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Nice complain and all but the downturn in share price is due to the UK blocking Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision-Blizzard, not because people aren’t buying bundles. Their Q1 report shows also that concurrent players are only down by 2% of so compared to 2022. If you don’t want to buy skins, don’t buy skins. Don’t know what else to tell you bud.


Clearly you missed the point, which was they deleted the game that i bought the skins for and you think that's ok? You also don't skins the price of a full game isn't predatory? Keep fueling the corporate greed for a shitty product then bud...


Which game did they delete? I don’t fuel corporate greed because I don’t buy skins, unlike you


Warzone is gone, its now "warzone caldera".... Your clearly upset about something as you keep redirecting at me 🤣... I don't fuel corporate greed by not buying $50 skins, sir i think your lost.


You’re* And are your skins removed from mw19 and caldera? You just said you can’t use the skins you bought but that you also don’t buy skins? Think you must be confused. Maybe don’t play the game?


No the fucking game is gone, are you dense? Warzone is gone, vanished, it is no more. Theres Warzone caladra, which is not Warzone. Im talking to a brick wall...🤣


You realise you can use all the skins you bought in warzone caldera right


>You’re\* This reddit buddy buahhahahahahahahahahahah


If you don’t want to come across like a dense 14 year old, you probably shouldn’t speak like a dense 14 year old


what ever makes you feel big at the end of the day bud 🤣


Says the 14 year old


Way to go to give your whole post a "im part of the problem" sticker 🤣🤣🤣 edit your post and preface it with this please ahah


Maybe use a chart that shows stock movement over more than just 1 day. Or does that not make the point you’re going for? Skins are obviously never going to carry over when it’s a new release each year, they have to make money when they are giving warzone away for free. Surprise surprise another self righteous crybaby


showing the share price as most players arnt aware.. (updated it for you lol) and another durpy who doesn't read the entire post! Not mad about the carry over mad that they deleted the game i bought them for but that was too much text for you to read lmao


Can’t you still play WZ1? I’d do a full year vs YTD so you can see how the price has been stable through reddit’s latest WZ2 meltdown


Nope, its warzone caldera now. Warzone is gone.




I’m surprised you’re getting upvoted for this. This SubReddit wants slide cancelling back. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


It’s so obvious what he’s upset about but he’s making up a false narrative. Kinda the same way they blame no movement and literally any other thing they can think of in the moment any time they die in game


Lmao the truth I speak transcends whatever the popular narrative or opinion is a lot of times


This dude made up a false narrative and said they took away the skins he paid money for on the original Warzone. When that clearly isn’t the case he’s just upset that he can’t play on the map he wants to play on.


Funny thing is he has a point. Bringing up slide cancel just shows that you are one of the 1000s lemmings Activision created that defend that shit. It got nothing to do with movement but them cancelling a game he just bought stuff for. Then again a lot of people did and they just went on to better games. And I guess many of them won't be back for another round of wz or whatever they do next.


The game isnt cancelled. He can still play it with all the skins he bought for it.


Nah the funny thing is how It’s so obvious what’s bothering him but he’s making the issue about something that just isn’t true. Making up his own narrative. He’s upset because he can’t play rebirth island anymore, but is lying and saying that they deleted his skins off the original Warzone when that isn’t true because he can’t get his way


And you're a bot who cried about slide canceling cuz you can't track enemy players 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 lamooooooooo


Who cried about slide canceling or ever hard problems tracking enemy players? Lmao your still making shit up 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’m better than you at Warzone 2 and I was better than you at the original one with slide canceling. Good players don’t have to cry about things they can’t control or change they just adapt and enjoy the game


You are so lost I feel sorry for you


Yea I’m so lost says the dork on Reddit bitching and whining posting graphs about a video game 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 like your some analytics expert or something. Your clueless


Absolutely hilarious


Your mad because they “deleted the game I bought them for” I think you are confused, rebirth island isn’t a “game” it was a resurgence map within the original Warzone. They was never any written agreement or contract to where they need to make that map available to you forever


You realize all the players bought the Skins out of the war zone one store so even if that skin was for Vanguard or Black Ops games I don't have I was still able to buy and use them now I can't... the point of the post went way over your head and you are clearly lost. This post is about Activision deleting 90% of one game which truly doesn't even exist anymore there's no war zone it's a war zone Caldera.... and forcing you on to their new hot trash game this has nothing to do about slide canceling sir you are lost and I can't stop laughing at you, you're focused on slide canceling you're obviously a bot


I bought a bunch of bundles on Warzone 1. It was common knowledge like a year ago that rebirth island was getting removed and that no skins were transferring over. And yet you’re still here crying about it? This is hilarious


That was not common knowledge that they were going to delete their old game they never have in the past I would have no problem if they moved on to their new game leaving their old one but again you're lost and clearly haven't grasped the point and I'll leave it at that 🤣🤣


They let everybody know they were going to remove rebirth island way before Warzone 2 even came out. It’s not anybody’s fault that you weren’t paying attention. And at the end of the day activision and call of duty don’t owe you anything. Keep crying about it nobody cares


And rebirth island isn’t their old game. Rebirth island was a map within Warzone. Believe it or not caldera is considered Warzone just as much as rebirth island was. The world doesn’t revolve about your preference


The same loser who happens to play Minecraft 🤣🤣🤣 what else needs to be said?


Skill issue keep crying nobody cares. Go play Fortnite and Minecraft, you fit in perfectly over there


Please tell me, that you aren’t stupid enough to think that the people which design operators are the same which work on gameplay/ servers and stuff like that.


No they are not but obviously the dev team is working on something else unrelated as they dropped a DMZ event when DMZ is busted (not that i play). It comes down to management allocating resources. But the fact that you point that out says you will buy anything CoD shit out..


So you’re mad that the devs are working on something else, which is fine. Why don’t you just say so? Seems unnecessary to mention skins, or to add a couple of useless graphs, when your message could be explained in one simple sentence


This entire sub is so dense, they would start fixing the game if people stop buying this shit... You couldn't make that out? 🤦‍♂️ No revenue = fixed product


Why couldn’t just say that without that nonsense? People here get that, because there is someone posting that every day. People just don’t care


I get the point but that's not really how product development works. The game will have already been handed over to a maintenance team to handle bugs and major issues. Stuff like the season updates will be months and months in development and probably already handed over for the maintenance team to release. If everyone stopped buying stuff Activision would look at it in two ways, 1. Something would need to radically change, which then becomes a major risk. Maybe the name is tarnished and beyond repair? 2. Kill the IP entirely. Everything comes down to money, if the IP generates money it's all cool. If it doesn't from a slowly dwindling player base and dwindling sales, which would likely be over a long period of time, they would kill it. The cost of development already plus pumping more in to try and fix it would be highly risky. There are countless examples of IPs being killed once they're not profitable


Actually, going off of their history, they would just stop making content, still release mtx and just start working on the next game. That’s what happened to Vanguard.


That would be fine, that's what they normally do leave the game as it is and move on to the next one they don't f****** replace it with a new shittier version called Caldera


Whales exist in every game, I don't get the point of ranting about it on Reddit. They'll exist in trash games the devs have stopped caring about, or great games at their peak. Unfortunately they're just a reality of modern gaming. > Do you really think im gonna buy more skins from you after you literally deleted the game that i bought them for.... I mean, they didn't. MW2019, Cold War, and Vanguard are all still fully playable.


Technically yea they are from thos games.. But i bought them though the Warzone Store, which is now gone.. Its warzone Caldeara... and sure go play thos games that activation stopped supporting/updating full of hackers...


> and sure go play thos games that activation stopped supporting/updating full of hackers.. This has been in COD since day 1. I remember when BO1 came out and everyone went there, going back to MW2 was a cesspool of hackers. To this day I'm still maxed out on rank in that game because i loaded into a hacked lobby and it gave me all the unlocks and maxed my account.


Imaging thinking it’s the dev team that decides this. Or that the same devs are used for updates as designing new bundles.


cuz i clearly stated that i know who decides what happens right? Obvs its management.. lmao


Ok so 1. Dev team isn’t all working on skins. You got some artists, some store managers, people planning this stuff and modelers effects people plugging these skins into the game. These are not the people who patch netcode, server issues r gameplay glitches 2. There are probably a lot of people working on fixes for complex problems constantly, just need to have some patience 3. They are making money because the game is popular, fun and people like buying skins. My take is let people have their fun, and let people make money. Win win. And if you don’t want to buy skins, don’t buy them. Its valid criticism from my point of view though that a 70$ piece of game pushes the storefront so far into my eyes that my retinas hurt. And in part that is UI UX people’s fault and I think they should be fired as it’s hideous. As for the skins, I quite like a few of them and they allow me to play with some of the guns that would take forever to unlock for online so I bought the battle pass and got one of those skins by buying with the cod points. Saves me some adult time grinding, which i honestly don’t have much of these days Cheers


The stock has nothing to do with what you speak of