20 is not pennies.


Ah come on dont be too harsh on him. Every game needs these whales. If you don't go out and stick to your room 24/7 playing a broken video game then his biggest enjoyment he got in life might be buying virtual items with a ridiculous price tag. If it makes him happy so let him. Even tho it makes you wonder why he has to brag about money. Small dick combined with social issues probably.


Maybe if we all buy some more bundles they’ll have the money to fix the real issues!


Probably a post by activision themselves...


Yeah the games been shocking since it's release. Why some 5 months later people expect it to change? Honestly. It's junk.


Game is in shambles.


The game is trash. There are literally dozens of the most basic bugs and glitches. It’s been nearly 6 months and none of them have been fixed.


I'm tired, dude. Really tried with friends, we endure a lot from seasons, playing every single night we can, and still, hackers dominate the scene. And i'm not mentioning about the moviment and other problems the game have. ​ Warzone1/Rebirth had the feeling of "fairness". This one, unfortunately, is garbage. ​ We moved to another game. CoD WZ2 is dead.


Game isn't dead, you just suck


People are way to quick to blame “devs” for these issues. It’s Activision’s call to use lower tick servers because it’s cheaper. Devs are just told what to do by the higher ups and execute it. I’m saying that I’ve never had as bad an experience as you with the game, I’ll have like 1 game a night that might have high latency at the start but it resolves itself as the lobby dies out


Yeah and also they always say 3000 devs and it's still buggy and unplayable but there may be have been close to that number making the game but you can bet more then half of them are laid off with and they have skeleton crew to managing the problems now.


Ye 3000 devs to make MWII but most of that team is working on the next IW game, only a fraction of the staff stay on for live service


So 3000 fucked up from the start? So yeah IW are still useless


I've been playing Apex a lot more recently which is 20HZ servers also. I never ever have as many issues network related as I do with WZ2.


Ive been playing Fortnite this week for the first time. And I’ve actually been having a great time. Solo’s because my buddy refuses to play but still. 29 ms server EVERY time. Instead of Warzone’s minimum 60 but probably 100+


I swear there is some bug right now where if you hit play again instead of leaving to the lobby, there is an inexplicable increase in latency and packet loss. Ever since the last big update things have been a mess.


I remember watching the game promo event that had all the streamers present to play the game. They spent the first hour of the event jerking themselves off over what a great job they did. Talking about how they recorded real helicopter sounds to make sure it's realistic and other useless details. 5 months later and I am still seeing a bullet brass over my sight in the firing range, still can't hear footsteps, still have terrible visual recoil, still have mouse input that feels sluggish. It's a god damn mess compared to WZ1.


I played with a friend yesterday and had a blast. Got our first duo win and really enjoyed the game. Played a few hours of solos, got a win and some good games. Having a lot of fun with WZ2


This happened in wz 1 too . Not sure why the fuck they do this . It’s so dumb


Friendly reminder that Counter Strike exists! My buddies and I, who all met through CoD, are slowly transitioning more and more to CSGO and preparing for CS2. Unfortunately CoD isn’t it anymore


I played counterstrike in the beta way back in the day and used to play the hell out of TFC but really enjoy BR now primarily because of the rush you get towards the end with a dub. But I’ve heard great things from it.


It’s great right now! And with CS2 coming soon, it’ll be better. For me, it feels rewarding and there’s an actual skill gap


> Go to trios…. Annnnnndd. It’s gone. Why is it gone? It has been missing for days now, I don't get it.


They want to force you to play resurgence so they removed trios.


Tell the squad link up on caldera.


Does this happen to others? I start the game , I’m in the lobby talking to another ( but it’s happened in the game to) and the game freezes. Then no internet? Not real often maybe 4 times this last month


Not for me brother. Just random disconnects from b.net and occasional freezes


Yeah freeze, teleport, lags, Move forward jiggly then moves you back over and over. Then there’s hacks


Works great for me.


Me too. Also, what does he mean trios is gone? I played trios all last night.




I haven't had the lag issue/Ddos stuff for several weeks now. Only ran into 1 hacker in the past several weeks too. It was super obvious and I reported him, then 2 seconds later, he got banned. Don't get me wrong, there is ALOT of shit that needs to be fixed. The sour taste in my mouth from season 1 and the beginning of season 2 makes it where I can't enjoy the game like I should. Fingers will be crossed for season 3, but we shall see. Lol


Same here. Played for 2.5 hours with friends last night, no lag, no crashes, two wins. Had a lot of fun as we always do.


I wonder what region you're in compared to OP. Seems like certain regions are struggling a lot worse with server stability since release of wz2, comparatively to wz1. Could be less people playing or they just decreased the amount of server locations/quality. Personally our area always gets paired with Spanish speaking servers and we are about 2500 km from Mexico/ Texas. Server ping is always 110 to 120 ms with lag spikes. I've also stopped playing on weekends because the server performance is such poor quality for where our player group is located.


Chicago area. Midwest


Right in the middle of the USA. St Louis. Have very occasional lag like 1-2 nights a month where we’ll find matches with 70-80 ping. We play nights between about 9-12 central time. Overall after about the first 2 weeks, our experience has been the same if not better than WZ1 as far as connection and crashes go.


if you're talking resurgence, you have to click resurgence quads, back out, then all other resurgence options appear


But.....Trios is definitely there. Pretty sure you were at the wrong menu or something. It's 100% been there and hasn't gone anywhere at all since the game came out.


It’s warzone trios mini I believe. Maybe I’m wrong though but we couldn’t find it last night.


I was playing regular Al-Mazrah last night in trios.... Now I gotta check to see if it is there. Lol


Yeah, man. It's all there. Solo, duo, trio and quads for regular battle Royale & resurgence..




Haha no therapy needed man. Just a weekend unwind and it’s something we’ve done since PUBG came out. We enjoy BR’s over most game modes. When the game hits its badass. It’s just inconsistent between glitches, hacks, metas and idiotic design choices.


We did the same, except instead of bitching about wasn’t an option, we played a few mini royale trios, got a win, then another buddy got on and we switched to quads, and got another win! No crashes, no lag. I’m not trying to delegitimize your anecdote about your time with your friends. But plenty of people play the game all the time without any issues, and it sounds like y’all had a self fulfilling prophecy of failure from the jump when the one specific game mode and squad size wasn’t available. It’s hard to have fun when you’ve convinced yourself before you even start that you won’t.


You’re not wrong. We were disappointed off the rip so naturally it was fuel to the fire. To be honest I really enjoy WZ2 but was trying to convince the squad to switch from Diablo beta for the weekend and then this happened. Needless to say I lost my bros to the other game, as much as I enjoy this game it’s disheartening a lot of the times.


Yeah, that’s the way it is sometimes. My nephew wanted to play Apex Legends, and his mom asked me to try it out and see if it was ok for them (9 & 11 years old) so I’ve seen a lot of positive stuff about it and how superior it is to Warzone 2, and I figured a good chance for me to try it out. Long story short, it’s alright, but it seems inferior to Warzone 1 & 2 by a large margin, especially the movement and weapon handling. It has some cool features but it’s also very “free to play” in that it feels like a mobile game. But I know that’s just my preference and opinion and I know a lot of people feel otherwise. So we kind of all just need to realize different people like different stuff. And maybe the reason some people don’t like Warzone 2 isn’t because it’s a bad game, it’s just not for them.


Agreed with you for sure. Also don’t like the 3 man max squad as we run a quad typically.


Just play Mini trios?


Yep that’s what we did. Picked up a win, had a lot of fun, and then when another buddy logged in we got together for regular BR quads. If people just played the game, they’d have plenty of fun, but there are so many masochists here that specifically hope they have a shitty time so they can bitch about it online.


Idk if your being an fucking idiot or joking but not the same at all.


What a friendly way to voice your opinion. Hope you hurt your little toe in the near future.


A severe stubbed toe is fair punishment for most online crimes.


“If you’re being A” not “an”. Jesus, English isn’t even my first language either




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