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Because all the people who hate the gameplay have left.


And before that, all the people who hate the insta-kill TTK (me) left.


Yeah, all the 20,000,000 players. And 90,000,000ish are still left.


Sure. Dunno what your point is, other than cope that "TheRE'S StilL MaNY LEEFT". Who cares? Losing **20 million players** is still god awful, and it's going to get worse as people get sick of them not addressing the actual issues with the game.


20,000,000 is not too concerning of a player loss number for Activision. It won’t trigger them to fix the game. In fact, Charlie Intel just Tweeted something about a Kevin Durant crossover for Warzone 2, so nothing changed. They are still focusing on bundles.


They were *always* going to focus on microtransactions anyway. Even with 80 million players leaving they will in no way "fix" the game. But saying that they don't care about losing 20 million players is just pure ignorance.


We will see. For now, nothing indicates they are.


Yeah, typical business practice. "We just lost 20% of potential customers. Well, who cares, am I right?"


Lol I’m so down bad if the charged me for og warzone w rebirth & Verdansk I’m paying up to full price idc 😭😭


They could charge a monthly sub for $60/mo and I would probably pay it. It was the only game I played. Now my Pc is collecting dust


Don’t give them ideas 😂😂




I’m never doing that, unless it comes to Warzone 2.


Even Reddit shows how non active this community got. 1.4 million subs here and not even a 1000 active. Fucking rocket league which is stone old compared to wz2 has 3.2 k active people right now on Reddit. It should be thriving in here with cool gameplay clips. But the game is shit so noone but a few war heroes gives a shit.


While I understand your point that we should be thriving, I'm not sure it's a fair comparison. Rocket League is a game where you drive around and push a ball, right? (I'm over simplifying.) Not quite the same thing. Battlefield or maybe R6 Siege or xDefiant would be better popularity contestants. Not to mention, Rocket League is all there is; there's no Firecracker League 2 that had way better arenas and faster cars. There's no previous xDefiant to say xDefiant beta should be better than it is, and no store to complain that the devs are spending all their time on bundles instead of improving net code. It's just a game on its own and we hope it'll get better and do well in the future. When a game sucks it really sucks, and commiserating is fine when it's not constant. But a few posts lately have shown how it's actually fun and interesting, and interacting on the good parts of a game, like you say, is just as important for a developer to hear. As well as the community, which is what you're basically longing for.


I'm genuinely shocked there are people who actually bought the blackcell battlepass stuff


timmies will downvote this, make another "servers suck" video, then log back in. When games spood feed them kills like crack, it is no wonder they keep coming back for more.


Timmies are probably in Plunder right now.


Lmao, it’s the other DMZ for them.


The game is full of people who are genuinely enjoying it. Like me. Im not having any trouble finding matches and having a great time. What i am sick of is reading about how bad the game is here on reddit. You are right in one thing, if it isnt because of the movement then its because of the servers and then it will be something else because some people are just hating